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Our Dirty Little Secret Pt. 01

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Sweet country virgin wants her brother to be her teacher.
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Author's note: All characters in this story are at the age of consent. This is a work of fiction, and any similarity between the characters described herein with real people are purely coincidental.


John remembered the day like it was yesterday. He and his sister, Jennifer, were hanging out at the local neighborhood hangout spot with their friends - Mile High Billiards Club. It was the thing to do. Everybody who was anybody went to the pool hall in the evenings and on weekends to hang out, and if you were lucky enough, to hook up with someone looking for a good time. John and Jennifer were close in age and had always hung out together. They were only one year apart and went to the same school, often hanging with the same circle of friends.

Jennifer regularly wore tight shorts, jean cutoffs that had just the slightest hint of fringe and showed the bottom round curve of her asscheeks peeking out beneath when she bent over the pool table. She liked to wear v-cut shirts with no bra, the kind that tied under her chest and showed her perfectly flat, toned stomach and small, barely B-cup round tits. Her nippes were usually visible poking through the thin fabric of her top, and she easily turned heads anywhere she went. All guys had their eyes on her, whether they were with someone or not. It didn't matter - Jennifer just oozed sex appeal.

Jennifer loved all the attention and was quite a flirt. She shamelessly batted her eyes and shook her ass for any guy that would look her way. After all, she would get turned on from all the attention, and was pretty much always horny and ready for a romp in the hay.

She had the dirtiest mind - she just couldn't help it. She was born that way. Jennifer had a hunger for wild sex. The last thing she wanted was gentle love - oh no, Jennifer wanted to be taken by a man and fucked hard. She needed that, so badly. Jennifer was still a virgin, and couldn't wait to find a sexy man to help relieve her deepest and darkest desires.


After high school, John and Jennifer moved in together for a while, eager to get out of their parents' house. Jennifer would often masturbate at night before going to sleep. John could hear her through the thin wall that separated their bedrooms. He could hear her moans and gasps as she vigorously humped her pillow, crying out.

One fateful night, John snuck out of bed and tiptoed over to Jennifer's room, slowly turning the doorknob and cracking the door open, ever so slightly, so he could peek in. What he saw was an image he will never forget for as long as he lives - it was the first time he saw a naked woman masturbating in the flesh.

Jennifer was lying face down on her bed completely naked and uncovered, a pillow folded up underneath her and positioned directly beneath her hips. She had her face buried in another pillow to muffle the sounds as she screamed out and moaned loudly, pushing her hips to thrust her pelvis forward, shaking all over as she pushed hard - pushing her pussy desperately into the pillow. He was amazed that she could shake and move that fast, and immediately got hard from the sight of it.

Her gasps, moans and cries of pleasure were driving him wild. He couldn't stand it, and reached one hand down inside of his pajama shorts and grabbed his twitching, throbbing cock. He wrapped his fingers around his hard manhood and began stroking it, fast and hard. He was still a virgin and was always very horny. He loved playing with his cock and just couldn't keep his hands off of it. He played with himself at least ten times a day on most days.

It didn't take much for him to get turned on, and before he realized what was happening, he started cumming hard in his shorts. That had never happened before. He stood very still for a moment, knees shaking, heart pounding as he tried to catch his breath. Then he returned quickly to bed, listening to the moans of sweet Jennifer through the thin wall and playing with his growing cock again before cumming all over his bedsheets. He loved the feeling and couldn't get enough. All he could think about was seeing Jennifer's sweet, sexy ass cheeks shaking as she pushed her tight little pussy hard, grinding it into the pillow. It drove him absolutely wild with lust.


John was watching Jennifer bending over the pool table, her tits hanging down and her perfectly curved ass gracing the edge of the pool table as she held the pool cue gingerly in her hands, her fingers wrapped around the shaft, aiming for the perfect shot to sink the last ball on the table. He noticed other guys walking around, trying to get a better view from behind. He found himself starting to feel a little jealous, wanting to chase them away from her. He enjoyed looking at her, but nobody else was allowed to.

