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Raw Ch. 03


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I snuggled into his embrace, lightly stroking his back as I succumbed to a mixture of sated pleasure and exhaustion. I had no regrets about this decision. No, none at all.


Sunlight peeked through the blinds as I stretched, yawning. I hadn't slept so well in quite some time. I smiled, pressing my cheek into the pillow, just enjoying the light breeze that rustled the edges of the curtains. As it brushed against my bare shoulder like a lover's kiss. And against my back—with tongue.

"Fuck!" I sat up, clutching the sheet to my chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Good morning to you, too."

I glanced over my shoulder and sucked in my breath as I stared at Malcolm. By moonlight he had been mesmerizing and mysterious. By day? Oh, be still my heart. Lying on his side as he was, propped up on one arm, he wasn't chiseled like a Greek god like Brian had been, but damn if he wasn't fine. Especially with that smile.

He was all man. And naked. In my bed.

I took a couple of deep breaths, turning to face him fully, smiling in return. "Good morning. I guess I hadn't expected—"

"I realize that now. Do you want me to leave?"

I shook my head so fast my hair whipped about. Several strands fell over my left eye. I went to sweep them back, but his fingers clasped my wrist. I started to think of Brian, of lunch a week ago, but then I pushed the thoughts away. Brian was no more. I was with Malcolm now. For however long it lasted.

"I have to say, you are the most beguiling creature in the morning." He released my wrist and tucked my hair behind my ear, his finger caressing down to my mouth as he withdrew his hand.

I darted my tongue out to taste his finger. It was an impulse move. He didn't seem to mind as he pressed his finger inside, nodding slightly as I began to suck it. I hummed as he slid in and out, like he had done with his cock in my pussy the night before. I wondered what he would taste like. I sucked harder, as if it were his cock, twirling my tongue around his digit.

His eyes darkened suddenly. He withdrew his finger, and his gaze slowly lowered.

I kept my eyes on his face, watching, anticipating. Each part of my body reacted as it came under his scrutiny. My lips parted, letting a soft gasp escape. I tilted my chin up, giving him the full view of my neck, which I then found it difficult to swallow. I held my breath as I knew he was staring at top of my chest. Then my nipples puckered as he tugged the sheet down.

He growled softly and licked his lips. "Lie back, Lady Becca."

I obeyed, my breathing shallow. His tone, the name he addressed me by...it amped up my arousal. Still, I watched silently as he took in the rest of my naked body. My hips twitched as he traced a finger down over my hip to my thigh.

"So beautiful."

I barely heard his whisper over my gasp as his fingers trailed across my pubic bone, brushing against my labia. I clenched my fingers at my side, counting to ten and then twenty until I relaxed my muscles and my legs fell open.

"Good girl. I know you're trying so hard. I would like to do something. Are you game?"

I nodded and then gulped. "Yes, Sir."

Master Malcolm smiled and gently parted my legs further. "Put your hands up behind your head. Better yet, put them under the pillow behind your head. Yes, just like that."

Over the rise of my swollen breasts, I saw him crawl between my legs. Felt his shoulders press under my legs so that they lifted. One arm wrapped around my thigh from underneath, his fingers pressed to my pelvis just above my clit.

"I want to see how long you can go without an orgasm. And no touching. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir." I bit my lip as he parted my labia with two fingers from above and his tongue darted out to click my clit. I lasted a minute before I whimpered.

"You may make noises, Lady Becca. Just don't come until I tell you to."

With that, he lowered his tongue again, sucking my clit into his mouth.

I lay as if in a trance. His tongue felt heavenly as it lapped and stroked. His fingers explored both inside and out. He brought me to the brink again and again, but it was never quite enough for me to fall over. I clutched the pillow, gasping and moaning, begging him—sometimes silently, sometimes aloud.

And then suddenly he pulled back and sat up. I opened my eyes. The look on his face was a thing of beauty: a mixture between lust and wonderment. It was so unexpected, so raw. He was in control, yet it appeared he had not truly known what—or whom—he was in control of until just now.

"Lady Becca, do you have anything I can use to bind your hands? Cuffs? A belt?"

Oh bloody hell, here we go! My brain decided not to cooperate with my mouth as I tried to think of what I had in my dresser that could be useful. I managed to mumble, "Um, scarves?"

