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Ringside Seats Ch. 02


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But Vicky wasn't given much opportunity to rest. Jeanna grabbed her hands and pulled until Vicky was sitting on the couch. Jeanna rapidly placed herself between her girlfriend's thighs and picked up where Deborah had left off earlier. She might not have Deb's experience, but she had passion and enthusiasm.

"Oh sweetie! What's got you all riled up?"

"You're just delicious, that's all," Jeanna said as took Vicky's inner lips in her mouth and shook her head like a dog.

Deborah sat next to Vicky, sucking on the girl's neck and earlobe while fondling her firm little tits. "She is sweet, isn't she?" Vicky looked at the blonde girl's face as it looked down at Jeanna's, which was still buried in Vicky's pussy. Deborah understood that look: it was adoration. Deborah was honored being allowed to be part of what those two women had, even if the couple was still trying to figure out what that was.

Jeanna's face was covered in the residue of the last time Vicky had cum, but she didn't mind. She wanted more of that sweet juice. Deborah might enjoy playing around on the surface, but Jeanna loved to get her tongue deep into girl-flesh and get busy. She sunk her mouth into Vicky's hole and wiggled her tongue like a worm on a hook.

"Oh . . . oh . . . oh . . . oh . . ." Vicky was slowly being eaten out of her mind, and having Deborah lean in and suck on her delicate pink nipples wasn't helping. Vicky's brain was on pleasure overload, and she had no clue what to do with herself. And Jeanna was relentless, toying with Vicky for five minutes. But when Deborah's skilled hand found its way to Vicky's crotch and started to gently rub Vicky's clitoral hood, the poor girl couldn't hold out any longer. "Jeanna . . . baby . . . here I cum!"

Jeanna almost drowned. Vicky wasn't any dryer after having already climaxed once, and Jeanna took the brunt of the second cumming full in the face. And Vicky was writhing on the sofa, grabbing her hair with both hands and with an open-mouthed look of ecstasy on her young face.

When Jeanna looked up, her face was shining with her lover's fluid and she was licking her lips. "Not bad, if I do say so myself," she said, crawling up Vicky's body, pressing against her and kissing her deeply.

"You're my baby," Vicky said, then giggled at her teenager-ish statement. Then both she and Jeanna gave Deborah a hug.

"Well girls, we'd better go somewhere and get cleaned up. We just have a couple hours left until showtime," Deborah pointed out.

"You wanna play some more after the show?" Vicky asked.

Deborah looked at her and then Jeanna. "Nah, not tonight. I'll go with for the McDonalds food-run, but then I've got some paperwork to do. Maybe tomorrow?" Actually, Deb didn't have anything to do that couldn't wait, but she wanted Jeanna and Vicky to spend some more time alone, particularly for Vicky's sake.

"Tomorrow then," said Jeanna.

"Can we go to Great Falls?" Vicky asked, referring to an enormous water-slide park in southern Springfield. "I have a great bikini I haven't had a chance to wear, and Tiffany could bring Sally!"

Deborah looked toward the door that led to the bar. "I think that'd be cool. I haven't been to a place like that in a long time."

"I can hardly wait to see all the young lifeguards oggling those tits," Jeanna said with a laugh.

"But we may have to find a way to pay for Tiffany and Sally without them knowing," Deb said thoughtfully. "Tiff just bout Sally's school stuff, so you know she'll say no."

"I'll buy tickets in advance, so they'll go to waste if Tiffany doesn't show," Jeanna said, looking around for her clothes.

"Good thinking." Deborah was pulling on her blouse. "So let's get cleaned up. Anybody know what happened to my thong?"

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A few hours later . . .

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Lilly was sitting in the upper tier of the arena, watching as Marcia ( or "Vixen") locked up with Vicky (or "Valkyrie") in the middle of the ring. But Lilly wasn't watching too much of the action in the ring, as her eyes were locked on Tiffany "Demonica" Thurman at ringside. Lilly knew she wasn't supposed to be there. She had promised her uncle not to come within a hundred-yards of Gabby in an informal restraining order and she knew she was probably closer than that at the moment, but she didn't care. She was supposed to hook up with Tiffany and company after the show. Lilly had been surprised to get the invitation from her aunt, but she had decided to take it.

