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Rekindling a Fire at the Lake Cabin

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Her childhood friend got much bigger...everywhere.
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Alyssa sat on her beach chair fuming. It would be a strange sight for most. Rarely do you find people in a bad mood while on vacation at a lake cabin. The dock creaked from the wake of a passing speed boat as the shrieks of the water skiers faded into the distance.

"Chin up, Allie," her father said as he handed her a cooler. "Just give him some time."

She knew he wouldn't. Alyssa had brought her long-time boyfriend to her family cabin for the first time. She had been avoiding it as she knew her parents disapproved of him, even more so as he slowly slipped into becoming a complete asocial shut-in.

Alyssa stood up and walked to the edge of the dock, staring at her reflection in the water. She had bought this swim suit to entice him down, the white bikini looked stark on her olive skin and framed her shapely body perfectly. Yet, he barely even said a word when she put it on. Was he even interested in her anymore?

She ruffled her short brown hair and her reflection looked back at her sadly. Her ears perked up at the growing roar of a motor coming in from a distance. Out from around the spit a young man on a Sea-Doo was ripping towards the dock, slowing as it came near to avoid creating a wake.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bianchi! How are you? It's been a while!" the man shouted over.

"Oh my! Richard! Is that you? Come over, come over!" her mom yelled.

Richard? Alyssa looked dumbfounded. The little boy that she babysat when she was just a young teen? She didn't even recognize him as he pulled in to dock. The tall black man dismounted and hugged her parents who gushed loudly.

"Oh my god! Is that Alyssa?" his deep voice rumbled. He walked over and hugged her tightly, picking her off her feet.

"Richard! Oh my god!" she giggled. "I didn't even recognize you!"

"Right back at you. You've grown so much too!"

Alyssa blushed at the slight pause as he checked her out.

"Is your family back now?" her dad asked.

"Yes, my parents moved back now that I'm done university," Richard responded. "It's our first summer here, in God, a decade?"

"Looks like you never left," her dad nodded towards the Sea-Doo.

Richard let off a deep chortle. "My present to myself after my internship."

"You should Alyssa on a ride!" her mom exclaimed. "Oh, its a lot of fun. Nobody is ever sad on a Sea-Doo."

"Never been on one?" Richard queried with an eyebrow up.

"Well, I don't know," Alyssa was hesitant.

Richard had a huge grin as he grabbed her wrist and led her to the Sea-Doo. He sat and patted the seat behind him. "Hold tight!"

Alyssa was wary as she put her hands on his waist. She was surprised that he didn't have any love handles at all and she admired his chiseled back. Richard pulled away and she looked back nervously at her parents who were waving and laughing. Richard revved up and Alyssa shrieked as they accelerated quickly. She was forced to wrap her arms around Richard's torso tightly to avoid being thrown off. She pushed her body tight against his back. She could feel his rippled abs against her forearms and she could hardly believe this was the silly boy she had cared for. But she quickly stopped thinking about that as she started laughing hysterically at the sensation of riding the waves at such speeds.

They were both soaking wet as they returned to the dock. Alyssa stumbled back onto the dock, her balance uneven, with a big smile on her face.

"Fun?" her mom asked.

"Yes!" she giggled.

"You coming up Rich?" her dad asked.

"...uh, no, sorry. I have to head back."

Alyssa turned around to look at Richard. He sounded oddly awkward? He was seated on the Sea Doo with his legs positioned awkwardly. She tilted her head, then audibly gasped and blushed. From that angle she could see the raging boner he was trying to hide.

He pushed off the dock and looked back at her sheepishly.

"Well, make sure you let your parents know to call me. We should have dinner together," her dad called down.

"Of course, Mr. C," Richard took one last long look at Alyssa. "See you later Allie."

She just smiled as he ripped away.

"Let's go up and get some lunch," her mom said.

Her dad seemed awkward as Alyssa got close and her mom gave her a disapproving look. It was only as she looked into the bathroom mirror did she realize why. She had no idea how sheer her white bikini got when wet, the faint outline of her areola was visible and her nipples were poking out. She blushed, realizing the good look that Richard got of her. She quickly ran up the stairs to her room and changed. Her good mood was spoiled when she came back down and saw that her boyfriend had just been laying on the couch on his phone the entire time.

She plopped down next to him. "Hey."

"Hey," he grunted.

"How's it going?"

"Alright, made some good progress in my campaign."

"You going to come down later?"


"Ready to eat lunch?"

"In a bit."

