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Reader Request: Wrecked by Police

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Katie's works out a deal with the cops . . . sort of.
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The cool evening air blew through Katie's long blonde hair as the young woman, just weeks past her 24th birthday, stood on the balcony of her apartment while she and a couple friends passed around a joint. Katie took a drag and handed it off to the next person, coughing a bit as she inhaled marijuana for the first time in years. Then she took another sip of the drink in her other hand, getting slightly more drunk as she swallowed the fire water.

Interestingly enough, not three years earlier, Katie had been an example of morality. Shortly after she turned 21, however, she realized she really enjoyed drinking, a bad habit that led to some other unwholesome activities. The habitual drinking led almost immediately to poor decisions with her sex life, decisions that cost her her then-boyfriend but added three other boys with whom she regularly slept with. That dynamic culminated one night when all three boys banged her at once, and Katie was instantly hooked on group sex.

Sex and alcohol began to dominate Katie's social life. She still refused to do hard drugs, but that choice didn't stop her from prohibiting her new friends from doing them in her home, which, she imagined, was more than likely going on at that moment as the party continued in her apartment. She didn't care. It's not like she was responsible for their decisions. Beside the little weed she had smoked tonight, everything she had personally done was perfectly legal.

Amid the music and chatter, Katie barely distinguished the pounding on the door of her apartment around 1 o'clock that night. She really thought nothing of it until she heard the panicked cries of her party guests, most of whom made a hasty exit. It wasn't until it was too late that she noticed two uniformed police officers raid her home. When all was said and done, Katie's guests were quick to point Katie out as the host, and, while many of the culprits had either escaped or were allowed to immediately vacate the dwelling, there was no getting out of it for the busty blonde. She, along with a couple others, were apprehended by the cops, and there was enough illegal activity found to ensure that Katie would be spending the rest of the night at the station.

Once the whirlwind settled down, the reality of the situation gripped Katie as she sat in the police station with her hands cuffed behind her back while three officers chatted a few yards away from her. Katie caught only bits and pieces of what the boys in blue were saying, and she couldn't even be sure it was she they were discussing, but she gathered she was in fairly big trouble. There was enough charged to her to keep her locked up for a while, a situation that would certainly interfere with her classes and employment. At this point, Katie couldn't help but begin to sob.

One of the cops, a tall, built black gentleman who couldn't have been more than 10 years Katie's elder, noticed Katie's distress and assured the pale blonde that no amount of tears were going to sway the officers from doing their job. Katie refrained from speaking, though she likely would have been unable to mutter anything intelligible through her sobs anyway.

Another officer, he a little older, white, tall and fairly thin, said to his partners, "We should just throw her in the drunk tank and be done with this shit for the night."

The third officer, clearly the oldest of the three, also white, fit and somewhat tall, laughed and said, "You know what's likely to happen in there." The other two chuckled along with him. Katie remained silent, now holding back tears as she thought about what wretched fate awaited her tonight.

"Aren't you curious?" the black cop said to Katie, clearly eager to clue her in.

"I just want to go home," Katie wailed, finally breaking her silence.

"Normally on the weekends," the black cop said, ignoring Katie's plea, "we don't bother to keep an eye on the cell with all the drunks. There's just too many of them. And we've heard stories about what happens when a pretty young thing like you ends up in there on a night like this." Katie couldn't help but initially be flattered by being called "a pretty young thing." She had always wished she were thinner than she currently was, but she exercised, ate right and at least had a nice rack to go with her slightly thicker frame.

Of course, when the totality of the officer's statement sank in, Katie went into a panic. The thought of being at the mercy of a cell full of drunk men terrified her. Once again came the tears.

"I don't know about you boys," said the younger white officer, "but that sounds like a pretty hot night for our little party girl here."

"Take her away," said the black cop.

"Stop!" Katie screamed. "Wait!"

"What is it?" said the older cop. Katie saw from his badge that his name was Matthews.

"You gentlemen can do whatever you want with me," she pleaded. "Have your way. I think it would be really hot, actually. Just don't put me in there."

