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Poison Ivy Ch. 10 Pt. 02


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Aella. God. Fuck. FUCK! That girl had gone through more shit than a sewage plant. She was gonna slice Hickson up into tiny pieces, starting with all the interesting bits.

Quick, angry strides came toward her from the direction of the hallway. "Get her up. NOW!" Stringbean, the cheeky motherfucker, sounded like he was getting a bit impatient. Me too, dude.

A hand grabbed her upper arm. Her eyes shot open, and before the guy could react, she brought the heel of her palm up into his nose, snickering when he cursed and staggered back.

"You little bitch!" he growled, sounding quite silly with his palm cupped over the bottom half of his face as blood dribbled from between his fingers.

"You're the second person to call me that today," she told him matter-of-factly, as she jumped to her feet, putting her back to the wall to keep her targets within eyesight. Stringbean took two steps in her direction. Without hesitating, Ivy brought up the gun she'd just swiped and fired off two rounds, the first hitting Stringbean's thigh, the second burying into his hip. He yowled dramatically and collapsed, drawing the rest of the men into the room as they leveled their own weapons at her.

"Damn." She cocked her head, angling the gun toward the ground as she made a show of inspecting it. "My aim must be a little off." She shrugged, holding it steady and cocked at Stringbean's head. "Sorry about that, bud. I was going for your dick."

"FUCK YOU!" he screamed in a shrill, high-pitched voice that sounded surprisingly similar to Eva when she was pissed off and hungry. His thick-rimmed glasses had slipped down his nose, and he was sniveling like the pathetic little man-child he was. "Nah, I'm good," she deadpanned. "Thanks though." She studied him for a moment. "You do look familiar." This was the asshole who'd slapped her right before her prick of a father pulled that bullshit publicity stunt, dragging her in front of the cameras for a happy family reunion.

"Parsons, right? Where's your boss, dickhead?"

"SHOOT HER!" he screeched, his red face going purple when none of the four other men in the room made a move to carry out his orders.

She tutted at him sadly. "Kinda seems like they don't take orders from you, doesn't it, hot stuff?"

One of the men broke off from the group and went to the door leading to Aella's room, knocking sharply. "Sir, we might need you out here, there's a..." he glanced back, and she noted his look of disgust as he looked down at the sniveling piece of shit leaking blood onto Fowler's lovely cream carpet. "There's a situation," he finished, and she snickered.

There was no response from behind the door, and he knocked again. "Sir? Everything all right in there?"

A flash of movement at the back of the room caught her eye. Ivy arched an eyebrow with a smirk, and she turned back to Stringbean. "Never mind," she called to the guy still standing by Aella's door. "Although it's nice of you to be so respectful, considering he's fucking raping my friend in there and all." He spun around, abandoning the door as he took a step closer, narrowing his eyes at her.

"All right, all right," she chuckled, lifting the hand not holding the gun up in a sign of surrender. "Everybody's a critic, I get it. I just have one question for you guys, and then you can tie me up or take me out back or hose me off, or whatever it is mercenaries with a penchant for hurting women and children do."

She waited a few seconds, all eyes on her, as a corner of her mouth lifted into a lopsided smirk. "Where can I get one of those cute vests you're all wearing?"

What happened next probably only took a few seconds, but seemed to stretch out in high-def slow-mo. A pair of garden shears sliced through the zip ties locking Reggie's arms behind his back, and he jumped up, smashing his elbow into the closest dude's face as his other hand reached out and thoughtfully relieved the poor man of his weaponary burden. Ivy brought her arm up, abandoning her aim on Stringbean to train her gun on the man behind him, who'd gotten distracted by Reggie breaking his friend's nose. She took two steps forward and put her foot down hard on Stringbean's thigh, directly over his bullet wound. He screamed, causing a distraction that allowed Cody to loop his arm around the neck of the guy who'd knocked so politely to see how the rape was going, as he yanked his head to the side by the hair and raised a gun to his temple.

And Aella, sweet, kind, peaceful Aella, grabbed the remaining man's shoulder for leverage as she drove a kitchen knife into his side with a delicate grunt, kicking his sidearm across the room to Ivy when he dropped it.

"Woooo," Ivy's breath whooshed out of her lungs as the last man was disarmed by Reggie, all five men now injured and bloody, sprawled out over the living room floor. Fowler was definitely going to need a new carpet by the time they left. "So... That was fun, huh?"

