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Pool Boy Ch. 02

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Hunter 'entertains' wives at house party.
10.7k words

Part 2 of the 61 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/16/2015
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[College boy, Hunter has started his own pool cleaning business and has been hired by a wealthy 'Trophy Wife' Olivia. As you might expect in stories on Literotica, she seduced him and is caught by another member of her clique. Together they bring in the third and final member of their clique. It's a good thing that Hunter has a useful condition where his dick doesn't go soft when he is visually stimulated. The third member's daughter, who is soon to graduate from high school, shows up and joins the fray.]

[Thanks to Headitor for his editing assistance.]


The room got very quiet after I finished off Alexis. Olivia and Sophia had lain back on the bed with a hand on each other's tit. Emma and her daughter Alexis had cuddled up on the floor. I moved back into the chair by the bedroom door. I was really trying to get my cock to go completely soft but the visual stimulation in the room with three mature, beautiful, naked women and Alexis, an equally beautiful, naked girl of my own age, prevented that from happening.

I focused on Alexis. She was apparently graduating from high school in a few weeks, which would put her only one year behind me. I had never seen her before, so she didn't go to the local high school I graduated from. 'There is no way she would have gone un-noticed, she's gorgeous,' I thought. She must go to a private school. With all the money in this neighborhood, that was very likely. There were two exclusive private schools in the area. Many of my friends hang out at the closest one, in hopes of snagging a rich girl.

Olivia suddenly sat bolt upright, startling Sophia. Sophia pushed herself up on her elbows and said to Olivia, "What's wrong?"

Olivia looked at Sophia and said, "I was thinking about the big charity soiree my husband is hosting here tomorrow night."

Sophia said, "What about it?"

Olivia looked away from Sophia and gazed off into space. "All the immediate neighbors will be here and all of my husband's clients and prospective clients. I think even some of your husband's clients are invited. There are going to be over a hundred people dressed up in tuxedos and gowns," said Olivia more to herself than to Sophia. A smile started to form on Olivia's face.

Sophia noted the developing smile, "Oliviaaaaa. What are you thinking? You have the most devilish smile on your face. Come on. Whatever it is, I'm in."

Olivia turned her focus back to Sophia, "You know how bone crushingly boring this thing is. We have it every year. The nosey bitches in the neighborhood crowd together and talk about rumors and scandal. Our husbands completely ignore us all night as they circle their clients like great whites. We always have a terrible time. We don't know anyone but the three of us."

Sophia used a moment of Olivia's silence to ask, "So what? The party goes on all night. We usually get as bombed as everyone else and go to bed earrrrrrrlllllyyyy." Sophia broke into the same devilish smile. Her eyes lit up like a light bulb just came on. She looked at Olivia who was nodding. She knew they were on the same page.

Sophia noticed Olivia's nipples were getting hard. With a huge grin on her face, she said, "Oooo-hooo. Olivia darling, you are a genius." They smacked their hands together in a high-five.

Olivia announced to the silent room, "Hey ladies. Let's conference. Everyone on the bed."

Emma was always annoyed with Olivia's 'conferences'. She complied, but with an attitude. Olivia asked Alexis, who wasn't in their clique before, but was now, to join them. All four naked women were sitting on the bed. I stayed in the chair with an amused look on my face, absent-mindedly stroking my hardening cock. I figured that I was going to be part of the plan.

Olivia's first order of business was to make sure that Alexis understood the consequences of saying a word to anyone about what had happened today. Alexis said she understood. Her mother looked at her sternly, giving her a look. Alexis said "What Mom? This is no big deal. Not compared to some other secrets we..."

Emma cut her off in mid-sentence, "ALEXIS! ENOUGH!"

Alexis dropped her eyes to look at her hands and said "Sorry, Mom."

There was total silence in the room as Olivia and Sophia contemplated what that exchange was about. The each knew they weren't any more immune to gossiping than anyone else. There was something juicy going on and they would do everything they could to ferret it out. But that was for another time.

Olivia talked through her plan for tomorrow night. When she was done, the 'Three Amigos' had huge smiles on their faces. Emma's attitude was gone. Alexis, however, was somber. Sophia noticed and knew immediately what her problem was. Alexis had never attended before. No-ones' children were included. Emma was silent as she looked at Alexis then they all became silent as they sought out a solution.

