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Quaranteam Ch. 32


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"Are you considering running for office, Mr. Rook?"

Andy laughed a bit at that, shaking his head. "Fuck no," he said. "But if one of the women of my household wanted to run for office, I would absolutely encourage them to do so. Despite how political I know I'm coming off right now, Ms. Couric, I would not consider myself a political activist. But I want women and men to have equal rights under the eyes of the law, the same for the rich and the poor. And this country is going to see a shakeup the likes of which it has never seen before over the coming few years, as it tries to decide and define what the new normal is, such as it is. We're in danger of having our own little French Revolution here, guillotines and all."

"So let's get back on track and get back to things I can likely use when we air the special," she said with a laugh. "Has it been complicated, navigating this many relationships with this many women at all once?"

"I'm not going to lie to you and say no, Katie," he chuckled. "Of course it has. But some of the decisions I made early on have helped that a lot, and thankfully, I have an amazing collection of women who have chosen to spend their lives with me."

"What kinds of decisions did you make early on that you would say helped?"

"Some of it is stuff that seems obvious in retrospect. No kink shaming, for example. No body shaming. No shame in general, I suppose. That was a big start. But there were also things like making sure nobody got too possessive of anyone's time."

"You mean managing the amount time the women could spend with you."

"Well, yes and no. I mean, obviously, yes, there's only so much of me to go around, but I also made sure that everyone made time to get to know one another in the family, even with all of our busy lives. And we do our best to try and keep arguments from getting out of hand. It helps that there's always someone else around to try and play neutral observer. Not going to bed angry is a big deal around here, and that hasn't always been easy."

"How so?"

"Well, when Taylor showed up, Lauren was furious. They weren't currently together before they both came here. In fact, Lauren originally wanted me to turn Taylor away, to get her out of the house, because the breakup had gone so badly. But I sat Lauren down and talked it over with her, made sure she had time to think it all out and make a decision with a clear head, rather than out of anger, which is what she would've done if I'd taken her first opinion. At the end of the day, they've repaired that relationship, but it wasn't easy going at first."

"Do you ever feel like you're going to upset one of the girls by spending too much time with another, or that you have to do or say something to keep the peace between some of them?"

"My relationship with each of these women is a unique thing, and they're all very different from one another. Also, they all have relationships with each other, so when I'm not around, they have their own preferred cliques and groups."

"Anyone left out?"

"Not that I know of. I certainly hope not. I've tried to make sure that everyone in the house has at least a few people other than me that they feel they can go and hang out with, talk with, spend time with, so if I'm busy, which happens from time to time, there's always someone else just as important to them to talk out whatever's going on."

"Can you tell me a little bit about those groups?"

"Well, some are based on existing relationships. Lauren and Taylor, obviously. The same for Emily and Sarah. Aisling and Niko have been with me the longest, and have had the most time to get to know one another, so there's another group there. But Emily and Sarah also connect with Sheridan and Tala, because they all share a love of performing. Lauren and Piper connect on their athletic backgrounds, but Sheridan's an acrobat, so she can fall into that group as well. That's just the start, though. Everyone here, I think, falls into multiple groups, so nobody's limited."

"And how do you determine how you distribute your sexual time evenly?"

"Again, I don't know that evenly is the right word, but I suppose fairly would be a better one, because some women want more sexual time than others. Some of my partners are content just having one sexual encounter every ten days or so, but others like to make sure they're having intimate time every day or two," he said. "We actually have a chart, in one of the hallways, where we make sure every woman updates each time she's had an encounter with me that's resulted in dosing, so we don't let anyone go too long without one, because we know what happens when they do."

"The people at the base were a little vague about that," she said.

"I'll bet they were," he said, rolling his eyes slightly. "The longer someone goes without pairing with their imprinted partner, the more intense the need to do so gets. After around ten or eleven days, the craving can get so bad that rational thought becomes almost impossible, and the woman becomes overly sexually aggressive, to the point of basically just taking what she needs from her partner. It's something we take great strides to avoid around here. You can ask Lauren about it; she's the one who decided to test how long she could last."

