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Paradise Isle - Danni Remodeled


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They were hers. She had real breasts!

It was Danni's dream come true. And Audrie was overjoyed as well. She liked lovers with breasts and loved partners with cocks.

"You'll have to wear a support bra for a couple of weeks, at least. We don't want those implants to shift." One of the doctors warned.

Well, that's inconvenient. Danni thought. I wanted to go out and show off. I can't even wear a bikini top...

But that was a minor inconvenience, and a temporary one. She'd be going home a complete woman, except for her most important part, that is.

Finally, the medical team began slowly and gently removing the bandages from Danni's face. She held her breath, too excited, and frightened to move.

A couple of times, it hurt when they peeled tape off of delicate places, but she ignored the pain, and tried to wait patiently to see her new self.

It seemed to take forever, but eventually they were done. But the doctor held her shoulders and didn't let her turn to the mirror. "Before you look, remember there is still some bruising, we can't prevent that, and there's a little swelling too, but both of those blemishes will be gone soon. They can be hidden with makeup in the meantime. And that's another point. With just a little make-up, I'm certain you'll be beautiful."

And she paused to glance at Audrie, "and both of you will be very happy with the results."

Danni smiled and nodded, hopefully.

"Alright take a look," the woman said, releasing Danni to see her new self for the first time.

Danni slowly, and fearfully turned to the mirror.

Audrie was the first to make a sound, she gasped, and murmured, "my God, you're beautiful! No one will recognize you."

Danni couldn't believe her eyes, which by the way looked very different than they had before. Like the rest of her face, they were stunningly pretty. Delicate and feminine, and nothing like her old male face.

Even without makeup, and with the slight blue and red areas that shadowed various portions.

Her cheeks were high and prominent, and her nose and chin small and cute. At least that's how she thought they looked.

Chuckling, the doctor prompted her, "well?"

"Unbelievable. Is it really me?" Danni muttered, still in awe at the sight. She giggled as she knew it was her, as she could see her mouth moving as she spoke.

And her mouth looked sexy, with full and sensual lips.

For a moment she was distressed, thinking that they looked like 'cock-sucking' lips. She hated that idea, although she knew the Daniel of old would have accepted it.

And she realized that they'd done something to her teeth, too. They appeared smaller and more uniform. No large incisors, or canines. They must have been ground down and capped. Unbelievable! Her smile was now perfectly feminine, too!

Gazing into her own, new eyes she decided that they were perfectly shaped, and looked large and sexy. And her jaw line was much better as well - smaller and more delicate.

Many minutes later, when she had seen enough, she turned to her lover and reached out to grab and hug her. "Thank you, so much. This would never have happened if it weren't for you."

"Believe me, my love. It's been my pleasure." Audrie said chuckling, delightedly. "You're my very own dream girl."

I'm my very own dream girl, too. Danni thought, happily.

She'd gone from being Daniel, the cross-dressing guy, to Danni a woman in all respects but one - she reminded herself. She still had her cock, although it was locked away in its very small cage.

And now Danni looked like the pretty woman of her dreams. And there was no question that she would remain a woman. Her body and face would never be considered manly, in any sense.

As the medical staff began filing out the door, Danni again turned to Audrie.

"I'm a nine," she said in wonder. Referring to the infamous scale of beauty measurement.

"Oh, I wouldn't go that far. You used to be a five, a six with a lot of makeup. Now I think you're a seven and with makeup you'll be a pretty eight.

"But I'm happy with that, and you should be too."

"I am." Danni sighed, happily.

The doctor was the last to leave. "Now Danni, you still need to take it easy. Rest, relax and eat. You can drink, but not too much. And as for sex," she paused to look at Audrie, with a smile. "Just be gentle, no gymnastics, or wrestling moves. Okay?"

Audrie laughed, as did Danni.

"Rest assured, we'll be careful. But it has been more than two weeks." Audrie replied, adding a wink.

Audrie held Danni's robe, so she could cover herself during the ride home. "We should have brought along some clothes."

"I'm not sure what will fit." Danni replied.

Fifteen minutes later they were back in their suite, and Danni was standing, naked, in front of the bathroom mirror, continuing to stare at herself, in wonder and in love.

