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Our First Time

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She overcomes her inhibitions and we enjoy each other.
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I wish I could have said that my girlfriend got to sleep with me on our weekend trip with my parents because they were cool with us having sex as 18-year-old seniors. Maybe they were, but the truth was my girlfriend was pretty religious, and they wouldn't have expected anything to be happening.

And they were right. The ski lodge they had rented was quiet as everyone slept, but my girlfriend Sally and I were making out in bed. I enjoyed these times, but they did make me hard and uncomfortable when we finished. It was even worse tonight. Usually we were in a car fumbling on the seats. Tonight we were in a bed just in our pajamas. I knew that all that stood between me and seeing a live girl's naked body for the first time were some thin, easily removed clothes. I knew she wasn't even wearing a bra.

So she probably wasn't surprised when I tried to slide my hand from her back to her breasts. It wasn't the first time since we had started dating. But she gently intercepted it and put it back. It wasn't the first time for that, either. Still she kept on making out with me, which was very nice, except for the raging erection I was getting. I tried to channel my thoughts somewhere else.

A few minutes later she broke the kiss and lay on her back as I stayed propped on one elbow. We had kicked the blankets down, so I could see her in the moonlight. I breathed deeply as I took in the view. The thin shirt was lying on her pert, medium breasts, and I could see the bumps of her nipples. I could also see a bare bit of stomach and even the tops of her light panties where her pajama bottoms had come down a bit. It was killing me to know that I could just slide up her shirt or tug down her bottoms. But of course I wouldn't.

"I made a new friend at church," she said. This would help with my erection, I sourly thought. I had gone to her youth group a few times, but just to spend time with her. I didn't disbelieve, exactly, but I was at best ambivalent. She was fully bought in. I mm-hmmed politely.

"Her name's Maria, and she's kind of a hippie." I kept my polite smile in place. "She has all sorts of different ideas."

"Like what?"

"Well, she thinks that people like to kiss because God made us like kissing." It seemed like circular reasoning, but I didn't consider religion logically sound in other ways. "Kissing gives us pleasure, and God made us able to enjoy pleasure. And in her mind, if God made our bodies able to enjoy pleasure, wasn't pleasure of all kinds blessed by God?" This was a view I could get behind.

"That's a reasonable idea," I said. "But where does it stop? Your friend must realize that kissing is okay, but churches frown on too much pleasure. Like sex. At least before marriage." I was very aware of her church's view on that.

She nodded. "I asked that, too. She pointed out that when those rules were set out, people married younger, so it lined up well with God's plans for getting pleasure from their bodies." She paused. "She also says that those rules benefit men who want to make sure a kid is really theirs. That that's a rule by men, not God." I didn't think this was some big revelation, but I could tell my girlfriend hadn't really thought about it before.

I put my hand to my chest and sighed dramatically. "Should you wish to have sex, my dear, I volunteer as tribute." She snorted and gave me a light punch.

"I'll take some more kissing, though." And so I bent down, locked my lips with hers, and tried to calm my erection some more.

It had been a few minutes when my girlfriend upended our make-out sessions. She grabbed my hand and quickly put it on her breast.

I broke the kiss and looked at her. "Maybe a bit more pleasure," she said with a shy tone.

I wasn't going to argue. I gave her breast a squeeze and we both gasped. It felt so amazing. I rubbed both of them, and stroked and pulled the nipple poking at the thin fabric. I wanted to feel their naked flesh, pull the bare nipple into my mouth. But even this was so magical, I didn't want to do anything to break the spell.

As we made out, she rolled on top of me, and I got to enjoy her breasts as they hung down. She stopped kissing me and looked at me.

"Are they... are they okay?" She sounded nervous. "I know guys like large breasts..." I put a finger to her lips.

"Honey, they feel amazing. I feel like it's magic." She gave a big smile and sat up, straddling me. My hands flew to her chest; I was still amazed she was letting me do this.

And then she changed everything. Again.

She crossed her arms, reached to the hem of her pajama top, and pulled it over her head and off. The moonlight was strong enough for me to see her naked breasts. Her nipples were pale in the light. I knew from pictures I had seen online that Sally's breasts were on the small side of medium, but they were the first boobs I had seen or felt in person. And I learned that when a woman is sitting on you and takes off her top, it doesn't matter what size her breasts are. I reached my hands up again and enjoyed the feel of her firm, naked breasts.

