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Pairs of Pumpkins #01: Family Ties


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He paused a moment to regain his original train of thought. "I don't see many women I am not related to. And you're so pretty. And I thought only my sisters had such breasts."

She smiled warmly and reached out to brush his cheek, the vixen an shameless sponge for flattery. She caught herself arching her spine, pushing her chest out towards him again. Her loins were on fire.

'I'm going to fuck this kid.'

A small shake of her head broadcast the conflict, but he had said something important. "You have other siblings?"

The eyes of the young fox widened and shrunk back, his guilt as obvious as her struggle. He started to stand, but she lunged to hold his shoulders, bringing her chest against him and half filling his lap. "Wait!" she said before wrapping her gloved hand around his cock, her fingers barely able to get halfway around it. Joseph froze.

"Trust me, you don't want to go anywhere," she assured with a whisper, and he shrunk back into his seat obediently. "Good boy. Tell me about your sisters. Are there other brothers too?"

"I'm not supposed to talk about any of that," he said, folding his arms in a pout. "And I'm not supposed to jerk off teenage boys but here we are," she said with her face alongside his, sharing breath and giving him a deliberately slow stroke. Joseph whimpered at her teasing, looking down at her hand on his cock. "No one has ever touched me there before. Take off your glove?" he asked meekly. She pulled back her head, impressed before she lifted her hand away, presenting it to him. His attention darted between her eyes and hand before unfolding his arms to tug at her fingertips. Yellowish, ivory fur ended at her elbows and the glove exposed her charcoal black-furred, natural socks down to her hands. The vixen watched with a satisfied smile while he stared at her revealed arm, clearly his first time undressing a woman.

He placed the glove gingerly aside as if he might break it, and she returned his hand to his girth, slowly wrapping one finger around then the next until he felt the full warmth of her naked grip. "Brothers and sisters?" she said expectantly, waiting to stroke.

"I don't know how many there are. Only Anastasia and Evangeline live here sometimes. A few other, very young ones have been here briefly when I was younger but not so much anymore. There are a lot of them, I know that. Eva is the oldest." Portia began to stroke as he spoke, sitting up against him, and he gave a delighted shudder in response. "That feels so much better than the glove." "For me too," she smiled, her right arm still draped around his shoulder, giving him a squeeze with both hands at once. "Lots of brothers and sisters but no parents. How in the world does that work?" "It works because of Master Zarron. His magic is around life energy. He's very old and powerful," he said, near hypnotized as she stroked him, agile fingers up and down his standing erection.

The vixen looked concerned at his explanation. "A wizard that creates life? That's some kind magic. How does he do it?"

The boy paused and his attention darted to her eyes, his cock, then her muzzle, drawing a triangle. His tail flicked excitedly, bunched up beside him over the arm of the couch. "I'll tell you everything if you put your mouth on it."

Portia gave a small smile and brought her nose to his ear. "You're a strong negotiator." She didn't need to move much for how long he was, instead guiding his cock towards her before leaning over, her breasts resting on his thigh and against his length. She opened her mouth and painted his tapered tip in hot breath. "I'm going to stop if you don't talk," she warned before lowering her head at a painfully slow, teasing pace.

Her mouth and tongue came to his virginal erection, first at the underside of his tip, flattening against it him and dragging down. Her upper lip came next, her jaw starting to open wider for him. Joseph inhaled dramatically at the new sensation and stared with disbelieving eyes. She stopped there and looked back to him, expectantly while her nostrils flared, drinking it in. The strong, pungent scent of his erection intoxicated her, and she wasn't about to stop but there was no sense in giving up her leverage.

Words poured from Joseph in an instant, like a cask violently tapped. "Zarron doesn't create life from scratch. He says nobody can do that. He cultivates life with the aid of magic, like planting seeds in a field. He can't grow them any faster than what is natural, but he's trying. Like me: I was born in the 242nd year of the Qii Era. " Portia coughed through her nose and paused for a moment, staring down a cock with nearly as many inches as years, the vixen more than twice his age. She had some young lovers but this might be a record. It might not become one of her more proud stories but Joseph continued to spill one of his own.

