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Prom Ch. 10: Touch and Go Pt. 02

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Rachel and Rebecca's dorm craziness concludes.
13k words

Part 10 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS -- Chapter 9: Touch and Go (Pt. 1)


Time stood still for a moment and all three people in the room could feel the electric current passing through each of their touching bodies. The girls trembled, their eye dancing and stomachs coursing with excitement. Joe, too, was beside himself with anticipation. He'd just laid it out for them and they were on the precipice of crossing into the final step of their slow-building experiment.

Before either Rachel or Rebecca could respond to his words, Joe quickly undid the button on his jeans and raised his hips off the futon. His movement caused the girls to jump and they quickly stumbled to their feet to stand in front of him. He slid his zipper down with haste. He usually liked to let a girl do it, but he was beyond wasting any more time. His only new fear was that he would lose control too quickly. He had rarely been warmed up so extensively.

He sucked in a focused breath and slipped both his jeans and underwear down past his knees. Sitting back down back down, he looked up at the girls with excitement. Both sets of their eyes widened as their gaze fell expectedly to the same spot. His dick was rock hard and pointing almost straight up at the ceiling. It had swayed and pulsed gently upon being sprung from his pants before coming to a still straining rest. It was pretty long and of average thickness. He was neatly trimmed and his balls hung heavily, resting on the futon. Joe smiled at their reactions.

The girls were buzzing hard and breathing quickly. They looked at the naked boy in front of them and then back at each other. Their eyes communicated as they thought about what would happen next. Were they really going to do this? Were they going to give this guy a blowjob? Together?

Rachel inhaled loudly as she felt a strong wave rip through her body. The thought of sucking this guy's dick while she was half-naked, next to her best friend was making her pulse between her legs. The idea of anyone watching her perform excited her enough. But that it was Rebecca? And that they were naked? And that they'd be doing it together?

She closed her eyes to regain control as another wave hit her. She was picturing herself forcefully sucking on Joe's dick while Rebecca watched from less than a foot away. She wondered if it would turn Rebecca on as well. Would they take turns? Would they do it together? Would one be sucking and the other-...?

She was completely on fire and she felt the butterflies crash through her stomach walls letting her know that she might just get off doing it. It had happened before. Several times. Most recently that night with Jim in the parking lot. She'd been picturing Chris and just the whole sexual craziness of the night and she had exploded. She pulsed again at the thought. She was wrong. That hadn't been the last time she'd came while down on a guy.

A few weeks after her first encounter with Chris, Rachel had found herself at one of the soccer games, primarily to see him again. She'd had enough of their flirting in the halls and unfulfilled nights at parties hoping that he'd show up. Her mind had raced with dirty thoughts as she'd watched him in action on the field. Wound up and no longer willing to play it slow, she'd found him in the school parking lot after the game as everyone was leaving to go home. And she'd made her desires explicitly clear.

Minutes later she was enthusiastically sucking him off in his car in the parking lot. Pretty much everyone had left by then but the possibility of getting caught was still excitingly present. She had been leaned over his seat, bobbing her head for only a few minutes when she'd felt the first warning sign that she might be close herself. She was wearing a skit and slipping a covert hand between her legs had been an automatic reaction.

Feverishly turned on, she'd slid her fingers past her underwear and pushed firmly inside. The sensation rocked her and her oral work went into overdrive, much to Chris's benefit. The increased enthusiasm of her mouth pushed him to the limit quickly and they both began to writhe to the joint pleasure they were feeling.

She hadn't been touching herself for very long when Chris had finally lost control. But his wild reaction had set her off and when he came hard into her mouth, she'd pressed her own fingers in deep and lost herself as well. It had been so hot for her and she'd thought about it for days after. She'd decided that one day she would marry Chris. He was just too good looking. She just needed to, like, start dating him or something first...

