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Quarantined Due to Futa Virus Ch. 06


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I saw stars as the pain of mom's slap on my cheek stung unmercifully. I shook my head for a few minutes while waiting for the ringing in my ears to subside. When it did though, I wished it would come back.

"-ver, ever talk about your aunt's body again! You are to never look below her nose, and if I ever, EVER, catch you ogling her, then I will rip your dick off, and stuff it up your ass! Now go to your room and think about what you just said!" Mom then took a spoon and swatted at my sore ass several times until I started towards the stairs to my room with a spring of panic in my steps.

Turning the corner on the stairs, I was about to bounce up to my room when I heard the start of an interesting conversation coming from the living room.

"Is it just me, Aunt Val, but is Marty's dick getting bigger? At first I thought it was our lessons on how to fuck us, but I'm starting to feel more full when he enters my ass."

"No, it's not just you." Aunt Val replied with a chuckle. "I'm pretty sure he's up to 10, maybe 11 inches now. A couple more weeks and he might just get bigger than you. On the bright side, you will always have bigger breasts than him."

"Yeah, but I would still have the smallest tits in the house." Brenda whined. "I mean, have you seen mom's tits?! They're just barely smaller than yours and your tits are massive gazongas! Look! I can't fit even one of them in both hands!"


peeked around the corner, and at that angle, I could barely see Brenda and Aunt Val sitting on the couch, they were both wearing oversized t-shirts, and since mom was out and about they were also wearing yoga pants that did nothing to hide their semi hard cocks. Brenda was currently groping one of Aunt Val's tits through her shirt as her cock was growing down the leg of her pants.

"Don't worry about that too much." Aunt Val said. "If you have a kid or two then your breasts will probably get a size or two larger. Or you might wake up one day with giant tits from the virus having a weird night."

"A kid or two, huh?" Brenda squeezed her braless F cup tits through her shirt while slowly thinking it over. "Maybe next time I get pregnant, I'll keep the kid around. Mom has been getting on my case lately about finding a guy to give her a grandkid."

"Like the enthusiasm, kid, but don't have a kid just for bigger tits. Try giving more tit jobs to Martin, and they will grow on their own. That's how I got my tits, I gave a boat load of tit jobs on the beach to college students when I was your age. And I'm being literal about the boat load, I somehow ended up being the only girl on a party boat full of horny spring breakers when I was around your age, and after getting through all of them my tits were DD cups."

"Aunt Val!" Brenda shook her head to try and shake the image of Aunt Val fucking her way through a college dorm. "Geez! Sounds like you had too much stamina even before getting infected by the FUTA virus."

"Yeah, ever since getting infected, I've been feeling as horny as I did at eighteen, maybe even more so. But I still don't have the stamina I had back then."

"Wait, you had even more stamina back then?" Brenda asked in shock. "Last night we fucked for over three hours before hitting our limit, and you're saying you could have gone longer in your prime?!"

"Definitely." Aunt Val said with confidence. "I'm finding that I'm actually regaining stamina each day we are fucking together, so possibly in a month or two I'll be back at peak performance and then I can show you two how to really fuck."

"Wow, I'm sure mom is loving every day with this meat stick." Aunt Val cocked her head to the side.

"What do you mean? Your mom and I aren't fucking."

"But, you've been spending all that time in her room..."

"Yes, but I've been helping her grieve! You seriously think I've been fucking my sister when she is getting over the loss of her husband?!"

"... Not after you said that." Brenda's voice came out as an embarrassed squeak, while Aunt Val shook her head in annoyance.

"Look, your mother has always been the responsible one, and not one to indulge herself sexually, so she probably has been ignoring her cock and breasts completely. She will likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future, but if she ever approaches me for relief, then I'll let you know, and then maybe you and Martin can join in. If you two aren't busy fucking each other at the time."

"Thanks, Aunt Val." Brenda gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hopefully that day will come soon."

"THAT DAY WILL NEVER COME YOU FUCKING WHORES!" Mom burst into the living room, screaming like a banshee. "Not only are you using these god forsaken penises, but you are fucking each other! And did I hear you mention Martin's dick!?

Are you fucking Martin too?! Why, you should both be ashamed of yourselves!"