The black cop, Evans his name, grabbed one of Katie's arms, and Katie's heart sank. Then the third officer, Hodges, chimed in with, "Tell you what," taking hold of Katie's other arm, "we're all here until 8 am. Once you've spent a few hours in the tank, we might take you up on that offer." All Katie could do is cry.

If Katie didn't have bad luck, she would have had no luck at all. The drunk tank was comprised of at least 15 individuals, all male. Most of them were gross, middle-aged men, some of which were likely homeless. A few in the group weren't so bad looking, but it didn't really make Katie feel any better. As Hodges and Evans escorted Katie into the cell, the young woman begged for mercy but received none. Once her cuffs were loosed, the cell door was shut behind her, and the cops began to make their exit. On the way out, Hodges said to the crowd, "We'll be back to check in three hours. Until then, just keep everyone alive." After those words, the door to the hallway shut, and Katie slowly, timidly turned around to see that she was, in fact, the focal point of 15 sets of eyes.

Katie couldn't even manage a word of protest and hardly even resisted, knowing there was no escaping her fate. Within a minute she was surrounded, and within two she had been stripped naked against her will, hands all over her pale, smooth flesh. Katie yelped, whined and sobbed, but she tried her best to relax, knowing tension would only make this awful, unstoppable experience that much worse. For the next few hours, she kept her eyes closed most of the time, as if to shut down any senses she could while her cell mates commenced gangbanging her.

For the next couple hours, all 15 men had their way with the 24-year-old blonde. They started by bending her over and taking turns fucking her from behind while two or three other guys held her still as she screamed. Her lovely tits were nearly never free, always being caressed, pinched or squeezed by at least one hand. After several moments of the men's lining up behind Katie, one of them pushed her down onto the dirty floor, rolled her onto her back and pinned her down by her wrists as he pumped in and out of her pussy over and over again. Tears had long since ruined Katie's makeup, but the tarnished appearance didn't deter her assailant in the least.

This guy railed Katie against the cold floor until he came inside the young girl and pulled out, a trickle of seman dripping from Katie's used cunt. Another guy quickly replaced the last one, and he rested Katie's legs on his shoulders and fucked the lady while two other guys kept her pinned down. Katie's magnificent breasts rocked up and down which each thrust into that hot body until the guy pulled out just in time to spend his load on those luscious tits.

The next guy forced Katie on top of him, holding her in place on her hands and knees, fixing the young lady on his cock. Before the guy even got going, another one stepped up behind Katie and impaled her ass with his erection and then lay on top of her back, sandwiching the slut between him and the other guy, successfully double-penetrating her. Katie was actually a big fan of having both her ass and pussy stuffed at once by two guys, but this time the context was less than desirable.

These two men seemed to know each other, Katie thought while more and more of her dignity vanished. They got right to work, sawing in and out of both her holes and keeping her trapped helplessly between them. Unlike her personal lovers, who were gentle and methodical when group-fucking her, these men were rough and selfish, brutally ravaging her tight holes as they double-dicked her.

Her eyes still sealed shut, Katie could tell by the cheers surrounding her that the onlookers rather enjoyed the sight of this Katie sandwich. Some of the other men were pleased enough to try a taste of the sandwich themselves, in fact. Shortly after these two men unloaded their seed, each in his respective hole, Katie was promptly double-stuffed again, this time facing upward as the next men in line pumped steadily in and out of her sorry ass and pussy.

So Katie's night continued. The men were no longer content with taking single turns with Katie, as a different set of guys double-penetrated the young girl all throughout the remainder of the gangbang. There were enough men to try a variety of positions; whether Katie was looking up or facing down or suspended in the air, she was always impaled in both her ass and pussy simultaneously while she sobbed and moaned. Oftentimes, there was a dick in her mouth too, sealing her airtight. Some men preferred to cum inside her, and others decided to coat her face or boobs instead. By the time the officers arrived back, the stuff was dripping down Katie's entire front and trickling out of every hole.

By 5 am, all 15 men had been satisfied at least once, and some of them were enjoying round two when Evans and Matthews finally came down the hall. The officers were rather delighted to walk in on the naked blonde's being smushed between two men who were sawing in and out of her ass and pussy. While the cops would have loved to have stood and watched, it was time to bring the party to a close - for the guys in the cell, at least.

