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Red Ribbon Special


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When she pulls her breasts atop the corset, a chorus of cheers explode from the small space. She grins widely, swinging and bouncing her breasts to their leering ruckus, absorbing their attraction to feed her addiction. Energy buzzing through her veins, body twisting in the air, Shae sees Marnie push inside the tent.

Not missing a step, Shae shoves down her nerves, avoiding Marnie's gaze as she moves and thinks it through across the stage, working the patrons. Noticing the overflowing tip jar, Shae's confidence soars. She looks from the money, to Marnie, tossing her an arrogant smirk as she catches the old woman's eyes.

Marnie returns her gaze, stone-cold eyes glaring holes into Shae. Arms folded across her ample chest, Marnie's face grows sorrowful. "I got you bitch!" Shae thinks, still moving and flexing for her rowdy fans. Slowly shaking her head, Marnie tugs on Khan, a very oversized strongman and stand-in bouncer for their show, and whispers something to him.

Finished speaking, Marnie turns away and leaves the tent. "Finally. Good Riddance." Shae thinks hotly. "Money this good, she can't let me go. I'm in." She feels victorious energy surge through her as she dances and flips about the stage, savoring her success.


Body worn from her enthusiastic exchange, Shae's mind still races as she sits on a blanketed hay bale, taking a rest in the night air outside the Burlesque tent. Pippa is on right now, then Seran, then Toni. She is uncharacteristically unconcerned with the other girls tonight, not bothering to watch their performances as usual.

Her co-workers, friends really, are merely time markers for the main event. "All three are wearing the red ribbons tonight. Can't start without them. I'll go when Toni's show starts" She thinks through her plan.

Talking herself up, Shae works on her anxiety. She's danced since she was little, but never on someone's lap, never to create boner she could feel. "It's not that big a deal. It might be fun to make them hard and leave em. Unless...", Her mind mulls finally, on the lingering thought that perhaps there's more than teasing.

"Fuck it. I'll do what needs to be done." She thinks dismissively. Joe walks up to her, breaking her mental discourse. "Hey beautiful, you were amazing tonight!" He smiles and lifts her with a hug, setting her gently back on the bale and kissing her cheek.

Smile lit at the sound of his voice, Shae returns his affection and holds his hand as he sits on the bale next to her. "I felt so energized and the crowd was awesome! Best show I've done in a while!' she agrees, hugging his arm in her joy. Joe looks away from her, into the night sky and says somberly, "I notice you wore a lot of red tonight, including the ribbon."

Shae quietly looks down, kicking her feet against the hay bale. "Yes, I did. Wasn't that the most beautiful corset? It fit perfectly and still showed some of my belly. Great find." She feigns enthusiasm over the outfit.

"You looked exquisite, a perfect vixen. Please don't go to the Mirror House tonight. Please. We can find other ways to make you money, I swear!" Joe pleads with her.

"If you don't want me going, then tell me why!" Shae argues, feeling aggression at the constant push back she receives over the damn Mirror House.

"I can't talk about it Shae but I'm asking you to trust me. Don't go." He takes her hand and kisses it, a deep look of concern on his face.

Shae jumps off the bale in agitation, "Enough with the ominous warnings and bullshit attempts to steer me away from a bigger cut. I know you're my friend and you're trying to help me in some way, but I'm doing this. Not you, Marnie, Toni or anyone else is going to stop me. I need money and there is money in that God damn mirror house. I'm going to get it."

Stomping off into the night, she leaves Joe, mouth hanging open, searching for any argument to bring her back, though he knows none will work. He sits on the bale awhile, agonizing over what she is about to endure.


Ch 5 - Mirrored Entry

Approaching in the dark, Shae sees the blue neon sign of Mirror House: the word Private in smaller pink lettering below. It's set far back on the lot, away from the other attractions, little light except the dim glow of the sign. Outlined at the entrance are Khan and Rupert, two of the troupe's three strongmen. Shae walks toward them faking her calm, palms sweaty, nerves spinning, her face revealing nothing but her adorable smile, "Hi boys. Nice night." She says casually.

They both nod and smile at her, neither of them famous for their chit chat. "So, it looks like I'm working tonight. Just showing up. For work." She giggles. Rupert looks at her, eyebrow raised and checks his clipboard. "You're not on tonight sweetheart. Sorry. You'll have to talk to Marnie about..." Rupert's voice trails as Khan puts a hand on his shoulder and whispers in his ear.

