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Sadie Outlaw Ep. 007: IN CAHOOTS

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Horseplay? Tell that to Tarnation he's humpin' yer mare.
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Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/14/2022
Created 02/10/2019
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"Sheriff? Riders to the South and the North."

Young teenager Miguel Calazon yelled down from the belltower of Santa Mingo Church. Crow's Nest in a pinch the boy had a good view of the landscape in all directions. After a fifteen-minute lull since Sadie Outlaw, aka L'Amour had whistled loudly toward the town of Sugar Plum she had hopped off of Ezra, the horse belonging to Sheriff Tom Barrett and had been standing on alert looking almost as if she were talking to herself in her head. Not herself completely but conferring with her future handler so to speak in Matilda Tilly Ford. Learning more of Tilly's unique relationship with Sadie's uncle Brandon Outlaw meant listening and asking the right questions. Tom Barrett didn't have time for this nonsense. The redhead was obviously loco puffs.

"Hunker in! Fire only if fired upon and make your aims count. If we run out of bullets, we're sitting ducks." Tom barked and began locating his own strategic moves. While not knowing who these bushwhackers were exactly, he had a pretty good suspicion what they were after. The crazy redhead back there humming to herself and looking like... a whore in her skintight black warpaint as Tom called her leggings, was unnerving. A stained white nightshirt that was almost sheer, nipples gunning for trouble of their own was distracting even his teenaged orphans with guns. If this turned into a firefight the woman was going to hinder their judgment and some innocent young lads might end up dead.

Agitated Tom saw the dust cloud of barreling down horses driving in from the North. After careful bird watching so to speak, the gang led by one Red Butler, a no name at this point with ambition to move on up into the ranks of Billy the Kid or Jesse James was looking for a score. Already a brutal killer taking out two of his own gang members for disobedience here he was leading his leftovers into battle. The point? Distracting the Sheriff so a pair of his keets could enter Sugar Plum behind his back and break out the recently captured Dillsby Boys. His plan to make it look like they were joining forces to obtain the large amount of money they had robbed from the quiet little town was in the works. Hell, or high water he was going to be rich. Not today Red! Not today!

The four riders split up on the outskirts of the property to come in from each direction in hopes to disorient the residents. Red rovers right down the middle had his reins between his teeth and two rifles ready to roar. Sadie continued her humming and stood in plain sight... dancing in step? Doing the robot, she appeared as if confused as hell as to which way to turn. Tom bulged his eyes at her actions. "L'AMOUR! What the blazes are you doing?"

"What I do best Tom. You do yer thing I'll do mine. Mister Roboto... Go Mo... Go Mo!" A song by Styx that Uncle Brandon and she had goofed off too when she was a youngster. Taking on a more serious approach she switched her innermost music selection, her rifle used to act as if her dance partner she was singing to herself to the tune of Dancing on Glass by Motley Crue. She had that entire album memorized word for word. Tilly in her lab at Wyndham Laboratories had actually managed to play the song in her confined quarters, her brain patched into all things required to survive and remain sane. With her psi talents needed by the company they gave her anything she wanted. Namely Spotify and a computer linkup to manage what her fingers could not. Tilly unfortunately was paralyzed from the neck down. Able to speak when required and eat that was about all she had outside of constant nurses whom she rarely spoke to. Being able to temporally communicate through the nanites in Sadie's blood stream, literally every cell in the woman's body, via developed wavelengths that traversed time, she lived a fantasy through Sadie's eyes and ears. Who needed her IPod?

Reunited in a small way with her lover Brandon whose spirit had bonded with a crazy black stallion sporting hellfire hair gave her hope of Sadie's success. Having family back in 1876 would keep Sadie on track for her employers the Wyndham's, whatever those purposes were. Told one thing but likely a lie, Tilly could only go along for... the ride. Speaking of...

"Luis... eyes on the East... watch your back son." Tom snapped orders, "Miguel... any and all directions. Father Rodrigo guard the church, eyes on the West. With everyone eying their options Tom considered running out there to save Sadie. Red Butler smirking like the devil himself chose to ignore Sadie however and aim for Tom himself. Gunshots beginning from his sides Tom drew a bead on Red only to be forced by multiple rifles firing upon him to roll on the ground and dodge the city. His horse Ezra disturbed by the hail of bullets striking the water trough grew edgy and chose to run right at Tom in hopes to help his master. A stray bullet grazing Ezra on the left shoulder sent the horse into a spasm of fear. Tom motioned his steed to run away for his own safety. Concentrating on Tom, Red ignored Sadie completely, not a smart thing to do.