"All right, you disgusting perverts," said Matthews. "You had your fun. Back off or you're never getting out of here."

"Don't say that," Katie heard Evans joke. "With entertainment like this, I bet a bunch of them would prefer not to leave."

The men obeyed, backing off the poor, drenched blonde who was sore everywhere. The men who had been sandwiching her pulled out without climaxing again and left Katie a sweat- and cum-soaked mess on the floor. "Let's get her cleaned up," said Matthews, and he and Evans picked her up by her arms and led her to the shower room where Katie silently soaked herself, knowing that no matter how hard she scrubbed, she would never feel clean again. The worst part was that a small bit of her was pleased to have been used as a fuck doll like she had just been. In fact, her mind was still wandering toward the thought of being used in just that manner by these handsome police officers.

Katie was allowed roughly 15 minutes to clean herself up - not nearly as much time as she needed - before Hodges came back for her and handed her a towel. Then he said, "Here are your clothes," his arms holding out the black skirt and matching high heels that had been ripped off her hours before. Missing were her top and underwear, leaving the girl perplexed.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," Hodges said, "but you shouldn't need more than this right now." Katie was confused for just a second longer before it hit her that these guys were serious about having their own turn with her now. The crazy thing was, were Katie not already terribly sore from being brutally railed all night long, she would have been uncontrollably excited at the prospect of what was to come. It had always been Katie's wildest fantasy to be group-fucked by police officers. In fact, when her boyfriends teamed up on her as they often did, Katie was sometimes imagine her friends were officers of the law who had her under arrest. Right now, it was like she was living out that fantasy-expect for the whole part where they allowed 15 drunk men to shamelessly have their way with her.

Even though her physical body cried for respite, Katie's warped mind desired to see this experience through. Beside, there was no sense in fighting it. If the cops wouldn't spare her with the low-life drunks, they weren't going to go easy on her when their own pleasure was at stake. Katie, therefore, slipped on the skirt and shoes and, somewhat awkwardly, walked back topless into what appeared to be an interrogation room where she was greeted by Evans and Matthews.

"Hope you enjoyed your stay," Evans said. "Now are you ready to talk plea bargain?" Katie didn't really understand and so didn't know what to say. Of course, where she normally would have gotten sleep, she was savagely fucked instead. Apparently, the gangbang she had already experienced just came with being locked up and had no bearing on getting Katie out of jail and back to her job and school in time for the week. Evans continued on with what Katie could be charged with, including possession of illegal substances and underage drinking in her home. Then, undoing his belt, Evans suggested they discuss her bail.

At the same time, the other two officers began to loosen their pants as well. Katie felt conflicting emotions of fear and arousal. The thought of these fit uniformed men going to town on her made her wet, but her body was beyond used at this point. With no choice, regardless, Katie managed to quip, "I have three holes that I can pay with."

"That will work," said Matthews, who came up behind Katie, lifting up her skirt and bending her over the hard metal table. "Let's start with this one," he added before promptly and quickly shoving his eight-inch prick into Katie's sore asshole. The officers had already determined who would get which hole during the course of their night shift. Katie couldn't help but scream as Matthews went to work, holding the poor young lady down on the cold surface and immediately pummeling her shitter hard with thick cock.

A minute passed, and Hodges stepped up on the other side of the table, his cock also at full mast and aiming for Katie's mouth. Katie could hardly believe it as she heard a laugh come from her throat amid the tortured moans. Her mind and body were conflicted, as her body felt the discomfort of yet another group fuck on no sleep but her mind was entirely turned on at the thought of these three hung cops having their way with her, just like she had envisioned in her fantasy over and over again. Hodges didn't care either way if Katie was amused; he simply pulled her long blonde hair and shoved his seven and a half inches past those pretty lips and went to work on Katie's mouth just like Matthews was to Katie's butt.

These two cops went In and out at either end of Katie's sexy body, split-roasting her for several minutes. Each time he thrust forward, Matthews' balls slapped against Katie's taint, and, on the other end, Hodges' cock was literally sliding up and down Katie's throat. Evans, meanwhile, stroked his nine-inch cock with one hand and held up his cell phone with the other as he watched his partners do to Katie what they had done to so many confused young girls in the past. Then, once Evans was no longer content to merely watch, he put the phone down and stepped up to the table.