Alyssa stared at Tom, completely engrossed in the RPG he'd been playing for the last three straight days. It was like she didn't even exist.

She scoffed as she got up. Not a word from Tom as she left the cabin for lunch.


A large speedboat pulled in to their dock as the sun came down from its peak. It was a raucous reunion when the Miller family stepped off.

"Chris! Emily!" Alyssa could hear Richard's dad loudly embracing her parents.

Everybody hugged and chatted excitedly, nearly a decade apart not dampening the friendship the family shared. Alyssa chatted with Richard's younger sister as they walked up the stairs to the patio, who was regaling her about moving away for engineering school. Alyssa had to control herself, noticing that Tricia took note of her eyes darting away from her to Richard who was talking with her dad.

"It's been awhile, huh," Tricia giggled.

"Yeah! You two have grown so much!" Alyssa gushed. "You were basically a baby the last time we saw each other."

"Hey! I wasn't that young!"

The front door of the cabin swung open as they got seated around the patio table. The chatter slowed as everybody began to notice the figure in the doorframe.

"Tom, come have a seat," Chris called out. "Come meet the Miller family."

Tom shuffled over to the table and sat beside Richard.

"Tom is Alyssa's boyfriend," Chris said dully.

"Boyfriend?" Richard couldn't help himself. "Nice to meet you, Tom."

Richard grabbed his hand and shook it while staring at Alyssa. She gave a strained smile back, uncomfortable with the situation. She couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between her pale shriveled partner and the bronzed physique of her childhood friend, some gears in the back of her mind turning.

Chris got up to fire up the BBQ and Emily left to grab drinks.

"So, Tom, what do you do for a living?" Richard's dad asked.

"IT," he mumbled.

"Oh, me too!" Richard exclaimed. The two boys began chatting idly about work, one noticeably more excited than the other. Tricia rolled her eyes and began gossiping with Alyssa.

Chris began calling people up for burgers and hot dogs. Everybody shuffled over, Richard behind Tom and Alyssa.

"You should go first," Alyssa said to Richard. "Guests first."

"Oh, I'm fine where I am," Richard grinned. "I like your get up."

"It's cute," Tricia piped in.

Really? Alyssa thought as she looked up over her shoulder at Richard. It was just a tank top and jean shorts. Tom didn't seem enthused with her friends' comments though.

As they got seated again over food, Richard's dad prodded him to share his adventures overseas.

"I wish I could be more adventurous like you," Alyssa sighed as Richard finally wrapped up with his time in Spain.

"You can! It's never too late."

If I wasn't with Tom maybe. She had to force herself to stop that line of thinking.

"My, Richard, you've really grown up," Emily chimed in. "A real globetrotter. I remember when you were just yea high and said you wanted to marry Alyssa when you grew up!"

"Mom!" Alyssa burst out angrily.

The parents burst into boisterous laughter. Alyssa turned as red as the hot dog in her hand. Richard smirked awkwardly, nodding in corroboration. Tom had a strange look of confusion, unsure how to react.

"Kids are so funny," Emily huffed. "I'm happy to see you doing so well Richard."

They cleaned up and continued chatting around the campfire. As the daylight faded and the crackling fire became brighter, the older group became engrossed in conversation.

"Want to go out for a boat ride?" Richard offered. "Get away from these old farts."

"Rude," his dad retorted.

"I-I'm good," Tom said.

Tricia just laid on a lawn chair idly on her phone.

"Sure," Alyssa said. Tom looked rather surprised as she left to change.

She rummaged through her bag, contemplating what to wear before her eyes caught the white bikini hanging off the rafters. She bit her lip, pausing, thinking, before she put on the bikini again and wrapped a beach shawl around her shoulders. Richard's eyes widened at the sight as she walked through the cabin door. Tom made a strange pained grunt as the pair walked past him down to the speed boat.

The pair were silent as they rode the golden waves sparkling in the dusk sky. They pulled into a secluded bay with a small sandy beach.

"Oh my god! I can't believe nobody knows about this place still," Richard gushed.

"We used to swim here all the time!" she mused.

"Wanna go for a swim?" Richard asked.

"Um, maybe," she said hesitantly, remembering what the bikini looked like when wet.

"Ever been skinny dipping?" Richard asked.

"What?!" Alyssa yelped.

"Well, you said you wanted to be more adventurous," Richard replied. "I thought all the broads liked doing that anyways."

"Maybe the broads you like," she teased.

"Oh, I'm not so sure...," he said quietly. They both watched the last glimmers of the sun go down over the horizon. "Well, just so you know you can't see much under the water anyways."

