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Revenge on My Ex Ch. 05

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I take my ex out to the woodshed, but later tables turn.
3.1k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/06/2021
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***Note: this is a work of fiction that deals with NON-consent****

Over the next few days, I allowed my bitch to heal physically from the abuse she endured over the weekend. At times I felt a little guilty when I realized the brutality she had endured at the hands of me and my friends. But her naturally rebellious spirit would shine through, and I realized that she could still take a hell of a beating before any real damage was done.

For three days I kept her in complete darkness with a silk bag over her head. Twice a day I would lead her to the bathroom so she could relieve herself. I would come in at random times, so she never knew what to expect. She knew better than to speak without being spoken to so she couldn't beg for food or water. It didn't take her long to figure out she could suck my cock as means to beg for survival.

I loved coming into her chamber and seeing her perk up at the sound of me opening the door. She would crawl in the direction she heard me enter and feel around the floor until she felt my feet. She would then worship at my feet for a few minutes before undoing my pants. She did all this hesitantly at first, since she didn't have explicit permission.

I would lift the silk bag high enough to expose her mouth, keeping it firmly over her eyes. Then came the most intense blowjob of my life. I always exploded in her mouth, making her take all of me. Then I would hold her hair and give her a drink of water or a small morsel of food.

With each new torture, I honed my craft as a slave master. I thoroughly enjoyed this new exercise, making her completely dependent on me.

Finally, after 3 days I was ready to take her back out.

"Crawl to me and present yourself."

She immediately obeyed, taking a kneeling position in front of me, head on the floor.

"Do you deserve to look at me?"

"No, sir" she barely whispered. I could tell she hadn't spoken in days.

"Good answer. Take off your hood and look at your master."

She rose and did as I asked. She almost reverently looked up at me.

"Have your bruises healed by now?"

"Not all of them, sir, but much better."

"Stand up and let me inspect my slave."

She did as I asked, keeping her head bowed in a submissive stance. I saw several large bruises in various stages of healing all over her body, but overall, she looked perfectly healthy.

"We're going to a cookout today. You think you can behave and not make me ashamed of my bitch?"

"Y-yes sir. I- of course, sir." She looked genuinely shocked but also excited.

"My dad is grilling out today. I told him we're dating again but it's different this time. I guess there's some truth in that." I chuckled, despite myself.

"Am I going as..? I'm sorry, permission to speak, sir...?" She braced herself for my punishment, but I was feeling merciful, and I realized she made an honest mistake.

"Just as my girlfriend. The guys understand the bdsm relationship but that's not something I'm going to explain to my family."

"I see."

"You will behave as my girlfriend, but that doesn't mean you can disregard our rules. I expect you to show me the utmost respect and behave yourself."

"Of course, sir!"

The ride over to my dad's house was a little awkward. I could tell she didn't know quite how to act. But that was ok. She was always so fiery-tempered, and had often shown her ass at family functions, much to my embarrassment. One Christmas she got drunk and started a fight that ended in me carrying her upstairs to sleep it off. Not anymore.

The barbeque was going well. I helped my dad grill out, she socialized with my stepmom and sisters. When it was time to eat, she fixed me a plate and got me a beer. She made it seem like that was the kind of girlfriend she had always been.

After dinner we were sitting around playing cards. Everyone was drinking, but I had been keeping an eye on my bitch and made sure she was pacing herself.

"So, what made you two decide to give it another try?" My dad asked, never one for subtly. I think he was the most disappointed when we broke up.

"Well.." I started, "we've been talking on and off and-"

"Some things are worth fighting for." She said, giving my hand a squeeze. She gave me the smallest smile and for the briefest of seconds I thought she might be genuine.

"No. This is her game. You might think you're in control, but this bitch is a master at mind games." I thought.

"Exactly. I couldn't let this one get away." I said, kissing her on the cheek.

We continued enjoying the night, and I noticed she became more at ease with me, almost like how we used to be with each other. She flirted with me, held onto my arm, and found ways to touch me. I had to admit, I had missed this.

"You're losing control." I told myself.

During a pause in the conversation, I looked right at her. "Get me another beer." I told her. Everyone paused and looked at me.

"Um, how about a please?" My Stepmom said, mostly to break up the tension.