Aella, breathing heavily, let out a disbelieving laugh. "Which part?" she asked, her voice all scratchy and raw. Purple bruises circled what Ivy could see of her neck.

She winced at her poor choice of words. "Sorry, Ace. Are you okay?"

Aella wiped her hair out of her eyes and nodded. "I'm alive. Are you okay?"

"Yup. Reggie?"

"Yup," he grunted. "Cody?"


"And Hickson?" she asked Aella.

"Knocked out and tied up," she said, smiling proudly at Cody.

"Well all right then." Ivy grinned, digging her heel into the screeching Stringbean's thigh. "So... You guys want to order a pizza?"


"Mmmf, uuunf, shoo good!" Ivy swallowed. "Okay just for the record, I was kind of joking, but this was also a really fucking good idea."

Aella giggled, nuzzling Eva closer as she cooed and babbled up at her mom in baby-talk. Reggie smirked, tipping a steaming slice of chicken barbeque to her in a pizza-salute. Cody snorted and shook his head, grabbing the box of pepperoni for a second slice.

Ivy felt her lips stretching into a wide smile. They'd all been through hell in the past few hours, but they were all of them survivors. Her smile faded some as she remembered Kendric's body laid out on the front lawn, and it disappeared altogether as she watched Aella cuddle Eva affectionately. Her heart broke for her friend. Life hadn't been kind to Aella. In fact, life had been a huge fucking dick to her. But that would change, starting now, and Ivy would just have to threaten Trevino into compliance with her plan of making Ace ridiculously happy for the rest of her long life. As if sensing her thoughts, Aella looked up, her glacier ice eyes growing sad before quickly looking back down at Eva.

After relieving the mercs from all their weapons, radios and cell phones, tying them up before knocking them all unconscious, they'd gone to retrieve Kendric's body, and Reggie had called in reinforcements. Said reinforcements, two burly dudes dressed similarly in black cargo pants and long-sleeves, took Kendric away after helping them secure their prisoners with something more substantial than rudimentary restraints in the form of belts and shoe laces. They'd also brought along some unnamed sedative, and Ace had helped Ivy administer it to all five men.

Five, because after Ivy and Reggie had taken some of their anger out on Parsons, Reggie had given him to his reinforcements as payment for their help. They'd happily dragged a mostly-unconscious Stringbean away with them, and if Ivy had been a better person, she might have felt a little bad for the guy. Seeing as Reggie and his friends had all worked closely with Kendric, she figured they would make sure Parsons was well taken care of.

Reggie, as it turned out, had some pretty useful interrogation skills. While he was giving a very thorough demonstration, Ivy had been able to confirm that their plan had been exactly what she'd guessed at. Once she'd regained consciousness, Parsons was going to make sure she called Hunter, using the number they'd pulled from Reggie's phone, to confirm that they were on their way back to save the day. Once the Alphas arrived, Hickson would've use Aella, Eva and Ivy as leverage to convince the Alphas to hand themselves over, in addition to any evidence they'd dug up about Hickson's past, in exchange for the girls' freedom.

Aella's frantic attempt to save her brother had been a stroke of genius. After arriving at the safehouse that first night, Cody was the only person who hadn't left the four walls of the cabin. Ivy, Aella and the four Alphas had all been seen coming and going while the house had been under surveillance, following the night they'd found and killed Maverick. They'd had no idea Cody was in the house with them. After he'd knocked Hickson out, Aella and Cody had climbed out of the bedroom window, gone around to the side of the house, and snuck in through the back door in the kitchen. They'd kept themselves hidden, watching and waiting for an opportune time to strike, and Ivy had given them the perfect chance when she'd swiped the merc's gun and immobilized Parsons.

Ivy sighed, taking another huge bite of her spinach and red onion pizza, which ended up being a really bad idea. Seconds later, her mouth full of food, the front door was kicked in with an ear-splitting CRACK as it swung all the way back against the wall. Ivy managed to simultaneously shriek, start choking, and fling her arms wide, sending half a gooey-cheese covered slice of pizza hurtling through the air. Cody pounded on her back as she coughed and spluttered, her eyes burning, and the remains of her pizza slice would be found hours later stuck to the kitchen ceiling.