They stare at each other moment, sharing a look of concern. Rupert speaks up. "It seems I was mistaken. Khan will take you in. You're a little early but I doubt there will be complaints. You need to be very sure before you step inside, lil miss. Once you're in there, you work till the job is finished. Understood?"

"Yes." Shae replies, confidence soaring now she has Marnie's unofficial permission, if not blessing. Taking Khan's arm, she walks up the steps and into the Mirror House.


Entering the first room, Shae takes in its features. Dim blue neon light, coming from above, casts color across the mirrored walls. A mirrored door to the next room stands shut, large square digital display above the doorway reading: 15:00. In the center of the room stands a tall wooden box on it's end. Though unpainted and basic in it's construction, it's shape reminds Shae of a confessional booth.

In front of it is a small wooden box with a hole cut in the tall box, just above. Written in red on white paper are several signs. To her right, hanging from the wall: Undress here. The second, on the floor in front of the small box reads: Kneel here. Her final instruction, placed above the hole in the makeshift booth says: Place mouth here.

Shae quickly adds the clues, feeling sudden panic. In an instant, she sees how little she has thought this through, "A stranger's cock is coming through that hole and I have to suck it." Her mind numbly processes the situation as she stands in dumb shock. Khan's strong hand rests on her shoulder and gently guides her to the first sign. Without word, he presses a remote in his hand as the display over the wall begins to count down.

Rote response controls Shae's body as she removes her corset, stockings and panties, placing them neatly on the floor near the sign. Willing herself forward, she bends and kneels in front of the box. A condom sheathed cock slides silently through the hole. Face leaning in, she catches a terrible smell coming off the cock, causing her to gag a little. "At least it's wrapped." She thinks as she moves in and takes the strange cock into her mouth. Initial enthusiasm lacking, she struggles to focus on giving good head, distracted by the awful smell and her own fear, mixing with a little regret.

"Tick tock Missy. I paid good money for you. Put your mouth into it." The squeaky voice from the box startles her as she feels Khan's strong fingers gripping her hair. Feigning force, but remaining quite gentle, Khan presses her head forward, filling her mouth with rancid cock. Closing her eyes, her mind flashes to Joey's thick rod in her mouth. Picturing Joey, sparks her libido a little as she begins to suck the mystery cock more enthusiastically.

She works to ignore the shrieky moans of the box man and continues to imagine Joey as she swallows and massages with her tongue. Two minutes left on the timer, the mystery man cums hard in her mouth. She holds the condom with her teeth, making sure none of his rancid juice can escape as he thrusts his orgasm. "That was beautiful sweetie. I'll be seeing you again." The box man's smarmy tone unnerves her.

"I hope the fuck never." She thinks, as she walks toward her clothes. Khan hands her a new set of lingerie. "This will be faster for you. I've taken your other garments and put them away. You did good, but brace yourself." Handing her the fresh clothing, he politely turns his back as she dresses.

"What am I doing? I should get the fuck out, right now." She thinks as she dresses in the new lingerie, all red of course. Still revolting from the rancid cock she wonders, "How much did I make for that? I hope it's worth it."

Dressed, she taps Khan's' massive shoulder. He turns around and takes her hand, leading them toward the next room. Box man squeaks out from his den, "I really loved those red lips! Can't wait for your next show!" Shae shudders, walking on, wondering how much worse it can get, as Khan gently squeezes her hand.


Ch 6 - Over Board

Darkness pervades the second room as Khan closes and locks the door behind them, the only visual input, a display over the far door reading: 45:00. Looking at the timer, Shae sinks a little. "Hope it's not more cock sucking. My jaw's still sore from box guy." She worries, wiggling her aching mouth. Khan rustles in his pocket and suddenly a bright drop light turns on, hanging from the ceiling.

Below it is a solid wooden chair, leather straps attached at various points. Shae feels a rush of terror struck adrenaline, eyeing the wicked chair. Looking at Khan, eyes begging for answers, a little clue at least, she thinks "What's going to happen to me in that chair?" Khan smiles at her, a little sadly and presses the timer remote. She walks toward the chair and waits standing under the drop light.

Countdown begun, a tall, skinny older man steps out of the shadows. Eyes of ice, his stare is cold and unnerving, as he approaches, viewing her up and down, never really looking in her eyes. He walks a full circle around her, inspecting as she waits nervously. "You'll do fine muppet." He announces from behind her, touching her shoulders. She complies as his icy grip forces her into the chair.

