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Riviera Sun & Knickers Ch. 03

Story Info
Simon enjoys his first day on the Riviera.
5.4k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/08/2013
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It wasn't long before the announcement came over the intercom that we would docking soon and would we please vacate our cabins. I will never doubt that was the best channel crossing I ever made and there was still the whole summer to go on the sunny riviera!

We made the short train journey to Paris from Dieppe and made our way to the Gare de Lyon ready for the overnight TGV to Nice. Isabelle and Olivia shared a double couchette, I was alone in a double and the girls in another, the journey to the south would take 6 hours and we all agreed to get some sleep.

6am saw us pulling into Nice station and me wondering what the next few weeks held in store. Once we had all disembarked a porter put all our luggage on a trolley and took us to the front of the station where Marc and Virginie were waiting with two cars. Marc was driving a Jaguar XJ 12 and was the caretaker, gardener and occasional driver at the villa, Virginie was driving her own car a Citron Diane. Luggage was put in both cars and we set off for the villa, I sat in the back of Virginie's car with Isabelle in the front. These two were obviously good friends as they chatted and caught up with each other, Virginie was wearing a simple strapless T-shirt and denim shorts and whilst not a raving beauty was undoubtedly attractive with a Rubenesque figure her voice though was irresistible, it was husky and very sexy coupled with a soft French accent, I was nearly getting a hard on just listening to her!

"So Izzy, are you going to introduce me the young man in the back of my car?" Asked Virginie.

I had not heard anyone call Isabelle "Izzy" before but quite liked it.

"This is Simon and he is to be the companion for Lucy and Chantal for the summer and will accompany and look after Olivia when required."

"Bonjour Simon, it sounds like you will have your hands full this summer?"

"I'm looking forward to it, I have not been to the South of France before." I replied.

"I'm sure you are Simon! Maybe you can spare a little time for Izzy and me occasionally?" She said laughing with Isabelle.

"Er, yes I'm sure I can, that would be nice." I stuttered.

They both laughed and carried on chatting, whilst I speculated about the possibilities ahead. The drive from Nice did not take long and soon we were sweeping through the gates of the villa which was nestled just below the old village of Mougins. The drive was lined with cypress trees and opened out into a large turning area with a pond and fountain in the middle, on the left was a large garage with room for four cars, to the right a small cottage. The villa was semi circular, two storey in the middle with a single storey either side with all rooms overlooking the swimming pool and grounds.

"Marc will you please organise for the luggage to be taken to the rooms Simon would be so kind as to help him," Olivia asked. "Virginie will you please organise some fresh juice, coffee and croissants on the terrace, thank you, Simon please join us when you have finished with the luggage."

Virginie and Isabelle were to use the cottage, I was in the main villa on the ground floor as were Lucy and Chantal, Olivia had the master bedroom upstairs. My room was fabulous with an ensuite and a French door opening onto the pool terrace.

Once finished with the luggage I stepped out and joined Olivia and the girls at a large table that was positioned under the overhang from the massive balcony of Olivia's room.

"So here we are then, what do you think Simon?" Asked Olivia, "I adore it here, I can't think of anywhere I'd rather spend the summer."

"It's beautiful," I said, still taking it all in. "Enhanced of course by the company of three beautiful women!"

"We have little first night tradition Simon, we always have a cocktail party with a few of our friends and neighbours, dress will be formal, so I suggest we all have a rest and freshen up after the journey and meet up for a late lunch at one o'clock," Olivia said rising from the table.

The remainder of the morning and lunch came and went, I lazed around the pool for a little while before going to shower and get ready for the evening. I could see both Isabelle and Virginie working alongside some caterers preparing the pool area for the evening setting up a few tables and chairs laying out glasses and punch, putting several bottles of champagne in a silver ice bowl. There was a "summer kitchen" on one side of the pool where some light food was being prepared.

"What a world these people live in," I thought to myself.

I finished dressing in my dinner suit and looking in the mirror reckoned I did not scrub up too badly. People started to arrive at about 7pm so I went outside to join the party, if I'd had any thoughts about being over dressed they were soon dispelled as the "beautiful people" arrived in all their finery.

Olivia looked stunning in a fabulous pale blue taffeta gown and was very obviously a natural host greeting and chatting with each of the new arrivals. I looked around for either Lucy or Chantal as for now they were the people, however I could not see them any where.

