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Sabrina & Lucy Ch. 01

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My father got killed and I took his place.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/04/2024
Created 04/03/2024
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This is a first chapter of two.


I grew up with a silver spoon in my mouth. Until the age of 10, I did not know anything about wealth, but, unlike most of my friends, most of my wishes were answered positively. I simply assumed that my parents were better than others...

One day, I returned home angry and went to my room not saying hello to Mom. She knocked on my door and entered without waiting for my answer. She immediately noticed my black eye. "Johnny, what happened?"

"The school bully, Rafael, hit me, and promised to do the same tomorrow too."

Mom cleaned my face, said nothing to me, and waited for Dad to show up from work.

Until that day, Mom was the one I could talk to about any issue I had. I knew Dad was a very busy businessman, and I hardly bothered him. He loved watching me grow, get good grades, and be respectful to other adults but he hardly talked to me.

On holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays, all our relatives and friends were present. My favorite was my uncle, Jimmy. He was a small man about 5'6". He played with me a lot and made me laugh.

That evening, Dad arrived home at 8 pm. I was in my room and heard Mom crying to Dad that a bigger boy hit his son. I couldn't hear my father's response. About 15 minutes later, I came out of my room and Dad asked me to tell him what had happened.

"Rafael, the school bully, came to me and wanted to copy the homework from my notebook. I worked hard on that and refused to give it to him. Without a warning, he punched me in the eye. It's swollen and black but I can see well. My concern is that he promised to do it tomorrow too, if I do not allow him to copy our assignments."

Dad looked at me and blurted, "I was small like you when I was your age. Soon enough, you'll start growing. But it will be good to find you a self-protection course. I'll ask Uncle Jimmy to talk to Rafael's father. I am sure that tomorrow, the bully will be MUCH nicer to you. What do you say?"

I cried, "Dad, I love Jimmy, but he is tiny and the bully will kill him."

Dad seemed unconcerned, "I wanted Jimmy to talk to the guy's father."

"The father is even bigger than his son, and everybody says he is meaner."

Dad gazed at me with love, "Johnny, you are young... Let's compromise. I'll ask Jimmy to come here. If he has concerns about my wish, I'll come up with something else. OK?"


Uncle Jimmy showed up 5 minutes after Dad called him. Dad said, "Jimmy, There is a big bully at school. He hit my son without provocation. I recommended you take care of it, but Johnny here is scared the bully may hurt you. What is your opinion?"

Jimmy and Dad had a big laugh, and then Jimmy turned to me, "Johnny, I love you as my son. If he hit you, I'd have to talk to him and his father about changing his attitude. Tomorrow, this bully will come to you asking for forgiveness and beg you to be your bodyguard from now on."

I laughed, "That'll be the day... and who is going to play with me if you do not return?"

Dad and Jimmy exchanged glances and smiles. Dad said, "Give Jimmy a chance."

The next day, I concentrated on my studies until the second break. Then I saw Rafael coming in my direction. I pretended not to notice, preparing mentally to get hit again. However, he approached me and mumbled, "Johnny, I am sorry. I was a total jerk yesterday. You can punch me 2 times and I won't hit you back."

"I don't want to punch you. But please, don't do it again."

"Johnny, you are a good guy. I'll do better than that. From now on, ANYBODY who makes any move against you, let me know. I'll be your protector in school."

I became curious, "Did Uncle Jimmy talk to you and your father?"

His eyes displayed fear, "Yes, he did..." At school, Rafael became my loyal friend and bodyguard.

It took me 3 more years to realize that my father was the head of the most feared 'society' in town. It explained our fenced and highly guarded large property, why Mom never went shopping by herself, and Jimmy's job as Dad's 'enforcer.'


Mom died of cancer when I was 18 years old. Dad and I were devastated. Jimmy tried to cheer us up but to no avail. Soon after, I went to ASU, which was far from our East Coast place of residence. I stayed in Arizona for 4 years, majoring in Business. I then got accepted to Princeton for a graduate degree in Finance. It was much closer to home, and I saw Dad more often.

