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Redwood Nine: Season 04 Ch. 01


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"Look, I got a shop I own with my buddy JT and we might have something for you. Lenny and I are just doing a grocery and booze run, so if you want, you can come with us, or hang out here and we'll get you on the way back. Come to the shop and see what you think."

"Really? Hey, that's awesome brother. If it's all the same, I was really looking forward to a couple of beers, before those assholes jumped in, so pick me up after, if that's cool?"

"Sure. Come on, let's go in and see Will, he's a friend of ours, make sure he takes good care of you until we come back."

Clay went in with Tig and walked up to Will, who was wondering what the outcome of the scuffle would be.

"Will, this is a buddy of mine from 'Nam, name's Tig. He'd like a couple of nice cold beers on me. See he doesn't get disturbed again."

Will was opening a beer before Clay finished speaking and handed it to Tig. Tig held it up to Clay and Will.

"Thanks brother, this is right decent of you man."

"Enjoy, we'll be back in about a half hour and get you."

Tig took a healthy drink and then shook Clay's hand and sat at the bar, as Clay left and got back in with Lenny. They left and drove into town to the Save-A-Lot and began shopping, while Tig sat quietly and enjoyed his cold beer.

While they shopped, Lenny asked more about what Clay knew of Tig. Clay said they sat across from one another on the flight back from 'Nam and were on the same plane back to the States. They had talked about where they were and what they did, enjoying stories of down time and partying with local women and smoking the local herb. Clay felt he was a decent enough guy and was willing to take a chance on him. If he vetted out okay, he was willing to sponsor him as a member. Lenny had no objection to Tig being considered and they finished shopping and headed to Charming Wine and Spirits, to restock the bar.

With everything acquired, they headed back and stopped at the bar to get Tig. Lenny went in, while Clay sat outside waiting. Tig recognized Lenny and swallowed the last half of his beer down and thanked Will for the drinks. He followed Lenny back out and the three crowded into the small cab and they headed to the shop. Clay, Lenny and Tig picked up all the groceries and headed into the clubhouse. Tig was impressed with the entire set up of shop, clubhouse and location. Clay introduced Tig to everyone and had him sit so they could get to know him, while he and Lenny put everything away.

JT came in from the office, catching a glimpse of the new arrival. Clay introduced Tig to him and explained their past acquaintance and recent reintroduction at the bar. JT looked at Tig cut face and blackening eye and knew another veteran had come back to the same mentality as they had. He made Tig feel welcome and Clay explained his thoughts on hiring him as a mechanic.

After a round of twenty questions, JT had a better sense of the man before him. Alex Trager was an ex-con, who had served a couple of years in Chino for beating a man half to death. He understood his reasoning to protect a friend from any further harm, but his lack of control took it too far and he was convicted of assault causing bodily harm and given the maximum sentence. The judge didn't like his attitude and the lack of remorse for his crime didn't sit well with his Honour either.

Overall, Tig seemed genuine enough a person and just wanted to prove himself that he was useful and could contribute. Motorcycles and riding became the next item to discuss and Tig said he had ridden a small bike in the past, but he hadn't ridden for years and never on a big bike like a Harley. The topic of the club came into play and Tig was more interested in that part of things. More of his sordid past came out, hearing he had committed numerous break ins and thefts, all in the need to eat and survive.

Overall, his past wasn't dissimilar to anyone else's, just getting by any way you could, legal or not. Tig was happy to get the nod as a prospect and thanked JT and the others, but hugged Clay in bond tighter, thanking him for the chance and his sponsorship. Piney went and got a cut for him and the rules were repeated clearly once more, before he handed him the cut and let him get a feel for club life. Beers and joints were passed out and the tunes cranked up. They celebrated the bond with a new brother of the club and made him feel welcomed. Before crashing out on the couch, Lenny handed him a couple of new work shirts and laughed. Eight am tomorrow morning, he had to start work and earn his keep.