On instinct, I sat up and locked my lips onto her bare nipple. She sighed in pleasure as I sucked her flesh into my mouth and caressed the hard nub with my tongue. She put her hands behind my head and pulled me even closer. As I sucked on her pert tit, she began to slide back and forth along my hard cock.

Reluctantly, I removed my mouth. "I need a break," I said, panting. "Or things will get messy." I gestured at my lap.

"It's okay; I understand," she said. I flopped down, and she bent forward.

"Hold on," I said. I reached down and pulled my own shirt off. She lay back down and I thrilled at the feel of her naked chest against mine.

We lay there for a bit, flesh against flesh, as I tried to ease my hard-on. I had had lots of practice redirecting my energy during our make-out sessions, but not with her half-naked on top of me. I tried not to think about her naked breasts hanging around my cock.

"What if..." she started and paused. Things had gone so amazingly so far, I had no idea what she might mean. Or, rather, I had a million ideas. "What if it was okay if things got messy?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, because I knew what I wanted it to mean.

"I know guys need relief, or it hurts."

"That's true." It was true, but I was also eager to see where this would go.

"I know this has happened before. With me. How do you fix it?"

I thought for a moment. But might as well be honest. "As soon as I can, I pleasure myself so I can have some relief."

She kissed my chest. "Poor baby." She paused again. "Can I do it for you?"


I felt her nod. "It's because of me you're like this, right? It seems fair I should help give you relief."

"Uh, sure," I said. "I would love that. But you don't have to."

She scooted forward. I felt her naked body slide against mine, and she kissed me on the lips. "I want to. Tell me what to do. Tell me what you do."

A million thoughts flashed through my mind. What could I tell her to do? But I finally settled on what I actually did. And I thought of how I could push it, just a little.

"This... this is embarrassing to describe."

"Tell me what you do," she purred above me, her breasts hanging down.

"I wrap my hand around my penis." She put her hand on my cock, and I almost lost it. I grit my teeth. "Well, not with my pants on. You want to know what I do, right?" She nodded. "I... I pull my pants and underwear down, and put my hand on my naked penis." I gave her an out. "But you don't have to do that."

She sat up, scooted down, hooked her fingers under the waistbands of my pants and my briefs, and pulled down. My hard cock, happy to be free finally, sprang up.

I looked at her face. She was looking down at my erection in surprise.

"It's big," she said. "Bigger than I thought." I was on the larger side of average. But who knew what she had expected.

She put her hand along one side of it. "Like this?" My god, I was going to explode.

"Uh, more like I wrap my hand around it. And slide it up and down."

And so I convinced my uptight girlfriend to give me a hand job, and I marveled at how different her soft palm felt compared to my own rough hand.

"Okay, yes. Yes. Exactly like that. But, like I said, things are going to get really messy soon." I pushed my head into my pillow, trying to hold on a bit longer to enjoy the feeling.

I might have succeeded, but then I felt something I'll never forget. I gasped and looked down to see her sliding her tongue up my dick.

And I came. A lot. I moaned as my cock spasmed, shooting cum all over my stomach. Sally kept licking and stroking me.

When I was done, she stared at the sticky pool on my stomach. "It's so much."

I was exhausted. "Definitely more than normal. This was a very pleasurable night. I've never made myself do that much."

She nodded, with a focused expression. "Maria says God made our bodies feel pleasure so we could give pleasure to each other in love."

I was feeling very Team Maria at the moment.

"Can I taste it?"

"Uh, my cum? Sure." So much had happened tonight, but I was still surprised. She slid a finger through the glob of semen and put it into her mouth. I watched her, topless with her hard nipples pointing out, rolling her tongue around as she made a little face.

"Maria said it tasted gross, but it was worth it in the act of giving each other the pleasure God wanted for us. But it's not so bad once you get used to it." And then I stared, wide-eyed, as she bent down and, cat-like, licked the rest of the cum off my body. Bloody hell, I was going to be hard again in no time, especially as I imagined her mouth fully on my dick.

When I was all cleaned up, she lay back down on top of me. Then, very quickly, she said "Do you want to know how I pleasure myself?"

I was shocked. But I recovered quickly. "Of course, baby," I said. "I want you to feel as good as I do." I remembered her comment a moment ago. "I love you and want you to feel that love as pleasure." She gave a little snuggle into my chest and then rolled off.

