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(S)extending the Curriculum


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"Am I boring you Mr. Irwin?" She asked, turning on him suddenly.

"Not at all Ms." he replied.

"Then perhaps you'd care to actually make an effort?"

"Nah, I'm okay thanks," he replied nonchalantly. There was a collective intake of breath around the class. No one said things like that to Ms. Masters. Not ever.

"Principal's office," she said flatly.

Pete stood up and calmly walked from the room. He took his time making his way through the quiet school corridors to the administration area. He ran through the likely discussion he was to face in his head. It was always good to be prepared for these things. It was something else his father had taught him, how to weigh the likely outcomes of a conversation before it happened so that you knew which way you might like to jump in the heat of the moment.

"Hello Peter," the Principal's assistant greeted him when he walked in. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"History with Ms. Masters, Alice. We had a difference of opinion," he said with a cocky smile.

"Ah, yes, well that does happen from time to time," she replied with a conspiratorial wink. He gave her a smile, took a seat and waited until she motioned for him to proceed through the door.

"Mr. Irwin, what brings you here in the middle of class?" he was asked upon entering the Principal's office. He knew that there'd be an email notification on the Principal's computer that told him exactly why he was there. Ms. Masters was nothing if not efficient.

"A difference of opinion really," he replied and took a seat. He saw an odd look cross the principal's face, but ignored it, not knowing what it meant.

"Yes, I see here that Ms. Masters thinks that you should be making an effort in class, but that you don't share that opinion. Unfortunately for you, she's right. I must admit to being a bit puzzled though given it was only a couple of weeks ago that I gave her permission to tutor you outside of school hours. She is even allowed to accept payment for that service so it would seem strange that having asked her to tutor you that you suddenly choose not to participate in class."

"Well it was going well, I was even improving my grade, but it would appear that whatever message you gave with that permission may have been lost. Its okay though, I'll talk to father and I'm sure he'll be able to find a solution. After all, Ms. Masters is a great teacher and I'm sure she'll come around."

"Yes, well I'll have a quiet chat to her as well. I'm sure that she'll see things differently and that we won't need to have your father involved. In the meantime, perhaps show some due respect in class?"

"I can certainly do that Sir."

"Excellent. Well given you haven't been here in quite along with your agreement not to give Ms. Masters a reason to return you to my office, I think we can dispense with any punishment."

"Thank you Sir. I'll pass your regards on to my father."

Pete walked out satisfied. He didn't want to have to speak to his father about the issue. It would lead to awkward questions about why the arrangement had broken down int he first place.

He played one other card that afternoon and hoped that it would be sufficient.


Vicky pulled her drawer open to put the last of her things away before heading home and spied the envelope. She took it out and wondered where it had come from. She opened it up and promptly sat back down on her chair.

Cash was the first thing that she saw when she opened it. She glanced to the classroom door to see if she was being watched at all before she counted it. Five hundred dollars. Then she pulled out the paper that accompanied it. It wasn't a note or letter as she'd expected. It was a resume; more of a profile than a resume really. George Irwin. Peter's father. She read slowly through it. It was the recent history that captured her interest.

George Irwin held three board positions in addition to his business interests. The one that stood out was the board of public education. She was taken back to the conversation that she'd had with the Principal; the warning and the threat had gone unspoken. There were two words hand-written at the bottom of the profile.

Two Buttons


Pete waited impatiently, wondering if his teacher would show up. He'd not said anything since he'd left the envelope in her desk drawer. He was glad that things had gone so well with the principal and hoped that it would lead to a resumption of tutoring, but there were of course no guarantees. He couldn't imagine asking his father to use his influence and position to sabotage someone's career, but hoped that the unspoken threat would be enough.

"Excuse me Peter, Ms. Masters has just come through the front gate," the housekeeper told him.

"Thank you Maria," he replied. He jumped to his feet and strode quickly to the front door, his heart pounding quicker than he'd expected as his excitement built.

