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Rachel's Exhibitionism Nemesis


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Most stories about gang bangs seem to feature two dimensional sex mad women who cannot get enough, and it is all completely marvellous and never seem to involve real women who have mixed feelings about what has happened to them or regrets. Having sex with other men was completely out of character, unplanned and unexpected, and throughout the whole experience I knew I should not be doing it, but I was so drunk and it was so much fun that I was just unable to stop.

I crossed the Rubicon that night. It changed my life and I have never been the same person again. I do not think about myself the same way anymore and, without getting too heavy, I struggle to understand how other woman can apparently behave promiscuously and seemingly not experience these dramatic changes in how they see themselves. I am not proud of what I did and picture myself on that beach behaving like a complete slut every day. At the same time another part of me craves for other similar experiences and you cannot go back. Anyway this is what happened. As I said we had been on a sailing flotilla holiday in the Greek Ionian Islands. Every night we stopped somewhere new, each time more idyllic and beautiful than the last. We had got to know the other crews over the two weeks and had a lot of fun. The different crews had gelled well. There had been a succession of balmy boozy evenings with a lot of banter and yes some innocent flirting. All the other crews were couples or families except one, which had three fit boys on board who seemed pretty dishy. I call them boys as they were about ten years younger than me but they were men really in their late twenties. Their names were Steve, Mike and Tony. You could not help noticing them as they were fit, and tanned, and more often than not had no shirts on. As I got to know them better in the evenings I also found out they were intelligent and well educated professionals and very funny.

Every day we went sailing to the next destination and every evening we met up as a group at a Greek taverna and got noisily drunk. It had got to the very last night of the holiday and we had gone to a dinner at a beach taverna arranged by the holiday company and had the usual prizes, awards, funny anecdotes from the holiday and votes of thanks. There had been unlimited wine provided and I had been completely stupid and in the party atmosphere got completely drunk. The evening had been a riot.

After the meal we staggered outside onto the beach where there was a private party disco. It was a hot beautiful evening and there were pretty coloured lights scattered around and you could hear the sound of the waves lapping on the shore. I should have said that our two children were being looked after with all the other younger kids in the flotilla at a nearby separate location where they keep them amused with films and pizza etc.

This night I felt like I was so far from home but had that demob happy feeling that you get when you are going home tomorrow. The setting was just perfect and so pretty and everyone was just having fun, playing the fool and laughing. I just seem to be in the mood to let my hair down and I had had far too much to drink . Apart from the wine I had been drinking mainly vodkas and Manhattans, which my husband kept getting for me. He also seemed to be enjoying himself although I think he had stuck to beer but seemed to be chatting and laughing with all the women. It was just one of those parties which was going really well and everyone was up for enjoying themselves.

The music was good too and I was doing a lot of dancing. The dancing area was some decking really close to the water's edge. It was still very warm and the dancing and alcohol made me even hotter. I was wearing a silky white sleeveless blouse and a short red cotton skirt. I was really getting into it and enjoying a good bop when Steve (one of the boys from the all male crew) came over and started dancing with me just as wildly as I was. I think it was some old 70s rock group but the beat was as hot as ever. My skirt was swirling up and exposing a lot of my panties and I was getting distinctly sweaty causing the fabric of my blouse to cling. I felt so sexy and so drunk. I had not realised how much attention I was attracting until a crowd of the other crews started to form around me and start clapping in time to the music. I was just loving this attention and laughing uncontrollably.

Suddenly someone started chanting ,"Off Off Off." I had had no intention of doing anything like that that night but my husband was also laughing and whispered in my ear something like, "Just unbutton your blouse and show your bra a little to keep them happy." He knew ,of course, that I enjoy showing off my body from time to time and has seen me removing clothing before a few times. It all seemed innocent enough. I suddenly felt excited and sexy at this prospect and asked him if he was sure. He smiled again so I slowly undid the top three buttons and pulled the blouse down off my shoulders to show my cream lacy bra. Of course the audience went wild and pretty soon everyone at the party was surrounding me and chanting ,"More More".

