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Raised by Wolves Ch. 01

Story Info
A twist of fate throws a human girl to the wolves.
6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 07/17/2013
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Hello again, here is the first chapter of Raised by Wolves.

If you just landed here for the first time there is a prologue you should read before reading chapter 01.

A huge thank you to the readers that voted and gave their feedback on the last chapter it was very useful and I felt like you really appreciated my work so thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Please vote and comment or give me your feedback about this chapter =).



That fateful night where Jade's parents were killed, and she stumbled upon Thomas and Oliver, would determine that she would have an uncommon childhood. That twist of fate determined that she would be raised by wolves.

Esther and Theodore McCall, the Alpha couple adopted Jade after her parents died, and little Thomas welcomed her as a little sister from the first day.

Growing in a pack of wolves wasn't always easy but gave her the opportunity to be whoever she wanted to be and go wherever she wanted to go, the world was her oyster.

She Lived with the pack from the age of four to the age of twelve, and then went to a boarding school to interact with humans as herself and hopefully bond with her kind and make friends. The alphas hoped it would be a stepping stone for her to become a part of the human world.

It was expected that Jade would want to fall in love and have a family someday and that would be impossible with a wolf unless they were mates and it was very uncommon that a wolf would find a human as his true mate.

A strong bond was formed between Jade and Oliver, he had found her on the road and had protected and cared for her so it was natural that after such a traumatic experience the only person she trusted was him.

For a week after the death of Jade's parents, Oliver found himself with an extra appendage; Jade went wherever he went and never let go of his trousers, holding on to the extra fabric as strongly as possible with her little fist.

Soon after he found Jade, Oliver and his twins, Finley and Penelope, went away. They were 18 and still had to attend one last semester on the pack exchange-program, the equivalent to high school, before going to college.

Jade found herself riding the bike with no training wheels, it was hard but she made friends quickly.

After Oliver went away Jade started gradually feeling confident and soon found out that everyone in the pack was kind and trustworthy and step by step she began to mingle with the other kids her age. Soon after that, she was told by her new dad that everyone had a double nature, and Thomas was more than happy to make a demonstration, as it would be expected.

She was told that all of her playmates were in fact wolf shifters like Thomas. That wasn't a traumatic experience for Jade maybe because she had no preconceived notions that werewolves were bad or that they ate people as other humans might have thought, she was too young to watch horror movies, so she didn't know about werewolf myths.

Jade interpreted the existence of supposedly mystical creatures in a naïve way; She saw her play mates as puppy-friends, and she had dozens of them, all tiny and fuzzy. What could make a little girl that had never been allowed to own a dog happier?

The alphas decided it was best that Jade went to the pack school instead of the human school until she was old enough to understand that the double nature of her family and friends was a secret, and also because they were very protective of her.

Soon after the accident she went to pre-school. Jade adapted swiftly to her new environment but sometimes, during the first month, when she woke up sad, she would keep to herself the whole day.

On these days didn't play with anyone and didn't speak to anyone, she sat in a corner thinking about her parents.

When momma Esther found out she had had a bad day she would offer her something chocolaty to chase the sadness away and lend her a shoulder to cry on. Momma Esther usually told her everything would be OK, and like every good mother in the world, she was right.

No one ever found out who murdered her parents or why, but the Alphas would never forget the message that was left written in Jade's parents' blood "I will find her too".

To protect Jade a new birth certificate was forged and she adopted the pack name becoming Jade McCall. It was understood among pack members that if anyone outside of their pack asked, Jade never existed.

Jade was a lovable child, it was easy for her to make friends even though she were a little shy at first. On the first day of school everyone was curious about her scent, not knowing yet of the double nature of her play mates, she thought it was an odd behavior but she let them sniff her anyway.

The kids approved of her attitude, and didn't feel threatened by her scent and Jade was soon invited her to play. They realized she was a sweet girl even though she was human, she quickly became friends with almost everyone; except three snotty girls, one of them was the queen bee the other two followed her lead; they kept to themselves and didn't play with other kids.