"Ms. Masters," he greeted her warmly and extended a hand to assist her from the car. Even as the door had opened he'd been pleased to note that she was dressed in her traditional outfit of tight skirt and blouse. He noted that there were no more than the two buttons that were usually undone released though as she stepped from the car.

"Peter," she said coolly. He lead her into the house, held the door and then followed her through to the study. As much as he enjoyed admiring her ass on the way, he wasn't quite sure what to expect. He could tell that she wasn't thrilled to be there, but the fact that she was there at all gave him hope that he'd get things his way after all.

He took his seat at his desk and she sat opposite him as she had on every other occasion.

"Two buttons?" she asked without preamble. Pete nodded. He watched as her hands went to her blouse. Blood rushed to his cock and he began to swell as he studied her fingers as they quickly slipped two buttons through their corresponding eyelets. As his teacher sat back, her ample chest spread the navy blue blouse and revealed the edges of a black lace bra beneath. He was suddenly conscious of a need to adjust his cock in his pants, but was too scared to do so immediately. He struggled to concentrate for a while, but eventually Ms. Masters' no-nonsense approach forced him to pay adequate attention to the work that she helped him with.

There were 15 minutes to go when he sat back and took a moment to study her. She sat back as well, clearly wary.

"How much for the rest of the buttons?" Pete asked, sounding significantly more sure of himself than he felt. Without answering, Ms. Masters re-fastened the two buttons, collected her things together, stood up and walked from the room. Pete followed her casually. "I can keep putting money in an envelope until you decide its enough, or you can name a number," he suggested. "I don't suppose you get handed two thousand dollars that you can do whatever you want with very often?"

At the mention of two thousand dollars he detected a momentary hesitation in her gait. She half glanced back, but didn't meet his eye.

Pete watched his teacher drive away and sighed. He'd thought that once he had her accepting money that it would be easy, that it would be a simple matter of escalation. He decided to give it one more go before resorting to other means. After all, each day brought the end of the school year closer.

Pete glanced around the classroom to make sure that no-one was watching as he dropped the envelope into Ms. Masters' drawer. Even though he could able afford it, no-one enjoyed losing two thousand dollars to a thief so he wanted to be sure that no-one had reason to suspect there would be something worth looking at in the drawer. He moved quickly to his seat and sat there casually as the rest of the class arrived and took their own seats. When Ms. Masters arrived she quickly brought the lesson to order and set them some independent work. Pete ensured that he gave her no reason to suspect he was going to do anything other than be part of the lesson, but continually glanced her way to see if she was going to open the drawer. She didn't do so until about two thirds of the way through the lesson. He saw her eyes narrow when she first spotted the envelope. He watched carefully as without taking it out, she peeked inside. He smiled when he saw her eyes widen at the contents. She looked his way and he met her gaze and nodded. She frowned and broke the connection, shoving the envelope firmly back into the drawer.

When the bell rang to signal the end of the lesson Pete left quickly and didn't give her the chance to snag him. He'd expected to be asked to stay behind and have the envelope thrown at him or perhaps to have been sent to see the principal again. Neither happened though and he realised after he left the class that he had no idea what would come next. He was dissatisfied and frustrated by the outcome. He'd hoped for a better indication of whether it would happen at all. He wondered if he should call past her office and find out for sure. He debated with himself, but in the end decided that he'd see if the money and the unspoken threat had been enough.

He waited at home by the front door on the Wednesday for their second session of the week, wondering if she'd show. When she did he walked outside to wait for her to pull up. It was a repeat of her arrival on the Monday with the only emotion displayed seeming to be a cool indifference. Pete followed her into the house after holding the door for her. He stared as her hips swayed and her bountiful ass all but writhed within her skirt. He desperately wanted to lift it to expose her and bend her over. The thought of pulling her ass cheeks wide and slipping his tongue or cock between her pussy lips had him rock hard in his pants by the time they reached his study. He let her take a seat first and just before he sat down he adjusted his erection in his pants, hoping that she'd see it. The fact that she was there at all gave him confidence that he'd broken her; that it wouldn't be long until he would have everything that he'd dreamed of.

