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Quaranteam Ch. 20


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"I don't think you've met a man in your entire life who's been ready for you," he said, which made her laugh in amusement. "Me included. You're really sure you're okay with all of this?"

"Can I tell you a secret?" she said, that impish smile widening on her face a little bit. "I sort of help set all this up."

Andy narrowed his eyes. "I don't know how that's even possible."

"When Sarah and I arrived on the base two weeks ago, we were put in a sort of group quarantine, and were mostly only allow to see people who had already been vaccinated and were with partners, a few staff members aside. Sarah was very nervous that someone would find out we were together, so we just acted like acquaintances, actors who didn't know each other but knew of each other," Emily said, not letting him pull his hand away, in fact bringing it to rest on her chest, just above her heart. "So while Sarah was having panic attacks and thinking our lives were over, I got to know some of the people who were on guard duty for us."

"Niko..." Andy groaned, grinning in spite of himself.

"Well, yes, Niko, but not *just* Niko," Emily said. "Also, I met one of Mister Covington's family, Rachel. And so I hatched a plan."

"I don't understand why you even needed to," Andy said. "They partner you women up with men you want to be with, don't they?"

"Is that what they've told you?" she gasped. "No! Oh my god, no! No, that's not it at all, Andrew. I mean, it might have started that way, but since the foundation of New Eden, any woman that a man wants and asks for is brought here and imprinted, to be part of his new family. Maybe that's not true for all of the women, but it most certainly is for some of us! Did... did you really not know that? Have you truly not asked for anyone specific?"

"I didn't even know that I could, not that I think I would. Why wouldn't Niko tell me that?"

"Maybe she doesn't even know," Emily said. "We were told not to talk about the process at all, to anyone. But I'm a little busybody, so I poked around a bit, and Rachel told me a lot more than I think she intended to. I also talked to Niko about the various men who were in the community already. She said she really didn't know that many of them, other than her partner and his friends, so I asked her to tell me about them."

"Oh lord..."

"Once I found out you were, well, *you*, and that Niko had such a high opinion of you ... you really should marry all of your girls, Andrew, but my God, would Niko especially do literally *anything* for you ... I decided that I had to get Sarah into your family, no matter what. I knew how she felt about you, and if she'd found out you were here and she couldn't fuck you, well, it might've sent her into an uncontrollable spiral of depression, and I would not allow that to happen. She's had struggles with depression much of her life, and her love for you is deeper than the Pacific. If I could get myself into your family as well, all the better, but if Sarah and I simply lived in the same town, even with different male partners, we could still be together regularly enough, so I had to ensure she made her way to you, and that was the bare minimum of what I would accept."

"What did you do?"

"So Rachel controls the distribution process at the vaccination center. She determines how women are sent to their partners and at what speed. She is also, like, the biggest Dagger Academy fan, thank god for that. I got all of this done with just a few autographs and a few selfies with her. I don't like trading in on my fame, but I decided that just this one time, I would bend my moral compass, to ensure that Sarah and I weren't miserable."

"What does that mean?"

"It means, I convinced Rachel to send out women in batches of two, because the other thing Rachel had told me was that her partner, that prick Covington, liked to gamble with women, so I made sure that he would see this as an opportunity to hold one of his poker games, and that both Sarah and I would be available as prizes in them. Niko said you'd never been invited to one before, so I also needed to make sure there was a reason for you to get involved."

"Christ, if I'd have known you and Sarah were in it, I might have gone in on that alone."

"Oh, bless Andrew, but no, you wouldn't have," Emily said, kissing his nose. "You're too scrupulous. Niko made it exceptionally clear to me that you saw your partners as people not property, another part of the reason I so wanted to ensure Sarah made her way to you. But that meant convincing you that you were rescuing someone, and hoping you would also give in to temptation when it was presented to you on a silver platter. So when they started vaccinating us all with the inoculation, I bumped that doctor, Charlotte, and made her accidentally inject herself. That meant she had to get partnered up with someone within a few weeks, and I knew that Charlotte wouldn't leave her daughter behind. I also knew that Charlotte was a friend of Niko's, and that Rachel had been told by Covington to watch out for a mother-daughter pairing he could get his hands on, that sick fuck."

"This is like some kind of fucking heist movie!" Andy said in amazement.