I said ,"No way -that's it. That's your lot!"

But they started mock booing and I felt stupid and churlish so I looked at Andy and he was encouraging me, so I decided to undo some more buttons. The more I exposed the wilder everybody got. It's was hot and I was wearing a bra anyway so I figured I'll give them what they want and took my blouse off completely and threw it to the crowd.

There was lots of cheering and shouting and laughing and Andy came up behind me and pulled the bra strap from behind and twanged it and then danced off laughing. This was seen as encouragement to Steve who did the same thing but this time the clasp broke and I was left trying to hold my bra on in front of me without a bra strap. You can imagine the commotion and Steve was then trying to pull the bra away from me. I was hanging on to it as best I could but he was too strong and he took it off me and threw it into the group to much riotous celebration. At first I put my hands over my breasts but then I thought,' What the hell! ',and continued dancing topless to great approval.

Needless to say this only made the crowd more excited and demanding and the chanting became more frantic. By this time the Greek waiters had joined the group hoping for more. I looked at Andy and he winked back smiling. What did that mean? Would he think me a party pooper if I did not carry on? I thought it's the last night of the holiday, I'll probably never see any of these people again-I'll give them something to cheer about. So I slowly started lowering my skirt. They are all going mad but Steve comes over to me and puts his arms around me and starts cuddling me whilst still dancing .I realised he was fiddling with the skirt button, and then quick as a flash he pulls the zip down and my skirt is now free and falls around my feet much to everyone's delight. I am still trying to dance so I stepped out of the skirt. I had long ago lost my shoes so there I was dancing just in my cream skimpy lacy panties, which are already revealing too much.

I am absolutely loving the attention but Andy starts to look like it's gone far enough and is signalling me to stop and get dressed. I was, of course, in Heaven; it had been a very long time since I had taken my clothes off in front of such a large group. Life in the old dog yet , I thought. I was very drunk and someone brought me another large glass of I don't know what which I gulped down and everybody cheered me on. I was just enjoying this too much although by now I see that Andy is not. But I think I won't see these people again after the holiday so I will give them a thrill by parading in my panties. And then one of the waiters, I think, brought me yet another large drink that I also gulped that down and this time it tasted like Ouzo.

It's hard being a female some times when you just know that you should not be doing something. I know that I am going to regret this big time tomorrow and that Andy is going to be fed up with me. Suddenly the drink hit me and I felt absolutely exhausted. I felt so drunk I had to sit down on a plastic chair by the decking and said that was definitely their lot. But then came the inevitable chants of," More, More, More!", and Steve and Mike (another one on the boys from the all male crew ) came and lifted me up to my feet again and everyone was laughing.

Then Steve starts dancing closely with me again holding both my hands. Before long he then uses one of his hands to start trying to lower my panties whilst looking for and getting the approval of the crowd. I used my free hand to try to hold them up, and of course the crowd were all cheering Steve on. Suddenly I realise that someone else has his thumbs in the waistband of my panties from behind and I look round to find Mike is pulling my panties down.

I shouted, "No! That's not fair," but in truth I adore being undressed by someone else, and to be undressed in front of a crowd is just the best for me. Before long he is on his hands and knees with my knickers around my knees and I am stepping out of them before I fall over. I just felt amazing with the wickedness of the situation being butt naked and the centre of attention of the party. You will know me well enough by now to know that actually I was loving this situation.

I was not sure what to do next , so I took a bow, and was about to walk off to get dressed as my show seemed to fizzle out . But then Steve took control and did some sort of improvised jive dance with me so I did lots of twirling and bending thus ensuring everyone got a good and full view of all my assets. You can imagine that I have never been more popular. I realised that there were camera phones flashing all over the place. Everyone was taking pictures of me. I had not reckoned on that happening. There was even a couple of boys ,who could not have been more than twelve, lying on the floor taking pictures up at me from below no doubt so they got the best view of my pussy. How bloody cheeky I thought and where were their parents allowing them to do this for God's sake?