"Kiss me again," she said, her hands cupping her breasts so I would get the hint. You didn't need to tell me twice. I dove onto her naked chest, sucking her breasts as I kneaded them. She was moaning, and I was thrilled to devote my full attention to them without trying to quell an angry erection.

Then she grabbed my hand and put it between her legs.

"Maria told me how to give myself pleasure by rubbing here." This girl Maria, whoever she was, was a treasure. So I began moving my hand up and down between her legs

"A little higher," she said, squirming and spreading her legs a bit more. She gave some little sighs as I moved my hands. Then she huffed in frustration.

"I can't really feel you," she said. I didn't know what to do, but I knew I wanted to get her off. "Okay," she said. She pulled at the waistband of her pajamas. "Try your hand there." I looked down her body as I sucked on her breasts. The white expanse of her panties was right there. I was stunned.

But not so much that I didn't jump at the chance. She gave a little moan as my hand slid under pajamas and between ber legs.

"Yes. That's much better," she said. I kept stroking the way she had wanted before, but right up against the cotton underwear. Her pussy was right there!

I did that for a few minutes, and she was breathing heavily. I slid my hand up her body, onto her stomach, and back down. Except that I pushed under the waistband of her panties. She gave a little gasp, and I paused.

"Is that okay?" I asked. She looked at me, bit her lip, and nodded. And so I gently slid my hand down some more, feeling curly hair slide between my fingers. And then my hand was between her legs again, but my finger was sliding along her naked pussy.

I was rock hard again. What if I pushed down some more? Slid her panties down? Got her naked?

I tested it a little, lifting my hand and tugging the panties and pajama bottoms. She didn't stop me, but it was clear that was an awkward way to get her naked. So I doubled down on sucking her breasts and stroked her with my finger, slowly opening her pussy lips.

Then she grabbed my hand. "Right there," she whispered. So I focused on rubbing her right where she wanted.

I felt a tremor run through her body. Holy shit, was she having an orgasm? Another tremor and then she grabbed my pillow and covered her face. She let out a long moan, but it was muffled to near silence by the pillow. It occurred to me, then, that she had grabbed that pillow pretty quickly. She really had been practicing.

I kept stroking, but she grabbed my hand and pulled it out of her panties. "I need a moment," she said. She rolled on ber side to kiss me, and I eagerly put my hands on her naked back. I even put one on her ass, which was still covered by her pajama bottoms, but it felt great anyway. I slid my hand up and was just planning to push it under clothes when she said, "You're hard again?"

I shrugged. My hard dick was pressed against her naked stomach. "It happens. And all of that just now was pretty exciting."

She wiggled against me in pleasure. And then she put her hand between us and began to stroke. I kissed her a bit more but then lay on my back to enjoy the sensation of her hand job.

I decided to try for it. I mean, the way tonight was going, who knew what the fuck was on the table?

"I think it would feel really good if you put it in your mouth?"

She looked at me and smiled. "You want me to give you a blow job?"

I was shocked. "Uh, yes. I guess. I didn't think you..." I trailed off as she gently kissed the tip of my dick.

"You didn't think I knew what a blow job was?" She gave a snort. "Girls talk about sex with each other as much as guys do, you know."

And then she opened her mouth and slid it over the head of my dick. Holy fucking shit, her mouth felt good. She slowly moved her head up and down my shaft, caressing my dick with ber tongue.

My girlfriend, who an hour ago wouldn't have let me touch her tits, was topless and sucking my dick. As I reveled in the thought and the sensation, I felt myself begin to lose control. I knew I should warn her, but I didn't want her to pull away.

I decided if I was a dick about it, she'd probably never do this again. "I'm going to cum," I said through gritted teeth, as I tried to hold on.

She made an "mm hmm" noise, which felt great against my dick, and then pushed her head down it a bit more.

There was no stopping me now. I exploded into her mouth. She made some grunting sounds as I pushed in and came, but she swallowed. And when she pulled her mouth off me, I shot another load that landed on her cheek. She put her mouth over my dick again, and I shot another bit into it. It felt unbelievable.

She lay down against me and looked up at me.

"Not a bad way to spend the night, huh?"

"That was amazing," I said. "I've never felt that good before! Your body is so beautiful. And, wow, do blow jobs feel good."