The motel was a multiple use building. For the most part, it served as a residence for any member to sleep in, as well as provide safety for the girls using the first six rooms. A prospect party was held and the club's charters had them clean and repair everything, then give the entire place a fresh coat of paint. The vacancy sign always showed full on the street sign, so no one ever bothered to come in, unless they were there for the girls. Lenny used the manager's suite to live in and personally enjoyed his girls regularly. His enterprise was bringing in a large amount of cash each month, but even during slow times, the fringe benefits more than made up for the shortfall. Large amounts of cash paid for taxes and utilities, as well as making some in city offices happier with some extra personal cash to keep quiet about the title. A couple of city staff enjoyed coming on 'inspection tours' that lasted a good hour in a room, before declaring it fit and everything in order.

Almost every chapter was into prostitution and operated facilities much the same way. The mother charter controlled the importation of marijuana and each club that picked up at any one of Louis' points of call, paid up to them and counts were always kept, so trust was always a factor. Renaldo made regular trips north of the border to pick up the cash and he was happy to never have less than was expected. His dual citizenship papers allowed him easy passage to come and go, making it easy to transport the cash back. The twin engine Cessna made it a very quick trip and the fly by over the drop zone made it fast to unload and land at the airport, appearing completely normal in his flight plan from Stockton.

A simple and fun thing, one of going for a nice long drive and back, had become an enterprise that required constant surveillance and monitoring. Chico was in control of the transportation and control, making sure all charters were square with him, so he could report his end to the club at meetings. Every member was working at something to make money and be an earner for the club and those that didn't, were making sure debts were paid and rules adhered to. Trust was one factor, but making sure the idea of greed never entered their minds. Bobby was working the books for every enterprise and kept them all in check. Every meeting, he was happy to sign off on the bottom line with the club and proceed with the minutes.

Bobby had a gig to do in Lake Tahoe in late August and many of them went along. The trip down was fun, heading across the mountains and riding as a large club. The prospects were very happy to being treated to a freebie run and were happy to hear they earned it. Tig made a deal with Little Willy for a bike and was paying it off doing some work for him and money he earned with the club. The number of patched members and the number of prospects continually showed everyone how many were committing to the life of an outlaw.

The resort staff was taken back by the number of bikes and what to do with them, the car jockeys not sure to even offer parking the bikes. The guys rolled around back and parked in a line along the lane way, leaving plenty of room to get by. They walked through the hotel to the desk and picked up their room keys, then heard a familiar voice call out. They turned and saw Jimmy Cacuzza coming through the front door with a stunning blonde on his arm.

"My friends, good to see you. What brings you to Tahoe?"

"Come to see the back up act here tonight and check out the headliner after. How about you?"

"My little princess here is part of the headline show, aren't you baby?"

Jimmy fawned on her and she sucked it up playfully.

"This is the lovely, Brandi and she is one of the back up singers for Mr. Anka. You really come to see some guy do Elvis shit?"

No one said anything at first, then Bobby began singing and took a bow. JT and the others laughed and then he introduced Bobby.

"Jimmy, meet the back up who sings Elvis shit. This is Bobby 'Elvis' Munson. Bobby, this is Jimmy Cacuzza, he probably runs this place I bet."

"Nice to meet you Bobby, sorry about the Elvis remark, no disrespect, just not my thing, you know. My dad's place actually. You will notice the fine furnishings in your rooms look familiar. Munson, you're not related to Bernard Munson are you?"

"Fast Fingers Bernie in Reno?"

"Yes, you're his boy?"

"Sure am."

"No shit. You're little Bobby. I know your dad, met him a couple of times."

"Not so little now. Yeah, he was always telling me all the big shots he got to meet. I remember him dropping your dad's name a few times."

"Most likely. We wanted to acquire your dad's services and made and very nice offer, but Jewels Bonello wouldn't let him go. I don't blame him, very hard to find a guy that works the books as good as your dad."

"Yeah, always loved adding and subtracting and moving numbers around."

"A very simple explanation of his magic, but that is what he does, yes."

"Yeah, two sets of books to keep straight isn't easy."

"We'll keep the details quiet and just say he is good at what he does. So you like singing, better than numbers?"

"Yeah, numbers bore me after a while and I need to have a bit more excitement, let's just say."