I danced a little more and then ran down the sandy beach and into the shallow water through the waves much to everyone's amusement. Predictably I stumbled in the water and fell over and just sat in the shallow water laughing.

I soon emerged from the sea but I was exhausted again and saw a large outdoor sofa away from the decking in a darker corner of the beach garden that just looked really inviting and I staggered over to it and collapsed down into the middle of it. Almost immediately Steve and Mike came over and sat on each side of me on the sofa laughing. I said I wanted my clothes and would they get them for me but they just made fun of me by mimicking my request in my west country accent. They said that I didn't need my clothes as they would keep me warm and I laughed and said that was what I was afraid of! I also asked them where Andy was and they said he was getting my clothes for me which they of course had made up. The last thing on their minds was where Andy was.

After about a minute I started to feel a little chilly as I had cooled down from the dancing and there was a bit of a breeze now and I could see a really huge blanket or duvet on the ground next to the sofa so I asked Steve to reach over and get it. He willingly laid it over all three of us and I felt much less conspicuous and exposed. I pulled it up to cover my chest. In fact it felt very cosy and I started to feel very sleepy.

At this point I did not feel that badly about what had happened because as far as I was concerned that was the end now-the show was over and I just wanted to get dressed and go to bed. But the alcohol was making me very confused and I leaned right back in the sofa and closed my eyes. Before long Steve took my hand and gently squeezed it, and then intertwined his fingers with mine, and finally kissed the back of my hand and then kissed me on my forearm several times.

I could not help enjoying the tenderness and gentleness of his touches. He put his arm around my waist and his hand squeezed my bottom. Steve was encouraged by the apparent welcome of his advances and placed his hand on my knee under the duvet and started to stroke my upper leg and then my soft fleshy inner thigh. I took hold of his hand and said," No!" and reminded him that I was a respectable married woman but I suppose I did not sound that convincing as I was still giggling. I felt that tingling sensation at the back of your neck. He did not stop ,of course, and the stroking became more and more daring just brushing the edge of my mound. I cannot tell you how sexy I felt and of course I was feeling very wet down there. Before long Mike started giving my other leg and thigh the same treatment. I have to say that it did feel very very nice and so I said to the boys no further than that and then closed my eyes again and relaxed.

I felt so tired that I decided to lay down sideways with my head in Steve's lap and my legs across Mike's legs completely under the duvet. Hardly any of my face was showing. Looking back being naked like this was clearly a very stupid thing to have done. At the time though all I wanted to do was lie down and close my eyes and sleep. More or less straight away Steve began stroking my hair and cheeks and forehead. It was lovely. At the same time Mike resumed stroking my legs which were conveniently strewn across his lap under the blanket. I knew I should not let things progress any further than this but being under the blanket was like an unreal world, like being in a bubble where the real world rules did not apply. I was more or less completely hidden and felt like I was hiding and nobody could see me or would know I was there.

Steve then proceeded to massage my shoulders under the duvet which was equally heavenly and before long he had his hands further under the duvet stroking around my breasts and my tummy which again was just too nice to stop. Predictably he then graduated to stroking my breasts and nipples which were already erect. At this stage I became nervous and held his hand to prevent him doing that but it was a token gesture really. Steve twisted around a little, bent over towards my head, lowered the duvet down from my face and put his lips to mine. It's a funny thing that when you are really drunk the reflex response just kicks in and you could be kissing anybody really. I could not do anything but respond and before long he had his tongue down my throat and we were in a deep passionate snog. Whilst we are doing this he established his territory under the duvet and now had the run of my entire front above the waist and indeed as far below the waist as he could reach.