I stared at her, and she was frozen like a scared deer for just a split second. Then she laughed, "get it your damn self!" My family laughed as I strode to the fridge to get my drink.

I passed her on my way back and raised my eyebrows. She knew she had fucked up. She played it off the rest of the evening and was extra attentive to me, silently begging me for forgiveness.

We enjoyed the rest of the night and headed home around 11pm. We headed out toward the road. My family lives in the country off a dirt road that's about two miles from any main road. On the way to the main road, we passed a woodshed. I knew by the time of year that it would be only half full. Best of all it was far from the prying ears of my family, and far away from any civilization for that matter.

I pulled over and parked behind the shed so that my truck wouldn't be visible from the road.

"Sir, first of all..."

"Save it. And don't speak again until spoken to." I got out and came around to her side of the truck to get her. She followed me without much of a fight into the shed. I knew she was scared, but she followed with her head hung in contrition. As much work as we had to do, I had to admit this was progress.

Inside the shed, firewood lined the walls. Several chains hung from the rafters. A sawhorse was in the corner, abandoned from one of my dad's many projects. The moonlight was bright, and it shone through the cracks in the wall. I could easily see shadows and outlines, making any other light source unnecessary.

"Go bend over that sawhorse," I ordered. She obeyed. I could tell she was scared. "First strip down to your bra and panties." She stripped and then did as she was told. She was wearing a matching black silk bra and panties, my favorite.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I was disrespectful to you. I should have gotten you a beer without question."

"Why didn't you?" She looked at me, then quickly looked back at the floor. I had never allowed her to explain herself before.

"I-well- I didn't think your parents would think you'd really talk to me like that."

"Hmm. You're probably right about that." I said thoughtfully as I took off my belt. A sliver of moonlight shone through a window, making her ass cheeks look radiantly white. She looked so helpless bent over that sawhorse. "Still...I can't let it go unpunished" I let my leather belt caress her right ass cheek.

"How many lashes do you think you deserve for that cheeky response? Careful. If you bid too low, I'll be tempted to think you're not really sorry and I'll have to come up with my own number for your punishment."

I could tell this was torture. She was trying to gauge how much trouble she was in and how many lashes I thought she deserved.


I stayed silent, loving this psychological torture.

"Fifty! Please. I deserve fifty lashes for my disrespect."

She couldn't see in the dimly lit shed, but I smiled wickedly. "Fifty, eh? I would have accepted 20 for that infraction but fifty it is." I heard her sharply inhale when she realized her mistake. I let out a low chuckle. "Count 'em."

With that I gave her a smart lash across her buttocks. Her scream pierced the air, but I was confident no one could hear her. And even if they did... I was disciplining my bitch, which was my right. I gave her four more lashes in quick succession. She continued to scream and cry, even reaching up once to try and shield her buttocks. I noticed her silk panties had wedged themselves in her asscrack, making her cheeks even more exposed.

"Keep your arms down and your legs spread. Every time you reach up or try to shield yourself I'm adding ten licks."

"Yes sir!" She cried. I gave her another round of five lashes in quick succession. This time with great effort she kept her arms down and legs spread. I gave her another five, this time taking my time, enjoying watching her squirm. Sometimes I'd give her a soft blow and I could hear her exhale with relief. Then I'd follow up with a crushing whip across both ass cheeks, making her scream and sob. She knew better than to beg me. I used the end of my belt and aimed a couple lashes for her pussy lips. She cried and moaned, fighting everything she had not to close her legs. It almost would have been easier if I had tied her down.

Another ten. Her moans and sobs continued. This felt different than the torture of the previous week. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it felt more emotionally charged. Like I was mind fucking her more this time with this punishment. I decided to think about it more later and continued my work. When I finished her ass was beautifully beaten, cherry red. She didn't dare move. I could tell her cunt was wet.

I dropped my pants and mounted her, pulling her panties to the side. She didn't even try to resist me. I gave her a quick fuck, coming deep inside her. I leaned down and pulled her head up to say in her ear. "One problem bitch. You forgot to count."

