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Queen of the Concrete Jungle Ch. 01

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'L' is a woman with a Death Wish. She's a female Equalizer.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/08/2019
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A female Equalizer with a death wish helps defend battered women.

Author's Note:

This is a multiple chapter story, a fictional depiction of a female superhero, that Sir David wanted me to write. Sir David is a longtime Literotica reader. Fascinated with women doing superhuman feats of strength, he asked me to create, develop, and write about Laura Lion's character to satisfy his sexual fantasy for a sci-fi story. Turning the tables on men, he wanted men to know what it felt like to be battered and abused by a little woman.

The most expensive and exclusive street in London, known as 'Billionaires' Boulevard,' Sir David lives in Kensington Palace Gardens in West London. A 90-minute ride each way, he routinely travels from London to Storeys Way in East Anglia, Cambridge, to visit family and friends. While his chauffeur drives him from London to the English countryside in his Rolls Royce, he wanted a story that his personal secretary could read to him on the way there and on the way back.

# # #

Laura Lion is a woman with a Death Wish. The first of her kind, unlike Marvel and DC comics fictional characters, such as Phoenix, Catwoman, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman, et al, she's a real superhero. She's a female Equalizer.

Finally, not all about men, in the way of Denzel Washington in The Equalizer, there's a female equalizer prowling the dangerous, city streets. In the way of Charles Bronson and Bruce Willis in Death Wish, there's a woman, seemingly, with a death wish, too. She's a female vigilante, a woman who helps women in need, women who are unable to help themselves, and women who can't defend themselves against abusive men. A female hero, there's a woman ready and willing to physically challenge bad men to champion the cause of physically, emotionally, and sexually abused and battered women.

To those who don't know her, have never met her, but who know of her, they call her Double 'L'. To those who have seen her and who know the violence that she can wreak on bad men, as if she's a supermodel, she's known as 'L,' not Elle, not Double 'L', just 'L'. The furthest thing from a fashion magazine or a fashion icon, 'L' is no supermodel.

'L' is a genuine, female, superhero. When the world is all about men, strong men, athletic men, baseball players, football players, race car drivers, or old, rich white men, 'L' is the first female equalizer. 'L' is the last thing and the only sound admitted from victims' mouth when they're being beaten to within an inch of their violent lives or the last thing and the only thing they say before they die at her hand.


Finally, long overdue and something that's been needed for centuries, when all looks hopeless, there's a female equalizer, a woman who comes to the aid of other women in need of a savior. Seemingly and inexplicably, in the way that she continually puts herself at daily risk, no doubt about it, Laura Lion is a woman with a death wish. Yet, ready to set things right for the weaker sex, she's willing to put her own life on the line to revenge what bad men do to good women.

It's about time women had a real superhero, don't you think? It's about time that women leveled the playing field by introducing their own champion. It's about time that women gave men a taste of their own medicine. It's about time that women got even for all that bad men do to good women.


Tired of men taking advantage of women, L is here to take advantage of men. She's here to make them feel and fear what women have felt and feared for centuries. Now, it's the violently, aggressive men that need to be afraid. Now, its women's turn to seek revenge.

As if she's Catwoman or Wonder Woman coming out of nowhere, never knowing where she is, when she's watching, and when she's about to attack, she could step out of a darkened doorway at any time. Having already become a crime deterrent, the fear that she could be anywhere and everywhere is what keeps men in line and from committing a crime against women. Men be afraid. Be so afraid. Your time has come. Finally, 'L' is your comeuppance.

"Hey, man. I'm not doing that. Uh, uh. No way. I'm out. I'm not raping that woman. L could be here. L could be anywhere," said Martin looking around as if he had just seen a ghost or was about to see L in person. "I don't want no trouble. I'll see you later. I'm going home to my wife and kids."

# # #

Case #249

Joe is a cheating and drunken husband who spends his weekly paycheck on booze and whores.