"What I didn't know was that Charlotte was so heartbroken over the death of her husband, that she wouldn't care who she was assigned to. I had wanted Charlotte to be assigned to you and her daughter to be assigned to Covington, so you would feel the need to rescue her daughter and when you did, you would likely also take Sarah and I."

"What the hell happened?"

"Rachel got them both assigned to Covington instead, but thankfully, Niko decided on her own that she was going to make sure you were at that card game to rescue both of them, because she and the Doctor had become work friends. Niko convinced Rachel that you were a great cardplayer, and also made sure that one of their usual players dropped out. She's quite clever, your girl. I also put a bug in her ear that if she thought you were such a wonderful man, maybe you should consider trying to get Sarah as well."

"You didn't mention yourself?"

"I didn't want to overtax you, but I hoped that maybe I might be pretty enough to pull your eye."

"Every woman here is pretty, Emily," Andy chuckled. "But you're also clever and well-rounded. I've seen some of your interviews, and you're a very thoughtful person. I couldn't bear the thought of you being stuck with someone you hated. That's why I brought you here, so that if I wasn't your type, you could bond with one of my friends instead."

"Oh, I know, I know, Andrew," she said, kissing him again, just for a moment. "And I love that about you. You're a fundamentally good person at heart."

"You only had Niko's word for that."

"Well, no," she said, squeezing his hand again. "I also talked with your ex quite a lot. Everyone looks at me and thinks 'oh, she's so friendly, I'll just talk her ear off,' not realizing I'm taking all of that in and using it for my own advantage."

"You're like Littlefinger."

"Oh, except I won't get caught with my hand in the cupboard, love," she giggled. "And I use my manipulation powers mostly for good."

"I can't imagine Erin had much good to say about me, though."

"It wasn't what she was saying, it was how she was saying it." Andy obviously looked confused, because Emily continued. "She told me that even when you broke it off with her a decade or so ago, you spent so much time telling her why it wouldn't work, what was wrong with your relationship, how she wanted something different than what you were. And even while she was complaining that you wouldn't do what she asked, I could hear her telling me again and again that even though she'd done such horrible things to you, you were still trying to *help* her. If a man will do those kinds of things for a woman he used to love, imagine what he'll do for a woman he currently loves, I thought."

"Heaven and Earth..."

"Precisely. By this point, Niko and I had become friends, so when she told me that she had set up a plan to get you invited to the card game, I knew that *my* plan was working and that you would get Sarah into your family. If the doctor and her daughter hadn't been enough of a convincer, I was going to go to Niko and tell her that I also needed rescue, but it didn't come to that, thank god. Still, little did I know you were going to muck all of my meticulous planning on the day of!" she said, laughing.

Andy's eyebrows raised even further. "I'm... sorry? ... How did I muck it up?"

"I had convinced Rachel to talk Covington's usual dealer, a girl named Veronica, into cheating on your behalf. It was a chance for Rachel and Veronica to get back at Covington for how he'd been treating them. Veronica would help you with key cards at pivotal moments, so that you would finish first, and thus have the pick of the women. Knowing that you would get five women in first place, I felt confident that you would pick Sarah in addition to the Doctor and her daughter. If I got included also, all the better. But as Mr. Watkins told me on the ride over..."

"...I convinced them not to use her as a dealer, because I was afraid she might cheat *for* Covington. Oh god, I'm so sorry."

She giggled furiously, her face scrunching up in amusement. "I mean, I'm not angry. It's fine, it's fine it's fine it's fine. You're even a better card player than Niko said you were, apparently. Sarah made it here, I made it here, the Doctor and her daughter made it here. Everything all worked out in the end. You're crazy principled, but I admire that about you. Sarah is now with the man she loves, and I'm falling in love with that same man myself more every minute."

"The Doctor won't be staying, though."

"Oh no!" Emily said, genuinely looking a little saddened by the news. "Why not?"

"She's not into white guys." That made Emily smirk. "So my friend Phil Pak will take her in, although her daughter Asha's staying here. The good Doctor didn't think it wise for a woman to be paired with the same man her mother's paired with. She'll still be around regularly, though, as Phil and I see each other at least once a week."