"Time to seal her off!" he said, and only then did Matthews relent from pounding Katie's ass. He wasn't done yet, of course, but was only allowing Katie a short respite as he pulled out and climbed up on the table, lying down on it as Hodges slipped out of Katie's mouth. Katie gasped for air, sobs also escaping from her mouth and tears streaming down her cheeks. She still didn't know what to feel, as her body and soul were being ever pushed to the limit, but her sinful lust craved more and more as these gorgeous uniformed officers taught her a lesson.

Evans and Hodges helped pick up the girl and affix her to Matthews prick again, which sank back deep into her ass. Katie hardly reacted, so used to the feeling of dick in her butt by now. Hodges then knelt on the table beside Katie's head, and Katie had no objection as he returned his cock past her perfect lips and teeth, pushing it back toward her throat. Then Evans joined the group on that cold and hard but sturdy table and ordered their prisoner to spread her legs. Obediently, the busty blonde did as she was told, spreading her legs and holding her high heels straight up in the air, exposing hthe only fuck hole that was left vacant up until this moment.

Evans came straight down on the babe while his buddies remained still and allowed their partner to get comfortable. He sheathed his cock right into Katie's poor, used pussy and sank in until he was completely inside the young girl, his balls joining Matthews' on Katie's taint, his cock separated from his partner's by just the thin membrane that separated the two sex holes. As soon as all three men were balls deep inside the same girl, they went to work.

Katie had no doubt this wasn't these officers' first gangbang. They expertly and deftly triple-dicked her, needing no time to figure out the mechanics of making a chick airtight. Evans and Matthews sawed in and out of Katie's ass and pussy without thought, taking turns going balls-deep inside the girl in a much more pleasurable manner than the men in the drunk tank had done to her all night. Meanwhile, Hodges drilled Katie's throat hard and fast, holding tightly to her beautiful hair as he barely allowed her to breath through his ravaging attack on her mouth and throat.

The three men grunted and moaned as they filled all of Katie's holes with their long, thick cocks. Katie's sexy body glistened with sweat as her perspiration mixed with that of the three thrusting bodies that held her tightly in place. The table beneath them was so sturdy that it hardly squeaked. It did, however, shift back and forth on the floor as the men savagely yet expertly impaled Katie's holes. Amid all the noise, Katie could barely manage moans and cries of her own, as her mouth was sufficiently muffled by Hodges' large dong that was violating her throat like she had never felt before.

For the next 20 minutes and with remarkable stamina, the officers held Katie in place as the meat in their sex sandwich. Her arms flailed about from time to time but would end up holding tightly to Hodges' ass or Evans' back. Her legs, meanwhile, never desisted from thrashing about as Evans came down on her, stuffing her pussy over and over again in between Matthews' pushes up into her asshole. The sounds and scent of sex practically drowned the busty blonde as the cops worked her over and viciously stuffed her until, at last, they were ready for the money shot.

Groaning loudly, Evans pulled out of Katie first, followed quickly by Hodges. Katie gasped again, trying desperately to catch her breath. As she heaved in and out, Matthews pushed her off him, and the girl stumbled to the floor, falling on her hands and knees. Meanwhile, Evans picked up his phone and began to record again.

"On your knees!" Hodges ordered. Katie did so, her skirt a ruffled mess around her waist, her body covered with sweat, her hair wildly out of place and her eyes red with tears and fatigue. As she composed herself, Matthews stepped up, jerking off and soon firing his cumshot into the poor girls eyes before she could close them. Immediately, Hodges blasted Katie on her right cheek and lips so that both policemen were dousing her face at the same time, semen now streaming down both sides of her face all while Evans recorded it. At last, once the first two partners finished blowing their loads on Katie's complexion, Evans stepped up, still recording, and unleashed a sizable load on Katie's incredible rack. Evans' cumshot was so much that it would have covered the boobs on a smaller-titted chick, but Katie's magnificent breasts proved a worthy opponent. Still, the officer left a significant load splattered across the young girl's boobs while two other loads were still trickling down her cheeks and neck.


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