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Rachel's Exhibitionism Nemesis


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I know it will sound unbelievable but even at this stage, being so drunk I suppose, I was not consciously planning or expecting to have sex with them or be unfaithful and was not expecting them to take advantage of me; nobody ever had before when I had flaunted myself. On this particular night up until that point I'd seen it all as a bit of fun-a bit of a laugh really. They both lay down each side of me and carried on caressing me and then I realised that their other crew member, Tony, had been following and he was also there and gently caressing my feet.

Steve said something like I was completely safe with them and nothing bad would happen and I should just relax. I closed my eyes again and tried to sleep. I also remember Steve stroking my face and whispering in my ear that I was a very beautiful women and should be proud of my body .I think looking back that was my moment of total surrender. My seduction was complete and absolute. It had just been so long since I was flattered like that and made to feel so completely desirable.

With my eyes closed I felt them stroking and groping my body , until it reached a fever pitch with 6 hands going anywhere they wanted. I offered no resistance. I was past that now. Tony began to kiss his way up my legs until he was running his tongue up and down my pussy. I let out a little scream as his tongue went deep into me. My husband had not done this for me for so long and it was too much to bear. I held Tony's head to my desperate pussy as he ate me. The other boys were each holding a breast and kissing my nipples. I never saw when the boys stripped off. That just seemed to happen in an instant.

I did notice though when a hard erect cock started to push easily into me and I instinctively let out a loud ,"Mmmmmhhhm," moan . I opened my eyes and saw Steve smiling down at me and screamed ,"Oh God, Oh My God, Oh Fucking Hell!"

I shouted at him, "No! You can't fuck me. I can't! I'm married. You musn't. Get off!"

But I automatically put my arms around Steve's naked body . I held his arse to pull him deeper into me. I became an animal and was completely out of control. I thrashed around as he slowly and deliberately built me up to a second fantastic mind blowing climax. My orgasm exploded in my pussy and radiated violently outwards until I was shaking and trembling all over. Mike and Tony were chuckling at the sight of me falling apart having an uncontrollable fit on the duvet restrained only by Steve's bulk on top of me. This time I was allowed to moan as loudly as I liked as there was no one around to hear me. Looking back the other boys were also no doubt enjoying the anticipation with the absolute certainty that they were also very soon going to get their goes with me.

Even then I stupidly said something like ,"We should not have done that and I was going back," but Mike and Tony gently took hold of each of my arms and legs. I did not really offer any resistance. I just became passive to be used, as they wanted. I laid there and reflected that a lifetime of exhibitionism and the occasional striptease had finally led me to get what I deserved. I thought that I could not really complain; this had been an accident waiting to happen for a very long time. I so had this coming. I had got away with getting ridiculously drunk and shamelessly exposing myself for a very long time .

The second of the boys, Mike, took his place between my wide-open legs and thrust his hard cock into my hot juicy pussy up to the hilt. As he slid into me he said, "Christ --You're fantastic ". He lifted his muscular body up onto his forearms and really gave it to me hard with each of the other boys holding one of my hands to gently restrain me. The boys also continued to fondle and squeeze my breasts and feel and invade my body everywhere else.

I had a sudden panic that Andy might come looking for me and find me like this. I was terrified at this possibility but knew that I was in too deep that there would now be no stopping these guys. While Mike was pounding me all I could think about was Andy seeing us .I asked the boys to watch out for Andy coming along the beach looking me .Mike paused from fucking me ,with his cock deep inside me, and they said they would and if they saw him coming we would have time to hide behind the rocks which lined the edge of the sand. I felt a bit less worried because I thought he was unlikely to come this far anyway and if he did he would never see us in the dark behind the rocks. I made them promise me again that they would watch for him and then relaxed about it. Normal service was resumed. Mike began fucking me again , and I closed my eyes and settled back into enjoying it.

Mike turned me over and entered my cunt from behind whilst pulling my cheeks apart which I loved. I remember thinking this was the most robust pounding I had ever had, but the boys were never too rough with me. For those of you who are interested in such details, and I know many of you are, Mike was the largest of the three. I could tell from the tectonic sensations down below that he was a big boy.

This second fucking session seemed to go on forever . Mike laid me back in the missionary position and I had my eyes closed for most of the onslaught and just lay in submission moaning and sighing . From time to time when I had the energy I put my arms around Mike, and occasionally wrapped my legs around his back but mostly I was just passively available to him for his use. Of course, in the back of my mind I was frightened that this could be the end of my marriage, but the thrill and the ecstasy of lying out on the sand under the stars and being ravaged like this was just too much to resist; I couldn't fight it.

