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Radiance Ch. 39

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Wisp and Malakai get closer.
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Part 64 of the 124 part series

Updated 05/18/2024
Created 04/17/2021
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Chapter 39: Tangled Webs of Love.

Wisp felt like a princess riding atop her noble steed as she sat on Malakai's back and abdomen, she had her hands resting on his shoulders and her legs hooked over his midsection dangling in between his mid legs one of which was his yellow leg while her bum was planted on his fluffy abdomen enjoying the feel of his soft fur under her as he scuttled along.

As they scuttled into the main lobby they found the others all lounging about resting on the nice furniture seemingly talking to their new super mutant friends, as they entered they all turned to look and to Wisp's joy she saw all of the faces of her friends break out into wide and warm smiles.

"See? Told you, though to be fair I kinda expected her to be covered in webbing by now or you know something white and sticky anyway," Gregory said aiming a toothy playful grin at her.

But rather than blush and go red as he was obviously expected Wisp simply shot him a devilish grin of her own right back, "The night is still young plenty of time yet," she said and by the confusion on Malakai's face she could tell he hadn't gotten it but with a little of luck he very soon would and a lot more on top.

Ven roared with laughter and gave Gregory's hair a playful ruffle, "She won't be the only one if I have my way pretty one and given how comfy those human nest beds are I'll want to spend as much time as we can there, I gotta give these Enclave pricks this but they know how to make a quality nest for their officers," he said kissing the back of his human's neck to emphasise his point and by the way, Gregory went cross-eyed for a moment Ven wasn't the only one looking forwards to this.

Seven somehow managed to wriggle himself free from Visa's iron death grip on him as after having her male stolen by a pair of super mutants she was in serious over protection mode, he walked right up to the pair of them and stuck out his hand to Malakai who looked at it for a second before taking it and shaking it.

"Well done my friend I am very incredibly happy for the both of you, on behalf of the human side of our group I'd like to offer you a wholehearted thank you and a well done on having an open mind and heart, now having said that I feel I need to say this and please don't take it the wrong way, you look after that girl, she has put up with more shit than any two people I know, if you break her heart I will break you, that my friend is a promise," Seven said in a voice so soft and calm that it carried such incredible power in it that Wisp could see every single person present even Shepherd's team felt it.

That's when Visa appeared next to her man and stuck out her hand to Wisp who cocked her head and shook it feeling the female Claw's giant hand encasing hers in scaled flesh, "And I'd like to say the same to you Wisp, well done on opening your heart to this man he genuinely deserves someone to love and care for him and i genuinely believe that that is you because I was present when you first saw him and my most beloved one told me in no uncertain terms that he felt what you felt upon seeing him so i genuinely believe him you love him as deeply as I love mine but on behalf of all human loving non human girls who have to work far harder than any human girl does to steal these beautiful creatures away from their own species I will tell you the same as my beloved one told your male, if you hurt him in any way let alone break his large beautiful heart I will make a hell of a lot of work for Gregory because I will personally tear your limbs and head clear off and shove them into the hole between your legs, clear?" she said.

Wisp actually felt a large smile forming on her face, it actually warmed her mechanical heart that Visa was making it very clear that this group were more than willing to stand for and defend Malakai because now he was a part of this growing crazy little family of theirs, "Crystal and don't you worry Visa I have waited my whole pain-filled life to find this beautiful man, I didn't have a clue what face he would wear or where he would come from all I knew was that he was out there and from the moment I saw him I just knew, he is the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life and now my arms are around him I'll be fucking damned if I ever let go of his fluffy bum, all this beauty is now mine and I am never letting go even if I have to use his own silk to fucking tie myself to him," she said wrapping her new arms around his slender neck and showing the back of his head in gentle kisses.

Now the others had all come up to offer their congratulations as well, "Jussst make ssssure if you do tie yourssself to the undersssside of him, sssso much more fun that way," Riss said as she shook both of their hands and giving Wisp a wink while Malakai blushed about three different shades of red while she felt all of his fur bristling under her in embarrassment.

