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Prison Guard Spirals Out of Control Ch. 02

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Timmy meets his new daddy.
4.4k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 01/07/2024
Created 10/01/2023
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I was lying in bed after my shift, I replayed the events of the day and how I was lured into the cell with Yolanda. I could have left her cell many times but deep down I seemed to want this. Why? Why now in my life? Was I always interested but kept it in my subconscious so I wouldn't have to face it?

I never considered myself gay, in fact, never even crossed my mind, despite hearing people say, "everyone thinks about sucking dick at least once in their life", but not me. But now I not only thought about it but I actually did it and if I'm honest, I kind of liked it. This was hard for me to process because I always considered myself a typical red blooded hetrosexual american kid, I was a 3 sport athlete in high school, I served in the military before applying to be a corrections officer and always dated women. Nothing in my past would suggest, or even hint, that I was queer. I drift off to sleep trying to make sense of this and more importantly, wondering what I'm going to do tomorrow at work.

"Is my girl wearing her panties like she was instructed? Yolanda questioned.

"Yes" I said quietly, trying to prevent anyone from hearing.

"Does my little girl want to come show mommy her new panties?"

I pull out my keys to open the door and let myself inside. I stand in front of Yolanda not knowing what to say or do so I keep my head down ashamed.

"Go ahead, let me see your cute ass in those panties...I know you want to model them for me"

"Oooh, how sexy, do you feel sexy? I bet you do and I bet it feels nice against your skin, doesn't it?"

I stand there frozen not able to speak or move but my dick is starting to tingle and I feel it getting hard.

"Is my baby girl shy now? Cat got your tongue? I can give you something you can put that tongue to work on. Is this what you want?" As she pulls down her prison issue jumpsuit to show me her bulging cock in her panties.

I take a step forward and extend my hand to reach for her cock but before I can grab it she says,

"No, no, remember you need to ask my permission to touch my cock, remember?"

Something in me screams that I need to get my hands on this beautiful cock, I can't think of anything else at the moment..."Can I please touch your cock Yolanda?" I plead.

"I don't think you are ready yet, let me get some lipstick for those cocksucking lips of yours"

Without resisting I let Yolanda pull out lipstick and start applying it to my lips. Then she tells me to close my eyes as she pulls out eyeliner and starts applying it to my eyes. I feel her cock rubbing up against mine through our panties, it's getting me turned on as my dick starts to dart straight out from me. She intentionally sways her hips to rub on me some more while she continues to add some blush to finish the look.

"There you go, such a pretty girl...does Tracey want to play with me tonight?" She coos.

I nod up and down while staring at her big cock bulging in her panties prying to get out.

"Go ahead girl, get down there and give your momma's cock a little kiss"

I slump to the floor and pull out her cock...I stare at it for a second and then rub it across my lips in admiration. It feels so good as it slides back and forth across my lips, I'm savoring the smell and feel before I dive in.

I open my mouth and give it a gentle kiss followed by a lick up and down the shaft. Then I feel her thrust her hips forward and "POP", her cock forces entry and slides deliciously into my mouth. I start sucking like a dog in heat, slobbering over this wonderful dick and then I hear footsteps. I try to rise but Yolanda has the leverage and pushes down on my shoulders keeping me on the ground. I try harder to move away but it's no use, I hear,

"What the fuck are you fags doing in there you?" The guard yells

I recognized the voice, it was one of the guards named Mike. Mike was this arrogant prick that thought he was god's gift to women. He'd always bragged about how many girls he fucks and how they are all sluts. He also hate gays and would make fun of the femboys in prison by calling them fags or cocksuckers. He seemed to relish being a dick to them, it made him feel powerful.

As he gets closer his eyes and mine make contact and he realizes who I am and that I'm on the floor sucking a cock.

"You fucking fag, if you want to suck cock you could have just came to me, get over here you sissy bitch so I can give you something to suck on" He orders.

Beeb, Beeb, Beeb...I awake to my alarm going off...I feel my cock ready to explode so I quickly start to jack off but instead of thinking about Yolanda I was now focused on Mike.

I imagine him standing over me while I'm sucking his dick. He's taunting me by calling me names...

