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Pool Boy Ch. 28


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The schedule tonight would be tight. I got home from Football practice a little after 6:00 PM and the art class that I was going to pose for started at 7:00 PM. Alexis was not a member of this off-campus class but the teacher invited her to attend as a guest student. I know she was as interested in what was going to happen as I was. We had another day of classes, etc. to get through first.

After breakfast, we drove to the campus parking lot that was closest to both or our classes. Alexis finished her classes at noon and had the rest of the day to herself. My classes ended at 2:00 PM and I would go immediately to practice. Wednesday practices were important to prepare for the Friday night game. We would be playing a team who was also undefeated in our division. It was a home game and then we traveled to their home the week after. The two biggest games of the season.

I saw April and Mindy talking with their head coach when I got on the field that afternoon. I walked over to them carrying my football helmet. I had never met the Cheerleader coach and was surprised to see that she was probably only about twenty-five years old. She had been head cheerleader during her years here at the University. She was particularly attractive. Her eyes lit up when I walked up to them and addressed April and Mindy. I reminded them that we had dinner plans at our place tomorrow night.

April smiled at me and said, "6:30. Right?" I nodded although I had no idea what time Alexis had invited them for. April introduced me to her coach as "Coach Hannah". She introduced me as "Hunter" and I waited to see if she would offer her hand. She did and I was turning toward Hannah to accept it when I caught Mindy mouthing the word "Meat" to Hannah. Hannah pulled her attention from Mindy back to me and a huge smile washed across her face as she grasped my hand with surprising firmness. She scanned me from head to foot as she gripped my hand a little longer than normal. She was blonde with a very pretty face. She was about 5'8" tall and her body was flawless. I could tell she worked hard to keep it that way. Her breasts were perfect for her size.

There was a time, not very long ago, when I wouldn't have recognized the sultry look on "Coach Hannah's" face at that moment for what it was. She was coming on to me; hard. I glanced over at April and Mindy and they obviously recognized the look. They glanced back and forth between Hannah and me at the virtual sparks flying between us.

"Coach Hannah" released my hand and stepped back a pace and scanned me up and down again. She smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you. You are a good player. I enjoy watching you play." April and Mindy both snickered and Hannah glared at them.

I replied that it was a pleasure to meet her too and said to April and Mindy, "I'll see you tomorrow night." They both nodded and I turned and ran back across the field to start our practice session. I was excited about practice today because we were working me into more offensive plays at tight end. Defense is all hard work with no glory. Offense was work too but I could have a more measureable impact on the game.

I got home at 6:10 PM and Alexis had made scrambled eggs and toast. I was happy with her choice because I didn't want to pose in the nude with a bloated stomach. Alexis confessed that she was thinking the same thing if it was her posing nude. I had wrapped up Football practice with the heavy weights and I was pumped. I realized that I was a little vainer than I had thought. I grabbed my robe off the back of the bathroom door and Alexis grabbed her bag with her drawing tools.

Alexis introduced me to her teacher and introduced her as "Miranda". She was around thirty-five. She wore a long dress with surrealism art scenes adorning the flimsy material from shoulders to ankles. She was very attractive with dark brown hair pulled back to a high pony-tail. Her eyes were dark. Her mouth was sensuous with full lips. Her nose was long and slender with a slight upturn at the end. She didn't wear a lot of makeup. Her body was long and slender with small pert breasts which precluded the need for a bra and she wasn't wearing one. Her dress was low cut but she displayed very little cleavage. She eyed me up and down as she asked if I had ever posed for artists before. I shook my head. She asked if I would take off my shirt and I did. She walked around me checking me from every angle. She grinned at Alexis as she ran her fingernails lightly over my abs, lats and pecs. Each muscle flexed as she touched it. I'm a little ticklish. She moved around to face me and said, "Are you okay with posing nude?"

I looked at Alexis and she smiled and nodded. I said, "I've never done it before but I'm not ashamed of my body."

