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Ranger Rod

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Ranger Rod gets a new recruit at the outpost.
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Chapter One

Ranger Rod was a man's man, rugged, a man of few words. He loved being on his own, watching over the forest and animals he was assigned to protect. He was very proud and found his calling.

At 39 years of age he was in shape, sporting a muscular and sinewy body. He was 5'11, weighing in at 185. His black military short cropped hair suited his him.

The forest ranger outpost was a good two hours away from the nearest town. Rod hardly went into town except to stock up on necessities. He was a good hunter and knew how to identify and collect herbs to eat. He had a real knack for mushroom hunting and liked preparing a feast from his latest finds. The guy was a mean cook to boot. He could also whip up a delicious meat stew from fresh road kill.

The cabin at the outpost had an old reliable wood stove that heated the cabin and was used to cook meals plus there was a regular stove that operated on propane gas. He did have a ham wave radio. In the evenings he loved reading by the fireplace wearing his long john underwear. The lighting was certainly not contemporary, he used Coleman lanterns and oil lamps.

There was no bathroom, only an outhouse. To bathe he had to heat water on the wood stove and fill a tin tub he hauled out of the shed at the back of the cabin. This he did once a week. He didn't mind coz he had all the time in the world. During the week he washed up with a cloth, what some refer to as a sponge bath.

Life at the outpost was humble and sparse compared to average folk's lifestyles and Ranger Rod loved it that way. He was fond of simplifying his everyday life, the less gadgets and stuff the better life was, according to his beliefs.

Rod loved his old military jeep. He had a gas reserve tank at the outpost, so he would not be stranded without gas. He did a fair amount of driving around the surrounding areas in order to keep an eye out for poachers, wreck less hunters also always on the look out for wildfires.

Rod had been on his own at this outpost for approximately 14 years. It was his custom to drive into town once a month to pick up supplies and the mail.

This being Saturday and the end of the month he found himself in town. He went to get the mail at the post office. To his surprise there was an official looking brown envelope from the ministry of forests and wildlife. He wondered what that was all about. He headed for the local dinner to enjoy lunch and go over his mail before procuring supplies.

Once seated and nursing a good cup of hot coffee Rod opened the brown envelope coz he was sure curious what it contained. In it was a two-page letter and some documents and what looked like a map of sorts.

The ministry was letting him know that the forest acreage he was watching over was to be increased significantly as of immediately. Another 1000 acres being added to the area he was responsible for watching over. The ministry was also advising him that they were sending another ranger to partner up with him in order to be able to handle the extra work load.

He was a little concerned about having someone else at the outpost, wondering what sort of man the ministry was going to send to help him out. After all, Rod was used to being on his own, yet he did have to admit to himself that there was a good amount of work to be done at the outpost, things had gotten busier over the years. At times he wondered what it would be like to have company, someone to share work with and talk to even though he was a man of few words. Rod was a certified quiet type.

The letter from the ministry went on to tell him that a new recruit had already been chosen and that he would be arriving on the Monday, the 21st of the month. It was already the 19th.

That did not give Rod much to get things ready. He decided to make a list immediately for what was needed to feed two instead of one. He did what he had to do in town and headed back to the outpost after loading up on supplies asap.

He only had one bed, a queen size bed and it was time to change the sheets. He would have to share the bed with the new recruit. The sofa was too uncomfortable to sleep on.

Before you know it was the 21st. Rod was kind of nervous and anxious wondering what the new guy was like. Finally, around 11am he heard a vehicle coming up the dirt road up to the cabin.

An old beat up black pickup truck came into view and drove right up the cabin.

Rod waved hello.

The driver got out of the truck and walked up to Rod, extended his hand and introduced himself. "Hi, my name is Howie. I'm the new recruit assigned to work with you."

"Please to make your acquaintance Howie. My name is Rod. Let's bring your luggage inside and then we can have lunch, you must be starving?"

"It sure smells mighty good."

"We are having stew and fresh baked bread Howie."

Howie only had four duffel bags.

Rod showed him inside the cabin and dropped the luggage in the bedroom.

Howie looked inside the bedroom as though searching for the other bed.