"Zarron doesn't need to grow them naturally though; he says he doesn't need suffragette mothers."

She lifted off with a wet smack of her lips to free her mouth, muzzle glistening with wetness.

"Surrogate mothers?"

"That's right," he nodded, and she did after, before resuming with a noisy slurp, plunging back down on his shaft. He continued. "He makes eggs out of some spell, like lizards and snakes do. And he can modify them right as they're fertilized, to make adjustments or resolve natural incompatibilities."

Several inches of him were inside her muzzle now, her jaw inelegantly opened around his girth before she pulled up and off again, stealing a hungry breath to speak. "Modifications? Like how your sister is so busty and you are so hung and handsome? What do you mean by incompatibilities?" He reached out hesitantly for the back of her head before gently pulling her back to his cock. The young man wasn't entirely submissive, it seemed.

The vixen grinned at the corners of her mouth, even as she descended on his length once again. She watched him as she twisted and pumped gently with her head while her ears perked expectantly. She was still listening, even over the wet smacks of her lips. "I guess so. The few brothers I've met are big as well. I don't know about my other sisters since most are sold as eggs or when they're still kits. Evangeline has really big boobs like you but Anastasia is... Gods, this is hard to concentrate!" She took a moment to pause and look up at him, barely able to stop herself to threaten him. "Right. About incompatibilities. Ummmm... He can combine species who can't naturally breed with each other. And he can make small alterations to the egg for certain, desirable or specific traits."

This is still fine she assured herself, her attention split between his increasingly far-fetched explanation and the intoxicating, fox cock in her mouth. Sure, he was young but it wasn't really sex and the boy practically sang everything she wanted to know.

A story like this was unlike any she heard and her curiosity would be burning if not for the presence of a more primal fire. A wizard making designer children? Did the boy say he was combining species? Selling them? She would definitely need to investigate but it was difficult to keep asking questions as she fellated him and at the moment, she was more interested in that. The scent of his cock was a drug, and she'd done worse things under lesser influence of smells and substances. A recollection of one such incident from many years ago that was almost her undoing brought a small, quiet warning to the back of her mind. A transgression with a cousin of a similar age as Joseph had been one of the few sexual encounters she remembered shamefully. Partially because she had sex with her teenage cousin when she was nearly thirty but mostly because it had spiraled out of control into a month- long streak of depravity that made even her blush. It was the first time she considered if her appetite for deviant sex was a fun activity she had a handle on or an actual addiction.

Portia pulled off again with a wet smack of her lips and his length had her muzzle already quite near his face. "You're not an incubus, are you?" she whispered, staring hungrily into young eyes. Sucking his cock hadn't made her any less horny but maybe she could make him pop before she had the chance to use him like she wanted to. At least it would remove the temptation.

Nose to nose, he shook his head, not seeming to know what she meant but there she was, so close and him so emboldened that he leaned in to kiss her. His muzzle met hers, clumsy and inexperienced as she expected from him but there was a sweet sincerity in him lacking from most of the men who wanted her. She kissed him back, laying her chest along his and ran her fingers through his messy hair. Mid-kiss, she took his wrist and slapped his hand on the outer curve of her armored, leather top, the closest he could do to grope the breasts that held so much space between them. Her grip then returned to his erection and she drank in his gasp of delight.

The awareness of her responsibility and the danger of the situation was losing out to her tide of lust, but she managed to pull back, questions too burning to ignore.

"How much does he charge for a child?" This would tell her the kind of customers he had. Perhaps this Zarron was an ethical mage offering children to mixed- species couples who could not naturally reproduce? In that case, he maybe wouldn't care if she were to have sex with his houseboy.

"He starts at one hundred, thousand gold coins," the boy said, moving in for another kiss while his free hand fell to her thigh, moving up the flaps of her skirt. She allowed his mouth to find hers for a long moment before pushing him gently back by the shoulders. He continued. "A lot more for hybrids or special traits. People spend whole fortunes on children from Zarron." That answered that question: he was running a very lucrative business.

"And the hybrids?"