'God, I haven't . . . hung out . . . with anyone for a while. Let's hope I don't make a complete ass of myself,' she thought as Marcia poked Vicky in the eye with her thumb as the referee tried for a clean break. That was followed up with a knee lift and a wicked-looking leg-lock submission hold, which the noble heroine of the match was able to kick out of. Tiffany and Jeanna were yelling at each other from ringside. Even knowing that the entire thing was staged, Lilly was impressed by the two friends' ability to yell at each other for five straight minutes without their voices giving out. 'Maybe I would have been better as a manager. At least I know I can yell at people,' she thought. 'Tiffany looks good it tights, but I think she looks better in jeans,' she added, staring at those powerful legs propelling the woman up to the ring apron. She was distracting both the referee and Jeanna while Marcia took a wild swing at Vicky with some brass knuckles that had been left in the corner by Tiffany. But Vicky ducked and buried a shoulder into her opponent's midsection, then picked her up over her shoulder and dropped Marcia throat first across the top ring-rope. While Marcia "struggled for breath," Vicky climbed to the top rope and went for a flying-shoulder block, only to collide with the hand holding the brass knuckles on accident. Marcia, stunned by her good luck as well as the blow she had received earlier, fell on top of her opponent. Demonica spun the referee around, and her protégé got the three count. Lilly felt her heart beating faster and while the rest of the crowd booed, she was clapping and cheering.

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At McDonalds . . .

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Lilly was nervous, but she thought she was doing well. She hadn't offended anybody so far that evening, mostly by keeping quiet. It was apparently a larger-than-usual gathering, with Francine and Robert DeField joining Marcia, Jeanna, Vicky, Deborah, Tiffany and Sally. Robert and Francine had apparently decided to put aside any of their personal feelings about Tiffany's sexual preference in order to try and get to know the professional woman who had stood up for Francine when Gabby had screwed up that maneuver. And Robert had offered to buy Lilly a Happy Meal of her own for putting Gabby in her place, and Lilly had given a very uncharacteristic smile. Gabby had been forced to wrestle in make-up so thick that she looked like a clown-hooker to cover up the bruises

Deborah had tried engaging her in conversation, but Lilly was too nervous. She had wanted to try and talk a little bit with Tiffany, but Sally was bouncing on her mother's knee and was being the absolute center of Tiffany's attention. Lilly was beginning to think her opportunity would never come and she was looking for a way to make a polite exit when she turned back and found Sally staring directly into Lilly's eyes.

"Hi," the young girl said with a shyness often reserved for strangers.

"Hey," Lilly replied. She had never spent much time with kids, and wasn't really sure how to talk to one. So she opted for treating Sally like she treated everyone else . . . but nicer. Annoy Sally . . . annoy Tiffany, and that was something Lilly desperately wanted to avoid.

"What's your name?"


"Isn't that a flower?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Why are you named after a flower?"

"I dunno. My folks liked the flower maybe?"


And Lilly found herself trapped in the almost infamous "Why" conversation that Sally had with new people. After several minutes, Lilly began to panic. She had actually been in hour-long debates with philosophy professors, but she was running out of answers to a seven-year-old girl's questions, and her intellectually competitive nature refused to allow her to respond with "Because." Finally, Lilly heard some chuckling. It was Tiffany.

"Sweetheart, I think that's enough," she said, kissing her daughter on the head and then mussing with her hair. That made Sally get a serious case of the giggles. "Why don't you go tell Vicky about your new backpack?" Sally jumped off Tiffany's knee and hurried over to her best friend Vicky to discuss the benefits of having a PowerPuff Girl backpack over a Barbie backpack. Tiffany turned back to Lilly. "Sorry about that. She's kind of a persistent little bugger once she gets going."

"It's okay," Lilly replied, trying to keep her composure. "She should be a scientist. Those people love the question 'Why?'"

"The same could be said of philosophers," Tiffany shot back with a smile. "I'm glad you were able to make it. Deb . . . she told me some of what you said by the way . . . about why you did what you did to Gabby. I appreciate the sentiment . . . so does Francine. I was just wondering . . . I guess . . . why? As if you haven't heard THAT word enough."