She still couldn't believe that she was looking at herself, and not some pretty woman she'd just met.

And Audrie was standing behind her, smiling happily, and admiring her creation. And that's the way she felt. She'd created her lovely Danni. Molded her out of that guy Daniel, who she'd stumbled upon, so very long ago.

And now the pretty girl in front of her, belonged to her in so many ways. It filled her with pride and love, and the firm belief that Danni was more than her wife - she was her possession.

When Danni had finally finished studying her new face she turned to Audrie and hugged her, and they kissed passionately, standing there on the cool tiles.

Audrie broke it off, and turning, she led Danni by the hand into the suite and to the big bed.

There, they cuddled and resumed kissing.

Audrie took the opportunity to run her hands up and down Danni's body, pausing at her breasts, then her waist, then her hips and ass. They all felt perfect, and feminine, and close to real. And she loved all of it.

"God, you're so perfect, now. You're truly my woman." She whispered in Danni's ear.

And she giggled in response. "I am. I look like I've always dreamed of looking. Thank you for making my dreams come true."

"So, you're happy?"


"You know, that you'll never be able to go back to being a man, don't you? Even if it were possible, I wouldn't allow it."

That statement bothered Danni. Not because he was upset about his wife not allowing a return. He knew she'd always do what she wanted. What frightened her was how permanent her conversion to a woman now was.

All the past months, she'd always consoled herself that if the fulfillment of Daniel's cross-dressing fantasies didn't work out, she could always go back to being a 'he'. It wasn't anything she seriously considered, but it was an available option if somehow, everything caved in on her.

Now, she knew that she'd never be able to go back.

As she thought about it, though, she knew that it was fine with her. She was the woman of her dreams, and of her lover's dreams, too. And that was perfect.

It wasn't long before Danni slid down and began kissing and licking her wife's pussy, and only minutes later Audrie had her first orgasm. She was a little surprised at how quickly it came along, but it had been weeks, and she had been so very horny and so very happy, too.

And after Danni had gently helped her recover, with soft kisses and tonguing, her lover took her to a second one. And it was even better than the first.

When Audrie had recovered from that, she nudged Danni off. "Go clean up, while I dig out your key."

Danni moaned, happily. "Yes, my love," she said as she hurriedly climbed off the mattress, and ran the few steps into the bathroom.

Audrie laughed. She understood how horny Danni was; how anxious she was to make love in her new body.

Danni returned only moments later, smiling broadly in anticipation of enjoying her first orgasm in her new body. Her cock was certainly ready, and she wondered how different things would feel. For a change she'd be able to enjoy sex totally nude, and with her breasts and woman's torso. How fantastic was that! Another of her dreams had come true.

Audrie hugged her and they kissed before she pushed Danni to sit on the mattress, and then squatted down in front of her and unlocked the cock. As always, it immediately sprung to full size, it's head already glistening with pre-cum. Also, as always, Danni moaned in pleasure at his sex's release from its constant confinement.

"You relax, we don't want to strain your new chest." Audrie said lovingly. "I'll be gentle." She added, as she set the cage aside, and her lover's cock sprang to full size and hardness.

As she often did, Audrie positioned Danni on her back on the soft mattress, and straddled her waist. She then lowered herself down onto Danni's hard cock. As she did, Danni moaned in pleasure and relief, it had been quite a while and she'd been through so much with all of the procedures and surgeries; she was so very horny. She worried about not being able to give her lover a good ride, before she'd lose control and explode.

Slowly Audrie began pumping up and down on her wife's cock. She also reached down and gently cupped her breasts. This is so wonderful, she thought. Now, at last, I have my perfect lover.

As expected, Danni came after only a few minutes, but she had held off long enough for Audrie to also orgasm.

When Audrie climbed off, and laid down next to her exhausted lover, she noticed that she was crying. "What's wrong?" she asked.

Danni wiped at her eyes. "It's just so much to handle. I'm the girl of my dreams, and I have the wife of my dreams; I'm just so happy."

She sniffed, "it's just so much to take in. I wish too that I were completely healed and could really enjoy myself."

Audrie chuckled, as she leaned over to kiss her perfect lover. And it turned into a long and passionate one.