Despite all the friends she made she had a friend she loved more like a sister, her name was Marie. They became best friends and confidants.

The girls were as thick as thieves, but soon they had to part ways. Jade went to a human boarding school and Marie went to the pack exchange-program. It was mandatory for every wolf, from the age of twelve to integrate the program.

The pack exchange-program had the objective of building bridges between packs of the same species and other species. The program promoted the development friendships and the encounter of mates.

Both girls were heartbroken and both fought with nails and teeth to be together but it was not possible, the other alphas had no idea that Jade existed, even less that she had been raised by the pack and that she knew their secret. That would be against their laws and if it were found out that a human lived among wolf-shifters and that she knew their secret, the whole pack would pay especially her adoptive parents.

The girls kept in touch over the years, via e-mail and Skype. They missed each other a lot, but both promised that they wouldn't let the distance and the time get in the way of their friendship.

By their own volition they were reunited. Jade and Marie chose to join the same college, and ever after so many years apart from each other it was as if not one day had passed since. Just like both had promised.

After completing their bachelor's and master's degrees both girls decided they would dig into their parents' wallets for a bit longer and decided they would go backpack-traveling for a year. The girls had just arrived in Thailand when they received a voice mail from Jade's mom the Alpha Lady.

"Hello girls I hope you get this message...I might say you are avoiding us."

A sigh came through the recording, "I haven't laid eyes on you since your last Christmas break in college, and it has been a year since then."

Her voice was becoming even more irate, "you better have a good reason for not having stopped by sooner, like having been abducted by aliens maybe? I will see you both soon, and I really mean soon."

Jade and Marie were having so much fun, they didn't notice that a year had already passed! They knew there was some serious ear twisting waiting for them. They phoned home and decided they would take another month to explore Thailand and then they would go home.


A week had passed since Lady Esther had called when Jade started having the same dream, repeatedly.

The girls got up early and were preparing breakfast; they had a big day planed ahead but Jade felt very tired. "I'm worn out, I lay my head in the pillow, I fall asleep and I could swear that five minutes later it's already morning."

"Are you getting sick? Do you feel achy or feverish?" Marie laid a hand on Jade's forehead; she was worried that Jade might have contracted Malaria.

"No, I feel fine but I've had the weirdest dream." Marie gave a sigh of relieve, "I had never had such a vivid dream; it feels as if it is really happening."

Jade told Marie every detail of her dream "So, the dream begins when I find myself in a meadow."

"I feel peaceful and relaxed, I lied on the grass to enjoy the sun," Marie was avidly munching on some sugary kind of cereal but managed to nod indicating that she was paying attention.

"Then the temperature gets really hot and I start feeling sleepy and lazy, like when you're at the beach and it's so hot you fall asleep?" Marie nodded once again.

"I'm dozing off when a shadow is cast over me, I open my eyes and over me is the biggest, blackest wolf I had ever seen!" Marie paused, "a wolf? Anyone we know?"

Jade thought about it, she knew she had seen that wolf before but she couldn't precisely say where or when, " it appears and calls my name."

Marie interrupts, "the wolf talks? Its mouth was shaping the words?" Marie starts imagining a wolf talking and just breaks down laughing, "That must have been really funny!"

"Don't be silly woman, he just stares at me and the words form in my mind, you know, how mates communicate." Jade added, this made Marie recover and pay attention to the rest of the story.

"He called over and over again until I agreed to get up and follow him," Jade had the habit of gesturing while she spoke, the more worked up she was the more she gestured and she was really worked up about this dreams.

"We walk and walk and when we finally reach his destination, he sits by a wall of tall reeds, I part them and beyond the wall is the front door of our home!"

Jade furiously jammed a spoon full of cereal in her mouth while Marie mulled over the conversation, "The door of the compound? Did you go inside?"

"Well no, the dream ends there." Jade answered with a mouth full of cereal and then continued chewing.

"Jade, has anyone ever told you that you behave just like a lady?" Jade had a quizzical look on her face.

