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Role Reversal

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Wife uses strap on me.
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My wife and I have found that we enjoy role reversal. Before I married my wife I had a decision to make. I found that I liked anal play but I have never done anything with another man before. I have been curious though so I decided I would buy some anal toys and dildo's. I quickly learned that I liked it but I also found it was difficult to get started so the work of it took some of the pleasure out of it. So my decision to make was to tell her about my toys and my curiosity or throw them away and forget about it. I decided I would tell her and see what happened. She took it better than I thought and found she was open to it. So we slowly started our experiments.

Everyday life took over and our play time dwindled. I would just solo play every once in awhile. Plus, being a beginner we never really got used to it and didn't learn. Then I finally got to solo play more often and learned things that I liked and worked to bigger toys. One day my wife was working on the computer and I was wanting to play so I went in the bed room and got the strap on and I started playing with it. I sat down on it and got myself loosened up really good and walked around the corner to show her. She looked up and it didn't really catch her eye but I finally brought the attention to it. Well that did it. She left her work and we started our play time. I connected the dildo to the straps and put it on her. She got in a good rhythm and I got a good pounding that I was looking for. After a good time we both had climaxed and worn out we laid on the bed just catching our breathes. I told her that was a great feeling.

We are trying to make time to continue our play but with work and other things. I want to work my way up to my bigger toy. I have got to the point where I didn't have to drink anything to get my courage up as well. That is a major feat as well. I can't wait till our next play time. I still want to try the real thing as well. She supports me in that and says she wants to watch. We lay in bed talking about me sucking and getting fucked my another man. It really turns me on talking about it. As I have always told her I am not attracted to men themselves just seeing cocks is what I am attracted to. I just wonder what it would taste like and how it would feel in my mouth and taste and how it would feel to sliding in and out of my ass. I know when and if I get the chance it will be a covered cock but I imagine it has to feel better than a toy. I ask her how does it taste and how does it feel when I cum in her. That is the feeling I want to feel and I want to try the taste as well.

We have also talked about her finding a girlfriend to play with. We both want to watch one another enjoying the same sex pleasure. My worry is that I don't know if I would be able to perform in front of her worried that how she might think I was enjoying it to much. Or things happen that she didn't think. I have thought about kissing but I don't think I would initiate it but if the other does I don't think I would not stop him. I guess it would just depend on how it feels at time. I know I would love to see my wife making out with another woman. We both have agreed we would just watch the other, but do talk about us joining in but we know that's just fantasy talk.

We talk about how we would find and get to know the people since we live in a small town and we know we would have to adventure out of our community. I know I want to get to know the person I would play with before I would play with just for my security and my wives as well. I don't want a nut case on our hands. I keep teasing my wife because a while back I think she had a potential when we went to a bar. A nice looking red head that we started talking to. My wife finally told me that she thought I was wanting her as well. Well if I would have been allowed I would have done her as well. I was just wanting to see my wife with this red head. Maybe one day we will find that red head.

If that ever happens I will tell you that story.

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