The silliness of her thoughts made her smile, but as she stood in the dorm room, Rachel felt the wheels turning and she was sure what she was about to do would be enough to get her there again. And the thought of doing it with Rebecca-. She saw the fire in her friend's eyes as well and she suddenly felt a little guilty.

Rachel knew this hot, drunken threesome would be enough to get herself off. But she remembered how Rebecca had gone on and on earlier that day about how she'd needed some release. Rachel had been sure that her friend would get it tonight. If the dorm meetup had been a bust, some other guy at the party they were supposed to go to would surely be more than happy to take care of her. Rebecca was most likely going to fuck someone. And if not, she'd at least make sure whomever she ended up with returned the favor. The only way she might get shut out was if-.

Rachel shook her head. This was it. There was one penis here and they were both going to have to share it. Maybe the guy would be up for something further with Rebecca after they were all done, but that was a long shot. More than likely, they'd get this guy off in a way he'd never experienced and that would be the end of his evening. And Rachel would get hers along the way. But Rebecca? Poor Becca.

Rachel left her guilty thoughts and came back to the present. She realized that she was rubbing her thumb and forefinger again so she stopped and grabbed ahold of Rebecca's hand. She gulped and whispered into her friend's ear.

"Well, um, shall we?"

Rebecca turned to her and gave her a fiery smile. She was completely wound up and definitely ready to go. She bit her lip and nodded. The pair turned back towards their lucky friend and sank to their knees slowly with familiarity. They released their hands from each other and scooted up to get in close.

Each girl grabbed a leg of Joe's jeans and together they slid them and his boxer-briefs to the floor as he popped his feet free. He was now slumped into the futon, completely naked save a thin silver chain around his neck. His whole body was pulsing with anticipation and his eyes were wider than seemed possible. He gently reached out and cupped each girl by the back of the head. He nodded with a smile.

Neither girl was a novice in this position but they both hesitated as they assessed the foreign situation. Who would go in first? Would they both go together? Should they both, like, lick him on either side? Should one go down to his-? They nervously giggled as they thought the same thoughts.

It was quite the vision for Joe. Two beautiful, topless girls kneeling in front of him and quivering with anticipation as they crowded in between his widely spread legs. He had no idea what was going to happen next but it was surely going to be mind-blowing. He just knew it.

Rachel, acting on instinct, moved first. She leaned up off her heels and brought her lips down squarely over the tip of his dick. She let his head pass through and she opened wider as took him deep into her mouth. She slid her lips back up his shaft and took a deep breath. With familiarity, she relaxed her throat and sucked him in deeply once more. She took in most of his dick and her nose gently brushed the base of his shaft. She ran her tongue generously all over the underside as she clamped her lips and sucked him forcefully back out. She repeated the movement again. And again. She grinned to herself as she began steadily sucking his dick.

Rebecca simply watched with trembling excitement as Rachel dove right in and did what she did best. Watching her perform sexually was hypnotic and Rebecca couldn't keep her eyes away. She marveled at Rachel's ease and relaxed expression and she skillfully worked Joes' dick up and down. She felt herself tingle as her eyes fell to Rachel's side and she watched her heavy breasts jiggle gently with her movements. Those boobs! Rebecca felt the jealousy again. But also a hint of desire. She licked her lips. God, she could just-.

Feeling like she wasn't in control of her movements, she watched her own trembling hand reach out and gently touch her friend's soft smooth skin. Her lips parted reflexively as her fingers probed further, reaching the front and underside of Rachel's left breast. She swallowed hard and gave it a timid squeeze. Oh...

Rachel's eyes shot open as she felt the touch. It didn't feel like a familiar touch. It was gentler. More subtle. As she slid her mouth back up Joe's cock, she darted her eyes to his sides. His hands were resting on the cushion. Who-? A jolt ripped through her again. Rebecca!

Rachel pulled up off of Joe's shaft as she whipped her head to meet Rebecca's eyes. Her mouth hung open, both from what she'd just been doing and from the exciting and arousing shock coursing her senses. Was Rebecca touching her? She was!

