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People Watching

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Couple have sex overlooking a public park.
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The following short story probably won't meet your expectations if you are a regular reader of Literotica. However, I have to write this story. Knowing it to be true influenced my decision. Enjoy.


Age is a scary thing. Along with age comes intelligence, but declining health.

Youth provides virility, but naiveté.

Roger is a fifty five year old computer technician for a large law firm. He's been married to one woman for thirty two years. They rarely have sex anymore, but don't love each other any less because of it. Roger's wife has simply lost the urge. It comes with age.

Roger is not an exceptionally handsome man, but makes up for it with intelligence, wit and charm. He's fun to be around and gets along with people of all ages. It's a requirement of his job.

Kristin is one of the attorneys in the firm. She's twenty five and exceptionally pretty. She has short, straight black hair that frames her cute face perfectly. Kristin is short with a nicely proportioned body.

Everybody in the firm knows her to be constantly smiling and laughing. Still single, she's sought after by nearly all the single male attorneys. But there's an unwritten rule that says such couplings are discouraged within the firm.

That rule doesn't apply to Roger. So when he traveled to her office's location for two weeks to help with a new computer system being installed--and the two hit it off instantly--neither of them felt constrained.

What started out as enjoyable banter between them turned into flirtatious teasing as the first week progressed. By Wednesday, they were both thinking about the other almost all the time. Roger sat in his motel room and masturbated to images of Kristin dressed in something besides her conservative suits...or naked. Kristin spent nights in her condo summoning up the courage to ask Roger out on a date.

On Friday, she finally invited him to go see a new movie with her. He quickly agreed and afterwards they had dinner. They went their separate ways at the end of the evening, agreeing to call each other over the weekend. It was a safe, pleasurable way to be together. But they both suspected, rightfully, that if they continued to see each other a physical relationship might ensue.

Kristin could only make it to noon on Saturday before calling Roger at his hotel. She asked if he wanted to meet her for dinner at a favorite place of hers. She ensured him the dress was casual, as if that would help influence his decision. Roger said 'yes' and the time and place was set.

Roger walked into the front door of the English style pub and saw Kristin sitting in the waiting area. She wore a knit top with a deep cut v-neck. Her breasts peeked out as if to taunt him. Her jeans were tight and appeared to have never been worn before.

"Hi, Kristin," Roger said as he approached. "You look fabulous."

His eyes scanned her smallish frame. "Thank you," she acknowledged. "I said it was casual."

"I'm beginning to believe you'd look good in anything," Roger said truthfully.

They were led to a table and ordered drinks. The talk was non-stop as they worked their way through appetizers and the main course. An hour and a half blew past way too quickly for their liking.

While waiting for the check, Kristin asked, "Does your hotel room have a good view?"

"Actually, yes," Roger said. "It looks right down onto the public square. It's great for people watching."

"Is that a hobby of yours?"

Roger smiled. "I thought that was a universal hobby."

"You're right," Kristin acknowledged.

"Will you share a drink and people watch with me tonight?" Roger said, fully expecting to get turned down.

"Sure," Kristin replied quickly. She grinned at the somewhat surprised look on Roger's face.

"Great." A million thoughts ran through Roger's head in the next few seconds. It had been a long, long time since he felt so nervous around a woman. He felt a little guilty about constantly sneaking peeks at her half-exposed chest, but she was SO gorgeous. And young. And sexy. In less than half an hour they would be in his hotel room.


Roger closed the door to the hotel room and set the deadbolt. Kristin had walked into the room a few feet and waited for him.

"I promised you a drink. All I have is wine," Roger said apologetically.

"That's fine. I like wine," Kristin said.

"Sit down," Roger said.

Kristin was amused by the man's uneasiness around her. Part of her was pleased her mere presence made him uncomfortable. Another part wanted him to just relax and be himself.

"Thank you," she said as he handed her a motel water glass three-quarters filled with white wine.

