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Parenting Ch. 02

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Justin enjoys his mom.
2.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 02/16/2006
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Chapter 2: Justin

"Uh! Um! Um!" Justin grunted. His fingers pressed into Erika's hips as he thrust his painfully hard cock into her pussy slapping against her soft butt-cheeks.

"O! Ah!," Erika screamed taking the full length of Justin's dick into her stressed cunt. She gripped the sheets with her fingers and teeth holding her ass up high to receive the hard pounding from Justin.

Justin's tense muscles glistened with the sweat pouring over his pecks, six pack, and biceps. Erika had become his favorite partner in the Dugan household. He had become known as Erika's husband around the house, though he had given each of the sexy women almost an equal amount of his time. He had been spending every night in her bed.

"Aw!" Erika screamed loving the way his big black cock forced her open. Her sweaty hair stuck to her face and shoulders as she was pushed against the heavy headboard. She loved it when he fucked her hard like that, but she always knew that she would pay for later when the soreness came. It didn't matter to her at all at the moment, for her there was only her lover's cock.

"Um! Um! Um!" Justin's grunting continued as he delivered his long hard strokes. He would never say it out loud, but he loved fucking her the best.

"O. O. Justin. Fuck me harder, harder, don't stop," Lucy mocked her mother giggling with her sister.

"Alright you girls stop that," Rachel said as she helped them prepare lunch.

"They are so in love with each other. I don't see why they just doesn't admit it," Shirley said. "I think it's beautiful."

"You have to understand that your mother don't want anyone to feel like she cares for him more than any of us," Rachel said.

"I don't feel that way," Lucy said. "Besides, I like having him around. Especially, him and Freddy together." She licked her lips.

Shirley giggled.

"Why don't you tell her how you feel," Rachel said. "Sean and I have already, but she is still concerned about the two of you."

"What yo'll talking about?" Freddy asked coming into the kitchen.

"Mom and Justin," Lucy said.

"He's too chicken to tell her that he loves her," Freddy said as a matter of fact.

"He told you that he loves her?" Shirley asked.

"Yeah, I tried to tell him that she feels the same way, but he's scared that she might reject him because he's younger," Freddy said.

"Seems like everybody knows how they feel about each other, but them," Rachel said.

Justin turned Erika over and brought her legs onto his shoulders bending her in half kissing and tonguing her. He pushed his cock in as far as he could the thing that he knew would always make her cum.

"Mmmm!" Erika moaned into his mouth as her flood gates opened.

Justin released her legs lying on top of her keeping his thick cock deep and continuing explore her mouth with his soft lips and tongue. Erika wrapped her legs and arms around him tightly holding him to feel his trim muscular body against hers.

"That was better than great," Erika whispered in Justin's ear.

"It feels so good being inside of you," he replied. He kissed her cheek softly and then down her neck.

"It feels so good having you inside of me," she whispered. She rubbed her hands over the muscles in his back and down to his tight butt. "I want to keep you inside of me forever."

"There's no place I'd rather be," he replied.

Sean came into the kitchen kissed Rachel rubbing his hand over her soft butt, then kissed Shirley who rubbed her hand over his crotch, and then kissed Lucy taking both of her large tits in his hands and massaged them before sitting down next to Freddy at the table. "What have yo'll been up to while I was out?" he asked.

"We were talking about mom and Justin," Lucy said.

"The love birds, huh?" Sean joked.

"Now, don't get them started again," Rachel said.

"We were just saying that it's so obvious that they love each other, they should just say so," Shirley said.

"Rachel don't want you guys to feel that Justin is more important to her than you guys," Sean said.

"That's what I told them," Rachel said.

"Girls you mom will never let anyone come between all us no matter how she feels about them," Sean said.

"I don't think that Justin has come between us, well does, but that's not what I meant," Lucy said causing everyone to laugh.

"I love having him here, how about you grandma?" Shirley asked.

"Absolutely," Rachel said.

"Then ask Erika..." Sean started.

