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Sadie Outlaw Ep. 022: Mucho Dinero

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"That's a mighty BIG PUSSY! Ain't talkin' about mine!"
5.6k words

Part 22 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 02/10/2019
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Campfire on the desert! How cozy!

Time-traveler Sadie Outlaw did her part in recovering the stolen bank money secured by the bandit gang the Dillsby's. While her good deed felt right something still nagged at her the more, she stared at the sturdy locked box. Her posse pals Dorieann Finn and the borrowed outlaw NErD Potter were asleep in one another's arms. A sad moment in watching how happy they were Sadie sighed. She knew she had to return Ned to the custody of Sheriff Jim Barrett in Sugar Plum but also knew that by giving up the location of the loot Ned's gang would turn on him. Sure, she could just let him go but that would make things worse, and it could get her in hot water. The timeline was constantly in flux with her every decision. Her own fault mind you, she could have followed the rules but no, her heart was worn on her sleeve.

"I know what you're thinking Sadie."

"Course ya do, Tilly Ford. I can't sleep!"

"With Chasing Wind in your lap, I can see why."

"She finally bawled her eyes out over losing her man Gnawing Beaver. She'll be better by mornin'. I can only imagine how this turn of events is gonna effect my relations with the Comanche nation over at Waters Edge. Snake in Reeds dead on top of it ain't going to settle well with the Chief."

"Chasing Wind will vouch for you. She is his plaything. In the long run Chief Hawk in Flight is no better than Reeds. Beaver let him use his mate. As much as I am opposed to your changing future events, by my thoughts you might have done the chief a favor. Now he has Chasing Wind all to himself."

"Weird how that all works! His wife Sitting Bottom lets it all happen. Makes me wonder why."

"Their culture, their rules."

"You know Windy here is going to want to stay with me instead." She caressed the woman's long raven hair in her slumber. "She is a nice travelin' companion."

"She will get in your way Sadie. Before you follow your grandfather Jessup to the end of his road you will have to let her go, all of your new friends as well. Rewriting history is forcing us all underground as you already know."

"Sorry! I get compulsive like that. Hell, for all I know the artwork I left for Boone and Newton up at Eagles Aerie will fade away too. Chances are I'll never see them again. Or my mom! Or... Uncle Brandon now that I know he's alive. How do you cope Tilly?"

"Do I cope? I cry quite a lot. Thank goodness I have no further need to wear mascara."

"Warpaint! I never missed make-up. Only wore it when I hooked up with guys back home." In a strange moment she looked out through the moonlit darkness in the direction of the mesa she arrived her on.

"You consider what the shaman Wild Turkey told you."

"How did Newton Tickle Bear not even know of Turkey Shoots wall art?"

"Perhaps he did and thought better to hide it from others."

"I reckon that's possible. Then again, I'm still figurin' out all that paradox stuff. If I had hung out more at the Aerie as a kid, I might have spotted my own message. I mean I did leave it here in 1876 so surely it would have been there, right?"

"The variables are infinite Sadie. Again, maybe Newton did know of even those."

"Wouldn't he have warned me to ignore goin' to work for Wyndham if he did? As much as I hate the notion maybe Newton worked for Wyndham himself."

"If he did that knowledge was beyond my pay grade. The project had so many secrets it is truly hard to know."

"Here's a question... if they found Jessup's horse in the desert and his possessions, they had his coordinates. Why not land a traveler the second his horse dropped? In my theory it would have been the smarter move, don't ya think?"


"A whole lot about this time stuff has me boggled. Like you and my connection. I get the nanites in my system fuel me, track me, and link me with you, but still. Pending on how long you and I are sharing a cozy shack in my brain shouldn't I be hearing different eras of you? Think about it. Let's say I fail in this tracking Jessup gig, wouldn't the boys at Wyndham already know it? The future in yer time goes on jus like mine."

"Which is why I tell you to stop changing things there in 1876. It makes our... my job that much harder."

"Wyndham adapts to its environment if you folks are trapped underground. They have to know if I fail or succeed."

"Do they? Most of our work lies underground anyway. The immediate corporate side above us is a front. Yes, we might have lost a few good secretaries due to your influence in 1876. The more you fudge with the timeline those variables grow."

"Like that hot ass tour guide, Cindy? I bet she's a stripper now. Body like hers and the way she flirted with everyone she could do better. Hell, I tipped her on the way out of my interview. Come on Tilly, you know as well as I do that can't be helped. General Westmore picked me because of my kinship to Brandon... like even the town I grew up in."