"That's right you faggot, suck my dick like the queer you are. You are gonna be my bitch from now on aren't you?"

I can only nod as I continue to suck his dick.

"Yeah, keep sucking...Who's my bitch?" he asks rhetorically.

"I can't wait to tell the guys about this, they won't believe me that you are a cocksucking fag...and you are even wearing panties, what fucking sissy" He chuckles.

I couldn't take it anymore, I exploded with cum shooting straight up landing all over my stomach. I continue to stroke my dick to get every last drop out still imaging Mike laughing while standing over me slapping his dick across my cheeks.

Holy fuck, that was intense. I could feel my muscle that runs underneath my balls tighten and lock up like an engine that seizes, I couldn't get it to relax. My legs are buzzing from the orgasm and I feel my heart pounding out of my chest.

I try to focus, and as my muscles start to relax thoughts run through my head. Shit, what was that about? Mike? Really? I thought he was such an asshole yet I was on my knees sucking his cock like some homo in a porn theater. Clearly I enjoyed it as I came so hard that the spasms in my groin area had frozen in the contradiction state. Why did that excite me so much? I'm still trying to figure out the whole Yolanda thing and now I got this sexual thought of Mike dominating me while I'm wearing panties.

I get up to jump in the shower, I have a few hours before I need to be at work. As I'm showering I'm thinking about what I should do. If I was to listen to Yolanda I would have to go buy some panties from someplace. But if I decide to not do that I risk her telling everyone about us. And if Mike gets a whiff of even a rumor to that effect he will ride me constantly. I can hear him now, "Hey Terry, I understand you give the best blowjobs, bring your faggy ass over here and I'll let you taste a real cock".

I feel myself starting to get hard again...I don't normally have the ability to reload so quickly, ironically it was one of the things my girlfriend and I argued about. She loved to fuck but I tried to explain to her that it's different for guys, we need time to recharge our batteries so to speak. But she was a nympho and told me her last boyfriend didn't have that problem, she then would question if I was even attracted to her if I couldn't get hard minutes after we just had sex. It was all bullshit of course but she didn't get it and eventually it led to us fighting about other stuff and eventually breaking up.

I reach down to grab my dick while the hot water runs down my back. I continue to think how Mike would love making fun of me if there was a rumor about me and Yolanda. It doesn't have to be true for Mike, he thinks he's a badass and the funniest guy in the department so he would look at it as an opportunity.

"That's right faggot, suck that dick like a bitch...I should hand you over to the Bloods (the reigning black gang in our prison), they would love to have a sweet piece of ass like you to fuck."

I'm stroking my cock in full force now thinking how I would be passed around the other inmates as a sex toy for their use.

"Maybe we'll get you some high heels and a mini-skirt for you to wear around the cellblock, you'd probably like that wouldn't you faggot?"

For the second time in the past 20 min I shot cum over my hand and the shower floor.

I start plotting out my day as I get dressed. I think the prudent thing to do is go find some panties to wear so I can avoid Yolanda telling everyone that I sucked her dick, especially Mike. I'll need to go somewhere where they sell both men and women's clothing, that way I can buy a few things and sneak the panties in with the other items.

I head over to the mall, I go into one of the department stores there which sells everything from appliances to toys and of course women's undergarments. I start in the men's section grabbing some underwear, t-shirts, and socks, all of which I need anyway. I meander over to the women's section, trying not to look suspicious. I casually walk around the area pretending I'm not paying attention to anything in particular.

I spot the area where the panties were, I see a pink pair right away. As I reached the panties area I took a quick look around, I felt like a burglar looking to see if anyone was watching me trying to break into a car. I look back at the panties and I see all these sizes, shit, I don't know what size I am in women's underwear. Obviously I can't ask someone so I look for and grab the biggest pair I see. I don't even bother holding it up to gauge if it would fit, I just throw it in my cart with the other things I got.

I looked for a register with someone who looked clueless. I definitely didn't want to go to some young girls lane...I spotted an old Indian man who looks about as happy as I am to be here. Thankfully I guessed correctly as he barely even looks at the items he is scanning. He bags them up and I quickly head for my car.

