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Punishing a Cheater


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Feeling her body tense, I stopped spanking her, instead rubbing her warm flesh gently, allowing my fingers to trace from the small of her back, all the way down her legs and back up. She pushed her hips up, and spread her legs slightly, an unspoken invitation I RSVPed to without hesitation. Bringing a hand up the inside of her thigh until I reached the hot, and very wet folds of her pussy. I spread her legs wider, and used a finger to open her lips, finding her tight, pink opening. She moved herself back and forth, grinding herself against my hand until I let the first finger slip inside of her and started working it in and out, varying my pace in response to her primal vocalizations. I was conducting the most sensual symphony ever written, and my fingers were the baton. As the music we wrote together reached its climax, so did she. Bucking and twitching wildly on my lap as her muscles clenched around my fingers still inside her.

As she lay across my lap, still basking in her orgasm, I looked over at pig-fuck. He was staring at his wife with a look I couldn't quite discern in his eyes. Glancing down, I was able to see that his cock was swelled painfully against its cage.

Kathy slowly slinked off my lap, and looked at my now almost painfully hard manhood. "Mmmm..." she said softly, then got on her knees in front of me.

I sat up straight to allow her better access. She Looked at me, locking mine with her own beautiful blue eyes. Taking my cock in one hand, she lowered her head and covered its swollen head with her mouth. She circled her tongue around me, eliciting a low moan, as I tilted my head back in ecstasy. Looking back at her as she sucked me, and keeping my eyes glued to her face, I called out "Hey, pig, get over here so you can watch closely." He stepped over to us. "On your knees, right here." I gestured to my side.

"Mmmph mmmph" came the gagged reply that I took to mean 'Yes, Sir.' as he complied with my order.

I felt a rush of power, something different than I'd ever experienced, even when playing a dominant role during sex in the past. "Get closer. Take a good hard look, I want to make sure you understand something." I told him, and he scooted forward on his knees until his chest was almost touching my leg.

Kathy continued teasing my cock with her mouth, but I saw - and felt - her smile. Then she pushed her head all the way down on my length, filling her throat. I saw pig's eyes bulge again, telling me that this was something that either she didn't do often, or of which he was unaware that she was even capable.

"Hnnnggghh" I made a guttural sound, knowing I was rapidly nearing my tipping point. In an odd moment of near-nut clarity, I remembered what the actual goal of this whole production was. As much as I would love to be with Kathy, I was there not to break up their marriage, but actually save it. I decided it was time to truly test the theory, and go a little 'off-script'. I just hoped that Kathy wouldn't think this went too far. I looked at pig-fuck, his eyes still glued on his wife's full mouth. His eyes were red from the tears spilled during the severe paddling, a line of spittle was dripping from one corner of his mouth around the ball gag forcing it uncomfortably open. I leaned forward, and unbuckled the gag behind his head, letting him remove the ball from his mouth.

He took several big breaths and tried to swallow the excess saliva coating his mouth. He looked like he was about to say something, but then saw both of our eyes on him and shut his mouth quickly. Choosing instead to stay silent and work his sore jaw muscles.

"Listen, pig-fuck, I'm going to ask you some questions." I said sternly, feeling Kathy lose a little rhythm as she must have wondered what I was up to. "You have my permission to speak only to answer them. Be honest, and answer quickly, otherwise the gag goes right back in. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir." He said very softly.

"Speak up! I have to be able to hear you over this." I waved a hand at his stunning wife still bobbing up and down on my dick. She responded by opening her mouth slightly, and letting the blow job become much louder. The room filled with the slurping sounds of her ministrations.

"Yes, Sir." Louder, but still meekly.

"Good." I gestured with my head at Kathy working my shaft. "Do you see how much your wife loves you?"

"W-w-what?" He stammered.

"Did you not hear the question?"

"I, uh, I... yes, I heard, b-but I don't understand." He sounded genuinely ashamed. Which meant this just might be working.

"Hmm. Well let me make this simple, pig, so even you can understand." I ran the back of my hand over Kathy's face to emphasize the point. "You see, most women - especially smart, funny, sweet, caring, and fucking gorgeous ones like your wife - would simply leave a cheating asshole and be done with it. Following me so far?"

"Y-yes, Sir."

"Good, good, now; what is your stunning beauty of a wife doing right now?"

He looked at me with wide eyes, still not grasping what I was looking for.