Hunter came barreling down the hallway and into the kitchen like a fucking tornado. Before she even had a chance to stand, he had spun her chair around, scooped her up, and had her back pressed against the wall as he buried his hands in her hair and crushed his mouth to hers. Her legs wrapped around his thick waist as she looped her arms behind his neck, matching his frantic passion as they each reminded themselves the other was alive, and safe, and whole, and real.

He tore his mouth away from hers, the hands still tangled in her hair tucking her into his neck. A growl, not the low, sexy one that had her body trembling and gushing slick in response, but the deep, dangerous one that meant someone was about to have a really, really bad time, rumbled from his chest. "Where is he?" he demanded, the twist of his torso and the fact that he kept her head firmly pressed against him indicating he wasn't asking her, but someone else in the room.

Which was kind of bullshit, but whatever.

"I've got it handled," Reggie said, and she could hear the grin in his voice. She hadn't known Reggie for very long, but he'd been ready to risk life and limb for her, and, shit... Anyone who bought pizza for her had to be pretty decent, right? "He can wait. Not sure if she can though."

Apparently satisfied with that answer, he turned back to her and picked up where he'd left of, plundering her mouth in a way that had her squirming against the thick ridge of his cock, desperate for more friction. Too much had happened, there was too much excess adrenaline in her blood, and the more she wriggled in his hold, the harder he became.

"We've gotta stop meeting like this," she panted when they finally broke apart. Hunter breathed a laugh, pressing his forehead to hers. "Oh, there are lots of walls I'd like to fuck you up against," he said, his voice all low and growly. A shiver ran up her spine at his words. "But this is the last fucking time I leave you alone for a long, long while, Ivy."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay big guy. Settle down."

He growled, pressing his hips, and his insane erection, against her core as he spun her around and began walking her toward the bedroom. "I will not settle down until I have you home, naked, well-fucked and knotted in our bed."

She stilled; her giddy smile froze on her lips. "Home?"

He kissed her again, softer this time, as he carefully stretched her out on the bed and climbed over her. "Yes, Ivy." He pressed his lips to her brow. "Home."

He traced a path down to her belly with his mouth, stopping to nip and suck and lick her flesh as one hand kneaded her breast and the other pinned her hip to the bed. His tongue swirled around the rim of her navel, making her squirm against him. "Hunter," she whispered, breathless as he peeled her shirt above her head and pulled her lace bra down, framing her breasts.

Hunter growled his approval, making quick work of stripping her of her jeans and panties before he stood up and stripped his own clothes off, watching her with bright storm-cloud eyes; the eyes of a predator. Crawling back over her with his weight supported with his forearms, he nudged her legs wider with a knee between her thighs. One finger teased her slit before parting her folds, pressing into her pussy with painfully slow movements. "Fuck," he hissed, as he began to thrust his finger in and out of her soaked pussy. "I can feel you squeezing me, Ivy. So tight. So wet."

She moaned, attempting to save at least some of her dignity by swallowing back a whimper as his lips closed over a nipple, pulling her flesh into his mouth with rhythmic sucks, flicking his tongue over the sensitive bud. A girl had to have some pride.

That thought was utterly lost by the time he released her nipple with a pop, his thumb making slow, torturous circles against her clit as two fingers fucked her. She squirmed, trying to goad him into moving faster, going deeper. His hand fell away, leaving her with a cold, empty feeling, until she felt the head of his cock, like velvet over steel, notched at her entrance.

"I can't be gentle with you, Ivy," Hunter grunted, his breathing as erratic and shallow as her own. "Tell me to stop."

"Don't stop," she moaned as he rolled his hips, seating himself halfway inside her wet, ready sheath. The way he stretched her inner walls caused a small bite of pain, just enough to enhance the pleasure of being filled so completely. "I don't need gentle. I need you."

Hunter groaned, rocking his hips back and forth in small movements as he slowly worked himself in. "Once I start, I won't be able to stop."

"Don't stop. Fuck me, Hunter."

His control snapped. Digging his fingers into her hips, he pulled almost all the way out, and slammed back in, burying himself to the hilt. They both moaned at the sensation, blissed out from coming together, the pair-bond perfectly aligned and perfectly content. It provided them both with a sense of each other's lust and pleasure, stroking the heat between them that threatened to burn her alive. He pulled out once, slowly, carefully, and plunged back in. And then he started to fuck her.