"Ask me what?" Erika said coming into the kitchen holding Justin's hand. "I know that we are not going to start keeping secrets now, are we?" She moved her arm around Justin's waist as he put his arm around hers. "So spill."

"We see how you obviously love Justin and he definitely loves you we were going to ask you to ask him to stay," Lucy rattled off.

Rachel popped her on the butt.

"Whoa!" Lucy cried out dramatically.

Erika blushed not knowing what to say as they all stared at the two of them.

"She's right Erika," Justin said looking into Erika's eyes and mustering all the courage he could. "I do love you. I've wanted to tell you that for days, but I kept chickening out. You are so wonderful and perfect that I want to spend every moment with you."

Tears filled Erika's eyes. It seemed that she been waiting forty-three years to have someone to make her feel the way she was feeling at that moment. "I love you too," Erika said tilting her head to accept his kiss.

"Alright! My man Justin," Freddy shouted standing and patting Justin on the back.

Shirley and Lucy ran over with tears streaming from their eyes to give their mother a hug. Rachel whipped her tears as she joined the hugging.

"It so great sis," Sean said hugging his sister and then Justin.

"Com'on yo'll let's eat," Rachel said.

Erika sat in Justin's lap at the table feeding and kissing him.

"So when can we expect a baby in the house?" Lucy asked.

"When you decide to have one," Erika replied to her daughter quickly.

"Com'on Erika," Freddy said. "Justin is great with kids, you should see at the youth center."

Erika looked down at Justin's smiling face and kissed him. "Ok, I will if you two girls have babies of your own."

"How would we know who the father is?" Shirley giggled.

"If they're mine you'll know it," Justin joked causing hysteria.

"Don't look at me," Rachel said. "I've done my part populating this family. That's for you girls to do."

"Give up for a second," Justin whispered into Erika's ear. He stood up and sat her down in the chair looking into her beautiful green eyes. He smiled at her holding his hand in his pocket like he was gazing on the most beautiful sight in the world.

Everyone got quite looking at Justin curiously as he stood there looking at Erika. Freddy was grinning from hear to ear trying to keep his silence

Lucy caught the sheepish grind on Freddy's face and figured it out. "O' my god," she said in a low tone.

Justin fell on one knee as he pulled a tiny black box from his pocket. The ladies all screamed. Freddy and Sean both chuckled. Erika placed her trembling hands over her mouth. Justin opened the box and all eyes sparkled with the reflection of the diamond. Tears began to stream down Erika's face.

"The day I knew that I was in love with you I bought this," Justin said taking the ring from the box and taking her hand from her face. "I knew then what I know now that I will love you forever." He paused as if fighting to clear his throat without making a sound. "Erika Marie Dugan, will you be my wife?"

The air stood still in utter silence for the endless moment as Justin slid the ring onto Erika's finger.

Erika could barely see through her tears. "Yes, yes I will marry you," she said taking his smooth face in her shaking hands holding it while she kissed him gently and passionately.

Congratulation erupted.

"This calls for a calibration," Sean said getting a bottle of champaign from the kitchen cabinet.

"Take it to the living room," Rachel shouted over everyone.

"I get to be best man," Freddy said.

"Well, I'm giving away the bride," Sean said.

"A wedding?" Erika asked not having time to think about it.

"Wait," Justin said holding Erika close to him. "I have to call my mom."

"Invite her over," Rachel said.

"Don't worry," Sean said getting liquor from the cabinet. "We'll keep it tame." He winked his eye and laughed.

Erika stayed right by Justin's side while he called his mother a few houses down and gave her the good news. Justin had already told his mother of his feelings for Erika. Even though Erika was her age she advised him to go for it.

Justin's mother, Tracy was very happy for the both of them and rushed right over to join the party. Tracey's brown skin and light brown eyes gave her the appearance of a movie star. Her round butt didn't stick out to far and matched her hips, but it was clearly her most noticeable feature.

"Com'on Erika," Tracy said after a few drinks and taking off her shoes. "Let's show the young girls how to dance."