I raised my voice, "Answer the question, fucker. What. Is. She. Doing?"

"She-she-she's sucking your cock." He finally spit out.

"That's right! Now, what is my cock?"

"Um... hard?" He questioned.

"Of course it's hard! Look at what's being done to it right now! That's not what I'm asking. What is MY cock?"

"Uh... uh..." He looked between Kathy and myself, hoping that the answer I was looking for lay somewhere in our faces. Not finding he said, "Big?"

I laughed, "Thank you for the complement, pig-fuck, but that's not what I'm looking for. What is," I leaned in to punctuate the next word, "MY cock?"

He was still struggling, but I practically saw the lightbulb turn on over his head as he said, "Not mine."

I clapped my hands a few times in mock congratulations. "That's right. Your wife loves you so much that she's willing to do anything to save your marriage. Even sucking another man's cock." I felt her mouth smile around my cock again as she continued sucking and slurping, really making a show of it. "Would you be willing to do that to save your marriage?"

"You mean go down on another girl for her?" He asked.

"No, moron, we just went over this. Is she eating a pussy right now?"

"No, Sir."

"So, answer the question; would you do the same to save your marriage?"

He looked scared, but for the first time, I thought I saw a hint of real regret and sadness in his eyes that went beyond having been caught, and going through this humiliation. It seemed that he may actually be sorry for what he'd done. "Yes, Sir."

"Show me." I reached down and grabbed the base of my cock, taking it out of Kathy's mouth and pointing it toward his. My heart was racing like never before. I had never done anything like this. The idea of having him suck me did almost nothing for me in a purely sexual way, but the power and control I felt was intoxicating.

He hesitated but began very slowly moving his face toward my spit covered, swollen purple head. His eyes moved to Kathy, a question in his eyes. She answered by grabbing his hair at the back of his head and speeding along its trajectory toward me. He opened his mouth as wide as he could, shaping his jaw and pulling back his tongue to make as little contact with my penis as he could as she pushed his head down on it.

"Come on! You can do better than that. Remember why you're here. You're doing this FOR her." I stroked Kathy's face again from her lips to her ear with the back of my fingers. "If this amount of effort is all you're willing to put in, why should she stay?"

Pig-fuck turned his eyes up to look into his wife's. She watched him with a soft, but eager look on her face, involuntarily biting the corner of her bottom lip. He closed his mouth fully on my hardness, and began sucking in earnest. It was sloppy, and he had no rhythm to it, but he was really trying. I let him work on it for a few moments, then pulled myself out of his mouth with an audible 'pop'.

"I hope you understand now, pig, the reason for today's session."

"Yes, Sir." He said, then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Now stay right there and watch, she's much better at this than you." I pointed myself back at Kathy and she immediately dropped her head on me. Swallowing my entire length into the back of her throat.

It was mere seconds before I was unable to hold out any longer. This whole scene, the power, control, and sex overwhelmed me as I felt the first swelling of orgasm build. "I'm going to cum." I said, in case she wanted to pull me out of her mouth. Her response instead was to grip my balls firmly in one hand, while working my shaft with the other and focusing her mouth on the most sensitive head. Sucking firmly and meeting my eyes with hers, which bulged wide in happy surprise as my cock twitched madly and jizz started to fill her mouth. She kept pressure and suction on me until I was completely dry. Finally releasing her hands first, then carefully closing her lips around my tip to suck every last drop from me.

With a smile in her bright eyes, she opened her mouth a little to show both of us the reward inside. Seeing very different looks on our faces, she smiled wider, causing a wide stream of cum to dribble out the corner of her mouth. She quickly moved a hand up to catch the falling drops, while also closing her mouth and making a show of swallowing it all down. Smacking her lips and saying, "Ahhh." while opening her mouth again to show its emptiness. She used the side of her finger to scoop up the line trailing down her chin, and without a word, held her hand in front of pig-fuck's mouth.

Broken, he didn't hesitate even a fraction of a moment, in fact he almost eagerly met her hand and used his tongue to thoroughly clean every bit of my cum from her outstretched hand. Swallowing loudly and mimicking her open mouth show of emptiness.

"Fuuuuck!" I relaxed back into the couch cushions.

Kathy took a seat next to me, twisting her body toward me with her hip on the cushion, one leg crossed over mine. She rested her head on my chest and I could feel her breath on my skin. We all sat there in silence for several minutes. Finally broken by her exclaiming, "Damn, I'm hungry!"