Nerves on full alert, Shae trembles slightly as the man straps her body to the chair. He smiles and begins speaking to her as he lashes her still, "Yes that's fine Sarah. Just fine to be nervous. You really should be now. Look where I've got you." He giggles a little, continuing his one-sided conversation. "You thought you could betray me and just leave?! Well, you're not going anywhere now, are you?"

"No." Shae replies, at an utter loss to discern the game this loon is playing with her. "Shut up cunt!", He yells, slapping her face. "I'll tell you when you can speak! Whore!" His words dig deep as she briefly contemplates the truth in them, but her anger far outweighs any self loathing. Turning within, she works on keeping her expression fearful. It seems to be his jam.

The old man faces her, fully restrained and gives her a wicked glare. "Thought you could play me little girl. The tables have turned. It's my game now Sarah. You're going to learn." He watches her intently as she feigns terror, managing to pop one tear down her cheek, bringing a light to his eyes. "Maybe this one won't be so bad." She thinks, enjoying the acting: getting one over on this weirdo.

From behind, he pulls a latch on the chair, gears clicking as she feels herself reclining. Next, he places a dark cloth over her face. All she can see through the material is a black screen of dim light. Noises ensue around her as he prepares his bizarre fantasy. Shae can only wonder what he's doing as she lays back enjoying the minutes of peace.

Finally, he moves behind her again, bending down to her face. She smells the stink of his breath as he speaks, "You cannot escape me Sarah. I will always find you. I will always bring you back, and then you'll have to pay. I hope you learn this time." His voice is soft but stern. Placing a kiss on the cloth above her forehead, he disappears behind her.

Lying still in the restraints, the old man's talk beginning to bore her, Shae's mind drifts to the truck, this afternoon, her beautiful, powerful moment with Jo...Drowning all thought but the present, Shae feels torrents of cold water rushing over her face, down the cloth.

Instinctively, she yanks her hands toward the wet assault, abruptly halted by the leather straps. In panic, her energy directs to fighting the restraints as her mouth and nose take small amounts of water. Choking and gasping, her eyes light with terror as she feels herself downing.

"Halt." Khan's rough voice barks and shortly the water stops. Choking and crying, desperate to remove the soaked rag, Shae continues struggling against the straps, until Khan's strong hand, lifts the rag from her face, flooding her eyes with the drop light.

She feels a towel being wiped across her face, then her head being turned. "Snort." Khan commands. He holds the towel by her nose, and she tries to snort out the water in her nose and mouth, headache already beginning from the droplets deep inside.

Khan rights her head, then leans in and quickly whispers into her ear. "Doing good baby. Keep him feeling strong. Remember. I will not let you drown." Replacing the soaked cloth, Khan steps back to the corner of the room. "Resume." He speaks as he presses on the timer remote.

Breath puffing and sucking the black material, Shae tries to brace herself for another round. Instead, the old man walks to her side and removes her bra and panties, handing them to Khan. Clamps bite down as he attaches something to her nipples. It bites like a motherfucker, causing Shae to wince and gasp. She can almost feel his glacier vision soaking up her pain. Jumping, startled as his hand rests on her cleft, she feels a strong, sharp pulling on her nipples. She whimpers and squeals a little as he tugs harder.

Tears soak into her rag when he finally lets go. Softly crying, she lays very still as he rests his hand on her mound again. He begins his sad monologue, "Sarah, this goes more smoothly if you do what you're told. Are we learning that lesson yet? Go ahead and answer." Sarah muffles meekly from under the rag, "Yes Sir." The old man clicks his tongue, "No Sarah. It's yes Gary. I'll give you that one for free. Say it."

"Yes Gary." Shae speaks obediently, as she feels another clamp placed under her clit. Her breath quickens as she tries to work through the painful squeezing. Gary's shoes plod to the space behind her. She hears herself whimper as the faucet squeaks on. Waves of cold terror wash her as cold water rushes through her wet mask.

Choking and gasping for air again, her own wet scream bounces off the darkened mirror as Gary pulls on the clamps. Relentless tugging and twisting bites her most sensitive places with sheer agony, even louder than the voice screaming in her head, "I'm fucking drowning!"

Sucking in, she pays for the scream with a load of water down her throat. Crying and choking, Shae restrains the urge to breathe through her nose, as her arms and legs strain at the restraints. Torn between choking, the feeling of drowning and the relentless twisting she cries in stuttering agony, until again she hears Khan's gruff voice, "Halt."