She heard the sound of fabric falling to the ground and a large splash.

"Richard!" she exclaimed in shock at first before bursting out with laughter as she noticed his shorts on the deck and his polo strewn across the chair. She looked over the side of the boat to see Richard treading water, his dark body an amorphous blob under the rippling waves. She thought for a moment before standing up and turning away. Richard watched as she untied the back strap and dropped the top to the side. The boat hull covered her legs as he watched her slide the string off her hips. Richard stared expectantly but she wrapped her arm around her breasts as she turned around and jumped over the edge.

She was laughing as she surfaced and paddled over.

"How does it feel?" he asked.

"Amazing!" Alyssa couldn't believe how good the cool water felt running over her unclothed bits. It was exciting and oddly freeing to be swimming in the nude. They swam around the bay in the dying light, splashing each other and laughing as the crickets began to sing.

"Are you standing over there?" Alyssa exclaimed. She paddled over and grabbed onto him, like a koala hanging off a tree. "Wow, you really grew tall! You were shorter than me the last time we saw each other."

She stared at his muscled torso in the moon light and as her eyes traced up his chest to his eyes, she finally landed on his eyes staring intensely down at her. Before she could even process the situation, their lips met and she moaned loudly at the sexual catharsis. His hands slipped down her waist to her ass and he pushed her against his body. Her legs wrapped around his torso and she grinded her aching pussy against his rippled body. Their tongues danced around each other in the secluded shadows of the bay, her moans echoing off the cliff sides as they grew louder and louder in volume. She protested when he stopped but her breath became heavier as he lifted her up and kissed down her neck and collarbone to the curve of her breast. Her legs were taunt as she humped his sternum and her body shuddered as his lips finally landed on her erect nipple. His tongue masterfully swirled and flicked, his finger teasing her asshole, as she grinded herself up to an Everest of peaks.

"Oh Richard, I'm cumming," she moaned into his ear. "I'm cumming!!!"

She screamed out to the bay. Her hands gripped his wiry hair tightly as she smashed her groin against his body. She shuddered, her body contracting powerfully from the surging pleasure that coursed through it. Her arms wrapped around his head, pushing it into her cleavage as her vision faded. Her body calmed to a silent quivering as she slid down his body and into his arms. As she regained her senses, she noticed the prodding of a spongy fist against her slit. It was only then she had a clear realization of what had just happened.

"Oh god," she whispered. "I'm so sorry. I - I can't."

She kicked off of him and swam back to the boat without looking back. Richard watched from the water as she got dressed and wrapped herself in a towel. She looked over when she heard Richard grunt. Her jaw dropped. He stood with only his knees in the water, his long dark cock getting pumped by his hand. It gleamed in the moonlight, water droplets falling off the veiny shaft and precum dripping from the tip.

She looked away, biting her lip, when she noticed that he was staring right at her. She gathered herself before stepping out from the shadow of the boat canopy. The shlicking sound slowed as he watched her with intrigue. The pace increased when she leaned forward towards him, her pale cleavage bright in the moonlight. The towel unfurled slowly, her pussy getting wet again when she heard him moan at the sight of her nude body as the fabric fell on the floor. She clutched her tits in her hands, massaging them in time with his strokes as they stared intently into each others eyes. She put one leg up on the gunnel, one finger slipping into her sopping slit as another twisted and pulled on her nipple. She watched the thick rod suddenly shoot thick ropes of pearly white cum onto the lake. His cock jerked powerfully in his grip as his jism splattered onto the water with each shot. Her body was overcome by another orgasm, her voice quietly mewing as her juices ran down her leg.

He swam back on and she avoided looking at him as he got dressed and started the boat. They drove back in silence and she stepped off the boat without another word. Richard watched her walk up the steps to her cabin before pulling away.

She grabbed Tom from the couch and pulled him to the bedroom. She ripped off his pants and began stroking his cock. The pink head barely peaked out from her fist as he cried out in shock at her domineering actions. She pushed him onto the bed.

"What? You don't want to have sex with me?" she purred.

Tom stopped resisting, the voluptuous brunette climbing atop him and moaning as he slid into her. She rode him hard as he gently gripped her waist. She cried out in frustration when she felt him try to pull her off only a moment later.

"Wait, I'm cumming!" he groaned.

His dick slipped and she felt some cum hit her ass as she tried to grind herself to completion on his stomach. The smooth tummy was nothing like...

"Sorry, it's been so long. It felt too good," Tom laid back, panting with exertion.