I saw that Tony was stroking his dick it to get it nice and hard. He was obviously going to fuck me as well , I thought. Nothing was going to prevent that. I thought, 'My God, what have I unleashed?'

I was so drunk and so tired that I started to float away and drift in and out of sleep. I missed Mark cumming or Tony taking his place. At some point Tony obviously swopped with Mike but I was out of it by then. At one point I surfaced from my drunken oblivion and looked at the boys feeling me up all over with big smiles on their faces , and looked up at the face of whoever was plundering me with abandon and having the time of his life and I thought they were going to fuck me to death. I thought that this can't be happening-what the hell am I doing?

But then I just drifted back into my stupor. From time to time I would surface to find they were still fucking me. Once when I surfaced enough they turned me over so I was kneeling, lifted my butt up to take me from behind, stuck their fingers into my cunt and arse, and fucked me at will like I was a piece of meat. It was just absolutely gorgeous and I doubt I will ever have another night to compare. I remember thinking that I did not want it to end. Each time I was vaguely aware of one of them withdrawing from me I could not wait to feel another of their cocks filling my pussy again. They all had me at least twice --probably more, I don't know.

My regret about that night is that I had this fantastic experience but do not really remember lots of the detail due to being so paralytic. I suppose if I had not been drunk I would not have done it at all and that is the paradox of getting drunk that many will recognise. I would love to have been able to remember exactly how many times I was fucked and savour each one but I cannot. I was not really conscious for long periods of that night and that is a shame.

Much later when I came to again I found myself on the duvet and the boys were still there chatting and lying with their heads resting on me smoking. They had apparently put their shorts on again whilst I had been comatosed. What a sight I was naked and covered in cum and sweat with my legs wide apart. It was just starting to get light; I had been out on the beach all night. The tavern along the beach was in complete darkness with all its lights out.

Christ, I am in so much trouble I thought. I felt tired, ravaged and conquered. It was chilly and I felt cold and apprehensive and asked them to cuddle me. I quickly became more scared and upset and laid on the blanket just cuddling up with the boys. They were lovely and I enjoyed cuddling up to them and being close to them and kissing them afterwards as much as any of the sex really. It was just lovely to be so appreciated and wanted. To be honest I was flattered that these young fit guys had found me so sexy and desirable at nearly forty. I wanted to prolong this wonderful sublime moment a little longer before I had to return to my real world and face the music; that would come soon enough I thought.

I did not blame the boys or feel angry; they had only behaved as any boys would have with sex offered on a plate by a drunk available woman. They were sweet and nice to me and pulled me up and wrapped the duvet around me. We walked slowly and silently back along the sand to the tavern. Nobody knew what to say as we prepared to re-enter the real world. In the tavern the waiters had neatly folded my skirt, and top and left it by the till. (I never found my bra and panties). The boys helped me get them on, and walked me back slowly and silently to the harbour.

It was early dawn and I was just hoping and praying that Andy and the kids would be asleep and not sitting up waiting for me , or worse out looking for me. I was obviously so nervous when I climbed quietly back on board our boat terrified of waking Andy or one of the kids. I was so relieved when I found the boat all quiet and I peeped through the hatch and could hear Andy snoring down in our cabin.

I laid down in the cockpit in the open with some deck cushions and contemplated what I had done. By not getting into our bed in our cabin I thought there was some hope that Andy would not know just how late I got in. I had slept out on deck several times during this holiday ,as it was cooler up there at night, and so Andy would not have thought this unusual. I got up again as soon as I began to see movement on other boats , before Andy awoke, and went and had a thorough shower to wash away all the bodily fluids and sand that were all over me and in my hair and make myself as decent as I could. When I returned Andy was stirring and thankfully did not seem aware that I had been out all night. For now I told him that I had come back later after having a couple of night caps with those boys and slept in the cockpit.

As you can imagine I had a hell of a hangover the next morning and Andy was pretty cross with me but not particularly because I had taken my clothes off; he already knew what I was like and I had done that before. No, he was cross because he thought I had been flirting with, and making up to Steve . And I would have to concede that he had a valid point; dancing stark naked with someone does count as flirting, I suppose, although I really didn't see it that way but I was in no position to argue. I found out that he had had to go soon afterwards to collect the kids and take them back to the boat, and could not find me (when I was under the duvet on the sofa I suppose).