When she leaned away, afterward, she giggled. "You want to be healed, so you can go out there and show off, eh?"

Danni blushed, "well, sort of."

"Sort of? Hah! You're going to have a ball, exhibiting your new body to everyone. Especially here where you can go topless and naked."

"Except for my panties."

"Well, if you wanted to, you could leave them off. At this place, or better yet, over at the fet resort, it wouldn't be that big a deal."

"Oh, I couldn't" Danni replied, quickly. She could never expose herself as a woman with a cock, and a locked away one at that. At least she didn't; think she could.

Danni spent most of the next week, in the suite, hiding, recovering and doing some work on her new job. She spent hours on the computer, studying Audrie's company's books. It was absolutely necessary, as she wanted to be ready to step in, once they returned from the island.

She had to compete with Audrie who also needed to use the machine.

When Danni wasn't able to study spreadsheets, she napped. Or studied herself in the mirror.

She constantly found her face to be absolutely astounding. She could hardly believe how beautiful she looked, and she spent many hours just standing there admiring herself, and experimenting with makeup. All in all, it was her favorite pastime. And her delight at what she saw, kept her going. Every single session improved her mood.

There was no sign of Daniel or even the old Danni. She was a new woman, and a pretty one!

While Danni stayed in, working and admiring herself, Audrie went out and spend time enjoyed the resort, the beach and the ocean. She tried to talk her lover into joining her, but Danni always refused. She didn't want to be seen until her face had healed further, and she wasn't thrilled about having to wear the support bra, instead of a bikini top, or no top at all. Only a couple of times did Audrie succeed in dragging her out for dinner in one of the many restaurants. But only after she did Danni's make-up, and picked out a dress for her to wear over her ugly bra.

During those expeditions, Danni wasn't comfortable, but Audrie insisted, and after all it, was romantically dark. Even though she felt over-dressed for the place, Danni concluded she did look very nice.

Danni was excited when they returned to the clinic for her second breast procedure. She thought that the rest of her looked great. The evidence of her surgeries almost gone, and the minor issues on her face could be easily covered by makeup.

She was hugely discouraged when they returned, later that day, and her new and bigger chest was once again wrapped in bandages.

"Oh, stop whining. You heard the doctor. In two days, those wrappings can be removed, and then you'll be able to go out and show them off, along with the rest of you." Audrie scolded her.

"Don't you have some work to do, anyway?"

"Yes," resignedly.

Another couple of days had passed and Danni was like a kid at Christmas when they revisited the clinic to have the bandages on her breasts removed. She'd spent the last couple of days feeling the weight of the things as she moved around. They did seem much heavier, and looked much larger, but she wasn't sure how much of that could be attributed to the bandages.

After the doctor and nurse had removed all of the gauze, Danni was surprised at the size of her expanded breasts.

"What size are they?" she asked, stunned. They were large, firm and wonderfully sexy, and even more obviously fake, as well.

"Well, I believe you'll find that you'll need Double-D cup bras," the doctor said cheerfully. She knew better than to describe them in terms of CCs of liquid - that meant little to most people.

"That large?"

"That's what we wanted. They look sexy as hell." Audrie said. And she sounded delighted and proud, as well. She actually giggled as she added, "I can't wait to get my hands on them." Making Danni blush.

"I always wore D-cups." she mumbled. But she smiled and stood posing for several minutes in front of the mirror, as everyone else in the room stood waiting.

She was not only admiring the way her new larger breasts looked; how feminine and fantastically sexy they looked, but she was also feeling their weight.

She was used to the large falsies she used to wear, but having actual breasts on her chest was both fascinating and cumbersome. They were heavier and behaved differently as she stood, moved or walked. She could feel her back straining under the load.

They were still sore to the touch, too. That was no fun. She wanted to fondle the things, and have Audrie do it too.

And, once again, they told her to wear a new, larger, and uglier support bra to ensure they continued to heal properly.

Returning to their suite, Danni sighed. "My clothes will never fit me, now."

"We'll rebuild your wardrobe. How much fun will that be? For you and for me."

Danni had to admit that she would love clothes shopping for things that would show off her new bust. After all, her love for women's clothes is what got her started on the path that led to where she was now.

