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Ramesh's CFNM Humiliation Ch. 03

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Ramesh is 'exposed' to his new Mistresses.
2.4k words

Part 3 of the 15 part series

Updated 04/06/2024
Created 01/04/2024
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Ramesh was excited to enter his new college. It was a large campus, situated a bit outside the city. Large grounds, lots of greenery, huge hostel blocks, and a multi-storeyed academic building.

He had completed his one month of servitude with Damayanti (in his mind, he still referred to her as Mistress). She had felt sorry for him on the last day, and taken him to her bed. She was quite experienced in sex, having had a string of boyfriends. He was a virgin, too shy to talk to girls, let alone ask them out for a date. She had gifted him his first sexual experience, and he had gifted her his virginity. After a night of passionate sex when he had come thrice and made her orgasm five times, twice by serving her orally, she had ordered him to bow down and worship her feet for one last time. Or at least, he had thought it was the last time, since he was off to college in a different city while she continued in the same place. They might meet only during vacations, and he didn't know whether she would insist on continuing to enslave him.

Ramesh continued to excel in his academics, topping his batch at the end of the first trimester. He continued to be the shy, quiet guy, still afraid to talk to girls.

But his topping the batch had an unintended consequence. He came into the radar of most of his batchmates, including a girl whose attention he would rather have avoided, given how things would turn out.

Gayatri Srinivasan was the epitome of a perfect student. Daughter of an industrialist, another rich brat but not a spoilt one. She was an ultra competitive over-achiever, having topped her IIT batch and was one of the rare 100-percentilers in the entrance exams. She had an enviable extra-curricular record, being a national level tennis player despite being only 5'5. She was also artistically inclined, as a trained Bharatanatyam dancer who could also play the electric guitar. In short, the perfect model student, who was used to being in the limelight and hated sharing it. She had a mean, competitive spirit, which usually remained hidden since she was not challenged enough to bring it out.

Until she encountered Ramesh. The moment the course results were out and Gayatri realised that she wasn't the topper, she decided she needed to find out more about this chap, and especially any weakness of his that she could target. She began stalking his facebook profile, and as luck would have it, she discovered a common friend who knew Damayanti and Ramesh from their undergraduate college days.

Gayatri connected with Damayanti through the common friend, on the pretext of reaching out to network across b-schools. Damayanti was only too happy to become friends with someone from a much more accomplished CV and studying in such a reputed IIM.

After a few weeks of general chit chat, Gayatri invited Damayanti over on the pretext of participating in an inter-collegiate festival. Damayanti was happy to attend, one part curious to explore the IIM campus, but secretly wanting to see Ramesh and how he was doing.

Imagine Ramesh's surprise when he saw Damayanti sitting in his college canteen one fine morning, and chatting with a gang of girls from his batch. He had been feeling homesick and was quite happy to see her. He walked across to their table and said, "Hello Damu Akka*, what a nice surprise to see you here. How come you didn't tell me you are coming for the festival?"

(* Akka means elder sister in his native language)

Damayanti looked at him, and some inner jealousy of how he landed up at this prestigious campus while she was stuck in a no-name college filled her heart. She decided to embarrass him a little. So she replied coolly, "Ramu, you idiot, do you think I have nothing better to do than tell you where all I am going? Now, go fetch me and my friends four coffees, all black, no sugar."

Ramesh was embarrassed by her reply, but his obedience training and innate submissive nature kicked in. He meekly replied, "Yes Akka, right away," and went to get the coffees. Gayatri and the other two girls at the table were quite surprised, seeing their batch topper obediently going to get their coffees like a servant boy.

"Wow, Damu, you are the boss, eh? You seem to have him wrapped in your little finger! Past boyfriend, is it? Or maybe a secret admirer," Gayatri asked.

"Ah, I am his boss, in a way. You see, he was my servant boy, he went to school only because of my dad's generosity. If I tell him to jump, he will simply ask how high," she answered haughtily.

"Wow, I wish I had a servant like that, would be so nice," remarked Mallika, one of the girls at the table.