"Yes, perfect."

I directed him where to find them. As he climbed off the bed, I moaned at the sight of his cock. It was long and thick and bounced against his abdomen as he stood. When he turned and I saw his bare ass, I licked my lips. I wanted to touch it as I had done last night. To grip it in my fingers as he plunged deep inside of my pussy.

He was back in a moment, a fiery red scarf draped over one open palm. "Turn over and kneel facing the headboard."

I did as he asked, repeating the mantra in my head that I was safe with him. That he knew my limits after our week together. That he would not harm me. I sat back on my heels and focused on a section of the wall where the paint hadn't been smoothed properly on application.

His own breathing was heavy as he knelt beside me and first tied the scarf around my wrists, binding them together. Then he tied the scarf through the slats in my headboard and around the top beam. When he was done checking the tightness of the bindings, he crawled behind me.

"Sit up, Lady Becca."

I bit my lip as I felt his chest brush against my back. He moved my legs further apart, and then he slid in behind me so I felt his knees against my knees, his thighs under mine.

"Relax." His breath tickled my neck as he swept my hair aside and began massaging my shoulders much like had done last Monday in his basement. Eventually, I dropped my head forward, and he whispered, "Good girl."

He spent several minutes easing the tension out of my shoulders, out of my neck. His soft encouragements had me feeling sleepy. Very relaxed. Which obviously was his intention. But unlike Brian, I truly believed Master Malcolm did it for my sake and not to manipulate me.

I was feeling so tranquil, in fact, that I didn't realize he was inserting his cock until he was tugging my hips to move down with him. Then he was fully sheathed. I was sitting on his lap now, my legs on the outside of his, his cock buried deep inside me, his hands on my hips.

He didn't move except to slide his hands up and down my sides. To stroke my back. To lean in and dot kisses along my shoulders and spine.

I gripped the headboard, my forehead resting on my outstretched arms. He twitched inside of me, and I responded by clenching my pelvic muscles.

"Very nice, Lady Becca." He nipped at my shoulder and soothed the sharp pain with his tongue and lips. His hands slid around and up, cupping my breasts. "Lean forward a little and lift up."

I whimpered as I felt him slide out of my pussy.

"Right there. Hold still now."

I cried out as he thrust up into me. His hands returned to my hips and lower back, his thumbs stroking my skin as his palms and fingers kept me where he wanted me. Over and over again, his cock stretched and filled me. I was so wet, I could hear the soft squishing sound as we connected.

I was on the cusp of an orgasm when he slowed down and then stilled. He waited a long moment, caressing my breasts, kissing my back, and then he started again.

I lost count of how many times he denied me release. I didn't really care. I was so enraptured by the scene I wouldn't have cared if he didn't let me come at all as long as he didn't stop touching me.

Suddenly, he stopped moving, this time withdrawing fully. I whimpered as he leaned over me, releasing my wrists.

"Push the pillows away. Grip the bottom of those two rails."

I was now flat on my stomach, my breasts smashed against the mattress with only the fitted sheet beneath me. He retied my hands, and I grunted as his weight on my back made my legs spread wider. When he was done and sat back, he pushed my knees forward so that my ass lifted up. For a brief moment, I couldn't breathe. I trusted him, but I was still scared of my vulnerable position.

"Don't worry, Lady Becca. I will not cross your boundaries." His words soothed as his hands caressed down my back and stroked my ass. His finger played with my pussy from behind, and I jerked beneath him. "You remember the safe word?"

I blinked rapidly, telling myself that Master Malcolm was not a sadist. "Y-yes, Sir. Chewbacca."

"Use it if you are in pain or can go on no longer."

Pain? I didn't have a chance to question what he meant as I felt his right knee beside my right thigh and his cock rubbing against my clit. I moaned through my confusion, panting rapidly as he penetrated me so slowly I thought he would never end. When he was fully seated, his left thigh rested against my ass. If he went in any deeper, I would feel his cock in my throat. I was sure of it.

"Use the headboard. Hold on to it," he said, his voice cracking.

I cried out again as his hands pushed against my shoulders, pressing me deeper into the mattress. With my arms in my face, it was difficult to breathe. I tried turning my head, but that wasn't much better. I resorted to spreading my arms enough so that I could fit my head between them, resting my forehead on the sheet with my chin tucked in to my chest. I gritted my teeth as he began thrusting.