Using her boot Sadie slipped her toe under the shotgun butt belonging to Deputy Ira Grennen. Launching it upward into her hands she took a shot at Red, clipping him in the shoulder but only as a graze of annoyance. "That there was for Ezra." She called out. "Shoulder for a shoulder." Even with pain coursing through his upper body Red failed to lose his grip on either rifle. With a bitter hiss he shot in two directions, Sadie's and Tom's. Tom pinned down by both Red and his boy Jubal to the South meant Sadie standing her ground. Easy pickings Redmont thought to himself of the fire red femme. It was then that he really noticed her attire. "Sweet Hazeus! What is that woman wearin'?" Men! They see a pretty girl and putty in her hands.

Noting his look at her Sadie chuckled and did a 360 dance for him rather than run for cover. Getting a good look at his face led to Tilly offering insight, "Redmont Butler. Low level bandit. He makes his biggest move in 1877 over in San Antonio. He hadn't been shot today until you just changed his history. Yes, the info just evolved. You cannot kill him Sadie, he has life to lead yet."

"He a killer?"

"Oh, yes! What I'm seeing now is eight. Interesting! They all seem to be his own gang members."

"Well then, let's change history some more." She lifts her gun and takes aim at Porky to the West stationed to get a crosshair on Luis. A single shot dropped Porky like a rock his hip caving out from under him. Luis and another lad named Rudy held him captive at gunpoint. "One down Red." She called out to the burly man who dropped his reins from his teeth.

"Do I know you?"

"Nope! You will though. Well, I reckon you do as of now. Takes a red to know a red." She teased her long feathery red hair. "Your boy Porky is bleeding out." Not a fatal wound but enough to do the damage required in evening their odds. Tilly had gone over the roster of his gang quietly in Sadie's thoughts. "At least I'm thinking he has to be Porky; his hat has a pig snout tied to it. Could be Bacon I reckon! Either or, yer one down." How did she know names? "Tom?"

"I'm alright!" Tom was still pinned down by Jubal. Miguel couldn't take aim due to the Church steeples rooftop and it's back awning. Nor could Sadie get a good shot.

"What's this all about Red?" Sadie attempted conversation. "You can chat, or I can drop you from yer saddle. Choice is yers."

"Ain't none yer business Saloon girl. Why are you even out here with the men? Put yer rifle down and we can meet up later for some fun."

"Saloon girl? Oh, Red! I'm thinkin' I'd have more fun shootin' yer willy off. And not the way yer thinkin'! I'm talking a 30-30 blowjob!" Winchester that is.

Growling at her he turned his horse and charged her firing both rifles at once in hopes to shut her up. As long as Jubal had his back, he wasn't worried about Barrett. Not only Jubal, but his other member Nip aka Neal Blinder was also a force to be reckoned with from the East. Nip fired on Barrett as well keeping the Sheriff near the barn. At hearing a stampede of oncoming hooves charging toward the property from the direction of Sugar Plum Nip altered his gaze. Eyes bulging at a demon steed barreling down on Red Butler dead set he wondered what the heck was going on.

"Ain't no rider. That horse is a locomotive." Oh, yes! While distracted Nip heard a grunt behind him and turned quickly. Gun low he found a fist in his face breaking his nose in two places. Kentucky Derby time as Sadie would one day refer to her, Dorieann Finn wagged her fist but let him have it a second time with her good fist. Nip Blinder fell to the ground in agony. Using her lariat, she tied him up and kicked dirt in his eyes. Blinder by name, blind period. Taking his rifle, she sacked him in the balls with the butt and moved on.

Sadie confronted by an oncoming freight train in the form of Tarnation pointed at him in hopes to divert Red's attention. Nope! Red's focus was on bringing Sadie down. "I WARNED YA, RED!" She called out and took off running. Blindsided full force Tarnation slammed into Red's mare Lucille and knocked her over, her owner Red rolling off and barely out of harm's way. While Lucille was down, just to prove how insane Tarnation was, the stallion mounted Lucille and started humping.

"What the shitty bloomers!" Red huffed trying to get up only to have Sadie pointing her Winchester at his temple. Now, he crapped his own bloomers.

"Can't say I didn't give ya a heads up. Now unless you want yer real head up, brains, bone, and whiskers, I'd toss yer rifles." Spitting at his predicament Red challenged her further and pointed both of his guns up at her. Caught off guard however Sadie dropped in over his lap between both barrels to where he couldn't fire on her outside of open air. She however twirled her rifle over her head like a cheerleader with a baton in her hands and slammed the butt down on his head three times until his arms dropped to their sides.