An idea brewed in Damayanti's mind, fuelled by her envy. Why not 'expose' Ramesh to this girl gang, and win their friendship? His humiliation was an added bonus.

"So, can you invite boys into your hostel rooms?" she asked, pretending to change the subject. "Our college is quite strict, boys can't enter girls' hostels, and vice versa," she added.

"Oh, IIMs are quite advanced in that respect, we don't have any such restrictions," replied Priyanka, the fourth member of the girl gang. "In fact, group assignments need to be done overnight, and it is quite common for boys and girls to get together in the library, common room or one of the hostel rooms to complete the assignments," she added.

Damayanti made up her mind. She may not be around to humiliate Ramesh, but she could certainly ensure his slavery continued.

As Ramesh returned with the coffees, Damayanti said to him in an authoritative voice, "Ramu, why don't you come over to Gayatri's room tonight? We will be having a party, just a few drinks and I would love to catch up with what you have been up to here."

Ramesh's innate shyness made him hesitate. Unlike the boys of his batch who had already found multiple excuses to be in the girls' hostel (GH) late into the night, he had never entered the GH even during the day. But he didn't want to turn down Damayanti's invitation either. As he was silently debating with himself as to what to respond, Damayanti added, "By the way, that's an order. You better be there by 10 pm. Don't need to get anything, Gayatri will arrange for the booze and food. Just wear something nice."

"Yes, Mistr... Akka," Ramesh nodded, almost slipping into his old habit of addressing her as Mistress.

And so, Ramesh found himself knocking at Room 105F of the GH, sharp at 10 pm. He had worn his only good shirt, and even ironed his trousers. Little did he know that his efforts were going to be wasted, as his clothes were the last thing anyone would notice over the next few hours.

"Come in," came Damayanti's slurred voice. He entered, to see that this room was much larger than his triple sharing hostel room. He realised that Gayatri had opted for a deluxe hostel room, single occupancy, and so had much more space to herself. Damu, Gayu, Malli and Pri were seated on the bed and couch, and they seemed to be already a few drinks down. They were wearing shorts and tank tops, and he could see that they were all attractive and way beyond his league.

Gayatri was fair, with sharp features, almond shaped dark eyes, silky smooth straight hair extending all the way to her waist, with an aristocratic air about her. She had small but rounded pert breasts, an athletic build with toned legs thanks to her tennis lessons.

Mallika was tall, probably taller than Damu. She had hazel eyes, straight nose and a smile that seemed to suggest she was smirking at her own inside joke. Spiky hair with a boy-cut, that she had colored with auburn streaks. She was a bit on the heavier side, without being fat, someone who would have been described as big-boned. She had a large ass, which she maintained with regular gym sessions and pilates.

Priyanka was shorter than him, only 5'1, and a bit chubby. She had the biggest rack among the four of them, well-rounded DD breasts, and a nice, round ass. She had the most beautiful, brown eyes which could make any guy go weak in the knees every time she fluttered her eyelashes. Curly, shoulder length hair, that she preferred to keep loose. She had a cute laugh, almost like a girly giggle. Ramesh couldn't help notice that she had very lovely feet.

He could feel his cock harden and hoped they won't notice the stolen glances. It took him some time to realise that he was the only guy in the room.

"C'mon over. Sorry, we got the party started a bit early. You see, I have an early flight to catch," Damayanti waved him in.

"Here, pour yourself a drink, and also top up our glasses," she added.

Ramesh was a teetotaler. For the simple reason that he had never had any spare cash to buy himself a drink. Even when guys from his batch went out to party, he'd make some excuse and avoid going, so that he won't need to spend money he anyway didn't have. But when his Mistress offers him a drink, he dare not refuse. So, he went to the table and picked up the bottle.

Just as he was pouring his drink, Gayatri leaned forward to pick up some snacks from the table. Her breasts were clearly visible through her low cut tank top and she wasn't wearing a bra, and Ramesh forgot his inhibitions as he stared at the marvelous sight. He continued to stare and kept pouring and spilt the drink. As the whiskey overflowed on to the table, he realised his error.