Emma's eyes lit up and the others looked at her. "A few years ago, Joan brought her eighteen year old son. Her husband was traveling somewhere and she didn't want to come alone. Alexis is eighteen now. She can't legally drink and she won't." She looked sternly at Alexis to make sure she got the 'she won't' comment.

Alexis' frown changed to a smile as she realized that she would be able to participate in this plan. She wouldn't need alcohol. She was thinking, 'I'm going to be high on cock.' She glanced over at me.

Olivia motioned for me to come join them. I slid up on the bed between Alexis and Emma and looked across at Olivia. As she explained about the party tomorrow night and went through the details of her plan, Alexis' concentration had drifted to my cock which was a little more than semi-erect. She wrapped a hand around its girth and slowly began to jack it.

My concentration on Olivia's plan drifted to Alexis' hand on my cock. Olivia noticed and snapped her fingers in my face. I looked back at her. She was asking me if I understood everything. Did I have any questions? I nodded that I understood and said "No questions."

Emma noticed that her daughter was jerking my cock which was of course back to full size again. Alexis was licking her tongue around her lips. Olivia and Sophia were still discussing 'the plan'. Alexis moved her head down to my lap and slurped on the tip of my cock. She opened her mouth wide and ran the tip of my cock all around the inside of her mouth. She pushed it into her cheeks and Lathed her tongue around the glans and down and around the shaft. Alexis moaned with passion. Emma was watching her daughter display her cock-sucking skills. She smiled proudly thinking that she had taught her daughter well.'

Emma let Alexis push her mouth down my shaft all the way to my balls, "MMMMUUUMMMPPPHHH." When she came back up and off with a mouthful of saliva, she let it fall on the tip of my cock and lubed the whole length with one stroke of her hand.

Emma pushed Alexis back and said, "You guys have all had the pleasure of fucking this cock, but I haven't. It's my turn." She moved me into the middle of the bed between all four of them and threw a leg across my hips. With one hand on my chest she guided my cock into her pussy and then sat down in one push. She screamed with pleasure and pain - she'd not allowed herself to adjust to the girth. She screamed again, "Mother-fucker. This fatty is bigger than I thought." She sat there for a moment and then pulled her feet up and planted them at my hips.

She leaned backward and put her hands behind her on my thighs. Her big tits were pushed up high and I couldn't resist mashing them lightly and tweaking her nipples. Emma was using her arms as pivot points as she pushed herself up my shaft with her legs. She intentionally angled her hips so that my cock was sliding along the top of her vagina. She took long strokes up and down my cock. Her big tits had rolled around on her chest and then slowly slid toward her sides. They didn't go far. Her nipples were hard and long. Alexis couldn't resist them and she bent down to kiss each one.

I aided Emma's movement by pivoting my own hips. At that time, I didn't know jack about G spots. I thought she was pushing my cock up and down at that angle to stimulate her clitoris. All I knew for sure was that Emma knew how to fuck. Every nerve ending in my body seemed to be sparking. After several minutes of this, everyone was waiting for Emma to tire from her exertions. I was trying to help her but I had very little leverage from my position.

Emma had been mostly quiet as she fucked my pole. She seemed to be concentrating on something. She would slow her descent when the fattest part of my glans was about 3 or 4 inches into her pussy, before moaning softly and continuing her slide down. She adjusted her hips to change the angle as she drove herself up and down my cock.

Everyone was watching in fascination as we could see Emma steadily building toward her climax. Her hips rocked and her chest seemed to pulse in time with her hips. Her toes curled up under her feet. Her head was tipped back with her mouth open. Her facial muscles were tensed and tight. Her neck tendons were taught. She was moaning continuously, getting louder and the pitch was getting higher like a jet engine spooling up.

Suddenly, Emma released all of her muscle tensions and exploded into her orgasm. She screeched and screamed louder than I had heard so far. As if she were in the eye of a storm, she looked at Olivia and calmly said, "I'm sorry."

I'm thinking, 'Sorry for what?' Olivia seemed to know 'what' and she said, "Oh Fuck, stand back girls." Olivia and Sophia moved to the side. Emma was back in her storm and groaning with an increased pitch and urgency. Alexis had a horrified look on her face. She didn't know what was wrong.

Emma's muscles contracted again and then immediately released, her hips launched up and off my cock and a stream of milky fluid launched up my chest and hit me square in my face. It splattered all over Olivia and Sophia who were frantically trying to ward the fluid away with their hands. Everything seemed to go into slow-motion. The looks on everyone's contorted faces were comical.