I had honestly not thought about food, but her mention of hunger suddenly reminded me that I hadn't had breakfast, and barely touched my lunch because I was so nervous. "Yeah, me too. Starving!"

"Chinese?" She asked me, deliberately not looking in pig-fuck's direction at all. I had a cloudy memory of her complaining about not getting Chinese food often because he didn't like it, and there wasn't a decent place close enough to work for lunch.

"Sounds great!"

"I'll grab the menu; be right back." She lifted herself off the couch. Giving me a very nice view of her now only slightly pink ass.

To my own surprise, I felt my cock twitch slightly, it had been a long time since I'd been able to reset in such a short time. I reached up to give her bottom a light smack before she walked away.

A few minutes later Kathy returned. She had wrapped herself in a red silken robe, just barely long enough to cover the bottom edge of her buttocks. The movement of each step sliding it up just enough to give a peek at those delightful curves. She was carrying a carefully folded linen bathrobe with a paper takeout menu lain on top, and stretched them both toward me as she approached. I stood and took them from her, opening the robe and awkwardly putting one arm through a sleeve while looking at the menu in the other then switching to repeat. I left the robe open and sat back down on the couch. Kathy took up her previous position beside me, hip to cushion and long lean leg draped over my own.

We took our time perusing the menu, while pig-fuck knelt silently in place. It was clear he knew that moving, or speaking was going to be a one way ticket to some further humiliation. Finally deciding on our order, Kathy got up to retrieve her phone and called in the order. Saying "They said about thirty to forty five minutes." as she returned to the couch and snuggled into me again. "Want to watch some TV while we wait?"

"Sounds good." I replied, thinking of a few other things we could do instead, but this was her show, and I'd already ad-libbed enough.

Grabbing the remote from the table behind the couch, she flicked on the set and started scrolling through a streaming service menu. Stopping on a popular sit-com from a dozen years ago I knew we'd both watched many times. She picked an episode at random and started it playing, returning the remote, then placing her hand on my chest near her face.

I stretched out the leg she wasn't wrapped around and flexed the knee a couple times. Sitting in one position for too long always made them sore.

"Do you need to put your leg up?" Kathy asked with a crooked smile.

"It wouldn't hurt." I said, already picking up on what she planned.

"Hey, pig-fuck, make yourself useful as a foot rest, now." She commanded.

A "Yes, Miss" came out without delay.

I raised my leg in the air, he bent over putting his hands on the floor and crawled a couple steps to position himself under it. Then, dropped to his elbows, and placed his forearms and hands flat against the short shag area rug. Finally he lowered his bruised and plugged ass until his back was more or less perpendicular to the floor. I set my leg down on his back and said, "Ah, that's better, thanks, pig-fuck."

"Yes, Sir."

We sat and watched about an episode and a half, before the doorbell rang out to announce that the food had been dropped off at the front door. "I'll go grab that." Kathy said, getting up to retrieve the food and serve it up. "Fork or chop-sticks?" She asked me.

When she unhooked her leg from mine, I raised and crossed it over my other leg, placing both on pig-fuck's back. "Chop-sticks, please." I replied.

She returned with the food, handing me a plate loaded with lo mein, fried rice and crispy beef, a pair of acrylic chop-sticks with a floral design inlay stuck out of the noodle pile. She also set down a restaurant style bottle of soy sauce atop a coaster on the table behind the couch. She then turned to the coffee table, scooping some of the rice, noodles and chicken dish from her plate onto the plate she'd previously used to feed pig-fuck his own cum. With that plate, she walked over to the strip of hardwood showing between the rug and the wall underneath the mounted TV. She placed it on the ground, turned and told pig-fuck, "If your hungry, eat. But... no hands and that plate doesn't move from that spot, understand?"

"Yes, Miss." As I lifted my legs from his back and he crawled on all fours over to the plate.

Kathy joined me on the couch, and we ate and watched TV while pig-fuck struggled to eat the messy Chinese food like a dog without moving the plate or making a mess. To his credit, he was able to clean the plate and it stayed within a few centimeters from its starting position. When he'd finished, he looked to Kathy for instruction.

"You've been a good little pig-fuck so far." She started, "You may have a fifteen minute break to do whatever you want, with a few exceptions; the plug stays in, the cage stays on, and all clothes stay off." She glanced at me with a raised eyebrow, which I took as an invitation to add any stipulations of my own.