He of course at that stage had no idea what I had done after my strip and neither would he suspect or expect for a moment that I might have done such things. He did not know about me hiding under the duvet lying across the guys. He was not aware that I had stayed so late, so for the time being I left it that way. I knew that eventually I would have to tell him what had happened and what I had done , and face the consequences but that would need to wait until we were back home. I thought that if he was so annoyed at me for just flirting with Steve, how was he going to take it when I told him the full extent of what I had done?

We were flying home the next day and so I faced a very tricky situation to navigate at the airport queuing up for the check in with the same people who had witnessed my strip the previous evening. They gave me lots of condescending smiles, but I knew there was lots of sniggering going on behind my back. It was so embarrassing in the cold light of day. Thank God that only the three boys knew what I had done later with them. None of the rest of the group ever saw me under that duvet so would have had no idea how my evening progressed! And the three boys were totally discreet about it and gave no clue to Andy or anyone else that anything else had gone on.

It was about a week after we had got back to the UK that I sat Andy down , when the kids were out, burst into tears and told him what had happened. I was ,of course very upset, and contrite and tried to get him to understand that I had done similar strip teases before and guys had not taken advantage of me. I had to try to excuse it that way; that I had been drunk, and had not expected this to happen or wanted it to happen.

Andy loves me very much and was as understanding about it as any husband could possibly be expected to be. I was so full of regret and remorse at that time that we actually reached a point where we could actually laugh at my naivety that I had thought I could behave like that and not end up getting fucked. When you really love someone it is my view that when they stray you do not just immediately chuck your relationship away. I often hear people say that if their partner was ever unfaithful then that would be it. But if you really love someone would you not try to work out why they strayed and what was missing in your relationship? If the roles had been reversed I would certainly have afforded Andy that leeway and thankfully he felt the same.

In the following weeks Andy had to work very hard to get over it, and I often felt ashamed about my behaviour that night in Greece. I did however feel a whole lot better about it after I had got it out into the open. At that time sometimes I felt full of regret and worried that things will never be the same again with Andy. But other times privately I was glad that it happened-and thought, ' You're only here once.' Before that night, at nearly forty, I had only had full sex with two men, and in one night I had increased my tally to five and I felt some private satisfaction about that.

I had some very honest and candid discussions and arguments with Andy about how and what I am and my obsessions. He began to understand me a lot better and my need to do it. I did not want to have secrets from him anymore. He wanted me to himself but I knew that I was no longer able to promise that. I had to have the freedom to have sex with other guys now and again when my exhibitionist desires surfaced. He wishes I was not like this but he loves me and accepts it. I told him that he was also welcome to have sex with other women and once he got used to the idea he could see that could be fun for him. I said that life was too bloody short to only ever have sex with each other and that it was only sex for God's sake. The important thing was that we should not do anything behind each other's back or have secrets from each other.

He has obviously even accepted my exhibitionist desire to tell the world my intimate secrets about my exploits on Literotica. To be honest I would have liked nothing more sometime than to have sex with Andy in front of others-even strangers if he preferred. He did fuck me once in front of his flatmate at university. I also would have loved to watch him fuck another woman . At that time he was not up for such high jinks and I did not want to risk putting pressure on him. For my part I needed to change too and try to behave less outrageously.

But over the last four or five years since then, gradually, he has progressively indulged my exhibitionist streak and we have together progressed to some of these fantasies of mine. It has been a case of 'if you can't beat them, join them!' We have now had some fun experiences together and I will write about some of these one day.

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CaribbeanReikiCaribbeanReiki4 months ago

Congratulations Rachel for living your life the ways you want.

It’s never easy to be “different” in a world where anonymous idiots leave you negative comments.

I enjoy a lot your stories and I perfectly understand you. No one has any right to judge you. It’s your life and only you can decide if it’s the right one or not. Congratulations to your husband too for understanding who you are and not trying to break you. He should try and enjoy it more. I loved above all exposing and sharing my wife. She is the most beautiful, to my eyes, and showing her off only increases my ego: she is mine. You can see her naked, fuck her, but she will always come back to me. Jealous people only reflect their own mediocrity and uncertainty.