One time, when I was home, Dad told me he intended to marry a woman he met a year earlier. I was excited for him. The memory of Mom was still painful, but I understood Dad not wanting to live without a woman by his side.

"Dad, I am happy for you. Will I meet her before the wedding?"

"Sure. By the way, her name is Lucy. She has a daughter, Sabrina, who is 21 and studies The Arts in New York."

The following weekend, I met both women. The chemistry between Dad and Lucy was obvious - They kissed frequently, each completing the other one's sentence, and laughed at the same jokes. She was a great cook and looked beautiful.

But I was mesmerized by her daughter. At 5'7", 125 pounds, a long brown hair, and a figure of a European top model, she was breathtaking. I fell in love with her immediately. We found common subjects to talk about - Athletics, geography, Ernest Hemingway's books, The Renaissance. We became good friends and began spending time together.

Before Sabrina, I dated seriously and had sex with 2 girls. Each relationship lasted about a year. Both girls looked good but seemed shallow, and once the initial physical passion faded, I disconnected.

With Sabrina, after 2 weeks of our 'going out' together, we ended up in bed. We weren't sure how our parents would feel about our intimate relationship, but when we told them, they were both joyful. Dad said, "Children, Lucy and I are happy together. We do not see a reason you should not enjoy each other's company - You are not genetically connected."

In bed, Sabrina had very little experience. I never asked her about the number of former lovers, but she was not a virgin. Her enthusiasm made up for the inexperience. Sabrina loved oral, both to give and receive, as well as a fucking in various missionary positions. Three months later, we advanced together to doggy-style, cowgirl, and shortly after to anal. Each time we experimented with a new position, in the beginning I was very patient. But when Sabrina was highly aroused, she insisted on a wild ride. What could I say - We loved our sexual life, and there were only rare days we didn't have sex at least once.

Lucy married my father, and I had a fantastic intimate relationship with her daughter for almost 2 years when the catastrophe hit us: Dad went to one of his favorite restaurants with 2 friends. I got a phone call from Jimmy to Princeton, "Johnny, come home. Your father got shot. He may not survive the night."

I drove as fast as I could. I heard his last words, "Son, it's time for you to grow up. You are now the new Don. Keep Jimmy as your helper. Everything I had is yours now. Sorry, I have to leave you early but I trust you'll do good things. Take care of the family!" Next, he shut his eyes and then he was gone.

By 26 I was without parents and the new head of MY family and the gang. Jimmy and 2 other 'uncles' taught me the ropes in several intensive days. I wanted to finish my school year and graduate before officially assuming the role of head of our large group. I attended the most important meetings and listened to Jimmy's advice on almost every issue.


The 7 days following the funeral were tough. Everybody was depressed. On the 7th day, it was time for me to break the sad atmosphere and begin living our lives again. Sabrina had to go to her aunt for a few days to help with her demented husband, so it was only Lucy and me in the house.

Lucy was still extremely saddened and didn't try to dress up or use cosmetics. Paradoxically, this was when I noticed her natural attractiveness: Her undone brown wavy hair framed perfectly her cute face, the pouty lips didn't need lipstick to be desired, and her silky robes could not hide her voluptuous body. Her sashaying walk enhanced her effect on my raging cock. Without Sabrina around to have sex with, after 24 hours, I was horny as hell.

The next morning, I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and shaved. I had only my shorts on and was ready to dress up when I spotted Lucy crying with her back to me in front of the sink in the kitchen.

I came behind her and hugged her tummy from behind, "Lucy, can I help?"

She leaned her head on my chest and continued sobbing, "Dad is gone. We planned to celebrate my 44 birthday together the upcoming weekend. I feel terrible. Who is going to care for me?"

I caressed her abdomen lightly and whispered in her ear, "Lucy dear, I am the new man of the house. I'll take care of you."

"Johnny, you look so much like your father, and I trust you'll try your best. But you will be busy running the business and the rest of the time with Sabrina. What about MY needs?"

I moved my hands up and cupped her large breasts, "You are wrong. My intentions are to carry on Dad's duties as well as my prior ones."

