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Paradise Isle - The Pony Pt. 02


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Summer looked at him in horror. She had expected to spend the night in the bed, with him.

"Not here in the bed?"

"No, I don't think so. You have to get used to sleeping like a normal pony, in her stall. I'm just trying to be a good owner."

Summer thought he was being mean, but he was right, it was her idea, and she did want to live the full experience.

So, she clip-clopped over to the door to her stall.

"So inside or out?" he prompted her again.

Summer was torn. She didn't want to sleep in a smelly little stall. But she also didn't want to go outside and pee and a shit out in public.

But it was dark out. Hopefully no one would see.

While she debated with herself, Scott grew impatient. "Inside?"

Summer shook her head, dejectedly, "outside."

"Okay, good decision. Now let's get your bit in and your reins on, so I can lead you properly."

And he steered her into her stable.

She had forgotten about that requirement, but she cooperated.

A couple of minutes later he led her outside, holding onto he reins just like Antonio did. He had grabbed the small gym bag with rubber gloves, wipes and lube on their way out.

He led her around the building and to the field out back, where there was grass, flowers and a scattering of trees.

It was dark, and there were only a few lights, so she felt a little better about what was to come.

About fifteen meters in, he stopped and squatted down to remove her crotch strapping. Setting it next to the bag, he dug out a pair of rubber gloves, and slid them on.

"I'm sorry, but..." he mumbled as he reached behind her and slowly pulled the plug out of her ass. She groaned as its head slid past her sphincter.

Scott, began using the wipes to clean the thing.

"Well, go ahead and empty yourself," he ordered. He wasn't in the mood to be gentle or kind about the process. He understood that it was humiliating for her, but it was gross and uncomfortable for him too. So, no sympathy.

Sighing unhappily, she stepped over a couple of paces, and squatted down. She had been rough camping before, so it wasn't the first time she'd had to shit in the woods. But it was still a very difficult task.

After she'd successfully purged her pee and poop, she stood up and waited uncomfortably for her owner to wipe her.

"Bend over, pony," he instructed her, and as soon as she did, he used the wipes to clean her pussy and behind, before draping them over her manure, where it lay stinking on the ground.

"Well, that's gross." He muttered.

As she started to straighten up, he stopped her. "Hey, stay like that, I need to put your tail back."

Oh Shit! She said to herself.

He grabbed her plug, lubed the thing with the stuff provided in the bag, and slowly pushed it back into her behind.

"This is another chore, I never imagined ever having to do for a girlfriend." He whispered, as he worked behind her. She just groaned in response.

Summer added sadness to her feelings of humiliation and disgust. She's feeling really sorry that he has to do this task for her. He was here to have fun, not wipe her ass!

Finally, he was able to buckle her crotch straps back into place, and after picking up the bag, he grabbed her reins and led her back and into her stable.

There he removed the reins and hung them up. Then he turned and closed the top half of her stable door. "I don't think you'll need the fresh air."

When he started walking toward the door to his bedroom, Summer reached out with her hoof and tapped hm on the arm.

He turned, surprised, but then smiled. "Oh, you want a good night kiss?" and he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

"UH, uh." She muttered.

He scowled at her. "Ponies don't talk, or make sounds like talking. Remember?"

She hung her head, acknowledging her mistake, but then she reached up and tapped her bit with her hoof.

"Oh, you're not asking to go without your bit, are you? Antonio said you should wear it always, and I figure that since you'll be sleeping like a good little pony, there's no reason for you to not wear your bit.

"So good night, my dear, I'll see you in the morning." And he walked out and closed the connecting door behind him.

Summer was left standing, angrily in the dim glow provided by the skylight in her little room.

He's just being mean, she thought. I don't have to sleep with this thing in my mouth. And I'm sure I'll drool all over -- ick!

She stood for a moment, unhappy and uncertain, but with no other option, she stepped over to her cot. On the way she stopped to slurp some water up from her bowl. It was difficult and messy with her bit in her mouth, but she managed to get a couple of good mouthfuls down.

Then, after her very long day she laid down on the cot, carefully on her side.

Lying there, she reviewed the momentous events of her day and her predicament.

I did this to myself, was her first thought.