"Woo!" Jennifer shouted, jumping up and down with her arms in the air, the pool cue still in her hand, her tits bouncing wildly in her shirt. She had sunk the last ball, shamelessly defeating her opponent. MIke didn't seem to mind, or even notice, that she had won. He was too busy staring at the glorious sight of her tits bouncing as she jumped.

Mike was the same age as Jennifer, and they had hung around together since they were little. Mike was Jennifer's cousin, the sexy young son of Jennifer's aunt. He knew it was wrong, but he just couldn't help staring at her body. She was just so sexy, and her sweet smile and tight little ass, as well as her flirtatious advances, drove him wild. He had masturbated on more than one occasion while thinking of her, imagining bending her over and taking her virginity in the barn.

Jennifer was getting turned on from all of the noticeable male attention in the pool hall and walked up to John, flashing him a mischievous grin. John noticed her approaching and felt his dick twitch in his jeans at the sight of her perfect body, her small round tits bouncing in her tight little shirt.

"Did you see that?" Jennifer asked John, plopping down next to him on the bench, still smiling. Jennifer leaned up against him, putting her hand on his arm and leaning her head up against him. John sat very still for a moment, just enjoying her being so close. He could smell her sweet cherry lotion, feel the softness of her skin against him. His dick twitched in his jeans again as it began to grow.

"Yeah, that was great." John replied, trying to sound calm and collected. This was his sister after all. He didn't want to let on that she was making him feel horny. Little did he know that not only was she already aware, but it was turning her on too.

"Do you maybe wanna come to the barn with me?" she said to John, giving him a little smile before starting to walk away. John jumped up from the bench and quickly began following her.


Jennifer was way ahead of him, and he was struggling to catch up. His mind raced, thinking about what was going to happen next. He knew that she had been flashing him little looks all evening while playing at the pool table, looks he couldn't quite make out. He was obviously daydreaming about her perfect body, thinking about the way she looked straddling the pool table, about how her round ass cheeks jiggled a little as she jumped a bit, trying to make the perfect shot.

Jennifer was a petite 5 foot tall blonde with long, wavy hair that was so long it came halfway down her perfect asscheeks. She usually had it up in a ponytail, but tonight she had just wrapped it up quickly in a messy bun, making her look even more sexy.

John finally caught up to her, just as she was heading into the barn. "What did you want to show me in here?" he said, a little breathless, not so much from the running but more from his nerves.

"Oh, you know, nothing really.. I just wanted to tell you a little secret." she said, turning towards him suddenly and grasping the edge of her shirt cuff along her breast, pulling it to the side slightly. She let her fingers lightly trace the outer edges of her breast, and John stood there staring, his mouth slightly open. He was dumbfounded, at a complete loss for words.

"Oh! Um, okay. Well I uh.. I'm a good secret keeper." John said, blushing heavily, the crimson red creeping up his neck to his face.

Jennifer approached him slowly, placing one hand on his chest, lightly brushing her fingertips along his shirt for a moment, seeming to be lost in thought. She then blushed a little, pulling her hand away. "I just, um.. Do you watch me sometimes? At night?"

John immediately started blushing again, now bright red. "Oh, uh.. At night? I don't know what you mean.." John began saying, before Jennifer interrupted him.

"It just feels so good, I just have to do it. I can't help it." Jennifer said to him, before sitting down on a nearby hay bale. "What do you think, John? Have you ever done it like that? Does it feel good for you too?"

John was still blushing a bright red, and managed to stammer out "Uh, no.. I mean, maybe.."

"What does it feel like? I mean, when it comes out of you?" Jennifer said to him, lightly grazing her fingertips across her breasts while John watched. John felt like his jaw was on the floor. He was feeling nervous, excited and more than a little shy. What did she mean, when it comes out?

"What do you mean?" was all John could manage to croak before he felt a lump in his throat that cut off his speech completely.

"You know, when it comes out of you, down there," Jennifer said, pointing to John's crotch. "Does it feel good?" she said with a little giggle.

Still blushing, John said "Oh! Uh.. well, yeah." John was at a complete loss for words. He was shaking slightly, his hand trembling as he slowly came to the realization that Jennifer was asking him about his masturbation experiences.