Lucy didn't move. She asked in a confused tone, "Johnny, what are you doing?"

"About 3 months ago, I had a heart-to-heart discussion with Dad. He explained everything about the company and mentioned the risks. He made me vow that if something happened to him, I'd take over and care for you personally. Lucy, I am the new Don and plan to fulfill his request."

Next, I kissed the side of her neck, and my fingers tweaked her covered ample tits. She trembled, "Johnny, please, you cannot do it. What about Sabrina?"

I inserted my palm into her robe and kneaded her bare breast, "It's OK. I'll make sure to spend enough time with her, too."

"Be reasonable; you cannot bed a mother and a daughter..."

"Why not? I loved both of you from the first day I saw you. You were with Dad so I had to suppress my feelings and accept Sabrina as the only option. I still think she is wonderful. But now that you are free, especially after my promise to Dad, there is no reason for you and me to deny ourselves. Are you telling me I am not worthy of your love?"

"Johnny, I love you too but you want me to have sex with my daughter's lover..."

Her nipple was now hard as a rock in my palm and my stiff prick was poking her ass from behind. Lucy's tone of voice became weaker and weaker. She was still fighting but her strength was leaving her.

I kissed her neck again and whispered in her ear, "Honey, we want the same thing. You are mine now." I grabbed her right hand, pulled it back, and placed it on my hard pecker, "See what you do to me..."

She gasped as her palm closed over my organ. She stayed silent.

I gently turned her around and looked at her pretty face. I kissed lightly her tears off and gazed into her eyes. She closed them. I lifted her chin up and kissed her lips softly.

"Lucy, we both miss Dad. But it's time to think about our future. You do not have to struggle with moral issues. Leave everything to me. Ignore your brain and act as your heart wishes."

While her palm was still around my raging erection, she opened her eyes and stared at me for a long moment. I did not budge. Her eyelids began fluttering. I whispered, "Lucy, do it!"

Her eyes slowly moved down toward the tent in my shorts. I put both hands on her shoulders and gingerly pushed her down on her knees. She did not resist and soon she was kneeling before me with her eyes focused on the huge bulge.

I said, "Honey, remove my shorts and take it!"

As if hypnotized, her hands trailed to my waistband and gradually lowered my pants. All of a sudden, my free cock jolted up and stood in attention before her eyes. She licked her dry lips.

I held the back of her head and slowly pulled her to me. When her lips touched my shaft she shivered. I aimed the head toward her lips and blurted, "Open!"

Her lips spread at a snail's pace but eventually, it was wide enough to start moving in.

As the soft part of the organ penetrated her mouth, Lucy's behavior changed - She began sucking on the spongy head.

I caressed her hair, "Good girl." Gradually, my pole disappeared into her mouth. The deeper it entered, the hungrier she became, increasing her rate of milking me. Her oral job was good. Actually, it was better than good, and I felt I wouldn't be able to hold for long. I pulled my cock from her mouth. She gave up reluctantly, and whispered, "Why?"

"Because I want YOU, not just your mouth. I wish for our first time to be perfect for both of us. We'll have time for everything else later."

I took her in my arms, kissed her lips, and carried her to bed. She lay in front of me with her eyes closed. I released her belt and exposed her fantastic body. Her tits were to die for - Pear shaped, C or D cups, with large dark nipples begging to be sucked.

I latched onto one and sucked it lightly. It tasted rubbery-sweet. She sighed and her palm caressed my hair.

"Johnny, please, as you said, let's leave the games for later. I want you inside."

I moved between her soft thighs and rubbed my organ along her slit, gathering abundant lub fluid along the way. I aimed at her snatch and inserted the mushroomed head.

I waited to see Lucy's reaction. With her eyes shut, she held her breath anticipating my next move. I continued holding my member at her entrance as my hands roughed up her creamy breasts.

She whispered, "Johnny, what are you waiting for? Please do it."

"Lucy, I admire your gorgeous body. I like to touch and taste before conquering."

She begged, "Please, do it now. I need to feel you inside me..."

I was dying to do what Lucy wanted, but I had to assert control. If I was to dominate, it had to be my way!