Roger sat in a chair a few feet away. "It's not a suite, but it's mine," he said, waving his arm in the direction of the rest of the room. "This is what you get when the company pays for it."

"It's about the size of my first apartment in law school," Kristin said.

"And now you live in a mansion."

"Hardly," she said. "A condo. It's all I need."

"Until you're married," Roger said, taking a drink.

"Don't hold your breath."

They talked for another fifteen minutes and then Kristin stood and moved over to the large window at the end of the room. A very sheer, mesh-like curtain hung over the window and she could easily look out without opening it. The public square five stories below was bustling with people.

"You're right. This is a great view," Kristin said.

Roger was more interested in viewing Kristin's body outlined against the window. The gentle curves of her breasts, hips and ass caused a stirring between his legs he had not felt in a long time.

"What do you see?" he asked her.

"Well, there's a couple making out on a bench."

Roger put his glass on the table and stood up. He moved so that he stood next to and a little behind Kristin. He looked down on the crowd and quickly picked out the couple in question. They were, indeed, in the middle of an overly zealous embrace.

"They should get a room," Kristin said dryly.

"Maybe they like being seen," Roger countered.

"That's a little weird."

"Is it? Don't you think we all have a little exhibitionist in us?" Roger asked.

Kristin turned towards him with a look of reservation. Then she returned her attention to the young couple on the bench.

Roger moved directly behind Kristin. He hesitated for a moment, then put his hands on her waist. He felt her flinch at his touch, but she did not move away or say a word to him.

"Do you enjoy watching them? Does it excite you?" he asked.

"Well, I wouldn't say it excites me."

"Then why do you watch?" Roger moved his hands slightly higher on Kristin's body.

"To see what they'll do next," Kristin said.

Roger had his hands on the outside of Kristin's top, just inches from the bottom of her breasts. He could smell her hair and a light, delicate perfume. "Maybe they'll have sex."

"Yeah, right," Kristin groaned.

"Have you ever had sex in public?" he asked her.

"I'm not that type."

"How do you know?" Roger finally let his fingers touch Kristin's breasts. He was thrilled at her apparent acceptance of his actions, but was prepared for resistance at any time. "You could start out slowly. Maybe just expose a breast."

He moved one hand on top of her right breast. Most of his hand was on bare skin, but a couple fingers rested on her top. He pushed his hand down, moving the material with it until Kristin's nipple was visible.

Roger felt his cock growing harder and harder. He tried to keep it away from her ass so she didn't know how hard he was getting. Yet, he wanted to hold her tighter...and press against her incredible body.

Roger let Kristin's nipple lay exposed for a few seconds, then moved his hands to the bottom of her shirt. He began to lift it slowly. "Tell me you haven't thought about being naked in front of a crowd of people."

"I haven't thought about...being front of a crowd...of people." She hesitated each time Roger pushed the top higher. By the time she was done, he was ready to lift it over her breasts. Kristin held her breath as her top was pulled up to her armpits. Cool air rushed across her bare breasts.

"You're excited, Kristin. Look at those nipples."

"I'm just cold," she said softly.

"You're lying. You're excited. See all those people down there? If they looked up here right now they'd see your beautiful, firm breasts and those hard pink nipples. They'd all want to have sex with you, Kristin. You'd have your choice of anybody down there. Even the guy on the bench."

Kristin was silent. She wasn't sure she could talk if she wanted to. Then Roger was pulling off her top and she was naked from the waist up—facing out onto the public square—with only a sheer curtain between her and the people so close below.

Finally, Roger couldn't prevent himself from letting their bodies come together. He cupped both of Kristin's breasts in his hands, pulled her back, and pressed his cock against her ass. No amount of clothing could hide his erection.

Kristin's heart pounded at the sensation of Roger's hands on her breasts and his obviously hard cock against her ass. She thought about his words. Was it possible he was right? Did she want people to watch her?