She smiled at my answer and responded, "Nor should you. You have a wonderful body." She paused and scanned me again. "Okay, remove your clothes and put on your robe and enter through that door when you're ready. The robe is just to allow my students, most of whom are housewives or professional women, to gradually adjust to nudity." I nodded that I understood and Miranda turned to leave the room.

I spoke up before she got to the door, "What about my penis? I may not be able to control whether it's erect or not. This is all new to me."

She smiled and said, "Erect, Flaccid, it's all part of the male anatomy. I'm sure these women have all seen whatever you have before. Don't worry about it." Alexis raised her hand to object to Miranda's assumption but she was already through the door. I shrugged my shoulders and unbuckled my belt and unzipped my slacks. My heart was racing from nerves. I sat down and pulled my shoes and socks off and pulled my slacks off one leg at a time. I guess the nerves kept my cock in a mostly flaccid state and I stood up to present myself for Alexis' scrutiny.

Alexis looked at my cock and said, "They're not going to be ready for that; soft or hard." She grinned at me and headed back through the door we had come in. She wanted to enter the classroom the same as everyone else so they wouldn't know we were together. I pulled my robe on and made sure my cock wasn't showing. I stepped to the door, took a huge gulp of air, mumbled to myself, "What the fuck," and walked through the door.

Miranda stepped forward and invited me onto a slightly raised platform bathed in several spotlights. There was a straight-backed wooden chair on the platform but Miranda didn't offer it to me. She smiled up at me and then turned back to the class. There were six women, including Alexis, sitting at desks positioned in an arc around the pedestal. Sketch pads and pencils of all colors littered the desktops. Other than the lighted exit sign over the two doors, the only light in the room was the spotlights, which reflected enough light back into the room to see each person clearly. I knew I would have time to scan each of them for details as they were doing the same to me. The only difference was that I was going to be nude and they weren't.

I quickly assessed my audience and decided that there were two middle-aged housewives, probably there together to offer each other support, and one younger housewife, who seemed to be there on her own. They were all wearing diamond rings on the left hands. The other two, I pegged as professional woman in their forties. No rings at all were on either hand. They apparently dedicated their lives to something other than a man and family. I had a feeling that they may be dedicating their lives to each other. I made all my assessments based simply on their left hands, how they were dressed and how they kept their hair. I could have been totally wrong. Whatever; I wasn't playing "What's my line" for the fate of the free world.

As soon as I stepped into the room and under the spotlight at Miranda's invitation, a din of whispered voices rose. They all sat up straighter in their chairs and looked at me and then at each other. I smiled at the group as I stepped onto the platform and stood with my feet spread at shoulder width with my hands behind my back and shoulders pulled back like I was standing at attention. Miranda turned to face the arc of desks and said, "Ladies. This is Hunter. He is a sophomore Engineering student at the University. He plays for the Football team."

One voice from the group said, "I would hope so," loud enough for all to hear and everyone laughed.

Miranda continued, "Hunter's statistics are: He is 6'5" tall and weighs 200 pounds. As you'll see in a moment, he has done extensive weight training and has muscular definition that you probably haven't seen up close before; at least not in this class. I urge you to pick a particular area of Hunter's body and muscular definition that interests you to concentrate on tonight. If we are lucky, Hunter will come back and you can choose a different portion of his body to draw."

The heat pouring down from the spotlights above was intense and I was starting to perspire under my heavy terry-cloth robe. In spite of being nervous about being nude in front of a class of women, I was anxious to take it off. Miranda finished her lead-in and turned back to me. She said, "Hunter, please disrobe. Stand or sit as you please. You are free to move around but please stay on the platform. The artists may ask you to pose a certain way. It is up to you how you respond. We aren't paying you so we are ecstatic that you have agreed to do this for us. The class is an hour long but you are free to stay or go as you please and we can stay longer as we are the last group using this room tonight."

Miranda stepped down off the platform and I fumbled with the tie-rope of my robe for a couple moments. The room was crypt-quiet. I glanced over at Alexis who was grinning like a Cheshire cat. I squinted up into the lights and then mentally said, "Okay, let's do this." I peeled the robe off my shoulders and let it drop dramatically to the floor.