"He also chose you because you were a top-notch soldier. You followed orders. Not to mention you were rather groomed even from a child."

"There is that, but I wouldn't give up one second of everything Brandon taught me. I was born to be a warrior. On the battlefield yes. I'm not a soldier anymore, now I'm a cow gal who can't keep her name straight."

"You will forever be a soldier Sadie Lynn Outlaw."

"Maybe! But not in no service to the Armed Forces. I got out. So, I thought!"

"Perhaps your war never ends. The same goes for Brandon."

"Ya think that peyote stunt with Tarnation did any damage?"

"I have heard nothing. But again, would Wyndham tell me and distract me from you?"

"Probably not! That Chasm gal learn anything new?"

"Agent Delancy has yet to drop by. All I know is her thoughts in passing. She must not tip her hand or distrust will ruin her career. Give the woman time. Teresa will come through for us."


"You should sleep."

"My nanites keep me wired these days. I sleep when I feel the fatigue, but bein' ramped up to the stamina of three athletes plus my own strength has its advantages. Besides, I hear coyotes prowlin', they probably smell Gnawing Beaver's corpse. Not much we can wrap him up with out here so he's jus' draped over a saddle with his blanket respectin' him. Tarnation is with the horses, so he'll keep the scavengers at bay. Hold up! You were mentally connected to Brandon when he came back here, weren't you?"

"On a lesser level but yes. If you are wondering exactly why it is that I cannot speak with a horse's brain you must know animals are quite difficult to decipher when you don't read mammalese. Brandon might truly be inside the horse in spirit or soul, but I am certain speech and thought are lost."

"Mammalese!" She giggled in her thoughts! "Writin' yer own dictionary, Tilly Ford? Did you ever try?"

"Many times, since we discovered their connection. Just like Brandon himself in our time, his insanity had left me without understanding. Also, since his travel to the past Wyndham's tech has increased. What connection I had with him was scrambled and less useful. Also, remember the nanites were in Brandon, not the horse he adopted."

"Ever run into Brandon when you traveled back to maybe warn him? It is all the same timeframe for every traveler, right?"

"As much as I wanted to... no. I sadly followed protocol."

"Did your time car land on the mesa like mine did? Brandon's? That might help explain what Turkey saw up there. For that matter, how did none of them detect Turkey snooping around."

"Good point! No, I landed near Dallas where Jessup is now. A valley ten miles outside of Dallas. In my case once I left the site my car returned to the future."

"So, why is mine hangin' around? Other cars in the backyard maybe."

"I honestly do not know. As you mentioned earlier the future continues with or without us. Those other cars might be from further in the future."

"Meanin' I have uninvited guests from maybe the 22nd century."

"I do not have an answer."

"Me neither! Okay Tilly Ford, now my eight eyelids are gettin' droopy."

"Eight eyelids? Ah! You refer to the athletes as if they were real."

"Yup! One more I'd have nine lives! Night, Ford Tough!"

"Goodnight, Sadie Sack!" Sad Sack! Military jest!

Funny! Eye shine in the darkness watched her intently!


Modern-day! Near Cheyenne, Wyoming! Standby Base, beneath the desert terrain.

"Tell me Brandon, or should I call you Colonel? How do you feel this morning?"

The stunningly beautiful Dr. Simone Pryor batted her eyes at her patient. Still in his straight-jacket harness after three days of observation Brandon Outlaw knelt proudly. She delicately shaved him while her stoic-faced lovers of two days back, the cyborg soldiers Wynn Cuttler and Jeremy Draven stood guard. Out in the hallway with the cell door wide open sat General Icabod Nathanial Westmore processing every flinch, every reply. While Simone cleaned her straight razor in water Brandon spoke up.

"Sane if that is what you're asking Doctor. Do me one favor and close your legs. Showing off your twat, as delicious as it looks, I have more pressing concerns than getting a boner."

"Close shop, Simone!" General Westmore chuckled! "Sorry, Son! The good doctor is quite the slut."

"I recall the chat we had while your bruisers here ripped her two new ones. No uniform today I see. You look good in a suit Ike." A puckered nod the General agreed. "Same for your trained monkey suits." Draven at least scowled!

"Oh, my God! Don't remind me while I'm holding a razor." She giggled! "If I start shaking, I might slit your throat by accident." She quite easily got saturated thinking of those jackhammer cocks to her left. Both Cuttler and Draven finally smirked.

"Finish grooming Outlaw, Simone."

"Grooming as in dressing me for prom or making certain I can still serve my country. Or is that just Wyndham these days? How is ole' Joy and Kirk? They dethrone Daddy yet?"