"Have you seen the girls," I asked Isabelle as she passed by me with some canapés.

"No, but I am sure they'll be out soon," she replied.

Both Isabelle and Virginie were wearing light grey "maids" dresses with a small white apron tied at the back, I guess it's a little clichéd but both looked very sexy in their uniforms.

It was while I was admiring Isabelle and Virginie that I was joined from behind by Lucy and Chantal.

"Looking good Simon," giggled Lucy as she placed her arm in mine followed by Chantal linking my other other arm.

"Thank you," I said taking in the the girls appearances.

They both looked stunning, Lucy in deep red satin strapless gown and Chantal in a white chiffon, Greek style gown.

"You both look gorgeous, easily the the Belles of the ball!"

"You are too kind, now let's get some bubbles and show you off to the locals," Said Lucy as she headed toward a tray of champagne.

It was a pleasant evening spent with two beautiful girls meeting many other gorgeous women.

"Seen many panties tonight? Asked Lucy with a sly grin.

"No more than the odd hint of an outline here an there, but all the the women looked so gorgeous it has been a real feast for the eyes," I replied.

It turned out that this was not due to be a late finish and by just after 10pm all the guests had gone, Virginie and Isabelle were helping the caterers clear up. Olivia came out to the terrace after seeing the final guests of.

"I think that all went well enough," she stated, "Now we can all start to relax properly, Isabelle, I hope there's still plenty of champagne left?" She asked as she slumped into one of the terrace sofas.

"More than enough Olivia! I'll bring some over."

"Thank you Isabelle, you and Virginie come and join us when you are ready."

Olivia seemed to be relaxing and was far less formal than at any time up to now, it was a still a beautiful warm evening with the Cicadas chirruping in the background as we sat drinking champagne and chatted.

"All done now," Said Isabelle as she and Virginie came and joined us. "I think we're a little underdressed for the occasion and have a bit of catching up to do on the champagne front!" She laughed.

"Shame you're not undressed," I whispered looking straight at her.

"Oh you'd love that wouldn't you Simon? She said for everyone to hear grinning at me.

"What Simon, what would you like? Asked Olivia.

Before I could answer Isabelle said, "he'd much rather I was undressed rather than simply underdressed, so much easier to view my panties eh Simon?"

"Ooh Simon don't you ever give up trying to see our knickers," Lucy giggled.

"Don't tell me you've been up to your old tricks again?" Asked Olivia.

"What tricks are these Olivia?" Enquired Virginie.

"Oh Simon has quite a thing about panties and slips, don't you Simon?" Olivia answered.

"He certainly does Virginie, he was telling us all about it on the ferry yesterday," Lucy said coming over to me. "He likes to feel your panties through soft silk dresses or slips, or wait for the wind to blow your skirt up, or see if he can see your panties through your clothes. If you let him he'll kiss and suck your pussy through your panties until they are sopping wet, isn't that right Simon?"

All the time she was saying this Lucy was standing in front of me swaying gently running her hands over her arse and her pussy.

"It Would appear you were all enjoying yourselves while I was suffering on the ferry,"

"Oh it was quite an education!" Isabelle laughed, "very informative and instructive with practical demonstrations."

"Yes Simon, you'll have been wondering what we're all wearing under our clothes this evening, won't you?" Asked Chantal.

"It might have crossed my mind I suppose," I grinned. "you all look so gorgeous in your gowns it would hardly be a surprise if I wondered what was underneath, would it?"

"And what about Virginie and me? We don't have fine gowns on, I suppose you've not given us a second thought?" Said Isabelle with a bit of a pout.

"Quite the opposite," I countered. "I have thought you both looked very sexy all evening, I have been trying to make up my mind if one or both of you is wearing a slip?"

"Oh you have have you? So why don't you tell us your conclusions!" Isabelle said with a mock severity.

"No wait!" Said Lucy. "Why don't we play a game? If Simon guesses correctly what is under our dresses, colour as well, then that person has to take their dress off, if he is wrong then he has to remove a piece of clothing."

The first person to respond to Lucy's suggestion surprised me, it was Olivia. "Now that sounds like fun! I'm in, what about the rest of you?"