Emma's 'squirt' lasted several seconds. She was rubbing her fingers on her clit and the stream changed to a broad spray and back to a stream. Alexis was covered. She pushed her hand down on her mother's groin trying to block it at the source. It just sprayed even further afield. Emma was still screaming. Her fingers were fucking into her vagina reaching for her G spot. As the squirting diminished, her face was still contorted. She screamed out again and just as Alexis pulled her hand away, another smaller stream fired from Emma's pussy soaking me all over again. Alexis pushed her hand back down as a shield.

When the second stream finished, Emma collapsed on the bed at my feet. The entire bed was soaked as was everyone on it. Olivia and Sophia were holding their arms up and shaking the fluid off their hands. They were both sputtering on whatever got in their mouths. Milky fluid hung from their eyelashes and the tips of their noses. Emma had not moved since her second squirt had finished. More fluid was bubbling out of her pussy onto the bed.

Alexis was sputtering too and she said, "Mommmm! What the fuck was that? Are you OK?"

Emma turned her head to her daughter and smiled. With a voice that sounded like total contentment she said to no one and everyone, "Wow. I haven't done that in twenty years. I'm sorry for this awful mess, Olivia. I was hoping I could do that but it has been so long I didn't think it would happen. Whew Oh my God. Hunter, baby, you had better be ready for another one of those, but let's do it outside by the pool."

I was wiping her fluid off my face with my saturated hands. I pushed my fingers into my mouth and cleaned them off. "Yyyuuummm. Emma, can you bottle this?" Everyone burst out laughing. Emma started laughing too and more fluid gushed out of her.

When Emma was able to move again, we all climbed off the drenched bed. We stood there with Emma's 'fluid' running down our bodies to the floor. Olivia saw what was happening and she shushed us out of the bedroom, through the Master Bedroom to the Master Bathroom shower. It was big enough for all five of us.

Olivia entered last and shut the huge floor to ceiling glass door. She punched some buttons on a digital display panel and hot water immediately sprayed down from above and from the sides. Olivia passed the soap dispenser around and everyone took a glob and started washing ourselves.

Alexis, who had her blowjob interrupted by her mother, noticed that my cock was still rock hard. She knelt to the tile floor and rinsed soap from my cock before she pushed her head back down on it. I was hoping someone would notice that I hadn't cum when Emma's eruption distracted everyone. Alexis looked up into my eyes and smiled around my cock. She started a tip to balls blowjob with her hands on my thighs. My head rocked back hard and I groaned with her assault.

Now everyone knew what was happening. No one wanted to interrupt Alexis again. They rinsed themselves off and Olivia and Sophia stepped out and dried each other off. Emma found a tiled bench and sat down to watch. She was fingering herself, spurred on by the erotic sight of her own daughter giving a blowjob to the pool boy.

Alexis noticed that everyone had gone except her mother. The water was still spraying from the ceiling and the walls. When she saw that her mother was frigging herself, she pushed one hand into her own groin. Her fingers worked their way into her pussy. She pulled her mouth back and placed her other hand on the base of my cock and began jacking me off while her tongue was flicking over my glans. She increased the speed of her handjob then shoved her mouth back down again and picked up the same pace. I was groaning and so was Emma.

Emma exploded into her orgasm first, "UUUNNNGGGHHHH. OOHHH. FUUUCCCKKK. GGGODDDD." Alexis glanced from my face to her mother writhing on the tile floor where she had slid from the bench. I was trying to wait for Alexis' orgasm but that was not to be. I thrust my hips into her face just as the first stream of thick, gooey, pearly white sperm fired into the back of her throat.

Alexis cleared it into her mouth and swallowed as fast as she could. She collected the rest of the cum in her mouth and when I was done she crawled across the floor and shared my load with her mother again.

Mother and daughter washed each other's bodies as I sat on the bench and watched. They were so sensuous with each other and my cock popped back up again. I put my hands over it. I was done. They were done too.

We figured out how to shut the shower off and dried ourselves and headed for the stairs. I noticed that the bedding had been stripped to the mattress, when the three of us walked by the door to the bedroom. Alexis and Emma grabbed up their bikinis and put them on. All the other suits and my shorts were out by the pool.