Jennifer blushed a little, before saying "It feels good for me too, but nothing comes out. It just feels like a pressure, like an intense pressure, and like something big is coming. Like I'm desperate to make it happen, you know?" as she continued lightly stroking her breasts, opening and closing her legs slightly to squeeze her thighs together. She felt a tingling in her pussy, a wetness developing between her legs.

"I know you've watched me before. I've watched you too. I saw you, on your bed. You were humping your mattress. And then it came out of you, getting all over your sheets. By the way you were shaking and breathing heavily, it looked like it must feel really good." Jennifer said to him, squeezing her thighs together repeatedly as she remembered it, then letting her hand slowly glide across her thigh and up towards her now tingling pussy, lightly grazing her hand across it briefly before pulling away.

John blushed a deep, crimson red that completely filled his neck and face. His sister was watching him masturbate! This thought turned him on even more, and now his cock was standing at attention, ready for action. He wanted to masturbate right now. He wanted to touch it so badly. He needed the release. He couldn't wait to get home and go straight to the bathroom to get off.

Jennifer walked towards him and said slowly, in a lusty tone "Will you show me?"


John froze, his mind racing, before stuttering a bit and saying "Show you... shh...shh.. show you what?"

"I want you to show me how you do it, so I can learn. I need a good teacher." she said to John with a little wink and a grin. She had a twinkle in her eyes, and he could smell the intense lust filling the air around them. "But first, I want you to tell me what it feels like for you. Describe it to me. Will you do that? Please?" she said, batting her eyes a little and again lightly grazing one hand over her breast, the other gently and slowly sliding up her thigh towards her hot little pussy, which was now twitching and tingling with excitement.

John was still bright red, and began saying "Oh, uh...well, it feels like... it's kinda like a pressure. Like an intense pressure, I guess."

"Go on," Jennifer said, getting more turned on and beginning to breathe harder. "Tell me what happens next."

"Well," John began, still struggling to get the words out, his dick straining to be released from his jeans. He wanted to touch it so bad, needed to cum already. "... it's like a tingling feeling, and this intense pressure. And then it's like a feeling of euphoria that starts in the middle of my body, it feels really good. It spreads across my whole body, up to my head and down to my toes. Then it starts to feel like a muscle spasm, and a rushing of fluids out of my body." John was visibly shaking and sweating now, very nervous and red but very, very turned on.

"Mmm..." Jennifer said, grabbing one breast harder and moving her other hand up between her legs to rub her pussy a bit while John watched. "That's so good. Thank you for sharing that with me, you're a good teacher." she said with a little smile, blushing slightly.

"What... I mean... wh.. what does it feel like? For you, I mean?" John managed to say, before losing his nerve and clamming up again, his hands shaking and his palms sweaty.

"It feels like yours," Jennifer said, blushing brightly now, her eyes sparkling. He could tell she was very turned on and ready to go. "I feel the intense pressure too, and the tingling. I feel the euphoria and the spasms, the intense feeling of pleasure all the way down to my toes. The only difference is nothing comes out... usually." she said, blushing even harder now.

John looked up at her and their eyes met. They stared into each others' eyes for several moments, feeling the lust and desire burning before Jennifer walked up to him and said "Sit down here on the hay. Will you show me, pretty please? I wanna see..."

John walked over to the hay bale, his cock very visibly standing at attention, sticking straight forward, pressing hard into the front of his jeans. He sat down and quickly unbuttoned his jeans, pulling the zipper down. He hesitated for a moment, then reached in and grabbed his cock, freeing it from the front of his boxers. Jennifer's eyes widened and she froze - she couldn't stop staring at it. She wanted a cock inside of her so badly, and she loved what she saw.


"Wow," Jennifer said, staring at his cock still. "Can you show me how you play with it?"

John was still blushing heavily, but visibly horny and definitely wanted to play with his hard cock. He was so turned on right now, he would be willing to beat off in front of his sister - he didn't really care, as long as he got to cum, and soon.

John began playing with his hard cock, wrapping his fingers around the shaft and making a fist, stroking it up and down slowly. Jennifer watched, totally transfixed on his cock and what he was doing to it. "Mmm.." she said. "That looks like it feels so good. Do you mind if I do it with you?"