"That's enough, Perla!" Aunt Val stood up from the couch, and since she was a bit taller than mom, she looked down at her. "Calling these dicks 'god forsaken' is going too far! As for fucking each other, who else are we going to fuck!? Before I started fucking your kids, I couldn't concentrate, I couldn't eat, I couldn't even sleep without my dick constantly begging for attention! So tell me, Perla, how are you coping with the FUTA virus?!"

Aunt Val lifted up mom's shirt with a flourish, revealing H cup tits that were straining the hell out of an exercise bra, and a 17 inch cock whose head barely peeked above the bra, and was leaking precum into a swollen condom. I could see Brenda's eyes widen, clearly impressed by what she saw.

"A-a-at least I'm not fucking my kids!" Mom protested while pushing her shirt back down.

"But why not?" Aunt Val asked. "Because it's wrong according to society? They are consenting adults who can make their own decisions, and so are you. And we all need to take care of our mental health while we are dealing with the virus. So please, give it a try, I promise you won't regret it."

"B-but, I-I don-, a-ah." Mom was left with a flapping mouth as Aunt Val wrapped her in a hug, she then gave mom a deep, loving, tender kiss, as she rubbed the bulge in mom's shirt.

"Doesn't that feel good?" Aunt Val asked with a loving smile towards her younger sister. "How about we take this off. Brenda, a little help?"

"Sure thing, Aunt Val!" Brenda hopped off the couch and got on the other side of mom, and together, they got mom's shirt off, and the bra soon followed.

"There we go, doesn't that feel better, Perla? I'm frankly not sure how you were able to breathe with that thing holding your tits in. Now it's our turn." Aunt Val and Brenda quickly ditched their shirts, and since they weren't wearing bras, their tits were immediately free. Another second later, their half hard cocks were bouncing on the outside of their yoga pants.

"Now, Brenda, you know what to do." Aunt Val winked at Brenda, who got on her knees and started sucking mom's cock.

"B-but this is wro-, fuck that feels good." Mom half heartedly protested for a minute, before pulling Aunt Val in for a long kiss. When they disengaged from the kiss, mom gave a small smile. "I see that you've been teaching your tricks to my daughter."

Aunt Val returned the smile with a knowing one. "Yep, she's a very attentive student, and Martin isn't too far behind. Give them another couple weeks and they will be able to get anyone to cum in seconds using only their tongues."

"That's... impressive? Whatever, just keep doing whatever you are doing down there Brenda."

Thanks to Aunt Val's training, Mom only lasted a few minutes before cumming in Brenda's mouth. She cummed again within seconds when Aunt Val put a finger in her ass.

"Fuck, that felt way better than any time I was with Bob. Thank you, Val, thank you, Brenda. So now what do we do?" Mom appeared unsure what to do next, evidently dad was a one and done type of lover.

"Now we lose the pants and let the real fun begin!" Aunt Val and Brenda took off their yoga pants to reveal their glistening pussies, and then they helped mom remove her panties.

"O-ok, but nothing in my butt!" Mom said while clenching her ass in response to some traumatic memory.

"Fine. Brenda, you get my ass tonight." Aunt Val softly shoved Brenda onto the couch, before promptly sitting on her cock ass first.

Fuck, Aunt Val! Your ass is as awesome as always!"

"Yes, I know." Aunt Val began bouncing on Brenda's cock, while smiling invitingly at her sister. "So you can either get on my cock, sis, or you can fuck my pussy. Take your time on deciding, Brenda and I have all the time in the world."

Mom spent a few minutes on the decision, glancing between Aunt Val's bouncing cock, and her dripping pussy. Finally, she decided to take the road less traveled, and plunged her dick into Aunt Val's pussy.

"Fuck! This is what using a penis feels like!? This is wonderful! I love you so much Val!" Mom then grabbed Aunt Val's neck and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Do I get a kiss too, mom?" Brenda asked from behind Aunt Val.

"Of course, darling." Mom had to stretch her neck a bit, but she gave Brenda an equally long and loving kiss.

The three of them kept fucking like this for well over half an hour, until at least a dozen or so loads had been dumped into Aunt Val, and her midsection was starting to bulge a little from the excessive amounts of cum. Mom tapped out first, pulling out of her sister's pussy, and collapsing on the couch.

"Well, Perla? That wasn't so bad, was it?" Aunt Val asked while still gently riding Brenda's cock. "I'll bet you feel a lot better now."