The room wasn't quiet anymore as hushed voices immediately erupted. "Holy Shit," and "Oh my God," were the most clearly stated comments. A "Fuck" snuck out of the din. I looked at Miranda, who was standing behind the group. Her eyes were wide with shock and one hand covered her mouth. I glanced down to see what my penis was doing. I was most nervous about that for some reason. It protruded out slightly from my groin and then hung down between my legs. I let out a sigh of relief that it hadn't pulled up inside my groin like a turtle's head. That could have been totally feasible but would have been very embarrassing.

Every woman in the room except Alexis was sitting there slack-jawed. Alexis had a huge prideful grin on her face as she looked at the other astonished faces gawking at me. When flaccid, my penis is about five inches long and much fatter than any other flaccid penis I've seen flopping around in the shower room. When erect, it grows to eight inches and about the circumference of one of those slim beer cans like Michelob Ultra and it rises to about a forty-five degree angle above horizontal. It was obvious where everyone was looking and it wasn't at my ripped physique. The comments continued for thirty seconds before Miranda got control of herself and spoke from behind the desks, "Ahem. Class. Settle down. Ahh.. Ummm. As we can all see, Hunter has a rather large penis."

Another voice from the group spoke out, "Rather large? It's fucking huge." The group erupted into a noisy clamor again until Miranda raised her hands to quiet them. Alexis had to cover her mouth with her hand as her giggling was now the only noise.

Miranda continued, "Your task is still the same. Concentrate on some particular aspect of this ummm." She turned to face me and mumbled, "Incredible specimen," as she scanned down to my cock before turning back to the class, "and...umm, draw it." I smiled as Miranda stepped off the side with wobbly legs and instead of standing behind the desks as before, she found herself a chair to plunk down into.

One of the women raised her hand and Miranda struggled back up to her feet. Her face was flushed and it wasn't from the heat of the spotlights. The woman dropped her hand and said, "You said earlier that we could request that Hunter strike a particular pose for us to draw." Miranda nodded her head. The others were all anxiously waiting for the woman to ask question that they were all thinking. The woman said, "I would like to sketch Hunter's erect penis." The room went nuts. They were all nodding their heads and speaking at once. I just stood there and glanced again at Alexis.

Alexis was giggling with her hand over her mouth. Then she pulled back her hand and mouthed the words, "I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN." Miranda was trying to regain control of her class as she raised her hands and motioned for everyone to stop talking. It was obvious to all that she didn't know what to say. She looked at me for some help but I didn't know how.

Alexis stood at her desk and looked at me before saying, "Perhaps Miranda can help Hunter get an erection. That seems to be what everyone wants to draw." The class, who had all turned to look at Alexis, now turned as if they were a single organism, back to Miranda. She was obviously in distress. Her face was wet with perspiration. So were her hands as she wiped her palms on her hips over and over again. Her nipples had hardened and were pushing on her flimsy dress. She noticed and covered them with her hands before she realized that was even worse and she dropped her arms to her side. She was clearly uncomfortable.

Miranda looked at me with a pleading look on her face. I smiled and nodded slightly and she smiled back. She raised her hands again to get control and when everyone stopped talking she smiled like she had this whole thing in her control and said, "Hunter? Would you mind if the class sketches your erection?"

I said, "No Ma'am." I knew I could get an erection on my own by simply thinking about erotic images. "I'll need your help though." I heard Alexis snickering behind her hand. I gave her a withering stare and she collected herself. At this point, I was thinking about anything else to keep my penis from becoming erect before Miranda "helped" me.

Miranda seemed to have gathered herself and she moved quickly around the desks and stepped up on the platform. You could hear a pin drop as she stepped close and smiled up at me. She wiped her hands on her hips again and then spit into her palm. She seemed to recognize the incongruity of the actions she had just made and she said, "Sorry. I'm a little nervous." I smiled down at her.