Her head swam as she again became aware of how drunk she was. Why was Rebecca-? It felt so good though. She led out an audible half-gasp, half-moan as she felt her friend's fingers pull away and graze over her nipple. She forgot completely about the penis in front of her face and her full attention was on Rebecca.

Rebecca smiled nervously but she held her ground. She couldn't believe what she had just done! She was so turned on and now it didn't seem to matter who or what was in front of her. Nervousness continued to spot her face as she took in Rachel's shocked expression. Rachel's mouth was hanging wide open, her lips glistening with moisture. Had she freaked her out? She licked her lips and started to speak.

But Rachel stopped her with a simple, lustful nod. Her eyes did the talking. She had been turned on by it, and while she looked confused, she wasn't upset. If anything, she wanted it again. Rebecca smiled warmly and the two girls simply looked at each other for a few seconds.

But in an instant, Rebecca suddenly snapped out of her daze and remembered why they were down there. She looked up at Joe and registered his confused, longing look. Rachel had left him the lurch. And she'd been the reason. She swallowed. Poor boy.

Raising up off her own heels and gently pushing past her friend, Rebecca moved in to take her turn. She'd just watched with admiration what so many guys gossiped about as Rachel had demonstrated her technique, but she was no slouch either. She'd rocked her share of worlds. And this desperately wound up college boy in front of her was about to get a different flavor of heaven.

Rebecca leaned in and took Joe completely into her mouth. Her breasts pushed into his thigh as she leaned over him from the side. She sucked him in gently and let him fall from her incredible, full lips. Her lips drove boys crazy. Not only did they look like they were made to do what she was doing now, but she knew how to put them to work with skill.

She took him deeply into her mouth again and looked up to catch his gaze. With a wink, she slowly dragged her lips across his shaft as his penis slid gently from her mouth. Her technique was slower and little less forceful than Rachel's but it was insanely pleasurable in its own way. Joe found himself subtly missing the great suction and intensity of the mouth that had just left him, but he quickly got used to the easy pace of the gorgeous brunette who was now tenderly blowing him.

Rachel had still been reeling as she'd watched Rebecca move past her and go to work. She was tingling from her friend's surprising touch and found herself wanting it again. She also watched Rebecca's own body move to the rhythm of the blowjob she was delivering. Her soft breasts were pushed up into Joe's leg and the sultry curves of her hips and ass were hypnotic. Should she touch her too? Rachel swallowed. She kind of wanted to. She closed her eyes in pleasure as she thought again of how she would definitely cum if things went right. She caught herself glancing at Rebecca's thighs and her thong. She shivered as she wondered what Rebecca was feeling down there. Was she close? Poor thing. Would she be able to-?

Snapping herself away from the thoughts, Rachel turned back to the scene in front of her. Rebecca was smoothly and gently sucking Joe in and out at a nice, even pace. She watched her friend's technique with critical eyes, as if she were a judge at the Olympics. She noticed Rebecca didn't pull her cheeks in all the way. She wasn't sucking with force. She was instead using her pillow-like lips to accentuate a generous, melting blowjob. It was different from what Rachel did. She glanced up at Joe and grinned. Well, he seemed to be enjoying it. She grinned further. Let's see if we can't turn up the heat, she thought devilishly.

Joe had been enjoying it immensely. Both the girls definitely knew their way around a dick and while their styles were different, they were both mind-blowing. If he had a gun to his head, he'd Rachel back on him, but he surely wasn't complaining. Rebecca was smoothly bobbing her head with gentle, but firm pressure. She ran her tongue all over him as she took him in and out and she could definitely take him deep. And those lips!

Rachel's lips were full and sexy as well, but Rebecca's were simply made for this. They were wet with saliva as they smoothly dragged all over his shaft. He almost couldn't watch; it was too intense. Despite that, he was pretty proud of himself for staying in control and allowing his pleasure to build slowly. When he got off, it was going to be epic. He had no idea what the girls would do when the moment came but somehow he knew he was in good hands (or mouths).