"Giddy up Red! Here's that fun ya wanted." She did hop up and down on his lap. Barrett seeing her shook his head. Between her appearing to hump the enemy while he was down and the horse action, he was sensing no gunfire from two other sides. Only Jubal was left, and he was getting antsy at losing his fellow crew members. With Redmont down Jubal lost his nerve and ran for his horse. Climbing on he turned tail and headed for Sugar Plum in hopes to hook up with Bacon and Remis. Miguel took shots but just couldn't land a bead on him. That and he was always told it was dishonorable to shoot anyone in the back. Church bell rung! Round two!

"Are you done?" Tom stood up to observe Sadie when movement to his left found Dorieann Finn shaking her knuckles and tossing Nip's gun in the water trough. "Dorie? What are you doing out here?"

"Horse chasin'! Saw you needed help Sheriff."

"Good thing Shaun taught you how to box."

"Taught me? I done taught him. You never give no lady any credit Sheriff."

"I'll work on that. L'AMOUR! Get off of him."

"What? A girl can't have no fun?" Her hormones were running crazy. Anytime her adrenalin spiked the side effect of her nanites made her insanely horny. Subsiding some she rolled off of Red and found Tom cuffing the man. "Jus' makin' sure he wasn't gettin' up." His dick that is. Red... had issues concerning erections even when he was conscious.

"Looks like Tarnation ain't got no problem." Dorie chuckled as the priest Rodrigo used a wheel barrel to haul Porky out into the open, bleeding out at the hip. Dumping him next to Red the priest grinned at Tom. A pat on the shoulder the elder went back to his church. "I got the other fella tied up over yonder." Dorie nodded.

"Still the one that got away." Tom hissed. "Dorie? Mind stayin' here with Miss L'Amour and babysittin' these fellas until I can catch that last rider."

"You ain't goin' it alone Tom." Sadie spoke up, "I need you alive to get my reward money. Too bad there ain't no reward on these fellas yet. Pretty sure that printin' press is comin' though."

"How did you know names?"

"Oh that!" Thinking fast she added, "I ran into these fellas in El Paso a month ago. Steered clear of 'em but I overheard names. Locals talkin'! The bleeder there is Porky. I recall a Nip, Remis, Jubal, and Bacon... oh, and a Yuma... but I ain't seen him." Never will, he was of his old crew on Red's hit list. Dead and vulture picked over! Tilly had just listed the associates.

"You been around. How's come I never... that horse mountin' is a mite distracting."

"I got him." Sadie whistled again, which made Tom wince at the power behind her lungs. Olympian times three, even her voice could raise the dread. "HEY! PULL THE FUCK OUT ALREADY!" Hearing her Tarnation drew back and stood tall snorting. Moving around to Lucille's head Tarnation lightly tapped his hoof on her snout. His way of saying, "MINE BITCH!" No problem! Lucille was smitten. Walking up to Tarnation Sadie whispered, "Cheatin' on Tilly?" Tarnation head butted Sadie lightly as if laughing over it. A single hoof stomp meant yes. Shaking her head Sadie pointed at the ground and Tarnation kneeled to let her climb up on his back. Rising with her Dorieann smirked.

"She sure has a way with the wild ones."

"Uh huh!"

"You comin' Tom? I'm free for... shit! EDDIE!" Kicking Tarnation in the side sent the stallion into a built-up run. Tom looked at Dorie, "Protect my son Willy. Sheet! She forgot her gun." Snatching it up and kicking Red's rifles aside he raced for his Palamino Ezra. Inspecting the blood on his shoulder, he knew his horse was fine so mounted his saddle and kicked off for Sugar Plum. Orphan boys with guns surrounded the Butler gang but sadly their eyes were on Dorie. She blushed and let their gawking go to her head. In reaction she playfully pelted their foreheads.

"Purdiest babysitter ye ever seen ain't that a fact?" She chuckled. Attention lost the boys peered toward the school at their teacher Clara Beth Jenkins. Beauty spoke volume! Although Dorie was goofing off, she did feel jilted. "Durn it! I thought I had me a beau friend."

Too young anyway Irish!


"What was I thinkin'? Ridin' bareback long distances is like me sittin' on a washin' machine durin' turbo cycle. My hormones are givin' me double vision. Quadruple vision I reckon with me bein' gangbanged internally by my three Olympiad's. Add in my tough ass I'm gawkin' in all directions at once." Sadie shook her head while gripping Tarnation's mane with her left hand, her right keeping her hat on her head. Hanging on bareback at sixty miles per hour with her legs wide and thighs finding friction was like being fucked by a jackhammer. She just knew that she was going to have multiple orgasms in that mile trip back to Sugar Plum.