Suddenly Shelia and Shauna appeared and they were towering over the pair but both were wearing the same smile plastered over their faces, "Me's likes this group Shauna, they give pretty humies to non-humies, look at them all, is not one humie with other humie, he is with big Claw girly, he is with big strong funny claw boy, he is with Snakey wolfie girl and now Robo humie with this pretty fluffy spidey boy, think if we's goes with them they finds us pretty humie boys for us to love? Or another pretty fluffy spidy boy? Me's might like fluffy spidy boy with pretty fur," Sheila said in that rather endearing innocent way of hers that made her friend blush but smile all the same.

Before anyone else could say anything Ven got there first, "Stick with us big green we got the living breathing non-human cupid right there, don't know how the hell he pulls it off but that claw loving human right there just has to be near a human and a non human and somehow they bloody well fall in love and just start screwing each others brains out, he's never failed yet, look at this for a track record, he shows up in our lives and my proud sister who was notorious for being an ice alpha queen claw and a crazy tail falls head over tail for him and he sweeps her off her claws and before she knows whats happening he's so far under her tail it looks like she's a bloody centaur, then just as I'm starting to get jealous as all hell this gorgeous chunk of human sex falls into our lap and somehow Seven convinces him that I am worth his time and before i know it I'm swept off my claws and now I'm the one with my tail in the air looking like a centaur with a permanent smile glued to my face, then Seven gets himself kidnapped by Riss there who both hates and loves humans in equal measure after the way they treated her, somehow he convinces her to give him a chance to help her find herself a human who would show her the meaning of human love and treat her like the non-human queen she deserves to be treated like, enter Runs-With-Nightstalkers there and yes I know the irony of that name and I'm starting a petition to get it changed to Loves-With-Nightstalkers-A-Lot-Very-Loudly, next thing I know we're guests in the first human non-human wedding in history and now these two, one is a human non-corporeal cloud girl and the other an Arachnakai fluffy cute as a button spider boy, about as different as its possible to be and boom now she's Wisp spider knight extrodinare complete with her eight legged noble steed whose probably going to be doing at least half the riding, so yeah don't you worry big girls if there is two things that are constants in this universe its death and that non-human loving humans are going to show up if he's around, I don't know how he does it, but fuck me am I glad he does because he found me my hearts truest and brightest star and now I know the meaning of the words happy and loved" Ven said sweeping Gregory up off his feet and promptly shoving his tounge down the surprised but happy human boy's throat.

A huge happy smile broke out on Sheila's face, "Yay!! You's hear that sister? Pretty claw loving humie will find pretty humie boys for us and shows them we's not bad girls, he wills shows them that we's can love them better than humie girls and we gets all the kisses and cuddles we's wants!! Me's soooo happy! Me's would hug pretty humie finding humie boy if it wasn't for big scary claw girl who would hurts me" Sheila said eyeing Visa nervously as she wrapped herself protectively around Seven and swished her tail back and forth dangerously.

"MY arms are the only ones allowed around his beautiful body, but I do appreciate the sentiment and the reasoning behind it," she said.

Sheila nodded and looked at Seven with what could only be described as longing eyes, "Scary claw girly is very lucky, has very pretty humie to love" Sheila said as Shauna placed a large green hand on her huge shoulder.

Seven himself sighed heavily and nodded, "This a title I'm not going to be able to get away from is it?" he said glancing up as Visa pulled him into a deep kiss.

"Not a chance, you've single-handedly done more for human non-human relations than anyone else before you and hell given the number of relations you've been having with my sister that's not all that surprising" Ven said with a grin and Visa shot him a look that morphed into a proud grin.

"I'd ask you if you're jealous but I can clearly see you are thinking the same thing I am," Visa said gently stroking the chin of her beloved male then both Visa and Ven smiled at each other and before anyone could blink both Seven and Gregory found themselves dangling from their respective Claw's shoulder and the pair were charging off towards the bedrooms.