Joseph trembled, nearly a spasm. "I'm so hard it hurts!" "You're so fucking big, it's going to hurt me too." Portia tightened her grip and quickened her stroke to one indelicate and purposeful. His eyes widened, considering her implications and her muzzle dipped in confirmation, brushing his nose with hers. "Tell me more about the hybrids." "It's what I said: he uses magic to combine species." "Like Ligers? Mules?" He shook his head. "He combines what isn't possible: Foxes with wolves, bears, stags, horses..."

It was a difficult concept to grasp, too much for her current state of body and mind. Hybrids were rare in her extensive travels and generally sterile. Often, they were otherwise physically impaired but the relationships which produced them were frowned upon more than the hybrids themselves. Combinations of completely different species? That was impossible.

Outside of The Pale Lands, inter-species pairings and even marriages were fairly common but children only came from surrogacy or adoption. The more responsible, independent and promiscuous adventurers like her preferred different-species- partners for that exact reason. She'd seen a lot of strange things come about from the use of magic but it was hard to imagine the boy could be right about this. His fingers had crept up her thigh and discovered the lack of undergarments beneath her armored leather. Moments later, they found the burning, wet desire of her feminine folds and he explored them with purpose, stealing back her attention. Their eyes locked again as his digging fingers found entry. Two of them ungracefully pushed inside her, coaxing a shrill, needful cry from the vixen. Joseph's brows were high and his excited smile so boyish, it reminded her of just how much younger he was but when she closed her eyes, he felt like a man. "What kinds of special traits?" "All kinds. He can alter the embryos just after conception to be a bit stronger or tougher. Faster. Softer. Bigger." His eyes locked on her chest as he spoke, trying to squeeze it through her armor while he dug inside of her. Her hand reached down over his, turning his wrist gently before guiding his fingers to curl up and back, a deep inhale as he found a nicer spot. "When you're wet like this: That means you're ready, right?" he said hopefully, pushing his hand back and forth at an awkward cadence. "For sex?" Portia gave a small nod. The voice of reason shouted protest from down a deep well, somewhere in the back of her mind, a voice that kept her alive in dangerous situations and was rarely so distant. The horse on the floor would be out for hours but in the floors above her, a wizard was making altered, hybrid children to sell to the ultra-wealthy. Still, her every thought stole back to the overwhelming urge to feel the teenage fox inside her. "Zarron: he's upstairs, right now?" Joseph nods. "Yes but his study is in a silence spell so nothing disturbs them. As long as I bring them their meals, they don't come down for days at a time. Sometimes weeks! They won't hear a thing." It sounded reasonable enough in her state. It would be dangerous to go any further with her mind and body so distracted. She would just clear her head, not waste the moment and no one had to know. If she made sure to not get tied by him, she could work through the lustful haze his presence had put her in and get back to the hero business soon enough. She carried the experience of two decades of an active and usually healthy sex life. There was little the vixen had said no to if it promised to be dignified, pleasurable and consensual. He wouldn't last thirty seconds.

I'm going to eat this kid alive.

Partners as endowed as Joseph couldn't be crawled into like the laps of lesser men. Some skillful maneuvering was required but it was a dance she knew well. He stared into her eyes with his jaw hung open, disbelieving what might be about to happen. They followed her as she rose from the couch, slipping off his fingers while keeping herself facing him until she stood, towering over him with majesty. His entire demeanor became awestruck, and he sat back, wordless and passive. She had control of the situation at least, for how little she had over herself.

Portia lifted a foot up on the couch outside his thigh, still in her boots, then tugged off her remaining glove, tossing it down by the other one. She took a firm, two- handed grip on his marvelously massive obscenity and angled him towards her, past the flaps of her skirt while she leaned her hips forward to meet him. His tapered, canine cock head greeted her with a kiss, his eager wetness meeting hers, and wedging against waiting folds. She stared down at him over the giant shelf of her leather- restrained bosom. "No knotting. Understood?"