She screamed and convulsed, her pussy clenched around me, making me hard again. I laughed and dismounted. "Clean off my cock and we'll get started." I walked around in front of her and lifted her head enough for her to lick my cock clean. She was sobbing, knowing her ass, thighs, and pussy had another beating coming.

When she finished my cock, I pulled up my pants and slowly circled her, teasing and torturing. Occasionally I'd reach out and feel her ass cheeks which now radiated heat from their brutal beating. She winced in pain.

I gave her a lash.

"One! Thank you sir!"

"Good bitch. You're finally learning."

I gave her a second, this one across her thighs.

"Two! Thank you master!"

I whipped her pussy. I whipped her ass, left cheek, then right.

"Three! Thank you, sir. Four! Thank you, sir! Five! Thank you, master!" She sobbed.

I gave her a lighter whip on the small of her back that made her let out a high-pitched wail.

"Six! Thank you, sir!"

Again, her pussy lips, but harder.

"Seven! Thank you, sir!"

Three soft lashes across her buttocks.

"Eight! Thank you, sir! Nine! Thank you, sir! Ten! Thank you, sir!"

I delivered a brutally hard lash across her ass.

She screamed and sobbed but then choked out, "eleven. Thank. You. Sir."

It went on like this for half an hour. To her it was an eternity. When we were finished, she was shaking so violently I had to help her dismount from the sawhorse.

"I'm sorry sir. I will never..I didn't mean to..I will never disrespect.. again."

Is she really sorry this time? It was too soon to tell. Either way, she would not be forgetting the woodshed any time soon.

As we rode home in the dark, she slumped beside me in the seat, but I allowed her to hold my hand. She lifted my hand to her lips and kissed my knuckles. It's something she used to do when we were dating. It caught me off guard.

"May I speak, sir?"

I was feeling generous, especially after that vigorous beating I had just laid into her.

"Yes, but tread carefully."

"I am truly sorry for the show of disrespect, and not just because you punished me."




"Well, it's just that. Looking back, I think I was pretty disrespectful to you and that really affected our relationship."

"I appreciate you admitting that."

We rode in silence for a while longer.


I sighed. I didn't want her to get in the habit of speaking without permission.


"Other know, my punishment, which I definitely deserved," She quickly added, "I really enjoyed tonight. I missed your family. They've always treated me so well. This was nice."

"I enjoyed it too. You behaved.... fairly well. I was impressed." I could see a little half smile. "Don't let it go to your head."

"Yes, Sir."

We drove the rest of the way home. She held my arm and I noticed she fell asleep against my shoulder. I could feel myself falling for her again and I knew I was in danger. I thought that by totally controlling her, I would keep myself from falling for her. This fucking bitch. I can never be free of her.

When we got home, I helped her out of the truck and into the house. As soon as we got in the door she dropped to the floor and assumed her submissive position.

"Go get ready for bed. You can sleep with me tonight."

She hurried to complete her nightly chores then brushed her teeth, washed her face, and changed into a silk nighty with no panties. I laid on the bed and watched her come in. She was naturally so confident, so seeing her hesitate made me smile. Knowing she was questioning herself, asking herself what I would want her to do, the power was intoxicating.

She paused in the doorway, unsure whether to crawl to me or wait and see what I told her to do. I took that time to just look at her. In the week I had been keeping her, she had noticeably toned up. Her waist was becoming more defined. She looked like she had dropped about five pounds of fat, and her breasts look more perky. Her nipples poked through her silk nightgown, ready for me.

"Come here."

She hesitated. I could tell she didn't know if she should crawl, but I hadn't snapped my fingers or said down, so she could walk to me if she chose. She looked at me while she sauntered over to the bed. I knew I was in danger. I wanted her. But not just physically. Owning her body wasn't enough for me. I realized that now, and it genuinely scared me.

She climbed up onto the bed and worked her way up my legs, worshipping me until she reached my cock. She started working my cock, stroking and sucking. I laid back and enjoyed myself. Without thinking I pulled her up to me and started kissing her earnestly. I ignored every warning signal going off in the back of my mind.

To my surprise, she kissed me back. Maybe it was an act, but could she really be that good of an actor? I had dated her for almost 4 years. When she abandoned herself, she truly did just that. I could feel it now. So I kissed her back and lost myself just for a moment.