"Too bad you didn't follow in your father's footsteps, I would make you a very nice offer to work for me."

"Thanks, but I have enough bookkeeping to do for the club and that's about as much as I like doing. I get more time to do gigs and I like doing it more, plus I get to ride more often and that, I really like."

"To each, their own, Bobby. Anyway, it is good to see you and say hello to your father for me, next time you see him. Look forward to seeing your act."

"Thanks Jimmy, I'll let him know we talked. Nice meeting you."

"Likewise. Gentlemen, I would like to spend a little time with Brandi and help her with her singing, so I shall see you later on."

"Sure Jimmy, we have tables up front."

"Is there any other place to sit?"

"Nope, best seats in the house."

"I shall come see you at your table before the show."

"Great Jimmy, we'll have your favourite drink ready, Salut."

"Such a paisan. Ciao."

Jimmy walked off with Brandi and every eye was eating her up from head to toe. The brain seemed pretty empty of anything substantial, but she made up for it with her face and body. In their minds, she just had sex in more positions than she could imagine. For Jimmy, he was going to have all the sex he could imagine.

Bobby came to the tables and greeted people, then welcomed everyone to the show. He went through his set and ended with great applause from the audience, then did a couple of encores and announced the headliner, Paul Anka would be coming up shortly. The lights came up and that's when everyone saw the numerous federal agents standing in certain areas, talking to their wrists and touching their earpieces. The club had no idea what was happening, when they began converging on the tables. At first, the guys just put their hands up, but they knew shortly, it was Jimmy that they were after. They stood him and his men up and read off the charges, then handcuffed them. Because of their contact with him, the FBI agents herded the club to a conference room and began questioning them for information.

No one gave them anything that tied them to the mob, nor did they give up anything about themselves that was incriminating. They stated their connection to Bobby and that was enough to throw them off their backs and let them go. Regardless of their innocence, they were now on the radar and under watchful eyes.

JT went to a pay phone and called Gianni's number the first chance he had. He let Gianni know the score about what went down and what the feds were asking them. Gianni was calm and collected, no signs of stress showing in his voice, as he thanked JT with a certain amount of affection, for showing his concern about his son and him. JT asked for instructions on anything they should do, or watch out for and Gianni assured him there was nothing to worry about between them, but to halt the next run until he was told by him to bring it.

Gianni knew he was under the protective eye of law enforcement and had gotten word of a RICO sting. He also knew who had tipped the feds off to bring it about as well. His sources knew who had ratted him out and he was biding his time for the FBI's arrival, getting everything in order for them. The arrest of his son was expected and their lawyer was already on the way to the district's headquarters before JT hung up. Gianni looked at the phone and thought of JT and his instincts to protect him. It sat well and very highly with him that he had done that. Gianni patted the phone softly and voiced his thoughts on JT.

"A good thing. A very good thing indeed. I must show my appreciation to you JT Teller, you are a very good connection to have. Very good indeed."

Two minutes later, another team of FBI agents were at his door and ready to arrest him.

Jimmy barely spoke a word, as his lawyer fielded almost every question the Feds asked. No matter what they had for evidence, it wasn't enough to hold him on and just over an hour later, Jimmy was being driven back to the resort. He walked back to a completely stunned club and sat down in time to catch the last fifteen minutes of Anka's performance. Paul made a friendly gesture to him on his arrival, never breaking a beat in the song. Jimmy was almost laughing. Nothing was said for the rest of the night about what went on and whispered to JT to watch what they talked about at the table, or anywhere else in the place, because he had a good hunch the place was wired with bugs everywhere.

JT whispered the news quietly and the word was passed around discreetly. Paul came and greeted everyone after the show and made his way to the special tables to talk with noted guests. Jimmy had everyone leave afterwards and drove to a remote part of the lake. They walked away from the vehicles and looked about for any signs they were followed. Jimmy told JT and the club all about the Rico case they were trying to build against them. Gianni had caught wind of it and Jimmy had everything secured and stashed that could incriminate him. When they carried out their warrant, all they had were suspicions and no evidence to prove it. Jimmy told them his father had passed along a great deal of thanks to the club through the lawyer.

