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Radiance Ch. 40

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Malakai and Wisp finally go all the way.
5.9k words

Part 65 of the 124 part series

Updated 05/18/2024
Created 04/17/2021
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Chapter 40: The Thread That Binds.

Malakai couldn't believe this was actually happening to him, he was currently laid flat on his back with all eight of his legs in the air and nestled right between them was the most beautiful female he had ever seen in his life and it was nothing to really do with the beautiful shell that she had just inhabited, it was her soul.

Never in his life had someone been so aggressively honest about their feelings with him, she had basically told him outright I think you are beautiful and as soon as I get to act upon these feelings I have then I will and she had been true to her word, the second she had a body to call her own she had done just that.

Now this truly incredible woman was showering his face, neck and chest sending shivers of pleasure throughout his entire body, he also couldn't believe just how easily he had fallen completely head over spinnerets in love with her, she was just such a pure and passionate person, he truly believed it when she said there was nothing she would not do to either protect him or make him happy.

Malakai had always wondered to himself what love would feel like and what shape it would come in or what face it would wear when it found him, he'd never in his life imagined that it would not truly have a face but would be a cloud made of golden sunshine and truest joy.

Wisp's hands were unbuttoning his shirt buttons now which when she reached the bottom exposed his entire humanoid torso to her, she wasted zero time reaching inside and running her surprisingly warm hands right across his stomach and chest, now Malakai was under illusions that he was not as well built as a few of the males of his race, he didn't have the full six or eight pack stomach muscles that these males had if anything he had a little round belly that while flat didn't have the definition of these muscle boys, though he was still pretty strong thanks to his arachnid genes giving what muscle he did have a serious denseness to it.

"How can you be so perfect for me? It's like some God or Goddess somewhere looked in on me when I was in my darkest place and decided you know what I'm going to make you a boy that when you will see him you will fall head over heals in love and you will look at every ince of him with more want than you have ever known in your life, you will worship every inch of him and relish him like he is the sweetest treat you have ever known, you will taste every inch of him and it will drive you crazy, you will touch him and it will make your hands buzz as you wish for more and more, the sound of his voice will make you crave him, the sweet, earthy and musky scent of him will light your heart and loins aflame, your every sense will yearn for him and now here you are right infront of me and I simply don't have the words to tell you happy I am" she said softly as she made a point of leaning in to nibble on his pointy little ear sending an explosion of electric tingles through his head and caught his breath in his chest.

"I feel the exact same way about you, my love, you are everything I always wanted but had no clue that I truly needed as well, but I do, I need you," he said and she beamed from ear to beautiful ear taking his hand in hers and entwining her fingers with his and the pair of them revelled in just how beautifully their contrasting skin tones swirled together.

Wisp very slowly removed his shirt and undershirt from his body leaving him as naked as the day he was hatched laid on the bed before her with his heart hammering in his chest hoping that she really liked what she saw

"God you are beautiful my Malakai, I am going to relish every single second of this" she purred softly.

"I hope so, I really want you to enjoy me," he said in a soft shy voice.

Suddenly her expression changed and a look of concern passed through her bright beautiful synthetic eyes, "I hope you don't think this is all for me my love, this is for both of us, I want you to enjoy every single second of this as much as me, I am going to do everything I can to make you feel as good as I can" she said softly stroking his face gently.

Her words made his heart flutter like a Cazador's wings in his chest while also making it swell, "Here I unwrapped my beautiful present and now it's your turn to unwrap yours, so come on my little fluffy bum let these sweet nimble fingers explore me" she said taking them and kissing his fingers letting him relish the warm feeling of her mouth one finger at a time.

Once she gave him his hands back he reached up and began to unbutton each button of the military fatigues that he had modified for her, he also couldn't help but admire his handiwork here as he had done very good work making these clothes fit her incredibly well, though unbeknown to her he had also slightly modified them so they showed off her more feminine assets, so a little tighter around the rear, hips and chest than they technically needed to be but he really couldn't help himself, he was still a hot-blooded male who liked the shape of a well proportioned female and Wisp's new body was very well proportioned indeed and he liked to look.