There was silence for several minutes, before mom whispered in a barely audible tone. "What have I done? I've fucked my sister, gotten a blowjob from my daughter, and I've found out that they are all fucking each other. I'm a failure as a mother, and an older sister."

Mom rushed upstairs to her room, tears and cum trailing behind her. Fortunately for me, she was too distraught to notice me on the stairs with my dick out, or the large puddle of cum near my feet.


March 16th, 20xx

"Martin!" A very familiar, yet no less annoying, whine was heard in the kitchen of the burger joint. "Can I take a break?"

We had just closed for the night, so there were no orders that still needed to be sent out via app or picked up, but we still needed to finish cleaning the place. Taking a quick look around at how much was left before looking at the clock, I gave my response.

"You know the drill. If you want a break, then you have to blow me." A brief image of me getting called into HR for saying that, flashed in my mind before vanishing in a puff of humor. I was the HR for this business.

"Alright, but I'm gonna fuck you twice as hard in the ass tonight." Brenda got on her knees with an annoyed sigh before unzipping my jeans and fishing my cock out.

"Fuck, I think this thing has gotten bigger! It might be nearly as big as mine!"

"Less talking, more sucking." I said while writing the day's numbers on a clipboard. "The sooner you finish, the sooner you can take your break."

Less than five minutes later, I was stuffing my dick back in my jeans while Brenda was wiping the cum from her lips. After so much of Aunt Val's training, she had gotten scarily good at sucking dicks.

"Later, nerd." Brenda moved towards the door that connected the restaurant to our living area, but she paused before leaving. "Y'know, now's probably the perfect time to talk to Sara. She's probably feeling lonely right about now."

Before I could ask for more advice, or ask what she meant, Brenda hastily exited the kitchen, and left me with several unanswered questions. Looking around the seating area that had been unused for months, I spotted Sara in one of the booths, scrolling through her phone.

Taking a large gulp of ginger ale for courage, I took a deep breath, calmed myself, and walked over to my crush. Apparently, several months of non stop fucking had not helped me get over my nervousness when talking to girls.

"H-hey, how are you doing, Sara?" I sat down across from Sara in the booth. My friendly overture was less than successful though, she didn't even look up from her phone and barely gave an acknowledging grunt. I decided to try another angle.

"What are you looking at on your phone? Is it the news?" This earned me an eye roll, and a dismissive glance, but this time she answered verbally.

"Picture of my son." Sara put the phone on the table, showing off a picture of what looked like a one year old boy and an older couple holding him. "My parents were able to take him to one of the new quarantine centers. Fortunately none of them were infected, but I'll probably never get to see him again unless they make a vaccine or cure for this." Sara glanced down meaningfully at her E cup tits that were stretching her tank top.

"Wait, your son? Aren't you just a bit older than me?" Last time I had checked out employee records, Sara was only nineteen years old, and didn't have a spouse or beneficiary listed. So I wasn't sure how she was old enough to have a kid.

"Yep, I'm only nineteen. I dropped out of highschool at eighteen to marry my school sweetheart. Then he left me six months later with a kid on the way and a mountain of debt. That's why I took your dad's offer to live and work here. So that I could help my parents take care of little Tyler. Hopefully I'll get to hold him again someday."

So many things clicked into place with her rather depressing story. Her overworked demeanor, depressed air, and no nonsense attitude towards my sister or the idea of taking time off for fun. Sensing that any attempts at asking her out would be shot down, I tried to cheer Sara up.

"I'm sure Tyler will be fine." I said with my attempt at a comforting smile. "Look on the bright side, your parents get to spend all their time with their grandson. My mom is still asking me and Brenda when we will give her a grandchild." I weakly chuckled at my own joke, letting it fade into nothing as Sara glared daggers at me.

"What do you want, boss?" Sara said curtly. Clearly not wanting to engage in further conversation with me.

"W-w-well, I was wondering." I summoned my courage like an anime protagonist, before bursting out. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I was instantly hit with a crushing wave of embarrassment and cringe. Why the fuck was I asking that of a girl I had barely talked to and who clearly didn't seem to like me. Just as I was wishing for the thousandth time for the floor to open up and swallow me, Sara spoke up.

"Aren't you already fucking your sister, and I'm pretty sure your aunt too?" She didn't sound judgemental, just a bit skeptical as to why I wanted her as well in my harem. Not that it was a harem, they were probably fucking me more than I was fucking them.