"And did she become overly sexually aggressive at the end of it?"

"Very much so," he said, trying to hide a slight laugh of amusement. "She basically cornered me and had her way with me, not that I was complaining all that much, but still. It's a thing all women should be informed of, and I was given the impression they were telling women that when they received their treatment."

"Sarah said you have four fiancees currently?"

"That's right -- Aisling, Niko, Emily and Sarah."

"Are you going to have more wives than that?"

"I mean..." he said, trailing off. "Even that feels greedy, but I also know we're being encouraged to do this kind of thing, because of the huge amount of fatalities America's endured in the past eight months. So we'll play it by ear. Most of the women here are very new to me still, and that means there's lots to learn about each other in terms of how we integrate. I wouldn't have leaped in so fast with Sarah and Emily but they seemed so sure, and I clicked so well with them right from the start, so I decided to trust my instinct on the matter."

"I have to ask you, Andy -- do you have a type? I feel like other than a few minor exceptions, all the women in your family are quite different from one another."

"Physically, yeah, they're pretty different, but mentally? They're all smart, independent, capable, free spirited women. I mean, I guess I've gotten pretty lucky in that I haven't run the risk of pairing up with anyone who would be a bad fit for me. Except, I guess, my ex, but I wasn't going to let that happen."

"How did that happen, anyway?"

Andy shrugged. "I'm guessing that she still fell into my general type, and since she requested to be paired with me, they sent her to me, assuming I could just refuse to pair with her and send her back to the base if I had a real problem with her."

"You said you found another solution for her?"

"Well, she was chosen by someone else in the poker game, but the man who took her, the guy who's name I can't remember, he seemed like a good enough man, and my ex seemed happy enough to take the match, so I'm assuming they worked it out between them."

"Why do I have the feeling you know the man's name but are protecting him?"

"Even if I was, which I'm not saying that I am, it would be for the right reasons and not the wrong ones. I got the impression that the man was doing his best to try and get women away from men they didn't want to be with. I can't prove that, obviously, but I've learned to trust my instinct on these things, and I wouldn't want to get him in the soup for trying to do the right thing."

"Well, we'll edit that part out for the show. Were there any of your partners who initially gave you concern?"

"I won't lie -- I was a little nervous about both Asha and Hannah, simply because of the age gap. I mean, I'm basically their age put together, but as both women have insisted to me, they are of legal age, capable of making their own decisions, and are happy with having me as their partner. So if the age gap doesn't bother them, who am I to let it bother me? It's just taking some getting used to."

"Are you ever overwhelmed with the amount of sex you're having?"

He laughed at that, then started to say something, then started laughing again before finally being able to speak. "It's almost insane to say, but there are days where it can feel like a bit much, mostly because I'm trying to make everyone happy, and I don't always remember who likes what, at least not yet. I'm sure a few years down the line it'll all be second nature, but right now, I still have to ask people what they do and don't like, even when we've already had sex a dozen times, just because I want to please them, and that goes a long way."

"You said you weren't kink shaming anyone. Were you kink shamed before all of this?"

"Oh sure," he said. "I have a love of dirty talk, and not everyone's into that kind of thing, and I get it. Different strokes for different folks. But we do our best and try and lean into everyone's kink at least a little bit. Some just take more getting used to than others."

"Who would you say has been the hardest to adjust to?"

"Nicolette, hands down," he laughed. "It's not that I'm incapable of being a dominant person; it's just not something that comes naturally to me. When we first met, and she insisted on calling me Master, that just felt odd for a while, but the last time she and I had a session together, she seemed incredibly satisfied that I'd gotten my groove with what she wanted from me. And her friend Whitney, who we inducted into the family yesterday, has similar tastes, so the two can work together to make sure I'm satisfying both of them."

"Who would you say came most naturally?"