"Your table manners are just... the best!" Marie added sarcastically "but who would blame you? You have been raised by wolves after all."

Marie sniggered, "I should start calling you Mogli... or Romulus although I don't think you have lady balls that are big enough to be named after the first Roman king."

"You're very funny princess mutt." Jade retorted humorously.

"Well, about the dream, maybe you miss home," Marie said in a serious tone.

"Or maybe you are being sent a signal that you're destined to mate with a mutt like me," Jade now knew that Marie was just pulling her leg.

"...not the princess kind but the leg humping kind, and your leg humping prince has been waiting for you, and once he finds you he will hump your leg forever more and you will live happily ever after." She told Jade in a serious tone.

The girls loved to bicker with each other, both called them bickering tournaments. "Girl I love you but I'm sending you to the kennel when we get home." After the light bantering over breakfast ended the girls got ready to explore.


The girls were determined to explore as much as they could from the unknown country and usually when they finally got to lie their heads on a pillow both fell asleep instantly.

Jade kept on having the same dream for the first few days they spent in Thailand, but then she started having a new dream and it was as vivid as her first.

The first dreams she dreamt every night were grotesque caricatures of situations that happened during the day or about people they had met during their journey, she wouldn't remember those in the morning.

With the growing depth of her sleep, her dreams became longer and soon she found herself in her old bedroom once again. In the dream Jade felt comfortable and sheltered, she felt like she was home.

Jade heard a metallic sound, the sound was almost inaudible but it was enough to disturb her sleep. She woke up and when she heard someone turning the doorknob. She noticed the little sliver of light at the base interrupted by the feet of whoever was outside.

The door was opened slowly. On the other side was a man. Jade looked at him while he was standing there, she had the feeling that she knew him, his name was there in her mind but still out of reach.

He was a big and imposing man; his size and posture were enough to make it feel like he was a man that demanded respect. Jade was intimidated by his presence but oddly unafraid.

He had left the bedroom door open, the back light obscured much of his body, and not much could be discerned of his physiognomy except the outline of his body. He was naturally muscled; the outlines of his body were more defined and sharper than usual, his broad shoulders tapered down into a lean waist and his legs were thick and muscled as the rest of his body.

By the contours of his body Jade knew the man in her dream was naked, she blushed and focused her stare in a point somewhere in the middle of his chest.

The sight of him was really unsettling; he just stood there, naked by the open door, his face obscured. It was as if the reason she couldn't see him clearly was because she couldn't make the connection and he stood there waiting for her to find out who he was!

Jade really had the feeling that she knew him. At first she merely felt intrigued by him and the impression that she had to solve the mystery of who he was. The dream didn't change in almost a week, and with every day that passed Jade felt the ever mounting pressure to find out who he was.

"Why can't I remember him?" she eventually started asking herself her question multiple times a day when she was supposed to be enjoying the view. By the end of the week she was completely obsessed with his identity and the reason why she kept on dreaming about him.

Every day she spent exploring and reliving that dream left her more exhausted and Marie had noticed that Jade had been sleeping fitfully. Jade looked more exhausted and sick with each passing day.

By the end of the week Marie couldn't ignore it anymore "Jade, are you Ok? You look exhausted and even a little sick."

"Yeah, I've been sleeping but I can't seem to rest, I've had a new dream, it was the same dream all week." Jade confessed.

"Was it about the wolf?" Marie enquired.

"No it's about a man." Jade told her about the mysterious man that she had the feeling she was supposed to know, but couldn't remember his name and that, in her dream she knew the reason he was stuck by the door was that she couldn't remember his name. Jade told Marie that eventually the anxiety started to get to her even when she was awake.

"I really don't know what to say. You know that we were raised to believe that our dreams may carry messages and warnings of the future that are sent by Luna herself."

Marie felt a little helpless, she couldn't think of a way to help her friend "I could say that this is one of those dreams, a premonition maybe but who knows?" Jade heard Marie analyze the possible meaning of her dream or if it had any meaning at all but she was just tired.

