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Owning Avery Ch. 05

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Avery's long exhausting night with Carter and Mason.
10.8k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 02/19/2024
Created 02/05/2024
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It was cooling off by the time they'd finished, and Avery went in for her third shower in twelve-ish hours to wash the chlorine from her skin and hair. Carrying the bag, Carter marched upstairs with Mason in tow and walked into Avery's room. He pulled out the black boned corset he'd bought and laid on Avery's bed.

"You really think she'll wear that? Get dressed up like some sex toy?" Mason asked skeptically. The underwear and halter had been one thing, but this was putting her in straight up lingerie.

Carter eyed Mason levelly. "She will do anything we want," he responded. "She's completely aware of what's going on. We don't need to dance around it anymore, like putting on a movie, which you should know considering you had sex with her while I was out."

"And you had sex with her right in front of me on the couch," Mason countered. "Which hurt her. I was showing her that it didn't need to hurt, and frankly, she liked it."

Rolling his eyes, Carter folded his arms over his chest. "Just as much as she liked it when I spanked her in the kitchen," he said deviously. "You know what she said to me when I'd finished?" Carter gave Mason a moment, quirking a brow at him. "She said, I want you. She wants to play, Mason. If you're not up for it, by all means, take off to the bonfire. I'd love to be with her alone tonight."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Mason asked, astonished. "We're supposed to be in this together, and you know I have my reservations about that in the first place, but I've put it aside because I want her. You just want to use her."

"We really doing this?" Carter demanded angrily. "You think just because I want to play up the punishment side that I don't want her?"

Mason was feeling just as pissed. "You've always known I had a thing for her growing up."

"Oh, my sincere apologies that I didn't want to hit on a thirteen-year-old when I was nineteen," Carter drawled. "That it took her becoming an adult to find her attractive. Of course it's different now. A six-year gap doesn't mean anything anymore."

"I see," Mason said, nodding his head as he squinted his eyes at his brother. "It's a competition now?"

Carter grinned. "I guess it is, since you're making it one," he responded. Holding up a finger, he added, "Just don't be surprised when you find out that she actually likes playing rough."

"You don't know that," Mason disagreed. "She's too inexperienced to know what she wants."

"She's learning what she wants," Carter replied confidently, stepping closer to his brother so they were shoulder to shoulder. "Try to remember, this whole thing started as a punishment, and she had an out. She decided not to take it, knowing full well what it meant. And if you don't believe me, just ask her. When she gets out of the shower, give her that out again. See if she wants to go to the bonfire. I haven't been wrong yet."

With that, Carter left the room. Mason walked over to Avery's bed, picked up the corset and studied it. She'd look incredible in the matte black, he had no doubt of it. And he didn't know why he was letting Carter get to him like this. They'd never really fought, at least not over anything serious. Battles over what to watch on TV, yes. But maybe it was that they'd both realized that there was much more on the line than who got to control the remote. It was fair that Carter had fallen for Avery, even though it irrationally pissed him off, since he'd fallen for her ages ago.

He should have known it would turn into a competition. Though their personalities were very different, they'd always been competitive. What he couldn't determine was if Carter was right about Avery. Which was probably where his anger stemmed from. Deep down, he had a feeling Carter had tapped into something. He was sure that none of this would ever be happening if it wasn't for Carter. Then again, if this hadn't ever happened, maybe he'd have eventually worked up the courage to make something happen on his own, and Carter wouldn't have ever stood a chance.

Setting the corset down in defeat, he left the room. No point in considering the what-if's; they were in it now. And he sure as shit wasn't leaving. Despite his reservations on Carter's rougher play, his desire for Avery won out. He didn't think a day could go by ever again when he wouldn't want to be with her.

Returning to her room after a long shower, Avery spotted the corset on her bed. Wrapped in a towel, she lifted it, holding it out with a scrutinizing gaze. It was fairly simple, though she'd never worn a corset before. Matte black with no real pattern, boned throughout with laces in the back and eyehooks down the front. It didn't even have a heart-shaped top or underwire, nothing resembling a bra-like structure. It instead cut straight across, though angled down in the back.