"My goodness, I must say I rather agree with her assessment," Emily said. "Now, not to be too blunt about it, but I rather think you'd better get around to fucking me rather soon, don't you? Pardon my coarse language." At that, Andy had a good open laugh. "What's so funny?"

"So you may have spent a lot of time talking about me with Niko, you must've never once asked her about what I like in bed, because she would've told you one thing first and foremost..."

"What's that, soon-to-be husband-of-mine?"

That took Andy aback for a second before he said, "Women who swear are my biggest turn on. I love profanity, dirty talk. It revs my engine something crazy. That might've been one of the things that first turned me on to Sarah, was how casually she swore in interviews, and still made it sound so charming."

"Well," Emily said, widening her pale blue eyes for a moment, "if that's true, then perhaps I should tell you one of my biggest turn ons in return."

"Oh, by all means," Andy said. "I want to make sure you're enjoying it as much as I am."

"This does not leave our house, however, understand? What happens in our bedroom is between those of us who sleep in it and no one else."

"Absolutely. The things I've called my girls in bed, I'd never say that shit out in public. How we act in the bedroom isn't how we act in life."

"Bless your heart, Andy," she said, giving his hand another squeeze. "The two biggest things I love in life are romance and sex. Sometimes I want them together, sometimes I want them apart. As long as you can respect that, we'll get on like a house on fire."

"As long as you tell me what you're in the mood for when, I'm happy to deliver, Emily."

"That's more than most of the men and women I've dated can say."

"Well, did you tell them?"

"Tell them?" she asked, cocking her head to one side.

"Yeah, tell them what you were in the mood for, when you were in the mood for it. If you don't tell your partners what you want, and when you want it, they're going to guess wrong from time to time. You can't expect me to just guess, not for a long while anyway. You'll have to tell me."

She looked pleasantly taken aback, then brought one of her hands up to her temple, pinching her fingers together before exploding them, a mind blown gesture. "No! You know, I never thought of it that way! I'm going to have to do that from now on, and if I don't tell you, you must ask me, so I remember! I can be such a scatterbrain sometimes."

"So you were telling me about your turn on?"

"Oh. Yes." She smiled, almost as if she realized she'd gotten off track. "Sometimes in bed, I just want to be plowed. Drilled. Hammered. Just fucked within an inch of consciousness. Tossed around the bed like a ragdoll. Not broken, mind you, but used, and still with an eye towards my pleasure also! Pull my hair. Spank my ass. Pinch my nipples. Nothing that will leave a mark, but make me feel it, like I've gotten the blood to your loins so strong, you simply have to ravish me." She grinned a bit. "Sorry, you simply have to *fuck* me." She traced a fingertip along his cheek. "I'll work on getting my language in line with what you like, if you can get in line with what I want. I'll never swear quite as much as Sarah does, not that I think that's possible, but I don't mind getting a bit more filthy in my language if that makes you happy."

"When you're happy, I'm happy," he chuckled.

"Great. Yes. Excellent. Now that you've hopefully had time to regain your stamina, do you think you could do me the great honor of fucking my cunt until my brains are leaking out of my ears and my legs are too wobbly to stand on?" Her youthful exuberance, tinged with that spritely accent of hers, made it even harder for him to swallow his next breath. "I'm rather in dire need of that right now."

"Start rough, finish romantic?"


"As you wish, m'lady."

Emily looked over, noticing that Sarah was now completely zonked out on the bed, not even muttering any more, the imprinting process past the stage where it needed to be announced, the vaccine now making fundamental changes to the redhead's neurochemistry, giving her full immunity to the virus, but also making her dependent on Andy's cum. "Thank heavens. I wanted her not to be talking when you and I were having our first go. It would've seemed so out of place hearing her mumbling the entire time you were ramming me. So go on, fuck me like a whore and then love me like a princess."

Andy moved to sit up, slowly moving to climb over Emily, who began to roll onto her back, those light blue eyes looking up at him, not entirely sure what he was going to do next. Hell, he wasn't even entirely sure himself. But he had a few ideas. She'd asked for a rough start, and he was sure he could deliver, and that if he went too hard, she'd ask him to stop.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, and was a little surprised by the intensity with which she kissed him back. If Sarah had been warm and soulful, Emily was hot and hungry. Her slender fingers clutched to his shoulders, her willowy arms pressed against his skin.