She held onto my arms and soon she was underneath me. I could feel her writhing against me and I slipped a finger down to her pussy. She was soaked. I pulled back and gave her a surprised look. She looked at me sheepishly, but then just spread her legs and looked up at me. God damn.

"Daddy..." she moaned. That wasn't planned. She used to call me that in the bedroom when we were dating before, but it wasn't one of the honoraries I had allowed her to use. "Please. Take me. Daddy."

Fuck. Fuck. FUUUUUCCKKK!!!!

I was rock hard. I spread her legs wide and impaled her. I heard her gasp as I thrust deep inside her. We moved together. I could have spilled inside her right then, but her moans and gasps were driving me wild. I wanted to take her to the edge.

"You don't deserve to come." I growled into her ear.

"I know Daddy. I know."

"I should fuck you and leave you high and dry. Moaning and begging." I moved into her, making sure I hit her clit with each thrust.

"Please. I... I...oh my god. Please!"

"Do you deserve to come?"

"No, sir! No, sir!"

"Do you want to come for me?"

"Yes, please sir!!! Please! PLEASE!"

I gave her several deliberate strokes and watched her lose control. She shook and convulsed, clenching around my cock. I gave her one last thrust and came deep inside her. She held onto my arms and buried her face in my chest. Soon she was panting and holding onto me while we both laid spent in my bed.

I propped myself up on my forearms and looked down at her. She gazed up at me through lazy eyelids. I was transported back to a time when she loved me. When a session like this would have left both of us high on each other for days. But that was in the past.

I moved to pull out of her, but she wrapped her legs around me, keeping me inside her. I looked at her slightly confused. This was something else she used to do when we were dating. She put one hand behind my neck and pulled me down for a deep kiss.

Before she released me, she whispered, "I love you." Into my ear. I paused. Did I hear that right? I fucking hated her in that moment. I hated her for reminding me I loved her too.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well, what a big difference this story has from others is the shear brutality he does to her and then gives her no aftercare at all. He beats her with his belt 50 times, then rapes her, then beats her again for more than a half an hour. That she was even alive after that beating is only in a story. She should have been in some deep shock that she should have passed out. In a few other stories, after a beating like she gets, the aftercare is given so that the slave knows that the master cares. At least he lets her clean up a bit before he rapes her again in bed without so much as a thought to how badly he beat her in the shed. Can anyone say "Stockholm Syndrome"?

3StrawberrY63StrawberrY6over 2 years ago

I loved it! I am breathlessly awaiting your next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

and now i hate this story more than ever

highly unbalanced forced love


in all the previous story you were just plain super painfully abusive for almost no reason

the 4 chapters were constant pain to read to find abuse after abuse

and now that you are getting negative comments and feedback

u suddenly decided to paint him a gud person taking mercy on her

and her as the only bad person in the story

and the worst was the lovemaking which made me puke

he claims to love her ? love her

which lover in this whole world lets his friends rape,beat,humiliate and abuse their lovers?

"Over the next few days, I allowed my bitch to heal physically from the abuse she endured over the weekend. At times I felt a little guilty when I realized the brutality she had endured at the hands of me and my friends."

i swear when i read it felt like a pedo feeling bad for his sa child victims and trying to make them sandwich as a compensation

Red_phoenix_dark_wingsRed_phoenix_dark_wingsover 2 years agoAuthor

Anon, I'd love some constructive feedback. Feel free to comment here or private message me. Glad you were entertained!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Much of it was good and entertaining. Interested in some constructive feedback?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

plsss next part asap

Red_phoenix_dark_wingsRed_phoenix_dark_wingsalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Anon, I appreciate your honesty feedback. I wrote the first few chapters with no intention of ever sharing them. Later I shared the first two chapters on Reddit and got some good feedback so decided to publish here. I agree there are some definite plot holes so that is something I can work on in the future. Glad you got a good wank out of them. Regards, Red Phoenix

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

As others have commented this goes beyond non-consent, but that’s a matter of degree. My issue is it defies believability - you kept her locked up for days and nobody wondered why she missed work, none of her friends called or dropped by?

I read a lot of these and it’s good for a wank but if anybody thinks the first time she got to a phone she didn’t call the cops, they’re oblivious.

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