Ivy's fingers raked down his back, scratching the smooth skin stretched tight over flexing muscles. He hissed and made a sound that was full of masculine satisfaction, as she turned her head to sink her teeth into his shoulder. It was nearly pointless; the man was hard everywhere, and she growled in frustration as her jaw clenched harder until the warm, coppery taste of his blood hit her tongue.

She'd marked him. She'd left angry red slashes over his back, and an obvious claiming bite on his shoulder, so that others would know he was hers, and hers alone. There was no pausing to question her unusual impulse; she'd acted based on pure animal instinct. Hunter continued to slam into her, cradling the top of her head to hold her in place as she took the full force of his need, over and over and over. The wave that had been building inside of her before they'd even touched each other approached its zenith, and her inner muscles tensed and clenched around the rutting male's cock.

"That's it, precious girl. Come for me," Hunter growled, reaching between them to tease her clit, and it was too much. The wave crested; electricity sparked and combusted, spreading to every inch of her body, from scalp to toes.

"Oh god. Oh fuck. Wait... Hunter, please, I need... I need a break!" Ignoring her pleas, the thumb teasing her clit scooped up some of the moisture as his cock continued to piston, taking her like he'd said he would. This was a claiming fuck, and it was intense, nearly violent. Without the protective haze of estrous, she had no choice but to hold on to her mate, and trust that he would stop himself before he caused her true harm.

"Shhh, I've got you," he soothed, slowing his movements deliberately to give her a chance to recover. Stopping was no longer an option. She'd had her chance to prevent this, and instead, she'd begged for it.

She squeaked when she felt his thumb, still slick with her juices, press firmly against the tight ring of virgin territory. "Let me in, Ivy. That's it. Relax." With steady pressure and an impatience that belied his ability to think clearly, his thumb breached her, and her back arched off the bed at the sensation of being too full.

Not one to turn down a challenge, Hunter gathered more slick with his pointer and middle fingers, quickly replacing his thumb as he found his rhythm, coordinating the thrusts of his fingers into her ass and his cock into her pussy until she was coming again. She cried out as she clutched his shoulders, needing to anchor herself against the bevy of emotions rocking her to her core. Hunter felt what she wanted, and he looped one arm across her back, pulling her up into him as he continued to fuck her with deep, hard thrusts.

"Fuck, Ivy," he growled, gritting his teeth as her pussy gripped him like a vice, her fluttering walls attempting to coax him into filling her up. "Ivy, god Ivy, fuck Ivy," he chanted her name like a prayer, answered by unintelligible sounds she didn't realize she was making. "Come with me, Ivy. Come now." And despite having already climaxed several times, she came, latching onto his neck with feral teeth to muffle her screams as his knot locked into place.

Catching her breath, she was only vaguely aware of Hunter wiping the sweat from her brow and rearranging them, folding his limbs around her as he clutched her close. "Do you have any idea what you mean to me?" he asked, his voice husky and low. "How fucking much I love you?"

She couldn't help it. Overwhelmed, she let the floodgates open, allowing herself to feel the full emotional weight of the past two months. Had it really been just two months? Her life as a Beta medic seemed worlds away. "It won't ever be the same again, will it?" she murmured.

He pulled her even closer, pressing his lips to her forehead. "No, baby," purred against her flushed, feverish skin. "It'll never be the same."


Aella struggled to her feet, wincing when the movement brought fresh pain to her injuries. Ivy had looked her over and helped her get cleaned up as Reggie and Cody had handled the ordering of pizza. Her throat was the worst of it. Deep purple bruises wrapped all the way around her neck, and when she spoke, her words came out raspy and sandpaper-rough. Her inner thighs were pretty beat up, and though her friend tried to hide it, she'd seen how Ivy had stared at them in horror before wiping a tear away. Sharp pain accompanied each deep breath, and Ivy thought she'd maybe cracked or bruised a few ribs.

But none of that would matter in a few seconds.

In the worst moments of the past few hours, it had been thoughts of Trev that had protected her. It was his imagined voice she'd followed down deep into herself, and it had been his remembered face staring down at her that had kept her there. He'd helped her escape and survive the horrible things being done to her, even though he didn't know it.

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