"It's just sex with them. To relieve the symptoms from the FUTA virus. But I like you, I was hoping to get to know you better, and perhaps go out with you." I held my breath as I nervously awaited her answer.

Several minutes later, where each ticking second felt like an eternity, Sara stood up from the booth with a tired sigh. "Look, you're my boss, and I really don't want to get fired, so I'll just show you how the virus affected me and give you a chance to back out."

Sara grasped the hem of her beach skirt, and flipped it up. My eyes widened in surprise, and I cleaned off my glasses to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I was expecting a cock, but what I wasn't expecting was two cocks hanging down flaccid against her thighs.

"Well, if you want to pretend this never happened then I'll go along with it, boss." Sara let her skirt down and looked at me expectantly.

I could see that she was expecting me to scramble out of the booth and never speak to her again. There was a sadness, depression, and melancholy in her face that called out for me to cheer her up. I wasn't sure how well our personalities meshed for a long term relationship, but all that mattered to me right now was bringing a smile to her mousy face.

Calling upon my last reserves of courage, I stood up from the booth, brushed Sara's blond hair aside, and lightly kissed her lips. "I don't care how many cocks you have, I like you, and I want to go out with you."

A small spark of a smile appeared on Sara's lips, it wasn't much of one, but it was better than the abject depression of before. Since she didn't slap me, or push me away, or kick me in the balls, (all things that happened to me in highschool when I asked girls out.) I went in for a deeper, and longer kiss.

Around a half minute later, we broke off the kiss, both of us panting for breath. Sara smiled shyly at me. "So, boss. Do I get a raise for fucking the manager?"

I chuckled, equally shyly. "I'll give you a bonus if you do a good job. Maybe I'll even pay for a company vacation for the two of us on the beach."

"The beach does sound nice." Sara said while slowly unbuckling my pants. "I haven't been to the beach for years. I've always had to work."

"I'll take you to the beach, to the mountains, to the hills, and even the roller coaster park with the giant mouse. And we'll fuck at each one of them." I could feel my dick rising, and I felt two rods poking my leg through Sara's skirt. I took off her tank top before paying attention to her tits.

"That sounds amazing! Although you will need to wear a condom until I'm wearing a ring. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice... Fuck that feels good." Sara dropped her skirt, and helped me get my shirt off, so now we were both nude in the restaurant dining room. "Just this once, you can fuck me without protection. But only this once!"

The booth seats were cushioned with discount plastic leather seat cushions that had lost about half of their fluff, but neither of us cared at the moment. Sara sat down in the booth and leaned back, her erect 15 inch cocks out of the way, leaving her pussy open for me.

Slowly, I thrust my own 12 inch cock into her dripping pussy. Recalling all the lessons that Aunt Val and Brenda had taught me on how to get and give the most in a sexual encounter.

"Fuck! I've fucking needed this." Sara said, closing her eyes in bliss. "I left all my toys at home, and I've been stuck using my hands whenever my dicks absolutely needed attention. You are surprisingly good at this."

"Well, Brenda and my Aunt Val have been giving me tips on how to fuck them better. They said that they needed a better fucking than my semivirginal attempts, so they taught me how to get better. And I'm now realizing that this is lousy pillow talk." Sara giggled in amusement.

"It is, it is really fucking lousy pillow talk. But it's cute, and so are you. Now fuck me harder, cute boss."

Taking at her word, I began fucking Sara harder. Causing the booth and the table we were leaning against to bang against the wall rhythmically, and orgasmic cries to sound off into the empty room.

Fifteen minutes later, I had gotten Sara to cum several times, sprinkling the table, chair, and her breasts with her cum. I pulled out slowly so that I could show off my oral skills that Aunt Val had literally pounded into me. But once I was down by her groin, I was met with a conundrum. Which dick do I blow?

As I was contemplating my choices, I heard an unexpected voice that caused us both to jump in surprise.

"Need a hand, or should I say, a mouth, bro?" Brenda was leaning over the booth, she was completely nude, her dick was sticking straight out and a small puddle of precum was accumulated on the floor. Sara tried to hurriedly cover her tits and cocks with her hands, but Brenda waved dismissively.

"A bit late for that. I've been watching you two lovebirds since you got started. Besides, I'm here to help." Brenda knelt down beside me with a grin. "You take the left one, and I'll take the right one. Let's find out if they can cum at the same time or not."

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