It's so frustrating, degrading, humiliating and painful! Was her next.

But it's also what I wanted, and I'm so very turned on by it all. Was her final notion, before emotional and physical exhaustion took over and she fell sound asleep.

During the night, she woke herself up several times when she punched or poked herself with the hooves covering her hands. And then again when half-awake, she tried to roll over, and the plug in her ass jabbed her.

"Damn!" She cursed past her bit. But only an unintelligible grunt came out.

My tail, she thought. Then, I have a tail! And that brought a smile to her face. Of course, with the bit in place, it wasn't recognizable either.

She took that opportunity to get up and get a drink of water, but was then unable to wipe her mouth with anything other than her hard hoof.

She went back to bed, feeling silly, but oddly pleased with her situation.

She awoke to daylight streaming in through the skylight and around the edges of her stall's door. She was stiff and her body ached beneath the corset, and her feet hurt from the position they were held in by her hoof boots.

Slowly, moaning, she sat up in her little bed, just inches off the floor. In that state, her hooves were on the floor and her knees were under her chin, and her plug was pushing itself deeper into her poor ass.

She couldn't take it for long, so she struggled up onto her hooves. She didn't really want to. She knew she'd be on them all the rest of the day, but there was no chair in the stall. Ponies didn't use chairs.

With nothing else to do, she took a few minutes to examine the pictures on the walls. All of pretty and regal horses standing and running. They were beautiful and inspiring, and for a moment she forgot that she was one of them. Or as close as she could be. And it made her feel better, not to mention hornier. I am living my fantasy...

Bored and hungry, she wandered over and used her hoof to swing the top half of her stable door open. It was a pretty morning, with the sun just risen over the trees, and bathing the resort in bright light.

She enjoyed the sight until a couple walking nearby on the pathway, waved and called out a good morning to her. She automatically waved, with her hoof, until she realized that they were ogling her breasts and her pony looks, and chuckling at her hooves.

Embarrassed, she took a step back into the shadows. She almost closed the hatch, but then decided, what the hell. I'll be on display all day, and for the next two weeks. Why should I worry?

So, she stepped back to the door to again enjoy the view and the relative quiet while she could.

A while later she watched as a server pushed a cart up to the front door of the suite and rang the bell.

She heard Scott moving around and talking, and soon after, the server unloaded the cart and left.

Summer waited patiently for her owner to deliver her breakfast, but it was twenty minutes before he came in with her pan, and set it down into its depression on her food shelf.

"Good morning pony girl. Did you sleep well?" He seemed so chipper, that she got angry, and stomped her hoof, twice.

"Oh, that's too bad. I'm sorry it took me so long to finish my breakfast, but I couldn't let it get cold, and yours isn't warm, so I figured you could wait for me. I am your owner, after all."

And his simpering smile made her even angrier. She growled, at him, and gave him a dirty look.

He just chuckled as he refilled her water troth.

Only then did he reach up and remove her bit. She was relieved to be rid of the thing, but her jaw and mouth hurt as she tried to loosen them up. Scott, bless him, reached up and massaged her cheeks with his wonderful, human fingers. She smiled and purred, thankfully.

"You're welcome, my love." He said, smiling, but then, he just turned and walked back into his suite, leaving her alone to eat.

This morning's meal was again an oatmeal sludge with bits of egg, cheese and bacon mixed in for taste and protein. A ponygirl omelet, she said to herself, with a chuckle. It smelled good, and she was hungry.

She did her best to gobble it all down.

After she finished, she was left with a messy mouth and nose ring, and with no way to clean herself, so she clip-clopped into the suite to find Scott sitting on the bed, watching the international news on the TV.

"Ah, finished?" He asked.

She clopped a hoof, like a good pony.

"And now you'd appreciate it if I wiped the pony's mouth?"

Another clop.

He sighed, "it's a lot of work being a pony's owner. Come along then."

Mortified, she followed him back into her stall and allowed him to wipe her mouth, chin and nose ring.

"I do like this ring," he mumbled as he finished. "I'd like you to keep it when we return. It turns me on. And I am your owner, now." And he hooked a finger through the ring and used it to twist her head from side to side, as much as it could travel with the collar holding her so stiffly.