Could I possibly pass out from so much pleasure?

His groans and my whimpers combined with our uneven breathing, filling the room. I remembered that the window was open, but thankfully my bedroom faced a private backyard. Yet sound could carry.

"Lady Becca, I want you to come when you're ready."

I had to struggle to understand Master Malcolm's words. I could come? Oh joy. Ahh! Right there. Damn, he was thick. And at this angle? Wow! I'd never experienced anything like it before. It was phenomenal.

His thrusts changed speed, no longer long and slow but short and quick. I felt his shaft rubbing against my asshole, felt a slight tingling there. I pushed the thought away and concentrated on falling over the edge. His balls slapped against my pussy, the smacking sound reminding me of when Brian had used the riding crop. But he had done it on my ass; the pressure on my pussy was a whole new feeling.

I gripped the rails of the headboard until I feared I would snap them free from the frame. I felt sweat dripping down my forehead and tried to blink it away. I pushed past the uncomfortable feeling of my body bent as it was. It wasn't painful, just different. I tried to focus on the pleasure instead. And all the while, Master Malcolm's strong hands held me down and in place, his fingers digging into my skin.

I relished the power he had over me. I gulped down a cry as he pulled back too far and slipped out, his cock slurping in my wetness and tapping against my clit before he penetrated me again.

I don't know how long it took me, but the pressure inside eventually swirled into a tight knot. I realized I was begging him aloud.

Suddenly, I screamed. Bright light flashed behind my eyes. I tried to move away from him, but I had nowhere to go. So l lay beneath his still pounding body as shudders racked through every inch of me.

In a haze, I realized Master Malcolm had let up on my shoulders. That his hands were stroking my back. He was still behind me, but I no longer felt his cock inside me. He was whispering a soft mantra.

"Good girl. That's it. Shh."

Somehow, I returned to my senses. My breathing slowed. He leaned over me and released my hands. I pulled them down under my chest, all crouched with my legs spread wide under me. I wanted to roll onto my side, but I had no energy. Master Malcolm did it for me, though. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into his body.

I curled into a ball. His deflating cock brushed my ass as he conformed his body to mine, tucking me into his cocoon. One of his arms was beneath my head. I smelled his sweat and his natural odor.

I shivered, crying suddenly. It started soft, and then it became uncontrollable sobs.

"It's okay, Becca. I'm right here. Let it out. I won't let you go."

I have no idea how long it took me to relax, but he was true to his word. He never left my side. And his hands never wandered away from my arms and my hair. I feared—and he knew it—if he touched any other part of my body, it would only make me worse.

He knew I did not need to be aroused right now. That I needed to be comforted. To feel protected. To know I could trust him.

When I expressed just the occasional shudder and sniffle, Malcolm gently me turned me to face him. He wiped his thumb at the drying tears on my cheeks and then pressed his lips to my forehead, enveloping me in his arms again.

"Becca, look at me." He lifted my chin until our eyes met. "Are you okay?"

All I could do was nod.

"Tell me the truth. I'm not going to turn you out if you tell me you don't like something we did. I need to know what you are feeling. Thinking. I am not looking to erase your identity. With me, you are still you. You are Becca. But the true Becca you have only been revealing through your characters all these years. I want you to come out. Be completely at ease. Be exposed."

I swallowed and gave him a small smile. "That was just...unexpected."

"Yes, I imagine it was for you. Have you crashed like that before?"

I shook my head and sighed, snuggling closer.

"It's different for everyone. One can even have different reactions depending on who their partner is. Extended play can cause exhaustion and deadens the intensity sometimes, as well. I suspect that's what happened to you during your first experience. It also seems to hit harder when one is completely relaxed." He tucked my head under his chin and rubbed my back.

"I feel like jelly." I tried to silence my yawn but failed.

"Sleep, Lady Becca. I'll be here when you wake."


My stomach growled. Loudly. I realized I hadn't eaten since lunch with Sue, my agent, the day before.

I rolled over, expecting Malcolm to be sleeping beside me, or at least watching me. I swallowed my disappointment when I found I was alone. But when I placed my hand on the pillow, on the sheet, as if that would miraculously make him reappear, I found them warm.

"Looking for someone?"