His fingers were trembling as he pulled the fatigue jacket away from her and threw it into the same pile as his clothes had gone, then he ran his hands over her hips and was delighted that he felt a slight tremor pass through her entire body, he also couldn't believe just how completely real to the point where he just couldn't tell her flesh was.

He hooked his fingers into the hem of her shirt and lifted it up over her head leaving her in just her bra and as his eyes roamed up from her hips to her face and he found her beaming at him, "You like what you see my sweet one?" she purred.

"V-V-Very much" he stammered.

"Well then let's show you more shall we?" she said taking his hands and moving them around her back and hooking his fingers into bra straps letting him run them along until he found the clasps, her smile widened with every inch they moved until at its zenith he flicked the clasp with practised skill as he had repaired god knows how many of these over the years.

As the bra fell away Wisp's tear drop shaped ebony-skinned breasts fell free revealing that her nipples worked just like real ones as they were hard as little bullets on her chest, before he could pull them back she grabbed his hands and placed them on her beautiful breasts letting her flesh utterly fill his hands and spreading his fingers out so it bulged between them.

He could feel those little hot flesh bullets digging into his palms and together they gasped, him at the feelings that this simple but beautiful act tore from his soul and him from the wondrous shot of pleasure that rippled through her from the divine sensation of having her breasts squeezed and her nipples rubbing against his palms.

Wisp closed her eyes and seemed to savour the sensations running through her to Malakai decided to press this by very gently but firmly squeezing her breasts forcing her nipples to rub back and forth between his fingers and to his delight Wisp made an incredibly cute little squeak of pleasure and upon seeing one of those little flesh bullets pop out from in-between his fingers he had a devilish idea and with that, he leaned forwards and gave it a lick before popping it into his mouth.

Wisp seemed to short circuit making a whole host of squeaks and squeals and for a dreadful second Malakai thought he had hurt her but when she grabbed his head and held it in place her realised to his hearts sheer relief that he was making her feel incredibly good.

While his lips were still attached to her breast and planting sucking kisses on his nipple Wisp grabbed his hands and moved them to her waist so he could feel the waistband of her pants, he ran his hands along until he found the centre and he began trying to undo them while focusing all six of his eyes on her pleasure-filled face.

He managed to still his fingers long enough to flip open the toggle and unzip her flies, with that she gently pulled his head away from her breast before standing up over him, being very careful to plant her feet in-between the joints of his legs and not accidentally stand on them.

As she did she turned so that she was facing away from him this gave him a perfect view of her back and her rear end, she smiled slyly over her shoulder at him, "Care to do the honours my little sugar spider?" she purred softly.

Malakai's heart skipped a beat as he leaned forwards and gripped her waistband, as he began to pull he realised he'd inadvertently hooked her underwear as well which resulted in the whole lot being pulled right down to her ankles as the fabric slid effortlessly along her smooth ebony skin.

This surprised Malakai and when he looked up he found his face inches away from her bare rear end and it was like looking at a perfectly shaped ebony love heart made of flesh right before his face which made all six of his eyes blink at the same time, he felt eyes upon him and as he looked up he saw Wisp smiling down at him under her arm.

"Like what you see my little sugar legs?" she asked playfully.

"Very much," he said feeling a little dry-mouthed which considering his mouth was watering at the sight before him confused the fuck out of him.

Wisp seemed to see this too and she giggled, she'd already taken her boots off and now with a little dance and a swift kick, her trousers and underwear joined the rest of their clothes in a heap on the floor next to the bed before she turned back to him this time facing him directly.

"Good I'm glad, I really think I lucked the fuck out by finding this little treasure here so I at least got to thank the Enclave for that, once again their stupidity and arrogance save the day, though probably not as thankful as you eh my little sugar spider?" she said moving to once again rest her weight on his abdomen by straddling it.