Everyone watched the retreating backs of the two rapid moving Claws and the shrugging humans hanging from them before turning to look back at one another, "Wow those four really take their love very seriously don't they?" Shepherd said.

"Oh, you have no idea" Wisp said with a grin before leaning into a hug against Malakai's back, feeling him stiffen up at first but then visibly relax, it was obvious that he still wasn't used to intimacy but was growing to like it rather a lot as he gripped her hands and held them in place against his chest.

"They are not the only onessss, now if you will pleasssse excusssse ussss, I have ssssome human loving of my own to do," Riss said and with that Runs found himself hoiked up into the air in her tail before the pair vanished in exactly the same direction as the other four.

"Wow ok you guys work hard, fight hard and fucking play hard too," Shepherd said.

"What can I say after all the shit we've been through we like to love as hard as we can because you just never know when something or someone is going to be torn away from you in this world, so we kinda take our love very seriously, I mean just look at the partners our hearts chose for us, not exactly the easiest in the world to woo over to our side but just look at the beautiful boy I have here, you honestly think that given I have an eight-legged angel made flesh and fur and not love him as hard as I possibly can? This boy right here is going to know without any shadow of any doubt how deeply I love him" she said proudly as she wrapped her arms around Malakai from behind again and squeezed him tightly though being careful not to over squeeze as she wasn't too sure about how powerful these synthetic muscles were.

Once again Malakai took hold of her hands and held them tightly against him and then he lifted them and he gently kissed each and every one of her fingers before turning and gently pulling her forwards so he could kiss her over his shoulder.

"Get the feeling we should get some food cooked because something tells me if those lot com back at some point they are gonna be hungry I don't even want to imagine how much energy someone's going to burn through satisfying a claw girl or boy," Shepherd said making the others laugh and nod in agreement.

"You's has food? Good me's is hungry!" Sheila said happily and Shauna chuckled.

"You are always hungry," she said and Sheila smiled broadly.

"I'm a big girl now with a big appetite!" she said happily and again Shauna shook her head as Shepherd and her crew laughed, it seemed that they were starting to warm up to the two big surprisingly soft-hearted super mutant girls.

Wisp begrudgingly clambered down off Malakai's back and headed down to the kitchens after convincing her beautiful spider boy that she could handle it and to take a load off and to just sit down and rest, which he did almost as begrudgingly as she was when she climbed down.

It wasn't exactly going to be gourmet cuisine more a mixture of the rations they had found and some of the supplies that had brought with them but it would be edible, filling and most importantly for the non-human loving humans who had been carried away for some very vigorous activity, calorie-filled.

As Wisp stood there stirring the large pot of mixed stew and rice she couldn't help but smile as she looked at her hand, oh how good it felt to be able to touch AND to feel again, the closest she'd been to actually feeling something over the past few weeks had been the feelings and sensations she had leached off Seven while residing in his head and most of those had taken place underneath Visa's long tail which as much as he obviously loved it her not so much though it did give her some rather hopeful ideas as did what Visa did to Seven in response to this.

But the simple thing as having this spoon in her hand and being able to actually feel it meant so much to her, it was an incredible thing to her and this also carried across into her new beautiful boyfriend, the simple act of being able to touch him and to feel the warmth and softness of his skin, or the hardness of his muscles, or the softness of his fur but it also worked both ways too because now she had a body that he could enjoy as well, he could have the feeling of being able to run his hands over her skin, touch whatever he wanted whenever he wanted and she would get to enjoy every single second of feeling those wonderful hands of his feeling every inch of her.

The mere thought of this sent shivers of purest pleasure through her entire body and she literally felt the synthetic nerves fire off and her hair standing up at the thought of the hands of her beautiful man exploring her new shiny naked body, it also had another side effect of making her wet as arousal began to burn in her loins, it appeared Gregory was spot on, this body was a perfect replica of a human being and was a pure godsend, it was like a second chance at the life she should have had instead of the one she had been forced to live and she was going to enjoy it, all of it.

It took Wisp about half an hour to finish making the meal for everyone, Spectre and Cho came in to help her out with the serving and all carried trays of filled steaming bowls of food back to a large dark wood dining table where those that hadn't been whisked off for some interspecies love were gathered.