"Ash, easily. We clicked immediately, and she was that perfect blend of aggressive and coy that hit all my triggers right away. All four of my fiancees, though, I have incredibly strong rapports with, so don't let me imply that I'm selling any of them short."

"I don't really have time to interview them all today, so who do you think I should do one-on-ones with?"

"Well, you should definitely interview Sarah and Emily together, as they want to make sure people understand they chose this, but also that they were a couple before any of this even started, and I know Emily wants to drive home the point that just because a woman is imprinted to a man doesn't mean she's giving up her independence or her identity, and that she certainly doesn't have to be submissive to a man if she doesn't want to."

"Yes, I'd planned to talk to both of them together. I probably have time for two or three others before we do the final group interview and before you get the footage of Tala being imprinted. Thank you again for that. The base said we would obviously need to get someone's permission to show that kind of thing."

"You should definitely take some time and talk with Ash, since she's certainly got the most experience at watching all of this out of anyone. She's been imprinted the longest of anyone you're likely to meet, so she has a very unique perspective on it all. It might help if you had Niko in that room as well, just because the two of them bounce off one another very well, and would help fill in some gaps for each other. And that would probably make a good link to your footage of Niko from the base."

"Excellent, excellent. And one more."

"I would say either take Hannah and Asha together as the last interview, or maybe interview Tala, although she's likely to be a little fidgety for the interview."

"Oh? Why's that?"

Andy smirked a little bit. "Well, we don't kink shame in this house, so... Tala's personal kink is to feel that sort intense sexual need someone gets from edging before getting their dosage. So she actually started the priming process for imprinting yesterday, but hasn't been imprinted yet. That's something it's not recommended you do, but it hasn't hit her too hard. We had an accident with that before, where Nicolette gave Sheridan a bit of my cum that she had stored, hoping it would take the edge off, and didn't realize it started the priming process. It was on a very chaotic day, so we found Sheridan in her room several hours later, her whole body burning up with need, having masturbated unsuccessfully for at least a few hours. It wasn't a smart thing to do, but Nicolette didn't know better and was just trying to help Sheridan. She's fine now, obviously, but it was a scary day, where Sheridan felt like her body was betraying her. Tala went into it knowing how it was going to feel, and is managing it better than Sheridan was, but I think that's because Tala wanted it to be."

"Do you mind if I show the footage I'm not going to air to the President and the Joint Chiefs?"

"To the President, no, but I would prefer you not show it to the Joint Chiefs, simply because that offers me at least a little anonymity. While I want to help, I also don't want to needlessly risk the lives of my family. Is that acceptable to you?"

"I can agree to that, I suppose," she said. "Is there anything else I should know before we wrap up our interview?"

"Did the base cover the changes that men encounter as a result of the treatment?"

"Not extensively?"

He grinned. "Well, I do think it's important that someone tell you that the longer men are exposed to the treatment, the more short their refractory period becomes and the more semen their testicles generate, so men shouldn't be worried about not being able to keep up. Their bodies will adapt. Just be open and transparent about what does and doesn't turn you on, and people should do fine. I mean, I have my suspicions that the brain post treatment is generating more mood stabilizing hormones, but I can't prove that for certain. I know I've certainly felt better than I have for years, but that could also just be the result of all the exercise I'm getting from all the sex I'm having, so... hard to say, but that's my theory anyway."

"What's the biggest fight you've had with a partner since this all started?"

He sighed, shrugging a little. "It all tends to blend together. I was pretty angry when Niko volunteered me for the poker game, but after I found out why, I understood, even if I still wasn't thrilled with the whole thing. But at some point, you have to learn to accept there's going to be little hiccups along the way. What's that maxim? Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's almost all small stuff."

"I appreciate you being honest with me about the whole poker game, Mr. Rook," she said to him. "If I'm honest, I was expecting you to try and dodge the question."

"What Covington's doing is horrible, and the only reason I went into that game at all was to try and save one of my partner's friends. I'm just more surprised you knew about it, since I would've figured Covington would have wanted to keep it quiet."