Roger squeezed her nipples between his fingers. He heard Kristin try to catch her breath the harder he pinched. She leaned back against his body.

"I bet you'd rather be down there in the park, letting people watch somebody play with your nipples," he said into her ear.

Kristin shook her head 'no', but didn't say a word. Her actions convinced Roger he was right. "Or are you satisfied with revealing yourself to them from up here?"

No answer. "Are you wet, Kristin?" he asked. She shook her head again.

Roger moved one hand down her stomach and barely into the top of her jeans. They were too tight for him to continue, so he unbuttoned them. Roger pulled down the zipper.

"Just think of it, Kristin. All those people. Watching YOU."

Roger slid a hand inside the top of Kristin's panties. At first her jeans were unyielding, but the harder he pushed the farther his fingers sank into them. He felt the short, fine hair above her clit.

"Take off your jeans, Kristin. Let them see your beautiful legs."

He wanted Kristin to take the next few steps. Roger wanted HER to submit to her own desires and needs. Sure enough, Kristin slowly pushed down her jeans, gradually letting them fall to the floor and stepping out of them. She kicked the pants aside.

His hands were on the outside of her legs, feeling the smooth skin. Roger's fingers rose to the bottom of Kristin's tiny panties, following the edge of the material around to her ass. He caressed her softly, slipping his fingers inside her panties. Roger didn't squeeze or grip her skin for fear of scaring her off. He just touched her. Then he moved his hands around to the front of her panties.

"Now, let me ask you again: Are you wet?"

"Yes," she whispered.

"What made you wet?"

"Getting undressed," she said.

"Getting undressed for me...or for all those people down in the square?" Roger asked. His face was buried in her hair next to her ear.


"Wouldn't it be even more stimulating if you were naked?" he asked.

They both knew it was more than a lame attempt by the much older man to get a beautiful young woman naked. He was pushing Kristin to explore an area of herself she didn't know existed.

"Pretend you are down there, in the middle of all those people. They are looking at you in your panties, hoping to get to see you naked. Some of them are touching you like I am."

Roger's hands were all over Kristin—from her breasts to her waist and hips to her ass and the front of her panties.

"Do it, Kristin. Get naked for them."

Roger stepped back and let Kristin pull off her panties. He couldn't help but stare at the stunning ass that was now just a couple feet in front of him. Then he looked at the smooth curves of her thighs and calves; the sexy arch of her back; and, her bare breasts.

"Doesn't that feel good?" Roger asked.

"Yes." Kristin's voice was shaky, but Roger believed her.

"Let them see you, Kristin. Let them see that beautiful body." He watched her stand a little taller, with her chest thrust out and her arms at her side. "Have you picked anybody out, yet? Is there anybody down there you want touching you?"

Kristin stared down on the crowd for a second. Then she pointed: "That guy."

"Which one?"

"The guy in the red the fountain," she said.

Roger saw him. He was young and athletic looking. Maybe twenty. Roger didn't mind that she chose a younger man.

"Ah, yes. Would you like to have sex with him...down there...with everybody watching?" Roger asked.

Never in a million years did Kristin imagine she would ever want to do a thing like that. But her pussy dripped with desire at the thought of it now.

"Yes," she purred.

In the excitement of her stripping naked and picking out an imaginary 'mate', Kristin never noticed that Roger stood behind her with his pants open and his hard cock sticking out. But she couldn't avoid noticing it when he stepped forward and placed the tip of his cock on her ass.

"He wants to take you from behind, Kristin. Spread your legs for him."

Her tiny feet shuffled apart and Roger saw her glistening pussy open up for him. He placed his hands on her ass cheeks, then slid one hand between her legs.

"This makes you SO wet, doesn't it?" His hand was sliding across her pussy, feeling the moisture. Roger touched her clit and felt Kristin's entire body twitch. "Tell me what you want, Kristin."

"I want his cock. I want him deep inside me."

"Do you want him to fuck you?" Roger asked, his hands back on her ass.