Malakai just couldn't take his eyes off her, all six of them were roaming every single inch of her like he was trying to commit her to his memory in as in-depth detail as he could, but her words made him think for a moment before he answered her, "Wisp you were beautiful as a cloud, you were beautiful as a Sargent Gutsy and now you're beautiful as a human, I think it's safe to say that to me you're beautiful full stop" he said feeling a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Wisp's face broke into a huge warm smile and she laid herself down so she could wrap her arms around his neck and get herself face to face with him, "And that right there my little sugar spider is exactly why I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were the man for me, you are the kindest, gentlest, most beautiful person I am ever going to meet on this planet at this point I think not loving you would be impossible for me, you stole my glittery heart and wrapped it up in a web and now it's completely yours" she said making him smile from ear to ear.

He gently stroked her face and ran his hands down her back as she leaned forwards and kissed him, he relished the smooth firmness of her artificial skin and the heat emanating from her body that was seeping into him from her.

His hands reached her hips and she smiled warmly at him as his eyes came up to meet hers, "You can touch it my sugar spider, you know you want to, I can see it in your eyes, plus I'm not going to hold back, I am going to explore every single inch of all this beauty before me" she purred just as his hands moved and cupped her rear feeling each of her cheeks slotting perfectly into his hands like she was made specifically for him.

"Mmmmm of now that's the good stuff" Wisp purred softly nipping his ear between her teeth making a bolt of lightning down his spine making all of his legs flex and wiggle about which seemed to make Wisp supremely happy.

Slowly she began moving down his body making her rear slip out of his hands as she began to trail sucking kisses down his body, she seemed to be trying to make little marks down his body which seemed to work because he noticed in the wake of her kisses he could see mouth shaped marks like a little ladder down his chest and stomach.

That's when he felt it, she was rubbing and kissing his abdomen with both her hands but she was also rubbing something very warm and wet against his spinnerets making them slippery and warm, as he glanced down her realised that they were trapped between her legs, "Hmmm now I wonder where my little sugar spider could be hiding his most beautiful treasure hmmmm? I guess I'll just have to go on a treasure hunt" Wisp purred playfully as she laid her chin on his fluffy abdomen looking up at him.

Malakai swallowed hard as his heart began to pound hard in his chest, he began to worry what she would think when she truly saw him, would she like it? Would she be excited? Or would she be scared or freaked out?

Wisp seemed to notice the concern in him as given how expressive his large eyes were, her face instantly mirrored his concern, "What's wrong my little sugar legs?" she asked.

"Well I errr Ummm we are so different Wisp, I-I-I'm worried that you won't like what you see," he said truthfully feeling ashamed even as the words left his mouth.

Wisp moved right back up his body till she was right above him with a hand planted on either side of his head making him press back into the bed in surprise at this sudden aggressive move, "Now you listen to me, you are beautiful! You are the most beautiful male that exists in this godforsaken world so don't you dare worry that I will not love what you have between these gorgeous legs because I already love it, its part of you and I love you, so now I am going to go back to hunting this wonderful treasure and you are going to stop worrying that I am not going to like what I see because trust me when I say when I find this succulent treasure and am going to love the absolute shit out of it, just you wait and see, now lay that fluffy butt of yous back down and let me work or I'm going to find a whole new use of that silk of yours and I'm going to show you exactly how much I adore every inch of you" she said in a very loud but also proud voice.

Malakai felt like there was a storm in his head and his heart, never in his life had anyone ever stood up to his own self-conscious doubt with such power and venom but it also made him wonder what exactly she meant when she said she'd find a new use for his silk.

Now his penile pouch was pretty well hidden, it was located in a spot just underneath his spinnerets, it was pretty hard to see as that area of his body was kinda furry, but this didn't stop Wisp, true to her word Wisp searched every single inch of his abdomen planting kisses on his hidden skin which to his surprise was rather sensitive and she kept finding little sensitive spots which made his legs twitch and kick at the ceiling, this only prompted her to attack those spots with kisses and licks from her impossibly soft tongue.

This caused his manhood to Inveolenterily begin to emerge from its pouch and Wisp gave a cry of triumph which made him nearly jump out of his skin and making all of his fur fluff up, "Ah-ha! There it is! There's my beautiful prize! I've got you now!" she yelled and before Malakai could even flinch more she was on it with her head planted right between his rearmost legs right above his spinnerets.