Jimmy put his arm over JT's shoulder and talked a bit quieter to him.

"You really called my dad right after I was arrested, letting him know about me?"

"Yeah, I figured he should be the first person who should know, right?"

"That was very right of you, JT. That put you in very good standing with us. We were expecting that visit to come, I just didn't think the assholes would do it here in Tahoe. Guess they thought I was making some big deal or something and all I'm doing is watching a show and my alibi was on stage singing. My father has expressed very deep feelings about you, JT and I want all the club to know that includes them as well, when I speak like this. He will want to pay his gratitude for this love of his family. You cared about me like a brother would, JT and I know you guys would have done the same. Fucking paisans, I fucking love you guys."

Jimmy and his men hugged and kissed the club, the cheek kissing now something accepted and returned.

"So look, as much as this is all bullshit that they done, they're looking at us through a fucking microscope and you guys slid under the lens now. You'll need to be extra careful and warn every charter about it. They get one, they'll try and tie every charter in and do a fucking RICO on you. My apologies for this, even though it's not my fault. I didn't even know you guys were going to be there."

"Jimmy, hey, it's cool man. We know what's happening now, so we'll get on top of it quick and make sure no one does anything stupid. Make sure they increase surveillance and precaution before doing anything. Knowing is the biggest part and hey, honestly, who's to say those assholes haven't been watching us for a while too? We might not be anywhere Hell's Angels big, but we got some presence. They let us do our thing and they do theirs, but we get noticed by cops. We might have come across as those who have too much money for what they do for a living and want to know more."

"Very true, very true. So that says it there, my friends. Times they are a changing and we must turn, turn, turn. We should look at the distribution a little closer too and make sure we change that up, so they don't catch on to a routine."

"Yeah, good idea. Mark that down Bobby and we'll look at what we can do at the next meeting."

"So it's been great seeing you guys and we will be in touch shortly and I do mean shortly, but I got a tall, blonde with a body I can't wait to get back into."

"No shit, Jimmy. Fucking hot looking, but total space cadet upstairs."

"Brains was not the first thing on my mind when I saw her, you know what I mean, capice?"

"Oh, we capice all right. Have fun and we'll wait for your call and set a meet."

"Very good. Enjoy your evening, gentlemen."

Jimmy waved and got back in the limo and the driver closed the door. The guard and the driver waved and got in, then drove away back to the resort. JT and the guys took the time in solitude to smoke some joints and talk about the news and what to do about it. Security was a must and what was in place needed improving. The prospects would have to be put on alert to be wary of strange customers, especially ones who asked too many questions. The charter runs would give them a chance to inform all the top members of each charter and give them a run down of what was in play.

New legitimate businesses would need to be created to dispose of one income, in pursuit of another, one with legal means of making it. Bobby knew his talents were going to be put to a test, while the prospects knew their final months of probation, just became ones of increased threat.

JT said it was time to visit their friendly townsfolk and start making business loans to them. It gave the store owners some liquid assets to balance the books and look good, while staying off the books where the money came from. The economy was still hurting in the early 70's, making fast cash to stay alive, a needed commodity. The interest would make up for the lack of immediate purchasing power, as well as a constant source of support from them if troubles arose. Despite assurances, everyone knew trouble came into Charming, it didn't start there and the club was there to stop it.

American muscle had come into its own and the manufacturers were turning out performance for pennies, compared to the exotic imports. Complaints of drag races taking place on public roads became a concern, so to make everyone happy, the club held races on the outskirts of town and made money on the betting. They shut down the road at both ends and turned it into an impromptu business, selling beers and joints, as well as mechanical assistance due to breakdowns. Unser wasn't thrilled about it, but it was better than having something go wrong on a city street and an innocent get injured, or killed.

Unser was getting comfortable working with the club. Where solutions to things were out of his hands to do something about, the club was there to fill that need. Laws were bendable and some were bent to breaking, but overall, the town went about its business and no one knew the seedy underbelly of Charming and how it was thriving unnoticed.

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