Between my legs I felt warm and moist. Whilst I was still kissing Steve, Mike upped his assault on my legs and thighs and reached the promised land and placed a finger at the entrance to my hot and very wet desperate pussy. I could not believe that I was helpless to resist and all I can do was lift my bottom up towards him to encourage him to penetrate me. When his finger began to enter me it sent a shiver through my whole body and a sigh escaped my mouth. I could feel I was blushing but most of my face was hidden and they would not have seen. My kiss with Steve came to an end mainly because I needed to breathe and then I snuggled back down completely under the duvet in my unreal world where nobody could see me. I closed my eyes and my heart was racing with the excitement and outrageousness of the situation.

I completely submitted and let them do their worst under the duvet where no one could see me. It was my private little world where four hands were all over me. It was probably the most sublime and exquisite moment of my life so far. Mike had command of my body below the waist as I continued to lay with my legs across his lap. My legs were apart to give him full access and by now he had two fingers in my cunt and it was gorgeous. I was writhing around under the duvet and moaning in ecstasy louder and louder and pushing my bottom up to meet him. Mike was so talented with his fingers. I was panting , as my hips gyrated shamelessly onto his thrusting fingers. As I did so he slid his other hand under my butt and began probing my crack from underneath and sliding a finger into my arse. I don't think I have ever been so wet and turned on in my life. Every so often Steve lowered the duvet down my face just enough to give me another passionate kiss .

On one occasion I briefly opened my eyes and noticed that the music had changed to slow smoochy stuff and there were far fewer people left and those that were, were couples having slow cuddly smooches. No one seemed to be interested in us now and in any case it was dark in our corner. I felt shameless and let these boys completely squeeze, stroke, and caress my entire body without any restrictions or limits.

I started to feel that sensation where the sky could fall in but you don't care and my legs were all over the place under the duvet. Mike was working his magic until I had the most amazing orgasm of my life. As I climaxed I was gripping the duvet with my hands as hard as I could as my hips pumped onto Mike's hand. I think it was the outrageousness of my situation being in a semi public place naked under a duvet with two fully clothed relative strangers and not my husband which combined to give me such an intense trembling shuddering orgasm .By now I felt no shyness but I was making too much noise and from under the duvet I could hear the boys chuckling quietly with satisfaction at my helpless display. I still had my head on Steve's lap (although I had turned to face his chest) and he put his hand over my mouth to reduce the sound of my moaning.

I closed my eyes and said that that was fantastic to the boys and that they were very sweet but very naughty but it was now definitely time for me go to sleep. The alcohol swept over me again and I just felt so much I needed to close my eyes.

Steve then said, "Why don't we lie down over there , where it will be quiet? You can sleep there," pointing along the sandy beach well away from the taverna. I said I was too tired to walk anywhere but Steve and Mike said, "No problem. We will escort you." By now nearly all the other people in our flotilla had gone back to their boats. I was not keen on moving anywhere but they stood up, and lifted me up, each holding me under one of my arms and wrapped the duvet around me. I could hardly walk and it was an effort for them to support me and stop me just sitting down on the beach.

I was giggling a lot and saying, "Please take me home." I suppose by giggling I was giving them mixed signals. I could hear the gentle waves of the sea as they walked me away from the taverna along the shore . Looking back I can see that I was being led quietly and with docility to my execution. I was just too drunk and naive to see it.

We came to a halt at a piece of sand and scrubland grass well away from where anyone would ever have seen us. I said that I really need and should be going home now back to my boat. To this Steve responded by putting his arms around me and kissing me passionately allowing the duvet to drop to the ground. My tongue was in his mouth and down his throat, and his hands moved down to squeeze my bum and then down into my wet crack and his fingers slipped easily into my soppng wet pussy. I could not resist and pleaded with him to stop as I writhed around with his fingers in my wet cunt. Then Mike put his arms around me from behind and was fondling my breasts. My legs melted to jelly and I slowly slithered down to the ground onto the duvet.

I laid on my back and looked up at the stars and said, "Please just let me sleep now." I was not giggling anymore.

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