"And, after you've healed, around here all you need is a bikini." Audrie added, with a smile.

"Audrie, my love, I still have that unsightly bulge at my crotch."

Audrie was bewildered. She realized that somehow, she'd forgotten, that aspect of her wife's new body. Danni looked so much the woman, she'd actually forgotten she still had her cock, as caged and small as it was.

"Well, you'll just wear your latex panties. They're stiff, and thick, and hold you close, don't they?"

"Yes, I suppose. But I don't have a matching top."

"Lover, once you're free of that support bra, you won't be wearing a top. With boobs like yours you will be showing them off, forever and always."

"Um, embarrassing..." Danni whined.

"Oh please, little girl.," she chuckled. " You know you'll adore showing off your new body. So, stop your whining.

"I might just make another rule for you to live by. Something like, only one layer of material between your breasts and the outside, or some such."

And her threat really got Danni worried, and turned on.

Audrie looked at her menacingly for a moment before continuing.

"For now, while you have to wear your support bra, we'll get you a pretty beach cover to wear over that thing. But we will be going out more. No more hiding. We will start showing off your new shape."

From that point on, Audrie insisted that they go out for at least breakfast and dinner. As they were often working during the day, they tended to eat room service lunches.

And Danni got used to the stares of the men, and women, as they walked around the resort, or ate at one of the restaurants.

After a short while, she began to enjoy the attention. It was, after all what she had always dreamed of. Living as a woman, a beautiful woman. Although a lot of the focus was on her breasts, a fair amount was dedicated to her pretty face, and she loved that.

In their suite, Danni continued to spend spare moments admiring herself in the bathroom's mirror, and when Audrie started harassing her about her vanity, she shifted to more practicing with makeup. Trying to improve her allure.

Audrie understood the need for that, and began working with her. Trying out shades and colors, and different 'looks'.

And when she arranged to have the clinic's cosmetologist work with her, Danni was overjoyed, and the staff expert really helped; much to her delight.

After a few days' practice at both her makeup and being out in public, Danni relaxed, and began really enjoying showing off her new body and face. And she started looking forward to the day when she could go out without a top, and bra.

They were lying in bed, after making love. For the first time in several days, Audrie had unlocked her cock, and Danni had enjoyed a good fucking. Audrie, kissed her, and then leaned back, while gently, massaging one of Danni's new breasts.

"There's one aspect that isn't right. I should have realized. They should have mentioned it." Audrie said, casually.

"What?" Danni asked, concerned. She thought she was looking fantastic.

"Well, my dear, your nipples are too small."


"Your nipples are still man-sized. The areolas should be larger around, and your actual nipples should be bigger - stand out more.

"We're going to have to fix that," she concluded.

"Oh, Audrie, I thought I was done with procedures." Danni whined.

"Well, my love, I think this is necessary. We do want you to go back home, perfect. And I think this will be the last of it."

Danni sighed. She could see what Audrie was getting at. In relation to her beautifully large breasts, her areolas were unusually small, and her nipples too.

She sighed, resigned. "Alright, if you think it's needed."

"I do. I'll call and make the arrangements."

The next afternoon, they made the trip back to the clinic, where they sat down with Zara, the clinician.

After Audrie had explained their concern Zara acknowledged that she understood the situation, explained that it was a relatively common issue, and then launched into a description of the standard solution.

"We can tattoo her areolas to make them look larger and add some color." The Zara said.


"And as for her actual nipples we have a couple of options. Filler injections will add volume, make them larger around and help them stand out more prominently."

"But won't that fade, over time? The filler, I mean; just like with lips." Audrie asked, concerned.

"Yes, the procedure would have to be repeated at least annually."

"Hmm, what is the other option?"

"Well, we can insert a pebble." She said with a sly smile.

"A what?"

"It's a new procedure, but it's safe and easy. Through a small incision at the base of the nipple, we insert a ceramic insert. It holds the nipple permanently erect."

"And the body doesn't reject it?" Audrie asked, intrigued.

"No, we've done many dozens of them, and there have been no issues."

"I like that idea." Audrie said smiling broadly. She was already getting excited about her lover with permanently erect nips tenting her tops.

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