She moaned a bit, it hurt. She also felt a mix of emotions, The thought of walking around work, or anywhere back home with the big ring dangling from her nose made her feel sick. It would be so embarrassing! And she thought she'd look slutty. But a moment later, she realized that the idea also turned her on -- she'd look so sexy. And the fact that Scott liked it, and wanted her to keep it, also made her pussy tingle.

But when he released her, the moment was ruined as he reached over, grabbed her bit, and stuffed it into her mouth, before tightening the straps that held it in place, and finally attaching the reins to the rings at the corners of her mouth.

"Summer, my dear, I imagine you need to relieve yourself." He said, casually.

Hearing him, she realized that she did, indeed need to pee. Her bladder was achingly full, perhaps because of the restrictions of the tight corset.

She stomped once. Already feeling embarrassed.

"Well, I'll wait, and clean you up afterwards." And he indicated the back corner of her stall.

When she hesitated, he asked, "unless you'd rather go back outside on the lawn?"

Oh hell! She thought, neither option was fathomable. Peeing in front of him, in the room where she sleeps wasn't something she wanted to do, but going outside, in the daylight in front of everyone and anyone wasn't acceptable either.

She knew that it was what ponies did. And she expected that she'd be forced to do it constantly over the next two weeks, but still...

Finally, she stomped once, for 'yes'.

Scott feigned confusion. "So, you want to go outside?"

Resignedly, again one clop.

"Alright, then, come along, "he said, grabbing her reins with one hand and the bag of cleaning supplies in the other.

He led her out the stall door and around back into the trees.

They hadn't gone very far into the woods, before he stopped. "Do you also need to shit?"

No way, she thought. Two clops.

"Fine. then go ahead."

She glanced around, nervously. She could see people walking on the pathway, not all that far away, but she had to pee, and had no way to hide, and she was a pony, so she spread her legs and squatted. But then she realized that her tail might be in the way, and she certainly didn't want to get pee on her tail, so she reached back with one hand -- hoof, and pulled it up and away as she released her urine.

While Scott watched, and anyone else too, for that matter, she felt herself blushing as she emptied her bladder, there in the open, onto the bare ground. Just like a horse would.

Finished she stood back up and Scott stepped up with several baby wipes in hand. He cleaned her pussy and the surrounding area dispassionately, but it gave her a thrill. Despite her humiliation, she was horny and his touch made her long for sex.

"You know, you don't need to squat. Ponies don't." He told her as he grabbed her reigns and led her back.

They had just returned to her stall when Summer's friendly trainer showed up at the stable door.

"Good morning, Scott. How's our pony?"

"Oh, she's fine. She just emptied her bladder, out there." Scott replied with a smile and a wave.

"Good, she'll get used to it."

"I'm not sure I will," he said, with a chuckle, "I need to go wash my hands."

"Fine, I'll just take her over to the stables." Antonio said pleasantly as he grabbed Summer's reins firmly up next to her cheek.

"I'll bring her back around 1800. Remember, this afternoon she gets her nipple rings. She'll be a little sore."

Oh shit! Summer thought, panicky. I forgot about that.

The two of them than walked away, with Summer clip-clopping along on the walkway. Drawing attention to herself.

Scott stood for a moment watching and thinking excitedly; nipple rings...

Antonio led pony Summer along a number of pathways that at first passed by several other buildings of hotel rooms, and then through a section of woods. All along, Summer drew curious or amused stares from the people they passed. She was getting used to it, but it still both humiliated, and aroused her.

At one point Antonio used his riding crop on the ass, making her jump and squeal. "Stand up straight and proud. You're a beautify pony." He scolded her.

As they passed the last of the hotel's buildings, he again casually stopped Summer, and wiped the drool from the pony's chin and breasts. "Pony girls are messy." He mumbled, as he resumed leading her along.

Eventually, their path led to a barn and an attached collection of paddocks. And Summer caught a glimpse of several pony girls, like her, standing around listlessly behind the fence.

She was led into the barn, and into a true horse stall, one among many lining the walls inside the big building. It smelled of hay and livestock.