Malakai who couldn't fit into one of the chairs was folded up in the middle of the table, his face lit up as he saw Wisp approaching carrying a tray in her hands which felt surprisingly light considering the weight which she guessed was due to her new synthetic muscles, she was seriously going to have to test out just how strong this body of hers actually was.

She placed the tray down in the middle of the table and made sure that the first bowl that got handed out was her Malakai's, there was no way anyone but her beautiful man was getting served first, he smiled warmly as she put his bowl down and leaned in to steal a quick kiss loving the feel of his little fuzzy mandibles stroking her cheek and jaw.

She handed out the rest of the meals along with Spectre and Cho before they began to take their seats, the first of the love birds to reappear was Runs and Riss and to say Runs looked love drunk was an understatement while Riss had the swagger of a very very satisfied woman, with her tail swishing about proudly and a smile that she flashed at all of the other girls present there were some definite looks of jealousy being thrown about that were amplified when Seven and Visa appeared moments later looking pretty much the same.

The last to appear were Ven and Gregory and Wisp sat down next to Malakai after putting food down for them all, "Amazing how food brings out everyone passion or not" she said shooting them a grin.

"A hungry girl needs fuel to keep the love going you know, you think hips like these run on good wishes?" Visa said with a grin swishing her hips and tail dramatically before taking her seat and pulling Seven into her lap before he could plant his butt on a chair.

Wisp laughed and grinned at her, "Mine run on batteries and not sure where the charging socket is but I'm sure Malakai here can help me find it and I'm sure we'll have fun figuring out exactly what gets plugged into it" she said making Malakai nearly choke on his stew as he began coughing as the others started laughing.

"Is it me or has cloud girl gotten worse since she got some skin?" Ven said with a grin.

"More like since she got a whole lot of fluffy butt," Gregory said sharing his man's grin.

Seven turned to the two super mutant girls who were sitting watching this exchange, "So tell us about the Amazons, every bit you can tell us is going to help us either avoid or if it comes down to it fight them" he said.

"They are relentless, now I'm sure that a lot of the girls who have joined them are pretty much like us two, that have been browbeaten and forced into joining because the equivalent is to be cast out and forced to walk this world as an outcast, so they do it out of necessity, I don't think they are bad girls just misled having been brainwashed by the queen," Shauna said.

Sheila was nodding, "She's was nice at first, then she shows real colours, she bad, very bad, she hurts boys who do nothing to her or to us, she lets no girls leave," Sheila said sounding angry.

"Well if she tries to hurt my boy she will find exactly what angry deathclaw means" Ven snarled hugging Gregory against him as Gregory tried to stop himself from dropping his spoon of stew as large claw arms wrapped around his waist and scooped him up.

"They patrol the tunnels in groups of four which we call hunting packs, these patrols have three jobs, to keep people out of our territory, search for supplies that they can use and finally to ambush any survivor groups they stumble across though if the group is too big for them to handle they will follow them until they find out where they are camped which they will then send a runner back to the main camp to get reinforcements to hit it, they will kill all of the women and snatch and men or boys they can before taking everything they own as well, pretty much all of these boys will end up dead" Shauna said sadly.

"That makes sense, I've seen the results of these raids with my own eyes, we always wondered why we kept finding these camps of just girls around the place that had been shot or hacked down I mean the raiders and especially the slavers around here would never kill the women of a group when they could capture them and sell them to the scum at paradise falls," Spectre said through a mouthful of stew.

"They have patrols and observation points all over the city, the queen likes to know who and what is going through 'her' city, but ironically she has fewer eyes on the surface than on the tunnels as we use them to move around all over the city, the only group she really leaves alone is the Brotherhood of Steel because they would shoot them down without a second's thought though they have tried to hit them more than once, every time has not gone well for them as the Brotherhood shredded them, so now, for the most part, they leave them alone because she knows they won't simply lay down and let them push them around" Shauna continued.

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