Back at home after eating my lunch I start to get ready for work. As I'm standing in my bedroom I look at these panties, I'm still not sure I can put these on, it seems so wrong. After stalling for a minute or two I pull the panties up over my crotch and ass. Surprisingly they fit pretty close, a tad small but passable. I did feel my ass cheeks hanging out, a combination of the cut of the panties and the fact that they were probably a size too small.

These feel great I admit to myself. So silky and smooth on my dick, I like the way that feels. I walk to the mirror to check out what they look like. My dick is rubbing against the sheer fabric as I walk, I can feel my dick start to stir. I stop to look at myself in the mirror, I look like an idiot but I can't think of another option at the moment.

I finish getting ready and head to work. As I pull up to park I see Mike getting out of his F150 truck. He gives me a head nod as a hello and I give him a slight wave of acknowledgement. I sit in my car for a minute while I watch him get far enough ahead of me before I get out. I'd rather avoid him for the time being, especially after that wild dream.

I do my regular rounds and know I'm going to have to confront Yolanda at some point. I'm hoping if I wait to walk by her cell that it will be late enough and she'll be fast asleep. I take my dinner break, I still haven't gone by the tier where Yoland's cell is but after the break I can't avoid it any longer.

I think about what I'm gonna say if she is up. Maybe I'll simply say hi but as soon as she starts to engage in conversation I'll fake like I'm getting called to an emergency in another part of the cell block. It's pretty easy to key up your mic without anyone noticing, they'll hear the static and the chirp from the radio. Typically the inmates are so used to hearing that kind of chatter that they naturally block it out so I doubt Yolanda would even know that no one actually called for me. I like this plan as I continue towards Yolanda's area.

As I turn to head down the tier to Yolanda's cell I feel a little nervous. Just as I reach her cell I can hear some noise coming from it, I wasn't going to be that lucky to find her asleep. I stop at her door, I can hear some moaning but only able to see a shadowy figure which I assumed was Yolanda. But I think I hear 2 people in there, not sure how that's even possible as it's now over 4 hours after lights out and all cells are locked down.

Then I hear Yolanda call out for me,

"Oh there's my girl, come on in sweety, I have a surprise for you today"

"Yolanda, I'd love to stay but I just got called to a disturbance in Cell Block A"

"I promise, this will only take a second, please...for meee...." she begs

Not sure why I agree but I do and open her cell to come in for what I assume is her going to expose herself to me again. But this time I'm not going to fall for it, I'm standing my ground and getting out of there as fast as I can.

As I step in I do see a 2nd person laying on Yolanda's bed, as I get closer the person sits up and I can now see it's Marcus. Marcus is one of the leaders of a gang here, he was an intimidating man standing at around 6'3" with bowling ball shoulders, a chiseled chest with tats all over his body. His head is shaved except for a small goatee. There wasn't any body hair on him otherwise.

He stands up, "what do we have here" he asks

"Timmy, I want you to meet my daddy" Yolanda squeals in excitement.

"Is this a present for me baby" Marcus asks Yolanda

"Yes daddy, he is prepped and ready for you"

Present? I'm not anyone's present as I start to back out of the cell. But Marcus grabs me by my arm and pulls me back towards him. I'm now inches from him and I can clearly see he's fully naked. I take him in for a second by looking him up and down...I stop when I see this HUGE cock between his legs. I can't look away, it's hypnotic.

"Do you want to touch daddy's cock slut" Marcus asks me.

I snap out of my trance like state, "uh, no that's okay, I got to go" I say nervously

He grabs my wrist and pulls my hand to his cock, it's not fully hard but it's a solid 8". It's heavy and warm as I notice my hand sliding up and down it. It was powerful, I know that sounds like a strange thing to say about a dick but it was. It's so irresistible that I can't seem to stop stroking it. I notice he is no longer holding my wrist, I'm doing this on my own free will.

I need to stop and get out, just as I start to step back I feel Yolanda standing behind me preventing me from going anywhere. She whispers into my ear as she rubs her hands across my ass.