He was about to apologise when suddenly, SLAP!, he got a tight one from Damu across his face. The other three girls were quite surprised at Damu slapping him, but even more surprised seeing Ramesh not retaliate in anger but meekly apologize to her, "I am... I am sorry... Akka."

"I caught you staring at my friend's breasts. Don't you have any manners? We invite you into her room, she's the host and you end up staring her boobs?"

"I am truly sorry Akka."

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to her. You violated her privacy."

Ramesh turned to face Gayatri "I am very sorry, Gayatri."

"Sorry for what?" barked Damu.

"Er... sorry for staring at your... you, Gayatri."

"She is your superior. She's the daughter of a famous industrialist, not a servant boy like you. You dare to address her by name?" Damu continued, clearly enjoying her moment.

"I am sorry, Ma'am," Ramesh said, addressing Gayatri.

"It's fine," Gayatri said, "Just don't do it again."

"She may be fine, but I am not. You are my servant boy and I won't have my friends think that I haven't taught you manners. You need to be punished," Damu continued, overruling Gayatri.

"Damu, it's ok, I am really fine, let's not make a big deal of it," said Gayatri. She clearly had not caught on to Damu's plans.

"No Gayu, it is not ok. Let me deal with this idiot," Damu said.

"STRIP!" she ordered.

Ramesh wasn't clear he had heard her right.

"STRIP! You saw her boobs, it is only fair that she sees your cock."

Ramesh was caught dumbfounded. It was one thing to have been naked in front of Damu. He had looked upon her as his Master's daughter, or Mistress all his life. But to strip in front of his batchmates, that too three of them was something else. He hesitated.

"STRIP, you dog, or your naked photos will be all over the college intranet in 5 minutes," Damu ordered.

Ramesh reluctantly removed his best shirt and carefully ironed trousers. He removed his banian, and waited, hoping against hope that Damu will excuse him now that he was already down to his underwear.

SLAP! SLAP! Two ringing slaps from Damu and his ears reddened. "I won't say it again, just strip."

Pri, the most gentle among the four, was about to intervene, saying it had already gone too far. But before she could say anything, Ramesh removed his underwear and stood before them in all his naked glory. His head hung down in shame, but his cock stood erect, rock hard. Pri took one look at it and decided that she rather enjoyed the show, so decided against intervening on his behalf.

"Now kneel and crawl to Gayu and apologize properly, like you mean it," Damu commanded.

Ramesh crawled across on all fours, embarrassed that his naked ass was visible to three of his clothed batchmates. When he reached Gayatri, he placed his forehead at her feet and said "I am truly sorry, Ma'am. It won't happen again."

"I said, apologize like you truly mean it!" Damu's stern voice announced. It slowly dawned on Ramesh as to what was expected of him.

He folded his hands behind his back at right angles, bent down and kissed Gayatri's feet, while saying "I... (kiss)... am... (kiss)... sorry (kiss)... Ma'am."

Gayatri was astonished at the turn of events. Just a few weeks ago, she was racking her brain trying to find her nemesis' weakness, and now here he was, buck naked, grovelling in front of her, begging for her forgiveness. She sat back, thinking she could get used to this after all.

"Ok, I forgive you," she said, and meant it. She may have a fierce competitive streak but she wasn't yet fully into the role of a dominant.

"Now apologize to the other two guests for ruining their party," Damu instructed.

Ramesh crawled across to Malli and Pri, and repeated the apology while kissing their feet.

Unknown to Ramesh, Damu had recorded the entire sequence on her phone. She showed it to him and said, "For the duration of this course, my friends here are your Mistresses, and you are their slave. You shall obey their every command, or this video and your naked pics from earlier will be mailed to the entire batch and faculty. Am I clear?"

Ramesh became painfully aware of his predicament. Accept, and he would be the subject of naked humiliation at the hands of three of his batchmates. Refuse, and his shame would be made public, and he would probably be suspended from the college.

He reluctantly said "Yes Mistress."


(To be continued)

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