Knowing he'd be at the corner bar drinking, chatting it up with whores, and spending all of his money buying them drinks, and paying them for nasty sex later, Joe did the same thing every Friday, payday. With his wife at home with the kids and a drawer full of overdue bills, he'd be at the neighborhood bar drinking beer and spending their rent money on whores. Joe didn't care that the kids needed food, diapers, and medicine, and had to do without.

He didn't care that his wife had to ask her parents for financial help. He loved having a few beers after a long week of work. He loved finding an older whore, one with brown hair, a big ass, big, sagging breasts, and one who resembled his mother. A different whore every week, one with a willing mouth, he enjoyed pretending that she was his mother.

He loved having his cock sucked while playing with her titties and calling her Mommy. His thing was to imagine his mother blowing him. As long as the whore looked a little like his mother, it sexually excited him to imagine cumming in his mother's mouth. As long as he came home drunk after getting a back-alley blowjob from some prostitute who allowed her to be his surrogate mother, he was happy.

Hired by his wife to put the fear of God in him and set him on the responsible path, Laura waited for him around the corner from the bar in the alley where he paid women twenty-dollars to suck his cock. Before he spent all of his money on booze and whores, she was ready to grab him, talk some sense in him, take what little money he had left, and give it to his wife. Only, this time, cutting his drinking, whoring, and bar visit short, instead of stumbling out of the bar drunk with a scabby whore, he walked out of the bar with two, big and burly men.

"Let's go to the strip club," said Joe. "I want to watch some naked women pole dancing. I want to see some tits. I want to go up to the VIP room and get sucked and fucked by a whore who looks like my mother," he said laughing.

# # #

When the three men turned the corner, brazenly unafraid, as if she was a female mugger or a thief waiting for them in a darkened doorway, she stepped out from the shadows to show herself. With them in the light and her still in the dark shadows, all they could see was that she was a short, attractive, and busty woman. Not really mattering to them what she looked like, any port in a storm will do, all that they could see was that she was just another victim and another statistic on a police report.

"Help! Police? I've been beaten and raped," said a hysterical woman to the police dispatcher on the phone. "Help me. Please, help me. They stripped me naked and took my clothes."

Typically, with no one else to turn to for female victims of violence, helpless women called 911 after they've been beaten, robbed, and/or raped. Usually too late for the police to do anything about it, other than preserving evidence with a rape kit, kits that seldom get processed and criminals identified, they receive thousands of calls like that every year. Unless they took the law in their own hands and carried a concealed weapon, women were at the mercy of a broken system that was geared not to protect them from violent men.

Only, this time, it's the men who'd be calling the police hotline. It's the men who'd be battered and beaten. It's the men who'd be the victims. It's the men who'd be seeking help and police protection from her, from 'L'.

"Hello police? Help me. Please, help me. You must help me. You must save me from her. My friend and I are two, big, burly guys and this petite, young woman beat the crap out of us. Then, she stole our friend's money. Please send someone to arrest this crazy bitch before she kills us. Hurry. Before she returns."

Not the first time receiving such a call from helpless and defensive, big men, this wouldn't be the last time that big, bad men called the police for help and looking for protection from a little woman. This wouldn't be the last time that big, bad men were suddenly afraid of the dark. This wouldn't be the last time that men would think twice about 'L' being near before committing a crime against women.

"Sir. This is a police emergency line and it's against the law to make pranks calls on this line. You'll have to come up with a better story than a woman beating the crap out of three, big men," said the dispatcher hanging up on him.

# # #

"Hey baby," said Laura in a sexy and slutty voice. "Why go across town to the strip club when you can have some hot, sexual action right here and right now, Sugar," she said. "If you want to see some titties, I have tits, big tits."

She turned to the side to show them the side profile of her busty breasts. She lifted her breasts in the palms of her hand through her blouse and through her bra as if she was about to suck them through her clothes. Then, she put her hand on her shapely hip while giving the men a wink, a sexy smile, and a naughty look.

"Trust me, instead of going to one of those nasty whores, no one is a better cocksucker than me. I'm the queen of sucking cock," she said with a loud, dirty laugh. "I love draining men's balls and swallowing cum."