Tossing it aside, she set to drying her honey-colored hair in front of the mirror, every so often eying the piece of lingerie warily. Her heart was already pounding. She'd been well aware that everything had been leading up to a night with Carter and Mason, but now it was near. She felt a pit low in her stomach that felt a little like light cramps, from nerves along with what she'd learned was arousal.

Once finished drying her hair, she ran her curling iron through the ends to create some body, then pinned it to the side so it fell over her shoulder. A little light makeup was put on, just mascara and clear gloss. She applied lotion to her entire body, then slid on another pair of black panties, similar to the ones she'd worn this morning. Finally she picked up the corset, working out just how to put it on.

Her first attempt had her trying to tie the laces in the back, which was futile. After retying the back, she wrapped it around her and worked the eyehooks up the front. It was a bit tighter when she reached her chest, taking some real effort, but once finished, she turned to the mirror, studying herself.

It was strange to actually feel sexy. She was well aware she was beautiful; large green eyes with hazel flecks, symmetrical features from forehead to chin with lovely lips that created an even lovelier smile. But she'd never really felt sexy until now. The cut of the corset lifted her breasts, making them round across the top, and created a curve to her waist that wasn't always there; thin as she was. Running her hand over the corset, she felt its firm structure contrasting with its soft fabric. And turning to the side, she was mesmerized by her profile.

"Wow," she breathed, then again felt that pit in her stomach as she remembered the reason she was wearing this in the first place. Soon, she'd leave her room and find Carter and Mason somewhere. In a corset and panties.

After a few deep breaths to steady her nerves, heart thumping in her chest, Avery left her room to search the house.

She didn't have to look far. Downstairs toward the back of the house, she could hear the television and knew with dead certainty she was destined to spend the rest of the evening in the master bedroom. No prancing around making breakfast like this morning before sprawling on the couch. No more swimming in the pool like it was a normal day.

Leaning back against the headboard, Mason's breath caught as he saw Avery appear and lean against the doorframe. Carter had been sitting at the end of the bed with his elbows resting on his knees, but his back straightened, taking her in. There was such simplicity to it. Corset, panties, nothing else. She didn't need anything else; garters or stockings or heels would have just overcomplicated it. Instead she looked sexy, while still vulnerable. The effect was unreal.

"Jesus, Avery," Mason breathed, then muted turned off the TV. Her chin was tucked low as her eyes flicked between them demurely beneath her long lashes.

Carter was in motion, up from the bed. Taking her hand, he gently pulled her into the room. "So sexy," he noted, placing his hand against the front of the corset as he walked around her, taking in every inch of her. Hooking his other hand in the top of the corset, he gently tugged.

A nervous laugh left Avery as she looked over her shoulder. "All this just so you can take it off?" she teased, quirking a brow.

"Oh, this isn't coming off for a long time," Carter said slyly, feeling along the bottom of the corset. The top was tight, but the bottom was loose. The laces in the back met in the middle, and he untied the lower of the two bows. "This however," he said, then pulled at the strings, listened to her gasp. "Needs to be a bit tighter."

"Wait," Avery began, then laughed again, nerves intensifying. "I need to be able to breathe!"

Carter pulled once more despite her protest, then retied the bow before running his hands down to the bottom of the corset. "Tighter is better," he said, then tested the top again, found it a bit more slack now that the bottom had been tightened. Beginning at the top, he worked to tighten each lace.

Avery did not protest again, though was shocked at just how tight he was making the corset. She thought she'd done a pretty good job. Still did, given she'd been more comfortable a minute ago than now. She felt his hand hold her shoulder as he gave a particularly rough yank midway down her back and gasped.

Carter tied the upper set, then tested the seams. Proud of his work, he leaned around to meet her eyes. "Can you still breathe?"

Avery's chest heaved upwards as she inhaled deeply. It was so much pressure—more than she thought she could bare—making breathing a bit more of a challenge, but she found that it felt more erotic, if that was even the right word. Inhaling once more, she nodded with her eyes cast down. "Yes," she responded. She could hope it wouldn't live on her too long, anyways. Knew that if she needed it removed with help, she could trust Carter and Mason enough to release her.