Before he had a chance to say anything, Ms. Masters pulled his envelope from her bag and pushed it across the desk. He stared at it. That hadn't been what he'd expected at all. He looked from the envelope to her and was met with a steely gaze. Her lips were pressed firmly together, mere lines instead of their usual full and luscious shape. She took a deep breath and her bosom heaved as she breathed in. The strain against her blouse drew his eye and he recalled how much better it had been without all the buttons done up. He waited for her to say something, but she breathed out slowly as if calming herself and simply sat. Pete reached out and picked up the envelope. He didn't look inside; he just held it a moment and weighed his options. He put it back on the surface of the desk and pushed it back to her. She met his gaze again, but said nothing.

The two of them sat there, staring across the desk at one another and Pete started to wonder if he really had the patience to win. Two more times they each pushed the envelop back towards the other and still neither of them said a word. After he'd pushed it back the second time he saw Ms. Masters reach for it and felt his heart pump rapidly in response. She opened it and very carefully and deliberately counted out five one hundred dollar bills. She placed the envelope back on the desk and undid two buttons. Her white blouse parted to reveal a portion of a white cotton bra; practical and simple. It still made Pete's dick twitch. She pushed the envelope back.

Peter took out his study notes and allowed her to commence, though initially he paid little attention to what was said. He was too busy thinking about what his next move might be.

"Concentrate," she said to him after a while when he'd failed to answer with the level of analysis that she expected.

He pushed the envelope across to her. "Take the blouse off and I will."

She laughed long and hard at that. "What on earth makes you think that you'll be able to concentrate if I take my blouse off?"

"Take it off and I'll prove it to you," he countered.

"And if you can't?"

"If I can't, you can leave, take the money and never tutor me again." That got her attention. He saw the hunger in her expression. It was clear that she wanted a way out, an end to having to do something that she didn't want to be part of. It hurt him a little, but he understood that he'd manipulated her and that it was never going result in friendship. He hoped that he would actually be able to concentrate. It sure as hell wouldn't be easy.

His breath caught as she reached out and pulled the envelope toward her. She picked it up and counted the money inside.

"Its short."


"You said two thousand but there's only fifteen hundred in here," she said flatly.

Pete bit back his protest and refused to look at the five hundred that she'd previously counted out onto the desk. Instead he stood up and pulled his wallet from his back pocket. He counted out three hundred then went through to his bedroom. He returned and placed another two hundred with the rest. If Ms. Masters was surprised at how ready to hand one of her high school students had an extra five hundred dollars, she gave no clue. Instead she stood and pulled the blouse from the hem of her skirt.

Pete really stared then. She released each button down the front of her blouse in turn. His eyes were glued to the simple, efficient movements and the bra that was being revealed beneath. It was a little disappointing when compared with Monday's black bra, but as she shrugged the blouse from her shoulders and allowed it to fall down to the back of the chair behind her, he fixed his gaze on it anyway. He studied the curve of the cup where it all but blended with her skin. He decided that she must have had it professionally fitted given how perfectly molded to her it was. There was no sign of the flesh spilling over the bra and each breast sat wonderfully within its cup's confines. Even before he'd had a decent chance to study her properly she launched into the session.

He expected her to pound him with information in an attempt to catch him out, but she had a different, possibly more challenging approach. Rather than give him too much, she spaced it out and gave him too much time to think and observe between bouts of information; ample time to get lost in the beauty of her cleavage. He desperately avoided looking too long at the curve of the bra and the swell of her breasts and focused on the information and instruction that she provided. He was determined to win.

Pete kept half an eye on the clock, seeing time tick away, the hand's staccato movement inching closer to the point where she would leave. He started flicking his gaze to her breasts more regularly, as he sought to inscribe the image in his mind.