He deposited her into a stall and closed the gate, as he wandered away, returning a few minutes later with a flashlight and a tube of something.

"I need to examine you for chafing or any other issue. Just stand still and let me get on with it. And don't fight me." He ordered.

So fearful and uncomfortable she stood still as he used the flashlight to check out her skin where the straps of her harness sat and rubbed.

A couple of times she shuddered as he rubbed some ointment in and around a patch of skin, in a sensitive place, where he detected some redness or scratching.

While he worked, one of the men wandered over to her stall. "Antonio, is this your new pony?" he asked as he leaned on the gate and examined her, critically.

"Yes, this is Summer. She's brand new, but learning quickly. She'll make a very good pony."

Hearing her trainer's opinion, Summer got a thrill. She wanted to be a good pony. That's what this whole thing was about. Her fantasies of being a beautiful pony girl.

"Why aren't her nips ringed? You know how important that is, to speeding her training."

"Diego, she only just arrived. She'll get them done this afternoon."

Damn! Summer thought, again. She hadn't planned on those piercings either. They frightened her, not only because of the pain she expected, but because of the way they'd look.

Then, she became distracted wondering about her return to civilization. Would she keep them or have them cut off? Her kinky self, wanted to keep them, but her practical side told her that she'd never get away with it. Her friends and colleagues, would never understand. The big rings would mark her as a slut. And she didn't think she could live with that.

While she was day-dreaming, other trainers wandered in leading their ponies, and began the same inspection process.

As they were brought in, the other ponies all examined Summer, the newest addition to their little herd. Of course, Summer checked them out as well.

She saw that all of them had harnesses identical to her own. And it fit them just a tightly. And they all had pierced and ringed noses and nipples, too. Seeing them with their septum rings gave her a shiver. They were so obvious and indicative of the pony girls' status as animals. She knew she looked the same.

She also saw that two of the ponies had bells hanging from their nipple rings. And they jingled as they walked. It was a pleasant, musical sound, but she was sure that it would be humiliating, as they called attention to the girl's naked breasts and emphasized their pony status.

As they passed, the grooms took turns, to introduce the other ponies to Summer.

Missy, looked miserable, and her trainer explained that she had only been there for a few days. She wasn't a volunteer, and was reportedly only slowly learning her role. Her trainer chuckled as he told how he spent a lot of time wiping her as part of her training.

Sally appeared timid and compliant. She had been there before and was well trained. Her trainer said that she enjoyed the roleplay. But looking at her, Summer wasn't so sure.

Flower appeared to be the perfect example of a ponygirl. And seeing her got Summer aroused. Flower moved gracefully and confidently, clearly comfortable in her role as a pony. Her trainer, was Diego, and he was clearly proud of his well-behaved pony. "My lovely Flower has been with us for three full months. She's a full-time pony, and will remain so even after she leaves the island."

"Oh, stop bragging. You're not her owner, you know." One of the others, scolded.

During the introductions, Summer noticed one frightening aspect of their harnesses. Each of the other ponies had a small chain clipped to the rings at the sides of their mouths, and then clipped to their nipple rings. When they moved their heads, they pulled on their nipples and breasts. And when their handlers pulled on their reins, which were also attached to those bridle rings, the tug was transferred to their nips, too! Damn!

When Antonio finished her inspection, he led Summer out into one of several small paddocks, lined up around the barn.

Then her pony training really began.

First her trainer worked on her posture. Ponies were required to stand straight and tall, shoulders back, chest out and head held high. Her tall collar almost forced her head into that position, in any case.

Gentle swats with the riding crop encouraged Summer into the proper posture. She was then walked around the area, while being encouraged to maintain her bearing while lifting her knees up with each stride. Kind of a pony march.

Summer had seen internet videos of the prancing steps, so she understood what was required. It did seem awkward and a bit silly to her, but after a couple serios swats on her behind, she put in the effort.

"We'll practice that a lot, and soon it will become your habit. It had better, anyway." And he emphasized the point with another slash from his crop. Summer got the message...

He also required her to keep her elbows bent, at all times, with her hooves always on display in front of her.

"You can't use them for anything anyway, so at least show them off. It's another charming indication of how helpless you are."

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