She didn't see Mason's feet until she felt fingers brush her upper arm. Looking over to him, his body disappeared around her as his lips met her shoulder. "You are so fucking beautiful, Avery," he said, then kissed her again. Even in his wildest imaginings, he never expected to see Avery in lingerie. It shook him.

Carter continued inspecting the corset with his hands running across it, mostly because he just couldn't get over it, his eyes fixated on how her breasts would rise with each inhale. Already tiny, she was cinched tightly by the structured boning. He hadn't set out to buy it, had only planned on picking up a few toys and lubricants. But when he'd walked by the corsets, he couldn't get the vision of Avery wearing one out of his mind, and it had not disappointed in the slightest.

Staying still as she could, Avery blinked lethargically as two sets of hands travelled her body, unable to fully concentrate on what was where and who it belonged to. It was surreal, and Avery was lost in it. A long minute passed, Mason kissing her neck, before she felt Carter's hand coax her head his direction and he began to kiss her. Another ten seconds or so later, a hand slid between her legs from the back and she let out a moan, feeling weak in the knees.

As he felt Avery dip a few inches down, Carter made little attempt to keep her at his lips, instead gently pressing down on her hips so she'd sink further. On her knees, he ran his fingers over her lips. "I want to feel your mouth," he said, her eyes large and holding his as he unzipped his shorts.

While removing them, Mason followed suit as Avery had looked his way. He may have had reservations, but after she'd walked into the room, his lust for her had taken over his rational side, instead ruled entirely by his need.

With both Carter and Mason angled more or less in front of her in only their tee shirts, Avery felt overwhelmed. She'd given blowjobs before in lieu of sex, two in the last twenty-four hours, but with two in front of her, she didn't exactly know what to do. With trepidation, she reached for both and began rubbing her hand along them, both in different states of arousal.

Mason was harder, and it had been Carter who had asked first, so she turned her head to him and took him into her mouth while stroking Mason. He was still soft inside of her mouth, so with a mix of her hand swiveling around the base of his shaft and using her chin to raise him up in her mouth, she worked hard to get him equal to Mason.

It was only a few minutes until he grew in her mouth, and once she felt it she turned to Mason, instantly taking him into the back of her throat and sucking deeply, being careful to keep her hand moving on Carter. The multitasking wasn't easy, she knew her fingers fumbled, but she gave it her best effort. After what she felt had been equal time, she returned to Carter.

And this was her first opportunity to directly compare. Stroking each, her eyes flicked from one to the other, studying them. She hadn't really noticed that Mason was almost absurdly long; riding him she hadn't noticed his length. She'd been in control of the depth and tempo, it was only now she realized how much was truly there. On the other side, Carter was also longer than any other man she'd been with, though Mason had an inch on him. That said, Carter had the girth by a long shot. It dawned on her how much she'd had to stretch to accept him, no wonder it had felt so painful. Coupled with the fact it had been years since she'd had bad sex, that girth would have been painful for anyone.

So different, and she felt a strange power in the fact that she could now contrast and compare how they felt. Side to side, back to back.

Hard now, Carter laced his fingers into Avery's hair and gently pumped back at her, meeting the back of her throat with every slight thrust. It was impressive how well she kept her composure; not even a cough left her, let alone any sort of protest. "You really have had some practice," he said to her with a raise of his brow. "Good girls don't suck a cock this well."

After a few more thrusts from Carter, Avery reared back to catch her breath—not easy with the tight corset—and swallowed a few times, then turned back to Mason. As Carter had, he cradled her head as she opened her mouth and he pulled her down, which surprised her; Mason was usually gentler. But this time, he was not so considerate, beginning with some thrusts that hit her throat. It didn't allow her to close her lips on his shaft as she kept her mouth wide while he pumped at it. Saliva was beginning to drip down her chin and she removed the hand that held his base and pushed against his thigh until he was out, then wiped her mouth, swallowing to remove the tickle from her throat.

"Look up at me," Mason said, gently tugging at her roots so she'd raise her head. Avery had zero gag reflex, from what he could tell. With his other hand, he gripped his base. "Relax your throat, see if you can take me?"

