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Plumber Drains His Pipe Inside Me

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He was unprofessional and she forgot to change.
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Part 1:


It was a hot summer day in July. My air conditioner was working hard to cool down my apartment but it wasn't enough. I knew the plumber was going to arrive in 30 minutes so I had time to lounge around in my robe before he got here. "I'll just change later. It's too hot right now," I thought.

I was finishing up some work at my desk and I didn't realize the time go by. Sipping on my ice water I was super focused on getting as much work done as I could. I knew I wouldn't be able to work while the plumber was in my kitchen. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. I glance over at my computer screen and realize it's already 1:30pm. "Crap," I thought as I scrambled to the door. I open the door in a haste and standing outside is the plumber. All I could think about at that moment was how attractive this man was. I didn't expect him to be so handsome.

"Hi ma'am, I'm Aryan. You called about your leaky pipe in the, uh, kitchen, I believe?" I was clearly staring a little too hard because he was stumbling with his words, waiting for me to say something. "Right! Yes, come in!" I opened the door wider and stepped aside to let him in. "It's the pipe under the kitchen sink," I said as I pointed towards the kitchen. He walked by me, his tool bag over his shoulder. All I could smell was his intoxicating cologne. I felt a little pang in my lower stomach. God, he smelled good.

"Alright, let's see what's going on here" he said as he lowered his bag, opened the cupboard door, and squatted down to take a look. All of a sudden my apartment felt like it went up a few degrees. I glanced my eyes down from his face until I got to his feet. He had caramel-colored skin with the sexiest layer of hair covering it. I could see the veins popping out of his arms. He was fit. Very fit. I could see definition through his clothes. He had a very well groomed beard. I noticed some dust on his pants and cuts on his hands. I felt my pussy tighten in excitement.

All the plumbers who have helped me before have been old men close to retirement but this man looked like he belonged on a Dior Sauvage commercial. His clean, yet dirty appearance made him so sexy. There's nothing more attractive to women than a man who gets down and dirty - a man who gets work done.

I must have been distracted for too long. "Ma'am?" he said with a slight concern in his voice. He was holding out a form for me to sign. "Yes! Sorry! It's been a long day. Where do I sign again?" He pointed to a line at the bottom of the paper with a smile. I was nervous. He was at least 6 feet tall, towering over me, looking down at me. I stumbled with the pen and etched out the ugliest signature. As I was handing the paper back to him, I did my best not to shake and expose how nervous I was. His fingers grazed mine. I felt the hair on my arm and back stand up. Just a touch of his fingers sent shivers all over me.

I stood, leaning against the wall, arms crossed watching him work as he explained what was going on. I love the way he spoke. There was a kindness behind his voice; I could tell he was doing his best to explain it so I could understand. Every once in a while we'd lock eyes and I'd shift positions with anxiety. I desperately wanted to know what was running through his mind. If only he knew what was going on in my mind.

"Do you by any chance have some paper towel I could borrow?"

"Yeah I do! Let me grab it." I walked over to the cupboard, brushing past him. Of course, I kept the paper towel all the way at the top of the cupboard I thought as I opened the door. I'm only 5'2 and always jump like a little kid to reach things. I stood on my tippy toes in an attempt to reach the stack of paper towels on the top shelf. I could feel my face flush red in embarrassment.

"Here let me help." Suddenly he was behind me, his arm extending over mine and effortlessly grabbing a roll. I felt his chest against my back. Then the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I could feel his jeans rubbing against my ass. Fuck. I forgot to change. I was still wearing my silk robe. The robe was way too short. It was riding up as I reached for the paper towel, exposing the bottom of my butt. As Aryan stepped away and started working again, I pulled my robe down as fast as I could and walked over to the living room.

"God, that's so embarrassing," I whispered. I didn't want to go and change now because that would make me look even more stupid. I grabbed my ice water and chugged. My mouth was parched. I felt sweat pooling between my boobs. Why was it so hot in here, I thought.

Back in the kitchen, I felt bad for him working away. "I'm sorry it's so hot in my apartment. Can I get you something to drink?"

"Sure, I wouldn't mind some water if that's okay?"

"Yeah for sure! I have a couple bottles of water in the fridge. Or do you want some pop or....uh...I have some beers as well." I paused. "I mean I guess offering you a beer is inappropriate, my bad," I laughed.