Entrapping them by playing their game of rape and debauchery, she sexually teased them as she was their perfect woman. As if she was already sucking their cocks, she put her hand to her mouth and moved it back and forth while pushing her cheek in and out with her tongue. Then, she slowly unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse to flash them the tops of her C cup breasts, her long line of sexy cleavage, and the lace of her low-cut bra.

Continuing to sexually tease them, she looked down at what they could see of her exposed breasts before looking back up at them. Then, as if she was getting ready to blow them, she slid a slow tongue across her red, full lips. Then, not done sexually enticing them to act, put on a real twerking show, she humped the air as if she was humping them while fucking them.

They stared at her as if seeing their sexual fantasy of violence in her. No doubt, to them, with Laura looking like a taller version of Emilia Clark, Scarlett Johansson, Kim Kardashian, Kristen Bell, or Lady Gaga, the men stopped in their tracks to continue to stare at her. Having not seen someone around here who looked as good and as sexy as she obviously looked, taking her up on her sexual invitation, they advanced towards her with rape on their violent minds.

"You guys grab her and put a hand over her mouth and I'll strip her naked," whispered Joe. "I'd love to stick my cock in her mouth and in her pussy. I'd love to fuck her ass. I'd love to gangbang this brazen bitch."

With Laura much better looking and a better piece of ass than the broken-down whores they've been accustomed to frequenting and paying for sex, the men approached her ready for some, free violent, sexual action. The men approached her ready to grab her. They approached her in readiness to strip her naked. They approached her in readiness to stick their cocks in her mouth, in her pussy, and up her ass. They approached her in preparation to gangbang her.

# # #

Alas, unbeknownst to the three men, with her not the average, victimized woman that they normally strip naked and rape, she heard their whispered plan with her supersensitive hearing to strip her naked and rape her. Ready to teach them all a lesson they'd never soon forget, before launching her attack, she was ready for them to make their first, stupid move of forced violent, sexual debauchery against her. She knew that they were going to try and grab her. She knew they were going to try and strip her naked. She heard Joe's plan to rape her and gangbang her.

'Good luck with that dumb plan, assholes,' she thought while ready for them. 'I have a surprise in store for you three motherfuckers.'

Forget about sex and forget about them wanting her to give them blowjobs, it made her angry that they were intent on violently stripping her naked and gangbang raping her. A violent act instead of a sexual act, it made her angry that they thought that they could do whatever they wanted to her and to her naked body. Now, she wondered how many other women they violently forced to have sex. With no one able to stop them, she wondered how many other women they've beaten for resisting them and raped because they could.

'How dare they,' she thought? 'How stupid can these three men be? Instead of being intent on stripping her naked and gangbang raping her, if only they knew who she was, they'd be running the other way,' she thought. 'If only they knew that they picked the wrong woman to victimize, they'd be turning themselves into the police.'

With her much shorter, smaller, and lighter than the three men, obviously, they thought that she was an easy victim. No doubt, they thought that they could take her by surprise and quickly overpower her. Clearly, they thought that they could take her without a struggle or a fight. They thought that they could strip her naked and touch her and feel her naked body everywhere. They thought that they could force her to suck them and fuck them. A bad mistake on their part, they mistook her for a victim instead of a victor.

Obviously, they thought that they could easily strip her naked and double penetrate her. Evidentially, once she was naked, they thought that one could bend her forward and fuck her from behind while one the other forced her to suck their prick. Taking their time and taking turns having threesome, forced sex, surely, they thought that they could gangbang her and have their wicked, sexual way with her naked body against her will. With them ready to rape her, they had no idea who she was and what physical damage she could do.

'This is going to be fun,' she thought. 'I can't wait. This is for you, Molly,' she thought while remembering a woman who recently wrote to her for help.

She was beaten, raped, and asking for her help in seeking revenge. Unfortunately, before Molly could give her a description of the men, she succumbed from her injuries. For all she knew, these could be the same three men who murdered Molly.