He nodded quickly but did he even understand what she meant? He was a teenager with an aching erection and would agree to anything to close the distance between their bodies at this point. She was the adult here and would make sure he didn't. And so she lurched forward, her eyes locked with his, drinking in the sweet delight of a boy's presumably first penetration. The vixen moved with deliberation but not as careful as she'd be if she wasn't so eager herself and her eyes drank in his sensations through his young face. His jaw transformed from limply hanging to a tense 'oh' as his teenage cock began to spread her open, a finger's length inside her body. Already she felt the beginning of his thickness and she moaned out in delight at the sensation, so much so that she stopped herself from going further.

The vixen couldn't remember the last time that the initial moment of penetration had been so intensely delightful. His size was her challenging ideal and his barely controlled reaction to the loss of his virginity, a delicacy. Most remarkably, the excitement of her body from the first moment she saw had not declined. The magnetism she mistook for the familiarity of blood translated into intensely sexual energy and concentrated right at the joining of their bodies. Her nerves went electric, and she shivered in disbelief and moaned out with a second, rogue wave of pleasure catching her entirely off guard. She had been with an incubus and he had not been this good. His cock teased her with something wonderful, beckoning her closer, and she obliged unquestioningly until she was halfway down him, feeling the straining truth of his girth, wedging open new peaks of intensity.

With so much of him wedged inside her now, she re-positioned. Hands grabbed his shoulders, then pulled herself over him with her other foot quickly lifted up on the cushion. The couch protested with a creak as the bulky fox brought herself to squat in his lap, bashing his muzzle with the hard curve of her bosom and slipping more of him inside her in the process. The slightest motion was leveraged by sheer intensity into groaning delight from her and the boy below her.

No room remained between their torsos, with her enormous chest filling the gap between bodies and the leather breastplate, ensuring that what should be a soft and forgiving sea of flesh did not surrender any space to him. Beneath her, he had fully reclined and his head tilted up, trying to keep from drowning under her breasts. Her pelvis was still high above his lap, bridged by his thick and glistening erection, so much left of it to take.

Portia slowly relaxed her squat, inching him deeper inside her and drinking in the delight on his face as she did while her fingers moved to ruffle his head-fur, pulling his face against her chest. She had discovered some perverse joy in deflowering younger men as she'd grown older, though some of her more experienced partners had suggested she was cruel to distort a young man's expectations as much as she would. Perhaps, but there was an appeal to the vixen of being immortalized in memory, long after she had gone. No one would forget her being their first time.

"Can you take off your top? It's kind of in the way," he requested softly, almost apologetically, but she shook her head.

"Sorry kid. This thing takes forever to put back on." She loved for her breasts to be touched but the adoration and worship of them also got her off and that was possible with her breastplate on. Restraining so much soft flesh for the vixen to be a functional adventurer, athlete and combatant was a marvel of engineering on the part of her armor's designer but the ease of getting it on and off had been the compromise. She didn't need them to seduce the boy. She already had what she wanted.

"Grab my ass instead." Joseph obliged, digging under her skirt to find the vixen's strong cheeks between broad hips. Her gluts were thick and sculpted from walking, running and climbing every day of the last two decades.

More of her weight came down on him and she winced as his girth spread her, knowing the all-too-familiar strain of a girthy dick crowding her pelvis and the perverse discomfort the vixen had grown quite addicted to over the years. Under her trembling breath, that magnetic energy stimulated her inner and outer nerves in a way she couldn't remember experiencing before, unforgiving in intensity. Joseph was mostly passive beneath her, which was better for now. He fit inside her in the most perfect of ways, with a perfect balance of pleasure and strain for her perverse appetite, like he'd had been sculpted to her every ideal of shape and size. A cock alone was rarely such a marvel but his was incredible, beckoning her onward and inviting her to surrender control to him. She had never been so close to orgasm so quickly and that couldn't have been for the skill of her young lover. Her mind drifted in disbelief as she tried to recall anything near this sensation but fell short. She'd had countless lovers over the years, including some of the most legendary in the land, but she could find no fond memory to compare to this moment, half-stuffed on this over-endowed teenager's cock. She took her relagite medallion in her hand, still hanging from her neck to reassure herself she wasn't under the influence of some charm or spell.

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