"Hahaha no, it's okay. I appreciate the offer. You got options. I like it. But I'll just take the water."

I was flustered. He was so sweet. Options? Yeah, I definitely have options. I could feel how wet I was getting. "No, Laila, that's not an option. Get your mind out of the gutter" I thought as I grabbed the bottle. I handed it to him and noticed him quickly looking away. Had he been watching me as I bent over to grab the water?

I felt uncomfortable standing there watching him work. "I'll just be in the living room if you need anything."

"Okay! It's alright if you want to watch." My mind was racing. He had a slight flirtatiousness in his voice but I felt like I was just too excited and making up things that weren't actually happening. I smiled and walked to my desk.

I could hear him working but I did my best to look at my screen and continue my work. I clicked random tabs and put my fingers on the keyboard hoping that I could get back into focus. I was wrong. I was so filled with lust for this man, I couldn't help but listen intently. I could hear him shuffle around. I could hear him breathing. I closed my eyes and imagined listening to his breath as he bent me over and fucked me, whispering dirty things in my ears and pulling my hair.

I crossed my legs tight, trying to calm the fire that was erupting between them. I opened my eyes and saw him walking towards me. I got up so fast my chair almost fell backwards.

"I just have to go to my truck and pick up a part. I'll be right back!"

"Okay! I'll leave the door unlocked so you can get back in."

"Great" he said with a smile and opened the door. I slumped back into my chair and let out a sigh. "Fuck" I thought. He was going to consume my mind for a little while and I knew it. I could foresee myself touching my pussy and getting off to the thought of him later, before bed. To be honest, I wanted to go into my bedroom and do that right now as he worked.

Should I? No! Yes? No. How would he know? As long as I didn't make a noise and closed the door, he wouldn't know. No! I couldn't make up my mind. I made my way to the bathroom to check my appearance.

Looking at myself in the mirror I wished I had put in a little effort. The messy bun I put up earlier was loosening up a little. I took the hair tie out and watched as my wavy hair fell over my shoulders. It was long enough to cover my boobs but the gaping cleavage from my robe was obvious. It was sexy but definitely not how you greet a strange handyman in your apartment, alone. As I kept staring at myself in the mirror, I was getting turned on. You could see a subtle pink hue coming over my cheeks. My lips glistened from the lip balm I put on earlier. My skin is smooth and shiny from the lotion. The robe sat really high up my thighs, only 2 inches from my pussy. It was a cheeky robe. The lace trim sat nicely around my boobs and thighs. The pink strap from my bra was poking out on one side where the robe sat loose on my shoulder. I pushed the robe to one side and extended my leg out. I was wearing a matching pink thong. It sat high up on my hips, accentuating my curves. I watched as a trickle of sweat dripped down my cleavage. I could smell the vanilla lotion on my body. I looked sexy. Innocent, but sexy.

Suddenly the door opened and Aryan walked through. We locked eyes and I realized I hadn't closed the bathroom door. My hand quickly let go of the edge of my robe. "Sorry" I said in a shy whisper.

He looked at me a second longer than I was expecting, not saying anything as he slowly pushed the door closed with one hand. I stood there, wrapping my arms around me. I felt like I was making him uncomfortable but he was looking at me with those sharp brown eyes, and a part of me thought he was excited, and ready to pounce on me. He looked down at the part he was carrying in his hand and smiled. He walked back to the kitchen.

I closed my eyes and stood there a second trying to compose myself. What was going on? I made my way back to the desk and sat down. My hands immediately went back to the bottom of my robe, pushing it to the side. I wanted to touch myself so bad. I wanted his fingers but I knew that wasn't going to happen. I bit my lip hard. "Get your shit together Laila" I thought, "you're an adult, please behave like one."

Ten more minutes went by. I was mindlessly tapping my computer screen doing my best not to focus on the dirty thoughts that filled my head. He came around the corner when the job was complete.

"I'm all done Ma'am. Can I show you something?" I walked over with him to the kitchen. He squatted down again and showed me the work he had done, explaining what was wrong and how he fixed it. I didn't understand or comprehend a word he was saying. I just nodded my head every time he looked at me for approval.

"Okay that's all, I'll go put my tools away and bring you the receipt. It's $150, for today."