"There is only one bed Howie. Hope you don't mind sharing?"

"Of course not, that is ok by me. I grew up four to a bed. I come from a family of 9 brothers and two sisters. Makes me feel at home already he said with a broad smile."

Over lunch Rod let Howie know what the set up was like at the outpost. He told him there was no bathroom only an outhouse. Saturday night was usually bath time and how it worked. In the next few days they would work out their routines, what needed doing.

Howie let Rod know he was not great at cooking, yet he was good at cleaning, carpentry and renovations.

Once Howie's things were unpacked Rod decided it would be a good idea to show him some of the forest they were charged with watching over. Just a small tour.

So, they hopped into the jeep and off they went for about an hour.

Howie was taking in the sights with wide open eyes. They came across several deer, pheasant and wild turkey. Howie had a deep love and understanding of nature, wild life and water. He fit in just right with Rod. He did have to talk endlessly, he was just glad to be by the side of a buddy, being company was enough for him.

They returned to the outpost in time to get supper ready.

While Rod prepared supper Howie sat at the old kitchen table watching Rod cook while enjoying a beer.

Rod was used to getting down to his union long underwear once the day was over, this was his way to relax and lay back and also keep warm as there was no central heat, only a fireplace and woodstove. He let Howie know how he liked to hang out in his long johns.

Howie was totally ok with this. He had bought several pairs of long underwear, union style figuring the outpost might be a drafty place.

Rod excused himself for a few minutes, returned to the kitchen wearing only his natural colored long underwear. He still had his work boots on with big woolen work socks and dark green ranger baseball cap. He looked masculine and virile in this gear.

Howie took in the sights and was impressed with the way Rod looked in his underwear. He was fascinated at the sight of Rod's protruding bulge. It was sure big and manly.

"Do you mind if I change into my long underwear Rod?"

"Of course not, its more comfortable in long johns, that is what I usually wear in the cabin and outdoors. There is nobody around to worry about. Go ahead and make yourself at ease."

Howie went to the bedroom, got naked and then put on one of his new pairs of white long johns. He returned to the kitchen to enjoy another beer. Howie was 5'8" about 180 lbs., robust and muscular. His hair sandy blond also a military style cut.

After supper they talked a little about themselves while enjoying a big pot of black tea. The vibes between them were good and both were pipe smokers.

It did not take long before it was bedtime, Rod normally was in bed by 9pm there about, being an early riser. He let Howie know that there was a chamber pot to piss in so as not to have to go out to the outhouse during the night.

That did not bother Howie at all. He was used to using a chamber pot on the farm where he grew up.

They took their boots and socks off, kept their long underwear on and slipped into bed. Once the quilts were up Rod blew out the oil lamp.

Howie was awed at how pitch black it was and no moon at all. He could not see Rod who was lying next to him, that is how dark it was. Amazing!

Both went to sleep quickly. It had been a long day.

Chapter Two

The following morning Howie woke up to the smell of coffee, bacon and toast in the making. He was sporting a big woody when he walked into the kitchen in his long johns. "Good morning Rod, sure smells good in here."

"Hey, cup of coffee? Just getting breakfast ready for us. How did you sleep?"

"Slept really well, I must have been really exhausted for me to sleep right through till this morning."

Howie could not help but notice how Rod's long johns were sticking out, how male he looked.

Rod saw Howie eyeing his crotch and continued prepping breakfast quietly enjoying the attention. He was a proud man, proud to be all male, he did not mind showing off his manly attributes, after all there was nothing to be ashamed of.

Howie was officially starting on Monday, so Sunday was a good time to go over his duties again, ask questions and just feel their way into this new arrangement. After breakfast, Howie cleaned up the kitchen while Rod went outside to enjoy his pipe. He was an avid pipe smoker with a great collection of new and vintage pipes. Once in awhile, he also loved puffing on a good cigar.

The cabin featured a small yet comfortable porch with three wooden porch style chairs on it. Rod liked sitting outdoors with his tea, pipe and wearing only his long underwear and boots.

Howie joined him when he finished cleaning the kitchen. He too was in his long johns and wearing cowboy boots and a black baseball cap. He felt good being with Rod. He lit up a pipe.