Tracy and Erika started doing the dance that was very popular when they were Shirley and Lucy's age. Rachel recognized the dance and got up and began doing the dance taught to her by Erika and Sean.

"Ahhh sake it na Rachel!" Tracey said rolling her hips and ass to the beat. "Don't be spectators...get on up." Erika showed her daughters how to do the very sexy booty sake dance.

Sean got in behind Rachel, then Tracey, and then his girls. Erika pulled Justin and Freddy up from their seats. Watching Sean, the young men picked up the dance really quick.

Erika nudged Justin behind his mother knowing how the dance would give him almost what he wanted.

"Get her Sean," Tracy said looking at Sean humping Lucy's ass while Lucy got down on her knees and elbows.

"Do it Justin! Do it! Do it!" Erika shouted going down on her hands and knees with Freddy behind her.

"Alright now! Get it! Get it!" Tracy laughed getting down on her hands and knees.

Justin was already getting carried away grinding against his mother's ass.

"Get it baby! Get it!" Tracy laughed loving the naughty dance. She moved her ass like she had invented the moves thrusting her ass back with her legs spread wide. "Give it to me na!" she laughed. "Do it Rachel." She laughed louder and grinded her ass back to Justin more deliberately.

Rachel danced with Shirley and lifted dress up on her back. Everybody looked over realizing that Shirley wasn't wearing panties. Rachel continued grinding against Shirley's ass slapping the girl's butt-cheeks. All of which Tracy thought was great.

Justin looked over to Erika who nodded to him. He pulled his mother dress over her ass revealing her tiger stripped bikini panties that were already riding up between her plump butt-cheeks.

"Aw yeah na! Here we go!" Tracey shouted not missing a beat as another song began.

Freddy had heard about this dance and flipped Erika's sundress up. Erika was the queen of the thong when she wore panties at all.

"Gettim' down na," Tracy said seeing Sean opening his pants. She laughed seeing Erika yank down Freddy's gym shorts and his cock popped out.

Justin watched his mother's reaction and pulled his dick from his shorts and quickly pressed it against her crotch.

"Wooo Erika! You've got a big one here," Tracy laughed.

"Go ahead baby, show her what it's like," Erika said. She nodded to Justin.

"Bring it on!" Tracy said like she was accepting a challenge.

Justin pulled the pulled the head of his cock up to his mother's thinly covered crotch. Sean was already pumping his cock into Lucy to the rhythm of the music.

"Give it to me baby!" Tracy laughed.

Justin saw all his dreams come to life in a second. He caught the leg opening of his mother's panties, pulled it away from his mother's pussy, and thrust his cock into her sinking it past the head.

Tracy laughed pushing her ass back taking in more of her son's dick.

Erika arched her back lifting her ass higher as Freddy plunged his cock into her wet pussy.

Justin thrust his cock into his mother hard just as he would have he been fucking Erika. Each thrust was to the fast pace of the must.

Tracy continued pushing her ass back to take more of her son's cock. "Give it to me baby," he shouts turning to moans.

Sean still had great spirit backing away at his youngest daughter's pussy. Erika gave Freddy a wild ride on her soft ass feel his cum flood her cunt. Rachel used her fingers to fuck Shirley's younger cunt.

Justin continued bagging away at the box he came in through three more songs before filling his mother's pussy with his man juice while the others switched partners.

Tracey laughed getting up off the floor. "I haven't danced like that in a whole lot of years. I've gotta pee," she said heading towards the bathroom.

Erika wrapped her arms around Justin's neck and kissed him. "You can have anything that you want," she whispered to him.

"Doing that dance is what got me pregnant with you," Tracey said returning from the bathroom.

"Yo'll use to do that dance at clubs and stuff?" Lucy asked.

"Are you kidding me? Only if you wanted to get arrested," Tracy said. "Usually at house parties where you knew everyone."

"I liked it," Justin said sitting with Erika in his lap.

"I could tell," Tracy said laughing while she stuffed her wet panties in her purse. "I could do that dance all night long, if you fellas are up to it," she joked making everyone laugh.

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