I turned to the doorway and smiled, feeling heat in my cheeks. "Not anymore."

Malcolm chuckled. "I thought you'd like something to eat. I took the liberty of making some breakfast."

I stared at his empty hands as he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway. He was in his boxers and his dress shirt from the night before. I tried not to giggle. His hair looked a little like an 80s rock star after a night of head-banging.

"I don't see any food." My stomach growled again.

He shook his head. "You'll have to come to the kitchen."

"Come here first?" Although I was new to this whole BDSM thing, I was at least able to tell when Malcolm was in a role and when he was being himself. I so enjoyed the ease of both personalities.

His smile widened as he approached. I patted the bed. When he sat, I reached up and laced my fingers into his hair, trying to tame it a little while relishing the thick texture of it in my loose grip.

"Tell me I'm not dreaming, okay?" I searched his eyes, not sure what I was looking for.

"You're not dreaming, Becca." His hand cupped my cheek, and he leaned in, brushing his lips against mine. When I moaned, he deepened the kiss. Too soon, he pulled back. "Get dressed."

I obeyed, throwing on a T-shirt and shorts before I followed him out of the room. Once I was seated at the café table in the jut-out of my kitchen overlooking the backyard, he set a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs on my placemat. He served up a plate for himself before taking the seat next to me.

"So tell me, Malcolm, what does someone like you do for a living?"

He paused with his glass of orange juice before his lips. The corner of his mouth turned up, and he took a sip. "Someone like me?"

I waved my hand up and down, indicating his body. "You know, a Master of kink. I don't believe you took of a whole week off from whatever your job is just to help out a friend's little sister."

He frowned suddenly. "Darling, you are not little. Please don't use words like that to describe yourself. You are a beautiful, grown woman. Quite sophisticated, yet not overly so. You are Drake's sister, and you may be younger than him, but you are not his 'little sister.' Understand?"

I lowered my eyes to my plate. "Yes, Sir."

I heard his chair scrape on the ceramic-tile floor. I closed my eyes briefly as his hand cupped my chin and lifted it.

"Look at me, Becca."

Slowly, I obeyed. His mouth was a straight line, his eyes dark and serious.

"I am not telling you this as a Master. I am telling you this as a friend. As a man. I am, like your brother, only interested in ultimate control in the bedroom. I do not desire to enslave any woman. I do not desire to belittle any woman. In so much as what her desires and limits are behind closed doors, they do not carry out into the rest of her life, or any relationship outside of a scene I may have with her, unless she wishes it."

I nodded, unable to speak, and unsure what I would say if I could.

His hand cupped my cheek now, his thumb stroking the rise of my cheekbone. "I believe in being the head of my household, in whatever capacity that may be. But that does not mean it's always my way. The key is to communicate. Compromise if necessary."

I nodded again, resisting the urge to press into his touch. He had a way of making me want to do that. All the time. Maybe because he made me feel safe. Comforted. He didn't give me the chance to second-guess myself, though, as he took his seat again.

"To answer your question, regarding my profession, I am a math teacher. It's summer, so obviously I was free last week. And I am always more than willing to help out a friend."

I forced my jaw to remain shut, lest the forkful of eggs I had just placed in my mouth tumble out. That would have been so very unladylike. Somehow, I swallowed without choking.

Malcolm smirked. "Wouldn't have thought it, would you?"

"No," I mumbled and took a drink to help the food go down. His job surprised me, yet it did make sense. He had vast amounts of patience, which would be required when teaching kids. But his comment left something twisting in my gut. Was he implying that what we'd done last night—this morning—was merely him 'helping out a friend?'

I refused to linger on that thought and ruin the current mood. We spent an hour at my kitchen table easily chatting about every day things like his job, my job, the weather. The world of kink did not come up. I kind of liked that. No, I really liked that. It had its place, and like he'd said, it belonged in the bedroom for us. We were similar in that respect, if nothing more.

After we cleaned up the dirty dishes together, we retired to the living room to continue our lazy conversation while the ceiling fan brought a nice breeze in through the open windows. I curled up on one end of my couch, and Malcolm took the other. He had just asked me about my new writing project when the phone rang.

I froze mid-sentence, staring a hole right through him to where the cordless handset was docked on the end-table.

"Becca, do you want me to get it?"

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