John got even more turned on at hearing her say this, and his dick twitched for attention. "Uh, y-yes, that would be good." he said, still stroking his cock hard.

Jennifer sat down on a hay bale directly across from John and spread her legs wide so he could see how she did it. She slowly slid her hands up her thighs, moving one hand over her hot little mound. A slight moan escaped her lips.

John was staring at her, watching her enjoy her body, and was feeling the intense pressure starting to build. He started stroking faster, totally obsessed with what he was seeing. He couldn't take his eyes off of his sister's hot body. He needed to cum badly, but was trying to hold it in a little longer. He didn't want this to end too soon.

Jennifer slid first one finger into her tight little pussy, then two, before slowly beginning to slide them in and out. She pushed her fingers in deeply for a moment, holding them there and saying "Oh!".

John was about to lose his load all over his lap, but then Jennifer said "Can I see what it feels like?"

John froze for a moment, stopping the stroking and just holding on tightly to his throbbing cock, looking deeply into his sister's eyes. "What... I mean, what do you m... mean?" He stuttered a bit as he said it, obviously flustered.

"I want to see what it feels like to touch." Jennifer said in a lusty tone, her face blushing a bit as she said it. "I've always wondered, and would love to feel it. If that's ok."

"Oh... uh... I," John muttered, but before he could finish, Jennifer got up and walked over to where he was sitting. She stood directly in front of him, looking down at his throbbing hard cock, twitching and straining for attention.

Jennifer got down on her knees in front of him, staring at his cock, her eyes never leaving it. She wanted to touch and feel a cock so badly, but was a little shy and couldn't look him in the eye. She was afraid she would get too shy and lose her nerve if she did.

Jennifer reached one hand up slowly towards him, touching his cock lightly with her fingers. She gasped a bit, feeling how soft it was to the touch. It felt so firm, and she could feel its warmth, feel it throbbing beneath her fingers as she lightly traced her fingers up the shaft, to the tip.

She noticed that there was a little wetness coming out of the tip. "Oh," she said, blushing a little. "That happens to me too... it gets kinda wet down there when I play with it." She started blushing harder, and put her finger in his pre-cum before rubbing it all over and around the tip.

John was stiffening up his body a bit, starting to twitch his hips. He had never had a girl touch it before, and he was going absolutely wild with lust. He wanted to cum so badly, and needed that release. He started breathing heavily and shaking all over.

"Is.. is this okay?" she said, her big, beautiful eyes looking up to meet his. She was blushing bright red, her fingers still lightly touching his hard cock. He was also blushing, but stared deeply into her eyes, his heart pounding, and just nodded at her. He couldn't speak, no matter how hard he tried. It was no use, he was totally lost in the moment.


"Do you.. I mean.. Do you want to see what it feels like to touch me with it?" Jennifer said to him in a breathy voice, now very turned on and excited. John just stared at her, his rock hard cock twitching a bit, as he felt an intense tingle and pressure building up between his legs.

The two were so lost in the moment, they never noticed they weren't alone in the barn. Mike had gone to see where they went, had followed them there and had been watching the whole time. He stood behind a pile of hay bales, just out of sight. He had a pocket pussy that he had kept stashed there between two bales of hay. It was his favorite masturbation hideaway spot.

Mike had hidden in his spot when he saw them touching themselves. As he watched what unfolded before him and heard what they were saying, he became very turned on, his dick growing hard in his pants. He quickly unzipped his jeans and dropped them around his ankles, pulling on his hard cock to free it from his boxers. He stroked it a few times and put a little spit on it before pushing it into the pocket pussy.

Mike didn't want to cum too soon - he wanted to watch and play along with them, so he stuck it all the way inside and just held very still, feeling his swollen member throbbing inside, stretching the walls of the tight little pussy. It was so hard for him to hold back. It usually didn't take long for him to bust a nut deep in the hay.

John was still blushing, staring at Jennifer and waiting for her to tell him what he should do. His cock was hard and ready to explode, and he was pretty sure that if he touched her with it, he would cum all over in an instant.

Jennifer laid down on the barn floor on her back and began feeling her breast with one hand, rubbing her fingers over her wet little pussy with the other. "Mmm... it feels good, John." she said, her legs trembling a bit.


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