The water stops, Shae's choking sobs and the floor drain, the only audible sounds in the room. Black mask lifted, her eyes flood with light as she feels Khan drying her face and holding her as she coughs out the water.

A click and her seat begins to clatter upright, Khan running the crank. Eyes adjusting, Shae squints at the timer: 11:23. "Ten more minutes." She tries to calm her frantic mind. "Khan will keep me safe. I can do this." Breath short and raspy, she slows her rapid pace and prepares for the next 10 minutes, "I have to do this." She thinks gravely.

Khan bends to her ear quickly giving her a word of encouragement. "You're a pro, little one. Almost done. Prepare for the hard part." An icy spike shoots through her belly at his words. He steps back to the darkness as Gary walks behind her again. "Resume." Khan speaks, as the timer begins to count down. In short order, Shae is blasted again with a cold stream of water, this time shooting onto the back of her head, washing down her face and body, in an icy river.

Breath huffing in the cold onslaught, Shae manages to feel grateful he's no longer drowning her. Seconds of gratitude are cut short as she feels the painful pull and twist first on her nipples, then her clit, alternating her agony, like a sadistic puppeteer. Softly, she cries under the river of pain, inside and out. Noticing her bouncing sobs, Gary releases the clamp tethers, letting them dangle from her body. Stripping off his pants and underwear, he slides a condom on his rigid cock.

"Fuck." Is all Shae can say to herself. Hoping he was only interested in hurting her, her heart sinks as he approaches her and stuffs a thick cushion between her back and the seat, forcing her pussy forward, off the chair. On his knees, his cock is at the perfect height for the chair. "Jesus. He had this custom made." She thinks wildly, trying hard not to contemplate Gary any further. Water pouring down her naked body, Gary grabs his tethers from the stream on her body and pulls viciously on the lines, as he forces his cock inside her.

Chair gripped in one hand, lines in the other Gary telegraphs pain to Shae's shivering sensitive places. She cries aloud as he slams himself into her cervix, tugging on her strings. Unable to tolerate the onslaught, Shae hides in her mind. Body raggedly bouncing, flooded and brutalized, she closes her eyes and sees Joey, grabbing and pumping himself into her as he came this afternoon, biting her, kissing her. Desperately Shae loses herself in memory as Gary finally sheds his own need into the condom pressed deep in Shae's pussy.

Gary carefully pulls out the goopy wrapper, clearly quite concerned with contamination as well. He drops it into a can near the edge of the room, panting heavily, placing his hands on his thighs as he bends to catch a breath. The timer reads: 02:44 but Gary lifts his hand to Khan saying, "We're good. You can untie her. You were a very good girl in the end Sarah. I will see you soon." That spoken, he hobbles slowly through a hidden exit in one of the mirrored panels.

As soon as Gary gives the word, Khan moves in and turns off the hose. He places a large, fluffy towel over Shae's body, drying her face and smoothing back her hair. As she quakes from the pain and cold, Khan's large fingers work quickly to unbuckle the dripping leather straps. Once freed, he ushers her to a cushion against a dark wall in the room.

He hugs and rubs her naked body with the towel, warming her and drying her off. Reaching in his pocket he pulls out a snack bar and hands her a bottle of water. "Eat up. We're half-way through this run. Two more and you'll be through the maze kid." He rubs her while she eats, then hands her a dry set of lingerie. Another red pair. "Why the fuck did I wear that God damn ribbon?" She asks herself remorsefully, wincing as the fabric brushes her nipples.


Ch 7 - Mindfucking Majesty

Entering the third room, Shae's first thought is the timer. She looks at the far wall and reads: 60:00. "Jesus! Fuck." Her mind explodes with angst. "I barely made 45 minutes with the last one. I can't do it.", She thinks defeated, "I should just tell Khan I can't do it. He's been taking care of me. He won't force me." Flashing to Rupert's warning and the moment with Khan's hand on the back of her head, she realizes its time she stop assuming things, going off half cocked.

She steels herself and looks around the room. The only light comes from candles arranged around a black velvet cushion, recessed in the center for a human body. Turning to Khan, she looks at him questioningly. "You're to strip off your clothes and lay on that cushion, face up." He looks at her impassively. "Well I figured." She snaps back, finding a bit of her humor. No change to his face he says, "Watch out for the candles. They're hot." Shooting him a near smile as she strips off her clothes, she says, "I'll be sure to do that." And hands him the garments.

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