Malakai got a bolt of lightning right up the spine and began spasming out his legs as he felt someone else touching him for the very first time, fortunately when Wisp's hand grabbed him she was firm but she was gentle, "Oh wow look at this thing! It's gorgeous just like its owner!!" Wisp exclaimed and Malakai looked down his body to see that Wisp had managed to tease his entire manhood out of its pouch, now Arachnakai aren't exactly small in any sense of the word and this is also reflected in the males in this particular department.

He was about thirteen maybe fourteen inches long and about three inches in circumference, it was just like the rest of his skin, pure snow white but with a pinky slik skin that was utterly covered in nerve endings, somehow Wisp had managed to tease the whole thing out of him without seemingly having done anything.

"Hmmmm looks like I won the pretty boy jackpot now didn't I?" she purred taking his manhood in both of her hands and pulling it against her face and to his sheer surprise and delight hugging it against her face while smiling up at him.

"You really like it? I-I-It's not too large or anything?" he asked and Wisp chuckled softly and looked it up and down from his narrow flared tip, to his wide shaft.

"Well I don't think in any stretch of the imagination that I'm going to fit all of this gorgeous thing inside me, I really don't want to break this brand new body of mine, but you'd better believe I'm gonna try my best and you'd also better believe that I am going to to do my very best to make it feel as good as possible," she said with her voice filled with determination.

Malakai suddenly let out an explosive gasp as Wisp began to rub her hands up and down the long shaft, "Mmmm I can feel your heart beating through it, oh I am going to enjoy this, it making me wet just looking at you laying there all delicious and ready for me, let alone now you've shown me this beautiful secret you've been hiding from me" Wisp purred.

"P-P-Please let me touch you as well" Malakai gasped as his manhood began to sparkle and crackle with electrical pleasure, Wisp locked eyes with him and a sly smile cracked her face as his hands moved up and down in perfect sync next to her head, then without breaking eye contact she opened her mouth and ran her tongue right the way up his shaft letting it flick off his tip.

"All in good time my little sugar legs, all in good time, first things first you are just going to lay there and let me enjoy my prize if I have to tie your hands to the headboard with your own silk" she purred before flicking his tip again and shorting out his brain.

To his surprise and shock Wisp began to swirl her tongue all over his pulsing tip sending burning pleasure throughout his body making him gasp and stammer, Wisp was keeping her eyes on him as if using his reactions to judge whether she was doing a good job or not, "Beleive it or not I learned this little trick from Visa and Seven seemed to love it when she did it for him, so let's see if she was right or not" she said and before Malakai could ask what she meant Wisp blew his mind into tiny pieces by opening her mouth wide and just swallowing his tip and as much of his manhood as she could fit in her mouth.

Words and sentences and even coherent thought seemed to become a distant pipe dream to Malakai as no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't make words join together in his head, all he could get out were little whimpers and cries along with pleasure-filled gasps at the sensations of feeling Wisp's new tongue swirling and slathering all over every single inch of his exposed burning hot flesh that she'd stuffed into her eagerly sucking mouth.

The pressure of the suction her mouth was generating was almost as good as feeling her tongue licking every bit of flesh she had access to while also trying to wheedle its way into the little slit in the very tip making his entire brain short out and sending little colour bursts in front of every one of his six eyes.

"Oh by the great kind man saviour of spiders!!" Malakai exclaimed as his brain managed to finally create a sentence out of the words tossing about in his head in the ocean of pleasure in his skull, a sentence thanking the man who had created his race through his selflessness and whose supreme act of kindness had now given him the chance to exist, meet and fall completely in love with this incredible woman.

Wisp's hands had got in on the action happening on his manhood, one was planted just below her sucking mouth while her other one was right at the base of his shaft, both were working in a counter-movement to her sucking as her head came down her hands came up then when her hand went up her hands went down, all of these movements were creating an incredible plethora of sensations and pleasure in Malakai making his legs kick, wiggle and flex like he was a dying spider in its last throes of life, not a fully grown Archnakai having the time of his life.


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