"Sounds good, I'll grab the cash and meet you by the door. I'll leave it unlocked again." I saw a smile appear on his face and I bit my lip.

After he left again to get the receipt, I grabbed the cash and waited by the door. I was biting my lip so hard it started to hurt. He came back a few minutes later with a paper. I handed him the cash and thanked him for coming in and helping me.

As he reached for the door and turned the handle, he stopped. I felt like it was happening in slow motion. He turned around and locked eyes with me again. I held my breath.

"Have a good day Leila." He gave me a wink and turned the handle completely and walked out. He turned back to look at me and grabbed the handle from outside, guiding the door as it closed. We didn't lose eye contact the entire time the door was closing. My heart was beating so fast. His smile was killing me.

"Yeah, you too." I paused. "Aryan." His name came out of my lips with a moan.

I turned and leaned against the door, hearing him walk away. I let out the breath I was holding and closed the latch. As I looked up, I saw that there was a screwdriver left on the kitchen counter. "Oh shit, he forgot it."

I quickly made my way to the kitchen and grabbed the screwdriver. Instinctively, I put my slippers on and ran out the door. He was already gone. I did a fast walk down the hall and out the door. His truck was parked out front and he was arranging something in the back.

Hearing me walk over he peered over his shoulder. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I think you forgot this" I said as I held out his screwdriver.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I was too busy thinking about you admiring yourself in the mirror, I must have forgotten it."

"What?" I said with a cry in my voice. I was so embarrassed.

He moved to one side and pushed the door open further with his long arm. "Get in."

"Uh, I'm sorry, I..." He cut me off. "Get in, Laila."

I was so confused, but the demand in his voice made me weak. I looked inside the truck and noticed that he had cleared out all the tools from his backseat and into the trunk.

"I'm going to fuck you. Be a good girl and get in or I'll force you in myself."

I didn't know what got over me. I slowly walked over. He held out a hand to help me get in. I could feel my robe ride up as I got in, exposing my ass. I heard him let out a hungry sigh. He stood outside the door looking at me head to toe, slowly with his eyes. They trailed all over my body. I could feel the heat of his glare on my skin.

"Untie your robe." I stared back. He reached in and grabbed the fabric holding my robe together and untied the knot in one quick pull. My body was exposed. He pulled the fabric until it was completely off my robe and gathered it in his hands. His eyes fell to my boobs.

He got into the backseat next to me, forcing me to move to the edge of the seat, towards the other door. My legs parted as I faced him. He closed the door and pushed the lock button. Click

"Take your robe off." I hesitated. "I watched you look at yourself in the mirror. Now let me see you undress. I want to see that sexy body of yours hiding under that robe." I parted the robe off me with both hands and it fell by my hips.

"Take your bra off." I reached around and unhooked the clasp. The bra loosened and fell as my tits bounced out. My nipples were rock hard. I couldn't look up at him, but I could feel his eyes on me. He let out a sigh again.

"Put your arms up." I did what I was told. I put my arms up above my head. He took the fabric from my robe and wrapped them around my hands, tying them to the handle on the car roof, by the door. His face was inches from mine. I looked up and watched as he tied my hands. My eyes dropped to his lips. I wanted him.

My hands were tied up tight. There was no way I could undo it. I felt one hand slide up the side of my thigh and grab my hip. He ran the other hand across my neck. He pulled my face closer to him, his hand choking my neck. "I'm going to fuck the shit out of you. Say "yes daddy" for me."

"Yes daddy" I whimpered. He groaned a little and locked his lips with mine. The kiss was light but I wanted more. I pushed my lips into him with hunger. He groaned and gripped me harder. I could feel the oxygen cut off at my throat. I was dripping. He kissed me back harder, sticking his tongue into my mouth and playing with my tongue. His other hand made its way up to my boob and he pinched and pulled on my nipple. I let out a cry of pleasure into his mouth. He was playing with my nipple, circling it with his finger, grabbing my boob and caressing it. With his hand around my neck he pushed me down. I was gasping. He was kneeling as he unzipped his pants. I could see his thick cock bulging out of his boxers. He pulled the belt out of his jeans and threw them on the ground. He pulled his jeans and boxers down and exposed his cock.

I was drooling. I swallowed the spit pooling in my mouth, and seeping down the sides of my lips. He grabbed the belt and wrapped it around my neck. "I'm gonna choke you with my cock. Take it all in or I'll tighten this belt around your neck."