They spoke only a few words happy to be outdoors sharing the good air.

Rod told Howie Sundays was the day he planned the menu for the week, that made it easier to buy supplies and store them. It was different living out in the forest, a different lifestyle, definitely not suburban. Rod asked Howie if there was anything he did not like to eat or was allergic to.

"I aren't fussy, I eat everything you place in front of me he said smiling and winking."

To Rod's surprise he felt a jolt in his crotch when he heard Howie's response. He adjusted his big meaty package and kept on puffing on his pipe.

They planned the menu then worked out a work schedule for the week. They were in sync with one another and it was obvious they were going to work really well together. Being Sunday there were fewer chores to do, so things were a little more laid back.

For supper the guys were having Sheppard's pie, garlic bread and beer.

Howie had picked up four cases of 24 beer on his way up to the cabin.

Rod had done the same thing. So, they had plenty of beer for the month.

Howie was very impressed with Rod's Sheppard's pie and let him know it.

They decided to sit on the porch with their tea.

The guys lit up a fresh pipe. It was getting dark earlier now that autumn was happening.

Rod had to take a leak, got up, walked to the end of the porch, unbuttoned his long john and pulled his hefty meat out of underwear and started to piss while puffing on his pipe. What a sight.

Howie could see his cock clearly and was impressed by the girth of his man equipment. The big sucker looked to be 6 inches soft with a big perfectly shaped helmet like knob. He could also see some bushy black pubic hair coming out of the underwear.

When Rod was finished pissing he gave his cock a few strokes and inserted it back into its man cave and returned to his seat. "Nothing like a good piss. I usually just piss off the porch at night instead of going to the outhouse. Feel free to do the same Howie when you have to take a leak. After all its just the two of us."

Howie was quite impressed with what he saw and marveled at the beauty of his boss's cock. It was something to behold. He was stunned at how much he was affected by this event. It stirred something inside him that was new.

That night they went to bed keeping their long johns on.

Rod blew out the lantern.

Shortly after Howie barely heard a soft rustle under the covers. Sounded like Rod was tugging on his bulge. He could imagine him with a monster erection. Its as though he could smell Rod's musky, woodsy cock smell. Again, to his amazement he rather enjoyed this manly smell and add tobacco to this sexy mixture. Howie was getting erect. He needed to jerk off big time. He quietly as possible grabbed a hold of his big cock, he sported a good 7-inch-thick, cut cock and pulled on it nice and slow.

He was sure he could hear Rod pulling on his cock.

This of course, only fueled his excitement, making for precum to ooze out while he massaged his erect cock lovingly.

Meanwhile, Rod was pulling on his big monster and before long he was shooting a massive load of cum into his underwear. He let out a low telling moan when he was cumming.

When Howie heard Rod's low moan he began to unload a huge load into his long underwear. When he was done he just buttoned up and went to sleep.

Rod did the very same thing.

The next morning Howie woke up smelling coffee and headed for the kitchen with a huge woody, his underwear tenting something fierce.

"Good morning Howie, I see you and your buddy are up he said, smiling and winking at him."

Howie blushed for a minute, "yeah, I have to take him out and let him unload." With that he went out onto the edge of the porch to relieve himself. When he went back inside Rod was serving up bacon and eggs, toast and pouring him a hot mug of coffee.

"How did you sleep last night enquired Rod?"

"Slept like a rock Rod, getting use to the new bed and environment nicely, thanks for asking."

"Glad your liking it here."

After breakfast they headed out for the usual routine of checking out a different segment of the area they were charged with watching over. There were five areas to watch over. So, they would check one designated area per day as each area covered a good amount of terrain.

While on their outing they talked over the need to build a watch tower as this s would facilitate their work considerably. The outpost was due for an extensive overhaul as it had not been updated since it was first built. Also, the need for an all terrain vehicle.

When they returned to the cabin Rod made tea and they sat at the kitchen table and got down to drawing up a design for the look out, also calculating materials needed to build it. They were both enjoying this work. The next time they were in town they could mail out their request for a tower and secure approval and budget to build it.