With a sudden motion, he broke from the kiss and flipped her over beneath him, pushing her on her belly down onto the mattress, right next to Sarah's unconscious form, her face pressed against the pillow. Once he had her prone, he pushed her legs apart, moving to rub the head of his cock across the back of one of her thighs.

Emily placed one of her hands against the bed, pushing to lift her chest up off of it, but Andy took the palm of his hand and shoved between her shoulder blades and pushed her back onto the mattress, a wild, almost delirious giggle rolling from her lips as she flopped back onto the sheets. "God yes," she hissed. "Do it, you magnificent brute."

He grabbed onto her hips and pulled her back suddenly, pushing her knees underneath her, bringing her up to her hands and knees, pushing the skirt up and over her ass, as he shifted on his own knees, getting positioned, rubbing the tip of his cock against her pussy, not thrusting into her, even as he felt her squirming, trying to push herself back onto him.

"Come *on*," she whined. "You've got me positioned like a bitch. Now are you going to fuck me like one or what?"

"Like a whatnow?" Andy said, grinning as he kept dipping his hips backwards every time she tried to slide onto him.

"Like a bitch, I want you to fuck me like a bitch, damn you," she groaned, leaning her weight against him, but he was bigger and stronger and could keep her exactly in place.

"I think you're missing a word there, and until I hear it, maybe I'll just keep on teasing you like this," he said, giving his hips a quick dip and thrust, so the top of his cock grazed along her slit, causing her to whine.

"A word?"

"A word," he said. "One single solitary word."

She looked back over her shoulder at him, her blue eyes searching in his for some direction when it dawned on her, and her smile widened. "Oh, I see." She licked her lips, then nodded, more eagerly than Andy had expected her to. "Yes yes, I can do that." She lifted one hand up and brushed a few stray blonde hairs that had fallen into her face behind her ear. "I want that, so do it to me, sir." Her breath was hissy, tinged with a razor-edge excitement. "Fuck me like a bitch. No, your bitch. That's what you want, isn't it? Then I want it too. Do it. Do it! Make me *your* bitch!"

On that, Andy did exactly as she asked.

He thrust in deep and hard, his hands on her hips pulling her back onto his dick, slotting it as deep inside of her as he could, feeling her tight walls quivering, her whole body shaking when he finally pushed far enough for his balls to swing forward and thwack against her clit. On that first penetration, she trembled hard, fists balling up in clenched handfuls of sheets as her head shook from one side to the other, tossing all that hair back into her face again, as he felt her ankles pressing on the outside of his thighs, her toes curled up in the stockings before she finally inhaled a long breath, the moaned at him once more. "Fuuuuuhhhhhuuuuucccckkkkk that feels so fucking good. I've never cum so fucking good before and all you did is slide it in... I'm going to be a goddamn addict, aren't I? Your little Hollywood whore, itching for her next fix, a fucking junkie for your spunk... god, I fucking want that... I fucking need it... I came like a trollop from you just putting that wide cock inside of me... Now I think I'm fucking cumming all over again, dammit... Carve your name in my little pussy... make it *your* fucking pussy... paint my tight young cunt white with your spunk... I fucking need it... I fucking need you to fuck me..."

Andy's hips drew back and then thrust forward again, starting a rough and steady rhythm, pulling her lithe form back into him over and over again, making sure his cock bottomed out inside of her pussy each time, his fingernails raking on her hips. He lifted a hand up to give her asscheek a slap, and felt her tighten up on his cock when that skin reddened beneath his touch. He reached up and grabbed a fistful of her light blonde locks and yanked on them to make her head lift, a sound halfway between a squeal and a giggle bubbling from her lips. "God yes, you savage! Fuck me until I'm crying! Pound me until I feel your brand on my very fucking soul! Turn me into a rutting slut, turn me into *your* slut! Fuck me on that marvelous fucking dick! Harder, you beautiful goddamned beast! Rail me! Fuck the living shit out of me! Fuck the life from your newest whore! Make me take it all! Make me take that cum! Make me your whore!"

She was shouting loud enough that Andy half suspected some of the girls were outside of the door, their ears pressed to the wood, listening in and maybe even enjoying themselves. Sarah had mostly kept her volume down, but it seemed like Emily had been fixated on going the other direction, almost like she wanted Niko to know how much she was enjoying herself.

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