"You better be back, on your knees, right there," I pointed at the spot in front of the side chair. "When the timer goes off."

"Yes, Miss. Yes Sir." He nodded.

Kathy called out again to the smart speaker for a 15 minute timer. When it said 'starting now' pig-fuck got up from his knees and stretched. He rubbed his sore ass, then picked up the plate from the ground, turned to us and motioned to our plates on the coffee table with a questioning look. I waved my hand dismissively, and she just gave a single nod. He picked up both plates, taking all three into the kitchen, from which he could hear the sounds of them being rinsed and loaded into the washer.

"Do you think it's working?" Kathy asked me quietly.

"So far, I think so. It took a bit to break him, but I think you've done it."

"Not just me." She met my eyes, but gestured a hand toward my crotch. "That. Well, that was something else, wasn't it?"

"Ah, yeah." I started a little nervously, "I hope that wasn't too much."

"I thought it was hot as fuck, actually." She said, while trailing a finger up and down my chest. "Did you like it?"

I thought about how to respond. I wasn't sure I'd fully processed all my feelings about having forced pig-fuck to suck me. "I liked the power, the control. I know it probably makes me sound like a complete asshole, but that's the part I enjoyed."

"Don't worry," she laughed, "I've been literally dripping with power all night too."

I chuckled at the pun, "I see what you did there."

"Well, you'll get to do more than see it, don't worry." Then turned her attention back to the TV, but continued to casually stroke my chest from the top of my neatly trimmed pubes up to my neck and back down.

Shortly, pig-fuck reentered the room, and got on his knees in the spot I had pointed out before. He knelt there silently for just under a minute before the timer went off.

"Punctual." I said.

"That's a good pig-fucker. I'm tired, if I had to punish you for being late, it would have been... unpleasant." She said menacingly. Then, to me, "You want your footstool back?"

I didn't even have to answer, pig-fuck got on all fours and crawled across the rug to take his footstool position. I lifted my free leg, bringing it back down on his back as Kathy pulled me tighter into her embrace.

We let the comedy show play for several more episodes, a couple of times making pig-fuck go to the kitchen to get us drinks. After which he resumed his position as my foot rest.

We had reached the end of a season, so she stopped the playback, yawned and said. "I'm tired."

"Yeah, it's been a long night." I agreed.

"And, I'm going to need you to have plenty of energy tomorrow." She patted my chest before getting up. "Wait here a sec, I'll be right back."

I removed my leg from its rest and stood as she returned carrying a blanket. Tossing the blanket on the couch, she reached out her hand for me to guide me out of the living room.

"Good night, pig." She said as we walked away. "Try to get some rest, it could be a long day tomorrow."

A fading "Yes, Miss." followed us down the hall.

Kathy's bedroom was a stark juxtaposition from the rest of the carefully styled house. Almost no decoration on the walls, with the exception of one framed photo of an older man and woman. The resemblance to Kathy was unmistakable. "Your parents?" I asked?

"Grandparents, actually." She replied, smiling wistfully at the photo. "Nana, and Pop-pop. My Dad's parents. We lost them both a few years back." Her eyes were a little misty, "Fuckin' cancer." She added.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring up..." she cut me off by throwing her arms around my neck and getting on her toes to plant a kiss on my lips.

"It's okay." she whispered as she broke away from the kiss.

I glanced around the rest of the room. The bed was a California King, neatly made, but not fancily so. Two pillows in plain gray cases that matched the strip of folded sheet visible below lay on each side. They were propped against a plain, but nice, dark wood headboard that was mounted to the wall. The duvet cover offered almost the only color in the room, being a dark blue with thin white stripes. At the foot of the bed, a wood chest, with a thin cushion, about eight inches shorter than the bed, and a few feet beyond that, a pair of identical dressers. A TV stood across them, one set of its feet on each dresser. Small night stands that obviously matched the headboard and dressers placed on either side of the bed completed the furniture of the room. Each table held a small lamp, which was currently the only light in the room, both glowing a soft yellow. The ceiling fan overhead spinning slowly, but the lights attached were dark. One wall was broken by a closed double sliding set of mirrored doors, behind which I assumed was the closet. Another, by a partially open door with darkness behind it, which probably led to a bathroom.


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