Alyssa didn't realize that the Miller family were leaving the next day. Her parents noticed that she was in a sullen mood the remaining days, sulking on the lawn chair and rebuffing Tom when he tried to rekindle their burnt-out fire.

It was the night before they were leaving when she received a text from an unknown number.

"Hey, it's Richard. I got your number from my parents. I just wanted to say that what your mom said about me wanting to marry you? It wasn't a joke. I will never forget our time together this past week. You're still the most beautiful woman I've ever met. Anywhere."

She left it on read and closed her eyes.


"Can you come over to help me move?"

Richard was surprised to see this text from Alyssa a few months after getting back from the lake.

"Today?" he sent back.


He couldn't believe his eyes when the door opened. Alyssa's face was flush from the exertion of packing and her skin glowed with the sheen of sweat. She wore a low cut tank top, her bra peaking out with a dark spot of sweat between her cleavage.

"Well? Come in." Alyssa said with a smirk. "Thanks for coming Richard."

Richard had to collect himself, willing the blood flowing downwards back up, and failing as he watched her ass in short shorts bob with each step as she walked into the kitchen.

"You're moving?" Richard asked.

"Well, duh." She laughed as she gestured to all the boxes around.

"Why are you moving?"

She paused and looked at him.

"I broke up with Tom. We can't afford the rent on our own, so we're moving," she stared intensely into his eyes.

"I - I'm sorry to hear that."

"No, you're not," she turned around and opened a high cabinet. She stood on her tip toes to reach something.

"Can you get that for me?"

She didn't move and he had to push up against her to reach it.

"Yenno, when you pushed up against me on the Sea Doo, that was first time I felt boobs before," Richard joked.

"You're kidding," she giggled. "That is definitely a lie."

"Honest to god," he said as he set the blender on the counter.

"I don't believe you still. And...that doesn't even count as feeling them!" she purred. Her hands grabbed his hands and guided them up to her chest.

"Alyssa?!" he whispered.

She looked up at him with doe eyes and he seized the opportunity between his fingers.

She moaned and grinded her ass against his growing bulge as he roughly massaged her tits through her top. He slipped the straps off her shoulder and forcefully pulled her tops to her waist. His rough fingers began attacking her nipples before she felt a hand slip down into her pants.

"Wait!" she gasped. "Not here."


"T-Tom is still in his room."

She fake-struggled as he picked her up effortlessly and carried her to her bedroom. He threw her onto the bed.

"W-wait! I'm all sweaty!" she crawled away.

He growled and ripped down her bottoms to her knees. He stuck his face into her snatch, his tongue darting into her dripping cunt as she shrieked in pleasure. She fell onto her back and he pulled the bottoms off her body. She shrieked as he kissed her feet and toes, his lips kissing down her thighs before his tongue sunk deep into her pussy.

"Oh my god!" she moaned. "Richard!"

Her lily-white thighs clinched his head tightly as he loudly lapped at her pussy. She had a fistful of his hair in each hand as she pushed him into herself.

"You're making me cum," she groaned. "Oh Richard, I'm going to cum!"

He suddenly stopped and gave a wide lick up her pussy. Muscling his shoulders out of her tight legs.

She panted loudly and stared mesmerized as he lay his black cock against her pale stomach.

"I haven't had cock in so long," she whispered. "And never one this big."

"Be gentle," she murmured as he slid back, leaving a sticky string of precum down to her aching pussy. She reached under her legs, spreading them wide as she opened her pussy for him. She guided the onyx cock into her pink pussy, the thick head sliding in after a moment's resistance.

"Oh!" she moaned. "Ohhh..."

Richard moaned as well, deep and long, relishing the tight pussy squeezing his cock as he slowly pumped. He watched her head roll back, listing back and forth as mews left her lips. Her fingers dug into his arms as he felt her legs tighten around his waist. By the time his hips pushed hers into the bed with every thrust, their intertwined tongues were the only thing preventing her moans from alerting the entire complex of their indecency.


Tom finally heard the banging from next door through his headphones. He paused his game and took them off. He crept out of his room and could faintly hear the sound of sex. As he stepped in front of the door, Tom couldn't believe what he saw through the crack in the door. Alyssa said she despised giving blow jobs, but now she had a black cock between her lips with jism dribbling down her chin. Her pussy was facing him, her fingers playing with the gaping pink hole. Her thighs shined with her juices as her legs quivered with pleasure. Richard was roughly playing with her nipple as he caressed her hair.


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