Well, it was Saturday already, Rod let Howie know it was bath night. That meant heating up a mammoth volume of water for the tin tub.

Howie thought Rod was putting him on.

"I kid you not Howie. That is our only way to wash unless we go down to the creek when weather permits. During the week as you saw I wash up with a cloth and come Saturday night I heat water up and fill the tin tub and enjoy a good hot bath. We can share the water."

Howie really got off on this old-fashioned way of cleaning up. He actually liked the idea a lot. He helped Rod fill two huge pots, set them on the wood stove and fed the woodstove lots of big dried wood and lit her up. Once the water was good and hot they began to fill the tub up which they had dragged to the centre of the kitchen.

Rod brought out two big white towels, wash cloths and soap. Rod made his own soap and shampoo, using the herbs he grew. He was quite proud of his environmentally friendly soap products.

Howie was suitably impressed.

Rod offered Howie to wash up first.

So, Howie took off his boots and long underwear, a little shy at first and got into the vintage tin tub. He thought it was quite neat actually.

Rod offered to wash his back and shampoo his hair.

Howie appreciated the offer and let Rod help him wash up.

Rod washed Howie's hair first, rinsed it really well and went on to wash his back soaping him up really good.

Howie let himself relax and let Rod do his thing.

Rod finished washing Howie's back and then came around to the front and started soaping his chest and stomach with the cloth in hand.

Howie's cock was growing hard with all this attention.

Rod went from Howie's stomach to his legs, thoroughly soaping and washing them with great care. He then took the cloth soaped it and moved up to Howie's cock and balls giving them a good washing.

This gave Howie a big hard on.

"Nothing to be shy about, it's a natural man reaction when you get your man package washed. With that Rod smiled and winked."

Howie quite enjoyed the attention he was getting. He stood up and Rod dried him. After he was done Howie put on a fresh pair of long underwear. This would become a weekly ritual, they only changed union suits once a week. After all, laundry had to be hand washed.

It was Rods turn to wash up. He took off his long underwear and got into the tub.

Howie was a little anxious and excited. He offered to help Rod wash up just like he had done to him.

Rod was all for it.

Howie got busy shampooing his hair then washing his back and gradually moving to the front. He was still semi erect and tenting his long underwear. He continued to wash Rod, soaping his chest and abdomen and then his legs and feet. Carefully and thoroughly he washed his boss. He was astounded how much this excited him, this was a first for him that he was aware of. Then a little nervously he used the soaped-up cloth to tackle Rod's man package.

By now Rod's monster cock was coming out of the depths. His manhood was impressive. He looked to be packing a good 8 ½ inchers thick and uncut.

Howie kept his cool and carefully took a hold of it giving his big hairy balls and cock a good washing. Rod was lying back all relaxed and enjoying the attention he was getting.

After Howie did a thorough washing of his man package he had Rod stand up, so he could dry him. Meanwhile, when Howie was drying his legs and feet he was bent over to better access them. This had Rod's big erect cock practically rubbing his face. He could smell Rod's cock and liked it a lot. He found himself lingering a little longer than necessary, yet he could not help it.Rod did not seem to mind. His cock was rigid throbbing hard and leaking wildly.

Finally, Howie managed to come out of his reverie and finish up drying Rod. Howie was rock hard and his precum left a huge wet spot on his underwear.

Rod also put on a pair of fresh long john once he was out of the tub.

Once they emptied the tub and got things cleaned up they decided to make hot chocolate before bedding down for the night. Both of their underwear was protruding wildly.

"That sure felt good Howie, thanks for helping me wash up. That was a treat for me as I am used to washing up alone."

"It was a pleasure to be of help Rod and thanks for your help, that was a first for me and I sure enjoyed it, good we can do that again next week."

"You're on Howie. Next week it is." With that Rod smiled and winked and served up hot chocolate and some of his homemade oatmeal cookies.

That night the guys jerked off side by side without a word being spoken, both unloaded at the same time. Shot their loads into their fresh underwear, buttoned up and went to sleep.

The next day they decided to drive into town to send off their request to the ministry to build a lookout.

Jesse, the post office clerk offered to drive up when their reply arrived, he obviously knew what to watch out for.

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