# # #

Not moving, as if an immovable object, she stood her ground as if daring them and enticing them to attack. As soon as the first, two men stepped forward, were close enough to reach out for her, and grab her against her will, she took a step forward. Then, reaching out her hands with lightning speed, and taking them by surprise, she grabbed each one by their wrist. Her hold on their wrists were as if their wrists were caught in a vise.

Then, in a burst of superhuman strength, as if they were rugs that she was shaking the dust out from, she violently pulled the men together and against one another. As if they were skiing downhill and hit a tree without wearing a helmet, knocking their heads together, they fell to the ground unconscious and bleeding. Within just a few seconds, as if she was Mike Tyson in a first-round knockout of Michael Spinks, she had easily and quickly knocked out the two men.

'Well, that wasn't much fun,' she thought. 'Over way too fast, that was too easy.'

Then, with Joe looking at her stunned, she turned her attention to him. Obviously, not knowing what to make of this petite woman defending herself and defeating two, tall and hefty men, he looked at her in shocked surprise. Not waiting for him to run, not wanting to get her sneakers dirty in this disgusting alley, she grabbed him by his belt buckle, and with one hand, she lifted him off the ground and over her head. She turned him upside down, reached in his pocket with her other hand, and grabbed his cash before unceremoniously tossing him to the ground.

"Your wife sent me, dickwad. She cooks for you, cleans for you, and cares for your children. She's had it with you spending your paycheck on booze and whores," she said waving his wad of cash in his face. "This is your rent, bill, and food money. From now on, every payday, you go straight home from work and give your wife your money," she said giving him a swift kick in his ribs. "I'll be watching. I better not see you here again next week," she said leaning down to grab and lift him up by his testicles.

Obviously meeting his match, he had never seen any man or woman with her superhuman strength able to defeat two, big men in a matter of seconds. He never saw any strong man lift a grown man over his head with one arm. In the way that he feared this woman now, he had never feared any woman before.

"Okay, okay," he said cringing when she squeezed his balls as if she was squeezing lemons.

Laura let go of him while he grabbed his crotch in pain.

"If your wife contacts me again, I'll hurt you. Especially after hearing your plan to strip me naked, rape me, and gangbang me, I'll really hurt you," she said.

A changed man, as if he had found religion and was born again, the next week and every week thereafter, Joe went straight home from work with all of his money and gave it to his wife. Embarrassed that a petite woman could get the better of him and his two, burly friends, he stopped drinking. Instead of carousing with whores, he started eating right, working out, and spending more time with his family.

To be continued...

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Havoc100Havoc100about 2 years ago

So many things wrong with this story, where do I begin? How about this, you spent more time talking about what was going to happen then with the characters thinking about what was going to happen than the action took. One sentence does not make a good fight scene. You could have done so much more with her talents than knocking three heads together. For example, duck one swing while side kicking another into a wall, etc. 2 stars.

Wildwood55Wildwood55almost 4 years ago
FYI: Try to avoid repetitive use of sentence fragments. In this case:

"...they thought that they...".

Additionally, 'that' is superfluous, and its use should be avoided, in these situations. The phrase '...they thought they...' means exactly the same as what you wrote.

Here's how a sample paragraph could look without repetitious use of the phrase:

'...they thought she was an easy victim. No doubt, they planned to take her by surprise and quickly overpower her without a struggle or a fight. Then, they could strip her naked, touch her and feel her naked body, at their leisure, and finally, force her to suck them and fuck them.'

Not as many words, but the point is made more succinctly, and more powerfully. Wordiness dilutes your written message. Try to say what you intend with the least number of words, and you will find your writing to have a greater impact on the reader.

Hope this helps your developement as a writer.

Thanks for sharing your creativity, and especially, thanks for all the work it takes to put together a submission.


grayge37grayge37almost 5 years ago
Five Stars

You continue to contribute to the reading enjoyment of myself and all of your readers with your stories here on Literotica. We will patiently await the next installment.

AlwaystabooAlwaystabooalmost 5 years ago
Very nice.

Hopefully in the future along with everything else he is a good lover to his wife.

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