"Like I told Deborah, I just REALLY got sick of her attitude and . . . and this time, someone actually got hurt, and for her to try and turn things on you . . . I just flipped. I shouldn't have done that," she said, realizing that Tiffany probably wasn't exactly interested in total psychopaths.

"I'm the last one to criticize you. I should point out that I was planning on doing something pretty similar . . ."

"But you had a bunch of people holding you back," Lilly reminded her. "And if you had done it, it would have cost you a job that you actually liked. I . . . wasn't that attached to getting drooled on by drunks at ringside while waiting breathlessly for an opportunity to announce a fictional name, fictional weight and fictional place of origin. By the way, who came up with 'parts unknown' anyway?"

Tiffany laughed. "I wish I knew. I wanted to be from Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, just like Cactus Jack. But your uncle wouldn't go for it." She looked over towards her daughter for a moment, who was sitting in Francine's lap while talking to Vicky. Robert looked very nervous, as do many men whose wives are becoming enchanted by other peoples' kids. Then Tiffany turned back to Lilly. "So you decided that if Gabby was going to be given a beating, it was better by you than me?"

"That was pretty much my thinking, yes. Uncle John wasn't going to do sh . . . do anything to me," Lilly said, monitoring her language around Sally. "He hates dealing with Mom."

"Still, just yelling at Gabby might have worked. You beat up a couple of people, plus stomping on John's foot. Did you learn all that in that military academy?"

Lilly blushed. "No, I learned some in basic training. I . . . I joined the army right after I graduated the academy . . ." Lilly's skin was flushed and her heart rate was high. She hadn't meant to bring that up.

"But you went to college right? So you couldn't have been in the army long. What happened?" Tiffany asked, very curious about this young woman's past.

"Uh . . . uhm . . . Listen, can we do this another time? I'm sorry, but I'm really tired . . ." Lilly almost tripped over her own feet as she stood up and moved towards the door. "It was nice meeting you all," she said awkwardly to the gathered group, despite having known all of them for several months.

"Wait . . . I'm sorry," Tiffany said, though she wasn't sure what she had said wrong.

"No, I'm just really wiped," Lilly replied, somewhat unconvincingly. She strode quickly outside and made a beeline for her car. But before she could get the door open, she felt a strong hand on her shoulder.

"Hey," said Tiffany. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to pry or anything. I was just curious and . . ."

Tiffany seemed to have developed a knack for getting surprised those days, because she was due for another one. As Lilly turned to face Tiffany, all thought had vanished from the younger woman's mind. And that was when Lilly kissed Tiffany. Tiffany froze as Lilly's lips met her own, even though it was just for a moment.

"Oh God!" Lilly said after she broke the impromptu kiss. "I . . . I'm SO sorry!" She hurried into her car and pulled away, leaving a stunned Tiffany standing in the parking lot.

Finally Tiffany turned around and saw an equally surprised Deborah standing in the doorway of the restaurant.

"I didn't do anything!" Tiffany said. "I . . . I . . . I have no idea . . . why . . ." Tiffany was incapable of coherent thought. "What the hell does this mean?"

Deborah was beginning to understand Lilly's behavior. She cracked a smile. "It means that YOUR life just got a bit more interesting."

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To be continued . . .

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dst275dst275over 9 years ago
Round 2... Fight!

An absolutely fantastic followup to Part 1. I loved your story telling from start to finish. Ready for round 3!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Usual mixture

Another winner from the Evil Alpaca stable. A great story with your usual mixture of interesting characters, drama and humour (love the idea of needing snorkels and safety glasses to perform cunnilingus). Now for Chapter 3...

BahamaBahamaover 11 years ago

That was to awesome !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

omg thank you!! i love the ending to the chapter!!


Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftabout 15 years ago
This is so well written

Evil I feel I'm reading a Romance story that happens to have a lot of sex in it. The characters are so real, but they're over the top as well. And all in the world of wrestling, Amazingly it's realy convincing. Again Good Job.

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