All the girls responded in unison that they were "up for it!"

I'm not sure I really had much of a choice in the matter but it seemed like a fun idea. "I'm in as well, one question, how accurate do I have to be, is there any margin for error on my part?" It wouldn't be fair if I said someone was wearing white satin panties and it turned out to be white cotton?"

"We'll see what's fair or not when it happens!" Said Olivia. "So Simon, over to you, who are you going choose first, me, Lucy, Isabelle?"

Whilst this seemed it could be great fun, there was a very real risk that I could find myself naked around 5 fully clothed women! I had thought all evening that I could see the faintest hint of white panty under Chantal's dress but was there a slip? I thought not a slip under the layers of chiffon would have hidden everything.

"I think Chantal does not have a slip and is wearing white silky panties," I ventured.

"Well Chantal, Is Simon right?" Asked Olivia.

Chantal stood up went over to Olivia and whispered something to her, then came back and sat down. I was disappointed as it would seem that I had been wrong.

"So what's the verdict am I right?"

"Chantal?"Asked Olivia.

Chantal stood again and came over to stand in front of me. "You are so clever cheri," purred Chantal. Pulling me to my feet she took my hands and placed them on her arse. "Does that feel nice hmmm? Can you feel my silky panties through my dress? Now cheri you can unzip me and help me out of my dress."

I enjoyed the feel of the chiffon sliding over her firm round bum and satin panties, the dress was strapless so I found the the zip at the side and slid it down. I was disappointed to see that she was in fact wearing a strapless bra, I had assumed she was bra less up till then. With the zip undone I slowly peeled the dress down over her breasts and over her hips until it was just a pile on the floor and she stepped out of it, she looked stunning in just her white satin panties and bra.

I knelt down and picked the dress up my head now level with her satin covered pussy, I couldn't resist putting my free arm round her arse and pulling her pussy to my face taking in the warm musky smell of her, my hand slipping into her panties and massaging the smooth skin of her arse.

"That's enough of that for now Simon," Olivia chided. "You have four more of us to to guess first, so who's next?"

"Isabelle," I said reluctantly letting Chantal go and watching her panty covered arse move away as she took her dress and sat down. "I think because you have been working this evening, your underwear will be simple, my guess is again white, but with a slip, I'm sure you are wearing a slip. So, white slip , white cotton panties and bra?"

"Were you in my room when I got ready this evening?" Isabelle laughed. "You are spot on, so I guess you'd like to help me out of my dress now?"

With that, like Chantal had, Isabelle came over and stood in front of me, I stood and reached behind her to untie her apron and dropped it on the sofa behind me. The dress was a button front so I started at the top and moved down until all buttons were undone. As the dress fell open I could see a white nylon half slip and white bra, I stood and putting my hands on her shoulders pushed the dress down her arms until she was free of it.

The slip she was wearing was thin and her white cotton bikini panties could be clearly be seen. I sat on the edge of the sofa and ran my hands up under Isabelle's slip. "Just making sure they are cotton," I said grinning.

"You knew they were," Isabelle said. "You just wanted to feel my arse!"

"You're right, and a very fine arse it is too!" I said and gave it a slap.

Isabelle sauntered back to her sofa to sit down, confirming for me how gorgeous she is and also how very sexy a simple slip can be.

"So two from two then? You're on a bit of a roll aren't you Simon?" Olivia said getting up and coming over.

"What about me Simon, what do you think I am wearing under my dress?"

Truth was I had no idea or any particular logic to use, I had noticed her feet were enclosed in nylon so plunged in with my guess.

"I think you are wearing stockings and a suspender belt that will match your panties and bra, I think they will all match and will be silk or satin. I have no idea about colour but will take a guess at ivory?"

"And what style of panty do you think I am wearing Simon?"

"Style? I assumed bikini or maybe briefs?"

"Oh Simon so so close! But ultimately wrong, so up you get, time for you to lose a bit clothing at last."

I had already taken my jacket and bow tie off when we first sat down, so assumed my shirt would be coming off but Olivia went straight for my belt undoing it and my trousers and in a flash they were around my ankles. Up to now I had been able to hide the fact that I had a raging hard on, however as Olivia had crouched down to undo my shoes to help me step out of my trousers, she couldn't miss my cock nearly poking her eye out!