"Not yet! Charles is still in charge. They stay behind the scenes for the most part until I or Carlsbad offer insight."

"Anson hasn't turned traitor by now? You know I warned you my gut instinct about him before I went on my mission."

"Not so far! He's too valuable but I do have him under watch."

"Tilly eavesdropping on him?"

"I'm certain. Concerning Ms. Ford... finish that stubble, Simone." She was nearly done shaving him. His haircut long over with, Brandon looked presentably dashing. A few more scrapes and he was as handsome as ever. "Go dump that water and masturbate in the hallway. I want a word with Outlaw here." Cleaning the shaving cream from his face Simone dared to lick Brandon on the cheek.

"Mmm! Forgive me Brandon. I simply needed inspiration." Up she stood with equipment in hand. Turning as the General stood up, he moved his chair out of the doorway and let her pass. A restroom just fifteen feet away she cleaned up her station. Remaining in the doorway with his arms behind his back Ike Westmore narrowed his eyes.

"We chose to send Ms. Ford back to finish what you began once we knew women could cope with time travel better than men. Her psi-talents made her an ideal agent."

"Wonderful! How bad did that go?"

"She... unfortunately took a nasty fall and broke her spinal cord in three places. Paralyzed from the neck down. I'm truly sorry Son. We retrieved her and she's at Wyndham Explorations in Kansas. She is cared for 24/7 by nothing but the best. Her mind is currently linked with your niece Sadie. Her services are invaluable, as are yours."

"I want to see Matilda."

"That can be arranged. Just prove that you're ready to take part again. Still the tough guy I remember?"

"Nanites in me make me tougher. Thus, the titanium threaded straight-jacket I'm guessing."

"Needed as you know."

"I get it. Can I stand or are your guard dogs here going to pummel me?"

"Only if you regress."

"No plans on that. Honestly, Ike, I've never felt better. No weakness in my limbs even from being incapacitated all these years." He stood up slowly and stretched what he could under restraint. No bones even popped under pressure. "I could run ten miles without even limbering up."

"We'll test that here soon."

A male scream behind the General had him turning to look into the cell across the hall. "Simone tells me Monroe seems be resisting his sedatives more and more these days. Once we grasp what brought you back to normal, we can hopefully help him find his way back. Wurl and Harris as well." He repositioned to face the opposite direction to note silence in two other cells. "Sleeping in it appears."

Nodding at Simone over her losing her dress before playing in the hallway as ordered, she pressed her chest into the glass window of patient Eddie Wurl. Suddenly a loud thud was heard from the interior. The patient came alive licking the glass over her nipples. She giggled like a schoolgirl due to her tormenting him. "That's enough Simone! At least we know One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."

"Shall I arouse, Mister Harris?"

"No! Less fortunate! Come to me." She hurried to the General's side and dropped to her knees to kiss his polished shoes. Brandon eying her cracked his neck with a smirk. Ike sensed a sudden urge and eyed the soldier's inseam. Sure enough, Brandon boasted an erection. "Changed your mind I see."

"Now that I know my pressing matters have answers to them. Why not! Care to put your faith in me General?"

"Cuttler? Remove his white coat." Wynn Cuttler immediately stepped behind Brandon and unclasped the restraints holding his arms tightly to his side. Draven stood ready to defend the General if need be. Cyborg enhanced he felt secure enough to deal with even a nanite uprising. Rightly so! As the jacket slipped away the shirtless Brandon stretched his arms this time. A nod at Draven, Brandon slowly stepped over to the General and extended a hand. A shake accepted with a strong grip Brandon saluted his superior.

"Mind if I cut in?" With his hand released Ike looked down at Simone. Offered up Brandon leaned over and grabbed the good doctor by her hair and stepped around the General to enter the hallway. Dragging her along on her knees Brandon looked through the glass pane to the cell of Monroe Perch and saluted him. Moving down the line to Eddie Wurl, he saluted him as well even if his eyes were crossed and drool saturated his chin. Lastly, he stopped at the door of Lawrence Harris and completed his respect.

Lawrence was loopy in expression until Brandon produced Simone by lifting her to her feet. She was moaning before he even considered more. Claiming her right hand Brandon poised it before a security pad on the door. "Unlock Law's cell."

"What? He might attack us." She whimpered!

"Testing a theory."