She looked down at my cock and reached her right hand out and tentatively wrapped her fingers around my flaccid shaft. Even soft, her fingers didn't go all the way around it. She cradled my hanging scrotum in her other hand. In spite of her sweating palms, her hands seemed cold. She stroked her hand up and down the shaft and then looked up at me. I smiled at her again. I was reciting the Declaration of Independence in my mind fighting the urge to respond to her hand. I wanted more from her than a couple strokes on my cock. I looked out to the audience. They were sitting on the edge of their seats. The two professional looking women both had a hand up under their dresses. When they saw me watching them one of them pulled her hand out and the other spread her legs wider and showed me that she had pulled her panties aside and was fingering her clitoris. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

Miranda continued jerking me off and I was trying my utmost not to respond. She knelt down on one knee and ramped up the pace and then changed to her other hand. She was blocking the view of most of the women and they were moving to other desks to get a better view. Miranda was growing frustrated with her inability to get me up. I was sure that this had never happened to her before. This was becoming a point of pride with her and she leaned forward and set her lips on my velvet crown. She started stroking my slowly rising cock in both hands in a counter-rotating motion. I continued to fight her attempts but I knew I was losing. Two of the housewives had their hands down the front of their slacks strumming their pussies. All six of them were breathing very erratically, including Alexis. She had her knees splayed wide showing me that she didn't even have any panties on. The little minx had come prepared for this.

Finally, Miranda gave into her frustration and stretched her lips over my glans and started giving me an amazing blowjob. She gagged about halfway down. The girth was obviously a problem for her but she was doing a fantastic job. My head rolled back and my mouth hung open as I let out a groan. Miranda was pleased with my reaction and she smiled around my cock. As my cock grew to full dimensions, the look on her face changed to distress. She pulled her lips back to the glans and continued stroking with her hands.

Miranda was satisfied that my cock was fully erect. That had been her only goal. She didn't want to stop now but she pulled her lips off the glans trailing a long silvery thread of saliva. She plucked the thread with her tongue and stood up and moved to my side. She had the most delicious look of accomplishment on her face as the grinned at me. Now the others could see my fully erect cock standing high above horizontal and the din of voices started up again, "Oh my God" "Holy Shit" and then finally, "Who could fuck that?"

I was shocked when one of the middle-aged housewives blurted out, "I'd sure like to try." Her face went beet red when she realized that she had spoken her thoughts out loud. The others burst out laughing and it was clear that she wasn't the only one thinking that.

Miranda started to move off the platform but I grabbed her hand and whispered, "You'd better stay close. I don't know how long I can keep it up without further stimulation." She grinned at me and sat down in the chair on the platform. I stood there with my hips thrust slightly forward to accentuate my rigid cock. Her face was right at the level of my cock and she couldn't take her eyes from it.

At every desk, heads bobbed up to look at me and then down at their drawing pads. I could hear their pencils scratching away. I couldn't see any of what they were drawing. Even Alexis, who knew my cock as if it was her own, was furiously scrawling black lines on her drawing pad.

After a few minutes, I was getting bored so I consciously let my cock drop a little. I glanced over at Miranda who was munching on her lower lip. When my cock dropped to horizontal she slid forward off the chair to her knees to my left. She wrapped her fingers as far around the circumference as she could and stroked the shaft a couple times. I leaned down and whispered, "I think you're going to have to suck on it again." She looked up at me and smiled. I turned slightly toward her so the class could watch my cock push in and out of her mouth. She dragged my cock along her face and jaw-line to her mouth and stretched her lips over the glans. The scratching of pencils stopped as everyone watched her head bobbing on my cock. Miranda's eyes looked directly into mine.

When she was satisfied that I was hard enough again, she eased her lips off my cock and moved back into her chair. She sat perfectly still staring at my cock. After another couple minutes, I glanced over at Alexis again and she was grinning even when she was looking down at her pad. She saw me looking at her and she lifted her pad and showed me what she was drawing. It was an unbelievably detailed rendition of my cock, with all its' veins and contours. It even showed the glistening moisture from Miranda's saliva. In the background was Miranda's face staring agog at my cock. I glanced back at Miranda and Alexis had nailed the expression on her face. Alexis lowered her pad and went back to work.

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