What I couldn't help but notice was Olivia's behaviour, it was as if she had had a personality change and was twenty years younger. Maybe it was the drink? I'm not sure, but change was noticeable.

"You must be relieved to have that released from your trousers, it must have been very uncomfortable," Olivia said laughing.

Once out of my trousers Olivia stood and put her hand on my cock stroking it gently. "What are we going to do with this then?"

"Carry on like that and you won't have to do anything," I said. "Anyway just how close was I to being right about your underwear?"

Letting go of my cock and sitting down she replied "Well I guess Ivory is cream or cream is Ivory so you were correct with colour, you were also right about the stockings and everything matching and they are satin, and the final thing you got right was style of panty, they are bikini panties.

"Then why on earth have I just lost my trousers when you should be exposed in all your Ivory satin finery?

"Because Simon you did still manage to get one detail wrong, so, you lost!" She said grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "Maybe I should give you one more bite of the cherry to see if you can get it right? But if you're wrong then you lose more clothing! What do you think girls shall we give him another chance?"

"Only two more mistakes and he's naked," giggled Lucy. "He hasn't even tried me or Virginie yet, so I say give him another go."

"I agree, the sooner Simon is naked the better for me," purred Virginie.

I was starting to feel I was being ganged up on, but then did that matter when it was by five gorgeous women who appeared to have some form of sexual intent on their minds? "Nope, bring it on ladies," I thought happily.

"Ok Simon, you can try again and see if can you get it right this time, up to you now what did you miss last time?"

I had been thinking about this and realised the obvious mistake I had made, so was quite confident when I said.

"I should have remembered from the ferry, that of course you would be wearing a full slip and it will be a similar colour to the rest of your underwear."

"Ha you clever boy! you are right Simon so be be a good chap and help me out of this dress."

Olivia looked as if she was actually happy that I had guessed correctly and stood with her back to me. As I pulled the zip on her dress down I was still trying get my head around the change in Olivia, the change in her personality was extraordinary, she was behaving like a horny teenager!

Olivia pulled the straps off her shoulder and with minimal help from me it slipped to the floor to,leave her standing in an ethereal cream slip, her bra, panties, suspender belt and stockings clearly visible. I ran a hand over her arse the two soft materials of her panties and slip gliding over each other. Olivia turned and grabbing me pulled me into her, her hips grinding into my still obviously hard cock, I responded by grabbing her arse tightly making sure she went nowhere.

"My, you are pleased to see me in my underwear aren't you Simon?"

There was no denying that statement, I thought she looked and felt amazing, I was experiencing just about every fantasy and desire I have ever had being played out by five gorgeous women. Beautiful dresses, fantasy maids, pretty slips and panties what more could I possibly want? And of course there was still Virginie and Lucy to go, although I didn't really think I had much of a chance of getting two more guesses right!

"Time to put him down Olivia," Isabelle said. "You can have him later if one of us doesn't get there first."

"Hmmm, not sure I want to wait that long," she replied moving away and sitting down.

"So who next then Simon, Lucy or Virginie? Asked Olivia.

"Ooh me please Simon," Lucy cooed. "You'll never guess me!"

She was right I had no real idea where to start with what she may be wearing, other than no tights or stockings due to the bare feet I could see in her sandals. So I decided to plump for some element of coordination between dress and underwear.

"Okay here goes, the red dress you are wearing is gorgeous and suits you beautifully, however, my instinct says that you wouldn't go for flame red panties and bra, so I'm going to say you are wearing a waist slip, pink panties and matching bra?"

Lucy gasped and turned to everyone her hand over her mouth. "Oh my god Simon you are so nearly right!" Then giggling she said "But nearly isn't quite good enough is it?"

"What did he get wrong?" Asked Chantal.

"The colour of my slip."

"But he didn't mention a colour, did he?" Chantal said grinning mischievously

"No I didn't actually, I simply said you were wearing a waist slip? Which means if I guess the colour correctly then it's off with your dress as well!" I said.

"That seems only fair?" Isabelle added.

"So do I get to chose a colour and then take your dress off?" I asked with a confidence I did not feel.

"If you insist, but I will be exposing you not you me!" Lucy said grinning.

"Okay, well I reckon that your slip could only be one of three colours, white, pink or red to match the dress."


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