"Do it, Doctor." Ike ordered! Doing so in a blur of keys the door unlocked and Brandon moved her to open it. Guiding her inside the cell Harris eased back as if spooked. With his free hand Brandon lowered his white cotton patient pants to a majestic ten-inch erection. Forcefully moving Simone in front of him he took her anus by storm. Unprepared by his size and sturdiness she screamed over the invasion. Lifting her up by her thighs he held her legs wide as he fucked her. The General and his stooges watched him hammer her pucker hard. Drooling, Harris dropped to his knees like an animal and crawled in between her thighs and bit her clitoris.

"Careful Law! Don't bite off more than you can chew." She was screaming over not just Brandon being hung like a horse but of Lawrence dining on her squirting cunt. Adding to her torment Ike drew out a remote control from his pocket and used it to zap her shock collar. In minutes she was slobbering all over herself like her patients. Nutting hard inside her ass Brandon pulled out of her and dropped her hard onto the mat. Leaving her there at the mercy of Lawrence she let him eat her out until it became agony. The shock collar stopping gave her body mobility as she panicked.

"Harris is not well. He could have killed me."

Draven stepped in and overpowered Harris to give Simone time to crawl away and to the General's pantleg. Whimpering there like a pooch he patted her head then looked to Brandon. "Theory play out?"

"Sure did! Harris didn't bite me like he did her." That made the cyborg boys wince. What the hell did that mean? "Your lapdogs are slow Ike. If Harris were completely gone, she and I would have been dinner. He still prefers pussy."

"And you were willing to sacrifice your gonads to prove he wasn't queer."

"Takes balls to do what I just did. Right, Simone?"

"Y-yes! Dear God! Fuck me again, Colonel Outlaw." She begged tugging at his drawn up white pants.

"Never again! General? Press my uniform and take me to Matilda. Let's finish our mission any way we have to."

"Draven? Ball gag Harris there and drop his drawers." He then nudged Simone back into the cell. "Cuttler? Give Harris fifteen minutes to fuck the good doctor. He's earned a morsal I think." Insanity fucked her silly.

Best medicine ever!


Dawn! 1876! Up and at 'em! Maybe that was up and at me!

Chasing Wind refused to let Sadie sleep in. Rolling her black leggings over her hips the Comanche beauty stretched out on the desert floor and devoured Sadie's cunt. The time travelers nanites kept her smelling like roses so the breakfast in bed was perfect. In just a short time Sadie had warped Chasing Wind into liking women. Perhaps as much as she cared for Gnawing Beaver, her mate, not her redheaded hoochie, this was how she processed grief. Sadie wanted to tell her to stop and show respect but caved to that deep diving tongue. Lifting her hat from shading her eyes Sadie looked down over her tummy and eyed the feasting frenzy.

"G'moanin' to you too. We have gotta stop meetin' n eatin' like this." Spoken in English over Comanche the girl did not understand her words. "Jus' as well! Yer speakin' in tongues gets the point across. Rearing her head back Sadie spied the horses tethered to rocks, Beaver's body lying over a saddle. "Sorry, Beav! I know this ain't real respectful but Wind jus' needs to get this out of her system. I reckon this is as close to that threesome as we get. Sorry yer a dead lay my friend." Tensing up Sadie Lynn climaxed in a gusher of white crude. "Damn nanites sure know how to escalate things fast. Call me a Minute Maid!" No exhaustion afterwards she just laid there letting Chasing Wind weep right along with her thighs.

Hearing moans coming from elsewhere Sadie rose to her elbows and looked around. "You have gotta be kiddin' me." Stopping Windy, Sadie rolled to her feet and tugged her leggings up. Taking a short stroll, she rounded some small boulders and found the new camp site for Dorieann Finn and Ned Potter. Evidently, they had relocated in the course of the coyote symphony last night. Spying rather than speaking up Sadie shook her head. "I knew those two were gonna experiment here soon. Hunky Dorie was gettin' too squishy 'tween the knees. Virginity won't be far behind." Tempted to give Ned pointers on how to eat pussy Sadie just turned and left them to their frolicking.

"You do realize that if Ned Potter has sex with Dorieann Finn and gets her pregnant that will also deviate the timeline further."

"I know! I know! Dang it, Tilly Ford! I jus' don't have the heart to break 'em up. Bad enough Ned may hang over his association with the Dillsby boys."

"And leaving Dorie to raise a child alone is any better?"

"Grrr!" Sadie returned to the rock and a hard place and cleared her throat. "That's enough you two. Yer aidin' and a beddin' a known criminal Dorieann. I get the feelings, but you need to clamp yer clam and pull yer drawers up. Ned, stop yer waggin' and no braggin'! You can't let the Dillsby's or the law know you and Dorie are gettin' intimate."


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