"Tell him. Tell the guy what you want, Kristin."

"Fuck me. Fuck me from behind." Kristin's voice was stronger, louder, and more desperate.

"Beg him."

"Please! Fuck!"

Roger thrust his cock into Kristin with such force that she cried out loudly in surprise and excitement. She put her hands up just in time to keep herself from falling into the window. The thin curtain was slippery on the glass, but she managed to steady herself. Only then did she concentrate on the sensation of Roger's thick cock sliding in and out of her.

Then, to Roger's surprise, Kristin flung the curtain open so that nothing stood between the couple having sex and the window...and the outside world.

"That's it, Kristin. Let them see you. They're watching you fuck and you love it."

She did. She actually did love it. Her breasts swung back and forth with her motion and she raised her hands on the glass so they were more visible. She spread her legs wider, revealing her clit to anybody watching. Kristin was nearly hugging the window.

"Fuck me!" she squealed. "Oh God, fuck me!"

Roger's cock drove into the young woman's pussy with increased speed, causing Roger's body to slap against Kristin's ass with each thrust. He held her by the hips, but she was well-balanced against the window. He felt her squeeze her pussy around his shaft and he moaned his approval.

It only took a couple minutes for Kristin to feel the first signs of an orgasm. She pushed her ass back into Roger, wanting more and more of his cock. Then she knew it was almost time.

"God, yes. Yes! Now...fuck me harder!"

Roger rammed his cock into her as hard as he could. He, too, was close but would do anything to please this woman before he came.

"Now! I'm cumming. I'm cumming!"

Kristin let her body collapse against the window while Roger sent her over the edge. She cried out as her body shook with wave after wave of pleasure. Each of his thrusts caused her to moan while her orgasm went on and on. The cold glass pressed against her ultra-sensitive nipples. She never wanted his cock to leave her pussy as another orgasm began.

Finally, when Roger sensed Kristin was almost done, he allowed himself to cum. With a loud grunt, he pushed into her and unleashed a long, hot stream of cum into her pussy. Again and again he drove into her and filled her with his fluid. He watched her ass, pink from where his body had made contact, quiver back and forth.

A minute later, it was over.

Kristin turned around and fell into Roger's arms. She kissed him passionately and Roger held her tight. Then she looked up at him.

"My God, Roger. That was...incredible."

He smiled back down at her, not sure how to respond.

"Do you realize," she continued, "that was the very first my entire life...that I came without having to touch myself? I didn't know it was possible."

"I'm glad," Roger said. "I'm glad I made you happy."

"Happy? You drove me fucking crazy. I've never cum like that. Ever."

"Maybe you should hang out with more 'old' guys," Roger said. "Instead of that kid down there."

They both laughed as Roger pointed down at the public square. It seemed SO full of people. Perfect for people watching.

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curiouscarolecuriouscaroleover 8 years ago
Exploring minds!

Getting inside the head of the woman, nice story.

maddictmaddictabout 10 years ago

What do you want Rachel, I, m not any of those qualities, just old enough.

Thank you what a fun story

amber_now26amber_now26almost 13 years ago
loved it

I have only been watched having sex in public once, but your story brought back all the thrilling sensations. Particularly enjoyed that Kristin's excitement involved a gradual build-up as I don't think there are many who would just jump into something like that.

sgte5usasgte5usaabout 15 years ago
00000000000hhhhhhhhhh very good

Rachel Dear

You are such a saucy lady. Great story with excellent continuity......More please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

you never disappoint - Debi

Magnus_St0rmMagnus_St0rmover 16 years ago
Well Crafted

Nicely developed tension and 'climax'

Stepha69Stepha69over 16 years ago
So hot!

Fantastic story! Such a turn-on, loved it!!

bi_ucf_boybi_ucf_boyover 16 years ago
Another outstanding submission

Very, very hot. You may not have submitted many stories, but the ones you have written are as good as any of those by's best authors. Please write more.

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