I opened my mouth. He smiled mischievously. "Good girl," he said as he shoved his thick cock into my mouth. He stretched my mouth open. I felt my jaw burn. His head hit the back of my throat with force. He let out a moan and his head fell back. I started sucking, bobbing my head back and forth. I wanted him so bad.

He grabbed a fist full of my hair and pushed his pelvis into me, sending his big cock deeper into my throat. "Fuckkkk, I love the sound of you choking on my cock. Yesss, just like that. Take it all in. Oh god, you feel so good. That small mouth wrapped around my cock. Look at what a good little slut you are."

His praise and moans were provoking me. I could feel my neck ache with the belt around me. It didn't stop me though. I glided my tongue from his shaft all the way to his head and kept sucking. I sucked harder and harder with each second. "Oh fuck, look at you go" he groaned. His grip on my hair tightened. He closed his eyes and his mouth dropped open a little. "Oh my god, baby." He was losing control, a slave to my mouth.

I leaned my head forward more, taking him all in, further and further until I was gagging uncontrollably. His legs were shaking. He pulled his cock out, panting.

"You're too good at that sweetheart. You're trying to make me cum in your pretty little mouth aren't you."

I nodded. "You're a dirty little girl. I like it. But daddy wants to cum in that tight little pussy." He kneeled down again, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer to him. "Open your legs for me. Let's see how wet you are for me."

I parted my legs and felt his breath on my pussy, through my panties. He took his time looking at my pussy. He examined it. He was teasing me. I squirmed in his grip.

He reached up and pulled my thong up, sliding it between my lips and pushing on my clit. I arched my back and parted my lips. I couldn't breathe. His finger started trailing over my thong. The tip of his finger grazed in circles around my clit. Slowly, he slid it down my thong. He stopped at my opening and groaned. "Look at how wet you are for me. You're making my seat wet."

"I want you," I said without control. He looked up into my eyes. "Tell me what you want."

"I want you to fuck me."

"I want you to fuck me please daddy," he corrected me.

"Please fuck me daddy. I want to cum. I want you so bad. Please." I was basically crying at this point.

He pulled my thong to the side and smiled. "That's a pretty pussy. Just how I imagined it." He glided his finger down my pussy and inside me. "Ohhhh you're so tight and wet. This pussy is mine now."

He reached his head forward and stuck his tongue out and licked my clit. He started slowly but then began flicking it faster. His finger moving simultaneously in and out of me. When my moans got louder, he stuck two fingers in and started sucking on my clit. It wasn't long before I could feel myself about to climax.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum" I whispered between moans.

"What? Say it louder."

"I'm going to cummm," I cried.

"Say "daddy please let me cum" as you cum in my mouth."

"Daddy please let me cum." I moaned over and over until I couldn't speak anymore. I was cumming, hard. My legs were squeezing together and shaking. I never came so hard in my life. It was long. I lost all control of my limbs. I squirmed as I felt the release all over my body.

He pulled his finger out and held my legs apart as he licked and sucked all my cum off my pussy. I thought he was going to stop once I started whimpering. But he stuck his fingers inside me again and twisted them up to grab my g-spot. "Cum for daddy again, I want to see you cum. I want to watch you do it."

My body cried out for him. I could feel his fingers pushing up inside me. His dirty rough fingers where deep inside me. They were so long. I opened my eyes and looked down to see his fingers, covered in my creamy white wetness, fucking me intensely. The view sent me into my next climax. He held my legs open with his other hand as I came again.

He laughed and pulled his fingers out slowly. Reaching up and rubbing them against my lips. "Taste yourself." I opened my mouth and put the whole length of his fingers into my mouth. I licked it slowly all the way to his finger tips and sucked.

He was stroking his cock now. He got up pulling his pants down further and sat next to me. He reached over and untied my hands and loosened the belt around my neck. "Get on top of me. I wanna watch you ride my cock."

I was so shaken up from cumming so hard, twice. I felt like my legs were spaghetti. Like a newborn deer trying to gain its footing for the first time. I could tell he loved how he made my body react. I got on and with one hand held his cock up until his head was at the opening. I let go and slowly slid it in me as I lowered my body onto his lap. I arched my back and groaned. He was so big. It took some force to push him into me. I felt him spread me open.


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