"I'm feeling pretty relaxed myself," she said with a grin. She lay her head down, and I marveled at the feel of her naked chest against me. Before long, she was lightly snoring. I tried to figure out if I could maneuver her pants down a bit, but ultimately I fell asleep myself.

All the next day, she was extra cuddly. If my parents noticed, they didn't say anything. I was feeling like a stud; my girlfriend had sucked my dick and swallowed after I finger fucked her to an orgasm.

Needless to say, I was eager to make out the next night, and so was she. Within minutes my hands were up her shirt, pulling it up off her body. She didn't even pretend to slow me down.

After about ten minutes of sucking on her breasts and getting her worked up, I decided to go for my next move. I put a hand on her ass. And then marveled anew that she didn't stop me. My dick hardened at the thought of her in just panties with my dick in her mouth. Would she get on her knees by the bed?

I rubbed my hand up and down her back and onto her ass a few times, and then I pressed my fingers slightly and slid into the waistband of her pajamas. I kept my hand there for a moment, and then lifted the back of it to catch the fabric as I dragged down. I'd see her panties in no time.

But then I felt something depressingly familiar. Her hand grabbed mine and moved it to her back. She still didn't object when my hand rested on her ass over the pajamas, though, so that was something. And she definitely wiggled when I cupped her cheek and squeezed. Maybe I just needed to play it slow.

As I reveled in the feel of her nipple in my mouth, she said, "I got you some presents. Do you want to see them?"

I looked up as my mouth left her tit. "I can't imagine anything better than this," I said as I gestured down her body. Well, actually I could.

"Oh, if you don't want them..." she giggled.

"Oh, I do!"

She giggled again. Then she wriggled out of my arms and stood by the side of the bed. I stared lovingly at her standing topless.

"I was going to have you close your eyes, but I decided to do it like this instead." And instead of closing, my eyes popped as she hooked her thumbs in her pajama bottoms and pulled down to expose, not plain white panties, but a white lace thong. I gaped.

"Do you like it?" I nodded, dumbly. "I bought it earlier this week."

I climbed out of bed and faced her. I kissed her deeply. "You are so beautiful," I said. It was the best I could do. I didn't have words for how stunned I was. But it seemed to work. She grinned.

Our mouths met, and I fondled her breast with one hand while my other hand caressed her back.

I decided to take a chance again and slid my hand down her back and over her shapely, scantily-clad ass. I felt a surge of lust as I cupped her nearly naked buttock and she didn't stop me. Could I get the panties off? It didn't seem possible, but 24 hours ago I wouldn't have even gotten my hand to her tit over her pajamas, and now she was letting my hands wander over her as she stood there in just some sexy panties.

"You should join me," she said, panting. And she began to lift up my shirt. I didn't need more hints. I pulled off my shirt, and pulled down my pants. She looked me over, and even in the moonlight I could see the hunger in her eyes. She came in for another kiss, and this time I didn't hesitate. I slid my hand down her back and under her panties. The fabric pulled against my hand as I cupped and squeezed her naked ass. She let out a little moan.

I did that for another minute and then broke our kiss and whispered in her ear. "You're so beautiful," I said. "Can I see you naked?"

She paused, and I could feel her cheeks move as she chewed her lip.

"You first," she breathed. Oh my god, I was going to explode. I pulled my boxers down. And then gave a little moan as her hand slid down my chest, onto my stomach, and then around my cock. She gave it a little stroke.

"You're so hard for me," she whispered.

"You feel so good," I said.

"Do you want me to put it in my mouth again?"

"Oh god, yes. I can't even explain how amazing that feels."

"Well, lie on the bed."

I paused. I knew what I wanted. It was standard fare in porn.

"We could try it like this," I said.

"Like what?"

"I could stand here and maybe you could... I don't know... kneel down?"

"Does that work?" Her eyes looked so wide. But then I noticed the slight smile of her mouth.

"Okay, okay. I guess that was pretty obvious." She grinned.

She gave me a quick kiss. And then, unbelievably, she kneeled down in front of me. And slid her warm wet mouth onto my dick. I didn't know a blow job could be this much more intense than last night's. I looked down to see her mouth going along my dick, with a background of her naked breasts and a peek of white panties. Then she turned her face up to look at me, and any control I had flew out the window.


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