"To be honest I won't be able to stand this for much longer. I'm tired and I feel like I have to go home." Marie understood and agreed that they had to go or her friend's health would be in serious danger.

"I have to admit that you don't look good and I miss home like crazy anyway, I'll book us tickets to the magic land of home were little elves clean your clothes while you're sleeping and the food is amazing and appears out of nowhere." Marie tried to make a Joke to lighten the mood.

Jade laughed," I think you're confused, we're going home not Hogwarts." Marie mocked disappointment made Jade laugh even harder, "Yer not a wizard Mary!" Both girls laughed as if they were idiots at the reference.

It was in moments like these that Jade knew how deeply she loved her friend; she was the only one who could make her laugh when she felt like crap.


Marie managed to book them a flight home for the next day. They repacked their bags and prepared to go home quickly.

Already sitting on her seat on the plane Jade was exhausted but happy that she was finally going home. She fell asleep as soon as the turbulence ended.

Again she dreamt a little bit about this and that but she soon found herself in her old room looking at the sliver of light coming in from under the door, he opened the door and stood there.

Jade had had enough, "You pressure me to remember, and I know that I know you but I can't remember your name, I can't remember who you are!"

Jade was once again feeling the anxiety his appearance brought her, "I really hate this dream, dreaming of you makes me exhausted and I'm getting sick because of it. It's enough!"

It was the first time she spoke to him and apparently the little tidbit of information left him worried because for the first time he left his place at the door to sit by her bed.

The back light still obscured his face but the closeness allowed some of his finer features to be noticeable. He had a Roman nose, straight and beautiful, high cheekbones and a strong jaw; his eyes were covered in shadows, jade couldn't say what was their shape or color.

"Who are you?"Jade asked him but he shook his head slightly and put a finger over her lips to silence her. He gently stroked her cheek and she sighed deeply, it was by simply touching her he had chased all the exhaustion and frustration away, for the first time in over a week Jade felt truly relaxed and at peace.

Her mysterious man started to massage her temples applying a slight pressure that made Jade moan. He had powerful and masculine hands, the kind of hands that were roughed by heavy work, the kind of hands that make you shiver with pleasure when they stroke your soft skin.

Jade laid her head on her pillow, he massaged her temples, neck and collarbone, she was feeling mellow but oddly she felt that she was starting to feel aroused.

He gently put his arm around her shoulders and supporting her head he brought her up to lay her head on his shoulders, her eyes closed, she was feeling so relaxed she was almost in a trance. He gently removed the t-shirt, one arm at a time then over her head. She was now, almost completely naked, except for her panties.

He helped her turn, so that she would be laying facing down, she opened her eyes and when she turned her room morphed into another room, her bed became a huge bed larger than a king size, and the new room had a fireplace that was not the only source of light in the room, it was a soft and relaxing light.

There were aromatic, vanilla and orange blossom scented candles scattered here and there that perfumed the air, their aroma was soft and inviting. Jade couldn't even muster the strength to feel alarmed by the sudden change location.

Jade focused her eyes on the dancing flames lazily licking the firewood. Suddenly, Jade felt the mystery man's hands softly land on her shoulders; he had applied oil to his hands warming it by gently rubbing them together. The oil smelled amazing; it made her think of spices and exotic places.

He massaged her neck, magically dissolving the knots and the tension Jade had accumulated in her travels and especially during the past week.

Jade felt the mystery man apply soft kisses on her back, following the same path his hard working hands had travelled. Jade started to feel aroused, every kiss he laid on her column sent a sparkle of electricity, a hum all over her body.

Jade's eyes were closed when suddenly she felt the softest silk being laid over them, she was about to protest when he kissed her neck to reassure her. "Shhh," was the only thing he said the whole time.

He turned her around. Because deprived of her vision her other senses jumped forward, all at once, fighting for dominance. Jade could hear the firewood crackle and the warm fragrant air licked her puckered nipples. He positioned her hands on the sheets giving the impression that he forbade her form using them and that was a little bit unnerving.


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