"Maybe Rachel was acting on her own accord?"

"Then why try and paint me as the person organizing it?" He shook his head. "Not likely. Anyway, if you can do me the favor and leave at least a little of me talking about the Druid Gunslinger books in the segment, that'll make us even. My agent would kill me if I wasn't trying to push for it, at least a little."

"Sure, I'm okay making that exchange. Why don't I take ten to freshen up, then I'll meet Emily and Sarah in their office and start their interview?"

"Sounds good," he said, shaking her hand. "I'll see you again later this afternoon."

Andy took off the mic pack and then headed out of the room, moving upstairs to the master bedroom, where he expected to find most of the girls hanging out, which was where he found them.

"How did it go, love?" Emily said to him, as she and Sarah walked over to him.

"They know about the poker game." The girls' faces fell, and Emily looked panicked.

"What do you mean?"

For the next few minutes, Andy related to them what he'd just told Katie Couric, and how Ms. Couric had agreed to keep it all private between them, but was going to take it to the President, which put the two actresses at ease especially.

"Is she going to ask us about it?" Sarah asked him.

"I don't think so, but I can't be certain," he told her. "I think she's mostly going to focus on the relationship you two had before you got here, and how you decided to both come and join me, so however you want to spin that, I think she'll mostly go along with the story."

"So other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?" Niko joked. "How do you think it went?"

"Pretty well? I think?" He wasn't entirely sure. As he expected for a reporter of her caliber, she had a remarkable poker face, and he wasn't entirely certain how she was going to use what they'd talked about. "She seemed to get the impression that I was the one holding the poker game at first, but I dissuaded her of that notion quickly."

"Who the hell gave her such a stupid idea?" Em asked.

"One of Covington's partners, Rachel."

"Oh that bitch," Niko fumed. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted her."

"She was probably doing it on Covington's explicit orders," Andy said. "One of the things that Ms. Couric suggested is that maybe Veronica's death wasn't an accident, and that maybe Covington had a hand in it. I hadn't even considered it before she said it, but it made total sense after she did."

One of the producers knocked on the door and then peeked her head into the bedroom. "Ms. Stevens? Ms. Washington? We're ready for you down in your office."

"We will be down in just a moment," Emily said. "Thank you."

The producer ducked back out, as Emily and Sarah moved to share a hug with Andy.

"You're certain we will be alright, Andrew?"

"If you aren't, Katie Couric'll answer to me," he laughed. "Now go get'em."

Emily and Sarah released him, took each others' hand, then headed out of the bedroom towards the stairs to take them to their office on the floor below.

Ash moved over to give him a long hug, snuggling her face into his shoulder for a moment before looking up at him. "Should we be worried about Covington?"

"Not any more now than usually, so yes?" he grumbled. "Tala, how are you feeling? Regretting taking that early lick yesterday?"

"Not regretting it at all, babe," she said with a laugh, "although if I said I wasn't feeling it, I'd definitely be lying. I feel like I've had too much sugar or caffeine, this sort of jittery buzz that makes it hard to sit still."

"An itch?" Sheridan said with a laugh.

"Exactly, babe, and you know just where," Tala replied, winking. "Not too much longer before you're imprinting me, yeah?"

"Couple of hours, give or take."

"Fab," she said, "I should be just about fully marinaded by then."

For the next hour or so, Andy kept himself busy and tried to ignore the crews, although they mostly kept within Emily and Sarah's office. As tempted as he was to go and peep on their interview, he respected the two women far too much for that, and decided to just let them be.

About an hour later, Sarah came to find him in his office, where he'd been doing some initial edits on the most recent draft of 'The Fatal Solstice,' and took his laptop from his lap, setting it aside. After that, before she'd even said a word to him, she slid down into his lap, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him tenderly. "You totally don't need to worry, Andy," she said to him. "It went very smoothly, and I'm sure we made you look like a champ."

He leaned his head against hers a bit, letting out a relieved sigh. "Who're they talking to next?"

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