I whispered in her ear, "Dear girl, tell me what you really want me to do."

She opened her eyes and I saw a pleading look, "I want to feel your penis inside my pussy. I want you to fuck me hard until I see stars!"

"That's better, my love."

Next, I shoved my cock in one stroke all the way to her womb and, with no fanfare, began plowing her cunt mercilessly. It took Lucy exactly 3 seconds to start screaming. Her body trembled under me as I accelerated further. I was pounding her beautiful body like a jackhammer while watching with awe her round tits bounce all over the place.

I bent over her and managed to catch with my mouth a wildly swaying nipple. I sucked on it and her screams turned into wailing. I shifted to the highest gear and felt my own orgasm fast approaching.

I blurted, "Honey, you are too sexy for your own good! I am about to cum inside your pussy... Here it comes!"

A short time later, I dumped a huge amount of slimy stuff deep into her vagina. I continued drilling inside her cunt, enjoying the feeling of her narrow tunnel closing on my still erect cock. My prick remained stiff for another 10 minutes before starting to deflate.

I slowed down. My hands massaged her orbs gently, and I kissed her open mouth which was gasping for air. I hugged her sweaty body and mumbled, "Lucy, you were fantastic! It isn't clear to me how I resisted your amazing body until now, but at last, you are mine."

Her eyes stayed closed, but she had a small smile and her arms hugged my chest, "Johnny, this was a fuck for the ages."

We rested for 15 minutes and then I said, "I am going to take a shower."

She opened her eyes, smiled, and winked at me, "You worked hard. Would you like me to help you?"

I grinned, "If you are not too tired, sure."


I entered the tub and opened the water. The pouring hot water felt great!

Lucy came in, stood behind me and her tiny palms began soaping my back. I continued standing under the shower letting her do me.

She didn't bother with my legs. After soaping my shoulders and back, she moved to my ass and rubbed it forcefully for a minute. Then her body moved closer, with her hands wrapped around my chest, doing my pectorals. Her boobs crushed against my back, inevitably awakening my spent cock for a second round.

I didn't talk as her hands slowly moved downward to my 6-pack, and shortly after meeting my stiffy at the level of my navel. I heard her laughing behind me, "Big boy, you are insatiable! My cunt is too sensitive for another session, but my mouth is free..."

I turned to her with a big smile. I sat on the ledge and spread my legs apart. Lucy's pretty face grinned, too. She knelt between my knees and her luscious lips opened to accept my pole. Like before, I was surprised to see how wide her mouth became as she wrapped her soft lips around my organ. My eyes gazed hypnotically as the stiff prick gradually disappeared into her mouth. Soon, only the basal quarter was outside her oral cavity. Then she started moving on it rhythmically: Pulling my cock into her mouth while blowing hot air on it and then pushing back while milking it.

She did it for a moment, and I noticed that her chin was already touching my sack... She gave me a victory look and increased her pace.

The lady definitely knew how to blow a guy. Her soft and gentle oral manipulations became a full-throttle sucking machine! I caressed her hair and whispered, "Lucy dear, you are the best cocksucker I ever met. If you don't stop now, I am not responsible for what comes next."

She stared at me for a moment and accelerated her back-and-forth movements. I held the back of her head, and seconds later, erupted in her mouth. The amount was less than the first time, but still large enough. She swallowed every last drop and smiled at me while licking her lips.

I kissed her forehead, "Lady, you outdid yourself!"

She giggled, "Sir, both actions were very pleasurable. I think we should rest and then discuss a serious matter - What to do when Sabrina returns..."

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Diecast1Diecast15 months ago

Nice story. AAAA++++

ragal2ragal26 months agoAuthor

To storycentral.

Did you mean it will never go to an 'uninitiated person' like Al Pacino, who became the boss after Marlon Brando in the Godfather series?...

storycentralstorycentral6 months ago

Interesting idea. One thing - an uninitiated person is never appointed the head of a mob family when his father dies. It would go to one of the underbosses. The new leader would have to be familiar with the organization and the business interests, as well as have the respect of the lower rank members.

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