He closed his eyes at the thought and exhaled deeply. He began to run his fingers through Rebecca's dark hair as she worked him soothingly between her lips. It was feeling better and better and he'd just begun to get into a nice enjoyable rhythm when his eyes suddenly shot back open. His legs tensed and stared down with a look of shock and almost pained pleasure.

Rachel, no longer lying dormant, had decided to get back in on the fun. Not wanting to interrupt Rebecca's steady work, she'd looked elsewhere to find a target. And found one, she had.

Joe shot forward, almost pulling away from Rebecca as he felt Rachel's lips go to the base of his shaft and suck in hard. He saw stars as she dragged her lips down across his balls and began to lick all over them generously. He had to look away as she generously lapped and sucked all over his sac with a hungry smile. He sucked in deeply and dug his fingers into the couch as he felt her suck one of his balls into her mouth and begin to swirl it around with her tongue. She mercifully released him before sucking the other one in and repeating the process. He was gasping and he began to mutter to himself. Focus. Focus, motherfucker! Relax!

Joe had never received a double-blowjob before, and when the two girls had begun, they had really just been taking turns. It had been hot, but it wasn't much different from getting some regular head. But now, he was truly feeling the power of the joint-effort.

The contrast of Rebecca's slow, deliberate sucking on his dick and Rachel's enthusiastically forceful (but still in control) work down on his balls was mind-bending. He was feeling two entirely different but incredible sensations at once. He was getting the best of both worlds and he was sure that his clock was ticking now. He was sadly coming to realization that this incredible experience was maybe less than a minute away from dropping the curtain. He wanted it to last all night.

He cursed himself and shook his head. Even if he were able to hook up with them again in the future, it would never be the same. A perfect storm had conspired to get them both to himself. He almost laughed out loud. Randy! His poor roommate. Where was he anyway?

If he hadn't left so strangely, Joe never would've gotten to this level of ecstasy. However, he'd still have likely gotten with Rachel and she'd currently be bobbing generously over him doing basically the same thing. And Randy would likely be getting a taste of the other set of soft, soothing lips that he was now feeling on his shaft. Plus Rebecca seemed so wound up. Hell, maybe she would have even fucked him. He shook his head in disbelief. Poor bastard. That errand better have been worth it.

His thoughts were interrupted as he groaned in pleasure. He was getting closer. Definitely less than a minute away. He began mentally preparing for his release when suddenly, something stopped. The pleasurable sensations were still coming, but no longer from everywhere. He opened his eyes and looked down.

Rebecca had stopped blowing him and was simply watching her friend work his balls with fascination. The sudden break gave Joe a reprieve and he happily realized that it might stretch things out further. Rebecca had his shaft in her hand and was gently stroking him but she wasn't paying attention at all. She was staring at Rachel, who was lost in in her work.

Rebecca had felt Rachel's body come closer as she scooted in to re-join the party. She kept dutifully sucking away knowing that Rachel was settled in fine and simply looking for someplace else to put her mouth. The girls had worked together for a few minutes but after a while, Rebecca realized she was paying less attention to the penis in her mouth than she was to watching her friend work Joe's balls with eager generosity. She lost track of her own job and soon slipped his dick out from her lips to focus fully on Rachel.

Her friend was working with such enthusiasm and it was amazing to watch. She seemed out of control but she wasn't. There were no wasted movements. She went from area to area with a purpose. It was like every move she made was the correct one, and in the correct order. Like she was playing chess. Or cracking a safe.

Rebecca had felt Joe's leg's shake and had heard his now unintelligible string of mumbled curse words. And she knew it was mainly Rachel that was doing it to him. Rebecca's own blowjob had been incredibly pleasurable and Joe had certainly been reacting with pure appreciation. But Rachel was just on another level.

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