Keep enjoying your life the way YOU want!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow! I've read the prequels to this story and I must say, I am shocked! Not in the least because of the storyline, but especially because these are true (hopefully). I personally know someone much like yourself and they also have had similar experiences. We've even experienced something together and not actually been in a relationship. Truth be told, some of the parts of this story could be considered very questionable, and I would urge you to ensure your inhibitions are not lowered so much that you can possibly be raped. I do, however, believe that the "cheating" and "gangbang" aspects of this story are a nice touch and add to your character. I look forward to reading the rest :).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I’ve been reading the stories in the order recommended and this is the third in a row where you have had sexual relations with two or more men. While the exhibitionist is the catalyst these are really “Group Sex” category stories. Sorry but I’m done reading. I wanted to read exhibitions & voyeur stories not stories about a cheating 40 year old stupid drunk slut wife getting naked in front of 12 year old boys then going off and get gangbanged behind her husband’s back with her children nearby. The slut wife then cuckolds her husband and they live happily ever after?

qarlcueqarlcueover 5 years ago
Incredibly brave of you to share

I can't say enough how much courage I think it takes to share such a personal story in a semi-public forum like this. Allowing every anonymous stranger to comment or judge your writing and your behavior. Even for the admiring and supportive who give you advice without being critical, I still think it's admirable to "expose" yourself to all of that. I guess, as you've expressed in various parts of your stories and profile, that's part of what drives you, both as an exhibitionist, and also as a writer of your experiences. You want to expose yourself, and the risk is part of what makes it exciting. Well, thanks for sharing yourself with us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Whilst I love your writing and descriptions of your experiences, the finale of your time in Greece reads more like the rape of a drunken individual. You asked them to stop on many occasions yet the three guys continued to have full penetrative sex with someone who couldn't even remember how many times she opened her legs for their onslaught.

I'm glad Andy has forgiven you and your life together continues, but perhaps an Open relationship is not the answer to satisfy your exhibitionist desires. As someone says earlier, have you tried a nudist beach / colony? However I get the impression that if everyone was nude, and was expected to be, it wouldn't satisfy your need to show off your body in an illicit situation(?)

I hope you write more about how things have progressed, your open and honest account is very interesting


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Have you ever gone to nudist resort? I would think that might be a good outlet, but you may require being center of attention more than anything. Love the stories

exhibitionistguyexhibitionistguyabout 11 years ago
I liked the first half of the story

Hello. I agree with the anonymous comment that you should have broken this story up into separate submissions. I loved the story about how you did the naked somersaults in the barn. It was so sexy and erotic how you stripped your clothes off and went completely bare. However, I didn't like the second half of the story where you got drunk and let the three guys gang bang you. Why is it that alcohol has to be the excuse for your wanton behavior? There can be a down side to exhibitionism if you let it get out of control.

hillside88hillside88over 11 years ago
I know the feeling....

I very erotic story Rachel. I too have had to admit somethings to my spouse, and she has been very understanding. It was much better to get it off ones chest.

Because of this our sex has been the best it's ever been.

Please keep writing.

Cheers, GC

happipathappipatover 11 years ago
Keep writing, Rachel!

I'm one of those men who loves watching my wife fuck other men, which she does with gusto when she is in the mood for it. I'm sure I'm not alone in looking forward to reading about more of your adventures.

thewildsthewildsover 11 years ago

Please Rachael, keep writing. I love the realism and I want more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Nice but...

Should have broken it into a few submissions while adding details into each scene. Well, it's just a thought and I still like your story and hope it's all true.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
U R My Heroine

I'm no less an exhibitionist than you at heart but I just don't have your courage. The most I dared was to retie my bikini top and "accidentally" flashed my boobs or walked out of the sea with my top askew showing a breast and my bottom slipped down showing the top of my pubic fleece. Then I would act shocked and embarrassed and hurriedly tried to tidy thing up before checking around and had the satisfaction of seeing men averting their gazes.

I'm the girl who commented about the BR compartment in your other story. Although things seemed a bit over the top in your stories, I intend to believe you did all those things. I would if I were brave like you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Debt not paid....

Rachel, you owe your husband a weekend of sexual pleasure by others for what you put the poor man through. It still sounds way too lopsided and you take advantage of his love of you and good nature of his being. You should set it up with beautiful women and let him decide if you get to watch or not. You have to respect his word and not bug him. If you feel bad about it so be it, it is the lot you cast when you decided to let the gene out of the bottle.......but you still owe him if you truely love him you will do this for him because he will not do it on his own. You have to even the scales.

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