"Take you?" Avery asked, but was cut off as he quite literally fed her his dick. He was slow with it until she felt it in the back of her throat once more.

"Swallow," Mason instructed.

With great effort, Avery swallowed as she felt more pressure. And with it came the reflexive motion from her muscles to continue trying to swallow, as though food was stuck in her throat. "Uhhn," she groaned, then gagged from the noise she'd made as she pushed against his thighs, needing him to let her go.

Mason instantly removed himself, but holy fuck, her throat muscles massaging his head had nearly killed him. "Jesus, Avery," he grunted as she hacked once. But she stunned him by instantly wrapping her lips around him again, sucking him with more fervor than before. "Oh, fuck me," he groaned, his head dropping back with his eyes shut.

Avery felt almost maniacal with her quick motions, bobbing up and down before leaving him and instantly taking to Carter with similar speed. She heard his groans, so similar to Mason's, it was freaky and weird and she was pretty sure she was the biggest slut in the world at this point with how driven she was to please them both.

When she felt her head pulled back, she knew what was coming and was more prepared for it this time. She heard Carter say, "Take me down," as he pressed against her throat and the similar painful sensation sent her repeatedly trying to swallow like she was choking, but at least this time she knew it wouldn't last forever, and so she began to count in her head and focus on breathing through her nose.

Avery's face was red and Carter had no idea how she was doing it, taking him down so deeply. He'd never in all of his life been deep-throated and he'd stopped keeping track of how many women he'd slept with a few years ago. He gently eased back, and once he had she choked, saliva flying from her mouth onto his shaft. He was into rough play, no doubt, but that didn't mean he was callous.

"I'm grabbing you water," he said, then darted off into the bathroom to get her a glass.

When he returned, she was working Mason with her hand, but hadn't taken him into her mouth yet, still red in the face and still swallowing awkwardly. Bending down to her level, he offered her the glass of water, staring at her with concern.

Avery took the glass drank half of it, then smiled in gratitude as Carter gently rubbed her back. "Thank you," she said genuinely. She'd been pulled from the moment, the mania, but it warmed her heart that, despite anything that may happen, they were still looking out for her. And it only made her more eager to please.

"You're welcome," Carter said with a small smile.

"I'm sorry," Mason added, gently stroking her hair. What she'd done had been impressive, but she'd tried too hard and suffered from it.

"It's fine," Avery said, looking up at him. She took another gulp of water, then handed it back to Carter. "Let me keep going?" And this was said with a seductive, if not weary smile.

Before he could answer one way or another, she had risen and taken him into her mouth once more. The brief pause hadn't made him lose any of the blood that had rushed to his dick, and if it went on much longer, he'd be cumming in her mouth sooner rather than later.

Carter had sat down on the edge of the bed, watching her work Mason with awe and respect. He could feel something welling up inside of him that he tried to deny. He didn't just want her. He'd always loved her in the 'blended family' sense, but it was quite possible he was falling in love with her. And he couldn't remember the last woman he could honestly say that about, even though he'd said so at the appropriate intervals to please a girlfriend.

"Carter, let me taste you again," she said, scooting over and placing her hands on his knees. She began low, sucking on his balls, then licked her way up his shaft. Looking down at her face, how sexy of a vision she was in her corset with her tongue out, he couldn't stand it much longer.

Placing his hands on either side of her head, he pulled her back as she licked her lips. "I need to fuck you," he said. Really he needed her to stop or he'd come, and he wasn't ready for that just yet. They had all night, and he didn't want to wear out too early. He had the ability to recover quickly, but each time drained his energy.

While Mason was jealous, of course, he could use the time to relax, as he'd been minutes away from an orgasm. Watching Carter help her to her feet, Avery stumbled and he helped steady her. She gave him a look of gratitude as Carter began to assist her onto the bed, putting her on her hands and knees.

Knowing she wasn't warmed up, Carter pushed her panties to the side and ran his fingers between her lips as his thumb made circles against her entrance. He could listen to her moan for the rest of his life, and curved his other hand around her hips, pulling her back against his hand. She had begun damp, but her juices began to flow, so he flipped his hand and slid his middle finger inside of her, still holding her tightly so she wouldn't move away.

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