"Brandon if you can hear me... you best get used to a saddle fast. I think I'm feelin' as good as yer gelding back there. Don't go gettin' no ideas neither. I know yer battling the horse's instincts in there as much as yer tryin' to keep him in control but there's jus' some things a gal won't do. I like hung like a horse but I'm thinkin' My Lil' Pony not Claudesdale." Clydesdale! Banter was all she had to keep her eyes from rolling back and cumming in her leggings. "Tilly? I hope yer havin' fun with this ride along."

"You could have taken one of the Butler Gang's horses. Blame yourself. At least you won't be chaffed thanks to your healing nanites."

"How you copin' after seein' Tarn... I mean Brandon humpin' a girly horse?"

"As you just said, he has inhabited a horse for a while now. He succumbs to its wiles now and then. How could I even be jealous over such a situation? Besides, in my paralysis I would not feel Brandon if he did make love to me again someday." A kiss would be heartfelt, but that was not in her tarot cards.

"I'm confused. Can't Carlsbad shoot you up with some nanites to heal you?"

"Sadie! I was injected with nanites before I went back in time. The injury was just too severe. It was a miracle that I lived at all."

"So, who got you back to the future? And don't say Doc Brown in his Delorean."

"Her name was Corona Wabash. She was tough like you."

"So, why ain't she here instead of me?"

"Corona... went mad. When she brought me back something affected her mind. Dementia took over and her nanites could not rescue her. She, like Brandon is at that clinic from what I hear. In my current state I am still sane, likely due to my psi talents. Yes, in returning even you might fall prey to insanity. We can only hope for the best."

"FUCK MY IMPLANTS ARE GONNA END UP ON MY BACK." Both of her breasts although silicone were whipping about as if they were real under the turbulence of her ride.

"Wear a bra next time."

"I ain't into braziers Tillicent! They'll heal. We're gettin' close now I can hear gunfire. Those two fellas who rode in all quiet like must be a part of that Jubal character, prolly why he headed for town. What happens here today in that sacred timeline?"

"Unclear! There is no real record of the Butler Gang even being in Sugar Plum. But again, you arrested the Dillsby's and corrupted the timeline. Every variable is changing. Rewriting the future is not wise Sadie."

"Can't be helped. Jus' my being here is steppin' on soil I shouldn't. Motherflucker my clits rubbed raw... pardon me while I wet my Willamina." Sadie Outlaw had an orgasm so powerful she nearly lost her grip on Tarnation's mane. Only her boots digging in held her aloft from falling side battle and rib riding the stallion. Reaching the outskirts Sadie saw Deputy Grennon at the jail, firing across the street at one of the Butler Gang. No ID currently other than knowing the list of names Tilly mentioned as gang members she just saw two men. One was rearing back with something in his hand. "Shit! He's got a dynamite stick. Grennon won't stand a chance. MOVE IT BRANDON!" Tarnation was already beyond the peak speed of an average horse, yet the strength of Tarnation held up well under stress. "Cuttin' it close!"

As soon as Remis Curry whipped that stick of TNT across the dusty road Sadie rode directly under it and caught it in mid-air. Gunfire ceasing saved her from being shot, Bacon Tanner withheld his trigger finger at the sight and dropped his jaw. Seeing Sadie literally bite off a sizzling wick prevented a detonation. Tossing the dud into the street the drive by sent Tarnation another sixty yards before he could slow up.

"Did you jus' see what I done saw Bacon? Who is that gal?"

"I dunno but I sure like her bouncin' boobies." At a time like this, he would mention that. "You got another stick fire it up while she's got distance."

"You mean these sticks?" A cigarette lighting a full bag of dynamite made the fellas turn and bulge their eyes. Behind them stood the normally grumpy townsman Brutus Kinkaid who tossed the bag at them. Forced to cut and run for their lives both men ran out into the street just as Sheriff Tom Barrett and Deputy Grennon pinned them between their sights. Rifles flying before they were the two ruffians dropped to the street and braced for the boom. To their shock the dynamite didn't explode. Brutus chuckling had plucked out the fuses making the sticks useless. He even put his cigarette back in his mouth with a guffaw.

"One of these days I might just have to deputize you Kinkaid." Tom smirked. "Where's the third... " A gunshot heard Tom felt a bullet piercing his chest, blood instantly staining his shirt. His horse Ezra rearing up out of fear, Tom fell off and to the street with a sandy mattress thud.

"TOM!" Ira reacted to his mentor's plight and left his hiding spot behind a barrel they kept in front of the jail. In his ignorance Bacon and Remis both crawled for their guns to regain the upper hand. With Jubal out there covering them, the boys jumped to their feet and made a sprint for the jail. Ira turned to aim when even he was shot in the leg dropping him to the dirt.


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