When the time came Ms. Masters unceremoniously closed her book and stood up. Pete's eyes followed, glued to her revealed skin. He wished he had a way to get that bra off her immediately, but knew there was no chance. Next time. Next time the last part of his plan would come to fruition. God he disliked being patient. He stood as she reached for her blouse and put it back on. The last thing that she picked up was the envelope of money; a look of distaste on her face. Pete ignored it.

He followed her from the room, satisfied and convinced that the next time he did so he'd have better memories of her visit. He could hardly wait to see that beautiful ass spread for him. He wondered if she shaved her pussy. He hoped so.

"Thanks for everything Ms. Masters," he said happily as if she'd been a completely willing participant.

"Well if nothing else I learned what levels of concentration you can achieve Peter," she said. "I'll expect that same level of concentration in class from now on."

"Well if I had the same incentive I'm sure I'd easily achieve it."

"Yes well that's never going to happen." She pulled the car door closed and drove away.

Pete returned to his study and opened his computer. He was happy to find that the camera had been positioned perfectly. He worked his way through the footage until he reached the moment when Ms. Masters removed her blouse. He watched it over and over, his hand working his hard cock. Once he'd cum, he returned to the footage again. This time he cut it up to match his needs. He made two versions. One where it was evident that his teacher was taking money in return for removing her blouse and one where she simply removed her blouse.

Either video would be publicly humiliating for her, but he wasn't sure which would be the better one for blackmail. He'd find out. He was sure that she valued her job too much to let him do anything with them. He didn't even really want to be that much of an asshole, but he felt his hand had been forced. If she'd just taken the money willingly (or even shown signs of being willing to be seduced) he'd never have taken the step.

He moved to his bedroom and lay back on the bed and day-dreamed of what was to come.


"So how goes the quest?" Joe asked Pete.

"Quest? What the hell are you on about?" Pete asked with a laugh.

"You know; take Dan's money; Ms. Masters' panties; bone the teacher. The Quest."

"Oh, that," Pete nodded as he came to understand what Pete meant. "Not too bad. Things are on track."

"Things are on track? What the hell does that mean?" Joe replied. "You got some sort of date lined up with her or something?"

"Lets just go with 'or something,'" Pete grinned in reply. Joe looked about to press for more information but Pete cut him off. "No, no more information, I'm not going to have you or any of the others find a way to stuff this up."

"Fair enough man, just, you know, the mind boggles imagining you and Ms. Masters going at it like rabbits."

"Well feel free not to imagine me naked dude, that would be perfectly fine with me." Joe gave Pete a friendly punch to the arm and they each went their separate ways.


Pete checked the video at least five times before the tutoring session that Monday. He tried to play out how the conversation with Ms. Masters was likely to go, but kept failing at the part where she would most likely tell him to fuck off at the first suggestion that they have sex. He sighed dramatically and returned to pacing his way through the house as he had been for the hour before he'd checked the video. Maria gave him a few funny looks, but he ignored her just as he did most of the time when he didn't need anything from her.

When the chime finally sounded to announce that someone was at the front gate Pete nearly jumped out of his skin. He took a deep breath and steadied his nerves before heading for the front of the house. He went through the now familiar entrance 'dance' with his teacher, noting that she was still cool toward him. They'd had nothing short of professional student/teacher interactions since the session on the Wednesday prior and Pete hadn't given any indication that today would be anything other than a tutoring session. He'd certainly not given any indication as to any demands that he might make in regard to her clothing.

Ms. Masters was all business. She took out her teaching materials and launched into the session. Pete gave her 10 minutes of dedicated attention before he stopped her.

"Something isn't right Ms. Masters," he said, interrupting her.

"Sorry?" she asked, caught mid sentence.

"Well we made such good progress last time and yet here we are back where we started; you looking as fabulous as ever, yet over-dressed."

"That was a one time deal Mr. Irwin," she replied evenly. "Let's not go pretending it was anything other than that."

"But it was more that that Ms. Masters. It was the a step on a journey. Its time to take another step."

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