"Go ahead baby, give yourself to your new daddy"

My dick is getting hard from either her rubbing my ass or from this big cock in my hand that I can't seem to let go of. Marcus sees I'm getting hard and assumes it's because I'm turned on from his cock, and he's probably right as I continue to stroke his magnificent cock wondering what it would taste like.

This wasn't my plan, I needed to go to my "made up" emergency excuse so I can regroup and prevent anything more from happening. But I was once again frozen, my legs couldn't move and my mind is starting to spiral into a state of ecstasy. I'm closing in to the point of not being able to think straight, my body is selling me out as my dick is rock hard now.

"You know, to be Daddy's girl there are some rules I expect you to follow" Marcus whispers in my ear.

I nod okay as if I understand I need to follow his rules to be his girl. It was an involuntary nod but I couldn't deny I was super aroused and wanting nothing more than to wrap my lips around this massive cock in my hand. Marcus sensed my vulnerability and like a predator with its prey he knew I was ripe for the kill.

He pushes down on my shoulder which makes my legs give out and I start to kneel on the concrete floor. Yolanda is now kneeling behind me and starts to unbuckle my belt. She pulls down my pants as best she could, exposing the fact that I'm wearing panties in front of Marcus.

Marcus has a slight grin, "Only a true faggot would be wearing pink that what you are? A faggot cocksucker?"

I can't deny it, I'm kneeling on the cement floor of a cell wearing panties and stroking another man's dick, the evidence is overwhelming to anyone looking on. But in my head I'm still not there yet, I'm thinking about how to get myself out of this jam.

Marcus lifts my chin with his free hand and has me look up into his eyes.

"You want to be Daddy's girl, don't you?" he asked me.

"Yes," I whisper softly. Partly not wanting anyone to hear me but mostly because I was trying to deny to myself that I felt this way.

"Yes what?"

I'm confused, I just admitted to this man that I wanted him to be my daddy, what else did he want from me?

Yolanda whispers in my ear, "it's daddy to you...give your daddy the proper respect and address him appropriately.

"Yes daddy" I hear myself say.

OMG, was I really calling this big man my daddy? There was no denying how excited I was at the thought, my dick remains rock hard while soft moans come from my mouth. At this moment I knew who was in charge and it wasn't me, it was my daddy. I would have done just about anything for him at that moment.

"From now on you will address me as Daddy, and when I call for you I expect you to come immediately. Any disobedience will be met with severe punishment, understand?"

"Yes daddy" was all I could muster

"I expect you to wear panties from now on too, the rest of the rules Yolanda will teach you, got it?"

"Yes"...I hesitate and then add "...Daddy"

"Does my sissy bitch want to taste my cock now?

Again I nod like I was under some spell, I involuntarily lick my lips in anticipation.

"Once you suck this dick that makes you my property, do you understand?" Marcus warns.

I think about the gravity of that, being the property of another man, a prisoner no less. But my body is betraying me, I am rock hard and my dick takes over the conversation by saying,

"Yes daddy"

"And if I need you to do something you better say yes daddy and do it, otherwise you will see me angry and no one wants that"

Yolanda chimes in, "He likes the idea of getting spanked, don't you sweetie?"

"Is that right? Figures, all you queer boys like a man to take charge. You desperately need me to tell you what to do, it's the natural order of things around here. I'm the alpha and you are my bitch, isn't that right?"

"Yes daddy" I say knowing I'm too far gone to think of anything else.

Then my daddy pulls his dick out of my hand and forces it into my mouth. Marcus...I mean, daddy grins with his approval as I start sucking on his cock. I knew I was at the point of no return, I was puddy in his hands and we both knew it.

His cock was soooo much bigger and stronger than Yolanda's. He was a real man and he had a man's cock, not some pussy like me. It was obvious that I was submitting to him with total disregard for my job and reputation. At this moment I didn't care about any of that, all I cared about was sucking on this gorgeous dick, I felt like this is what I was meant to do.

While I continue to suck on daddy's dick I can feel Yolanda from behind me tracing her finger around the rim of my panties.

She feels my panties I'm wearing, she wiggles her finger past them and runs her finger across my crack, pausing at my sphincter. She continues to slowly make soft round circles around my asshole as I lean instinctively arch my back pushing my ass back towards her.


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