We all walked out to the pool. Olivia, Sophia and I were naked. I was still trying to hide my erect cock. I was exhausted. Besides, I was feeling a dull pain in my balls. I had only experienced that when I was jacking off multiple times in a row while watching porn videos. I figured I needed to give them a rest. I pulled on my shorts and stood and watched Olivia and Sophia wiggle into theirs.

Olivia came over and wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled herself into me. She felt my hard cock but she didn't acknowledge it. She stretched up on her toes and kissed me hard on the lips. She looked up into my eyes and said, "Hunter, are you sure you're in for our plan for tomorrow night?" I vigorously nodded. I was in for anything that included fucking these gorgeous women. "OK. I'll meet you at the public pool at noon. There will be a lot of activity here with the maids all morning and caterers starting around 1:00 pm. I'll stash you in the same bedroom. Just be ready for us. We'll be in and out all night." She reached down and squeezed my erect cock and said, "I know you'll do fine."

I grinned down at her and said, "I can't wait."

I picked up all my equipment and returned it to the van. I quickly spread chlorine in the pool and returned the bucket to the van. They all stood in the driveway in their bikinis and threw air-kisses at me as I drove off.

I cradled my balls in my hand as I drove. The dull throb was still there. My cock was slowly going soft. I drove into my parent's driveway and jumped out of the van. I was pulling my tee-shirt on as I walked up the walkway to the front door. My mom was in the kitchen and she commented on how late I was. I explained that I had a couple new pools to service. I smiled as I said 'service'. Mom said that dinner would be on in a half-hour. I went to my room and lay down on my bed. I promptly fell sound asleep, thinking of Alexis. My mom pulled me out of a dream of Alexis sucking on my cock and I was pitching a tent again. I ate quickly and chatted with my parents.

The next morning I was like a 'cat-on-a-hot-tin-roof' as I worked my way through my two regular jobs. My dick was hard as an iron pipe with anticipation. At noon I was back at the Public Pool. I nonchalantly climbed in the passenger seat of Olivia's SUV. After she drove away, I climbed into the back and lay on the floor with a blanket over me. The blackout windows would make sure no one at the guard house saw anything suspicious as she drove through. Olivia drove right into the garage. From there it was a breeze to get me upstairs to the bedroom as we were the only ones in the house.

I was wearing jeans, sockless sneakers and a tee-shirt. My cock was pushing against the denim material when Olivia wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled herself in close to kiss me. God, she smelled good. She rubbed her tits on my abs and rocked her hips into me so she could feel my cock through our clothes. She moaned. We stood there like that for a minute or so.

Olivia looked up at me and said, "Hunter, I'm going to need a sample before tonight. My pussy is dripping. Can you help me?"

I turned her around and sat her down on the chair by the bed. I backed off and pulled my tee-shirt over my head as I kicked off my sneakers. Olivia groaned at the sight of my flexed pectoral and abdominal muscles. I unbuckled my jeans and bent over to pull them to the floor and stepped out of them. I was naked and my cock was feverishly bouncing in front of her face.

Olivia's lips glistened with bright red lip-gloss and saliva as she ran her tongue over them. As she bent forward to kiss the tip of my cock, she was unbuttoning her blouse. As she wrapped her lips around my glans, she pulled her blouse off. As she pushed her mouth down the shaft, she unsnapped her bra and let it fall into her lap. Her hands went directly to her nipples and began pinching them and kneading her ample tit-flesh. As she pulled her head back she glued her eyes on mine and started bobbing up and down my shaft.

I ran my hands along her face and gently pushed her hair away from her face. I lightly touched her ear lobes and she moaned from the touch. She moved one hand off her tits and wrapped it around the shaft and began a blowjob/handjob combination that was so good. She was in no hurry. She was luxuriating in the process and I was in heaven.

Olivia couldn't deep-throat me but she could take a little over half of my length. She twisted her hand like a cork-screw and did the same with her mouth. The sensation was incredible. I didn't last very long. She smiled up at me when she recognized the signs of my impending orgasm and quickened her pace.

Usually I just burst into a climax. This time the intensity was building and building. My muscles got tighter and tighter. It felt like it was drawing up from my toes like water through a straw. My toes curled first. My knees began to shake and almost buckled. My hips pulsed into her face. My teeth were clenched as a groan began in my lungs and burst out of my mouth, "UUUNNNNGGGGHHH."

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