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Saggy What


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"I've always had pretty big boobs but for the last few years they've been huge." looking up from them back to the screen. Someone had just typed in, 'You could always make them bigger.'

"Yer I don't think I could undergo surgery for something like that."

Someone else answered him and maybe me with 'The problem with fake boobs, of any type, is that they just don't sit correctly.'. A few others gave him a thumbs up and someone said 'Yer no movement and they're weighted wrong.'.

I laughed at that comment "Movement, I could tell you all about movement."

A load of 'go on then' comments then appeared in the chat. I leaned sideways and looked at Chris, he was already looking at me and nodded very approvingly. "This is what I mean guys." and for the first time in my life I performed.

I just thrust my bra encased boobs out a little and moved my shoulders a centimetre or two each side which caused a ripple effect through my boobs. I watched in the camera window my bra secured boobs swaying, and jiggling. It was the exact effect I was expecting and knew would happen. They loved it. I loved doing it.

They wanted to see them sway without a bra. I wasn't quite ready for that yet. In our private chat window Chris told me to answer some of their questions that were appearing.

"Yes, as you saw they move a lot. Yup it's all the time no matter what bra I have on." That was very true indeed. "I wear either a 34J or 36H depending on make, material etc. This bra is a 34J I think." I didn't think, I knew. "48 inches at their fullest.".

Someone lept onto the 48 inches bit quickly. Calling my bluff and asking me to measure them for them. It quickly appeared to be another thing that I didn't know was a thing. Some people like to see women measure their boobs. Chris appeared at my side with a dress maker's tape. I was surprised, and shocked at how quickly it had appeared. I soon found myself with the tape measure around my boobs leaning forward and twisting so that they could all see it. And yup it confirmed that I had 48 inches of boob flesh crammed into this bra. They were all very excited about that, it was comical, really.

A question about my nipples came up, which I answered with a "Well maybe you'll see them one day." a tease for them. Yup I was into this, and just a little bit turned on. Though showing my naked boobs wasn't really something I think I could do right now. I still couldn't believe that they were seeing me, the real me like this. I could get recognised out in the real world now. That was exciting, for all the wrong reasons.

I continued to talk to them, answering their questions and comments "Hey BigPappppa, thanks for your nice comments. I still think they're a little on the big side." he kept saying that they looked perfect.

"Yes harleyVrod I've always been rather busty and yup Chris is a good husband thank you." That made me laugh. He was checking that Chris made me cum hard and daily. He didn't but I wasn't going to cover that here.

There was someone called mutt1964 who was only posting short comments with pictures. They were pictures of white, big busted women having sex with huge strong black men. He must has posted at least 5 of them. Someone had told him to stop but he carried on. Chris obvious didn't care as he hadn't said anything or kicked him out. The short comments he put with the pictures were certainly interesting and strangely had my attention, more than I would have thought. Things like 'Hey Emily, I know you'd love to be filled with my hard, long, black cock.' and 'Get our little chocolate baby drinking from your huge udders.'. That was accompanied by an amazing picture of a naked pregnant woman sitting a astride a black man. Her nipples were running with milk and there was a black baby in a crib next to them. I'd never seen or thought of anything like it. It had my attention, but I didn't know why. I even scrolled back up to look at the picture again as the men continued talking. 'Our little chocolate baby' that's what rang through my head.

I snapped out of it when Chris stood up and walked towards me. I quickly scrolled back down, quite a long way to see what I'd missed. I also noticed that he'd posted some stuff in our private chat, telling me it was time to take my bra off. I don't think I could do that. He then stood behind me, I looked up at him and he smiled nodding back at the screen.

Looking at the camera you could see a man behind me, you could only see his torso. Reading the notes I replied to them. "Sorry guys I spaced out a little. This is all a bit much for me. Yes, that's Chris, my husband behind me." reading a bit more "Maybe a little." realising that didn't make sense, I added. "I'm answering Westxan, sorry, yes I am maybe turned on a little."

Reading some more bits moving by there was mutt1964 again, no picture this time. 'I got your attention didn't I?' I nodded as I read it. Someone else picked up on it 'I think our Emily may be a black cock slut and didn't know it.'. God darn, imagine if he was right.

The others were going on about my boobs again and suddenly Chris reached round and started to very lightly feel my boobs in front of them all. They were asking if I was liking it. "Ummm yes, I'm rather sensitive around my breasts." I chuckled when they told me I didn't have breasts, these were tits or juggs or udders or boobs. "Ok yes my tits." and I put my hands over Chris's and helped him massage them harder. Really digging into my boob flesh. They loved that, but surprisingly a lot of them told me to take my hands away and to let Chris do it. So I did.

They wanted me to describe what was happening and what I was feeling. Chris then stopped and putting a hand under each boob he lifted them as high as he could in the confines of the bra cups and he just held them there. He often did this and it was a relief. "He's holding my boobs up, giving my back a break. It's a nice feeling. He does this often. I feel soo much lighter." I knew what was coming next, it was what he often did but this time he held off.

"Yes he needs bigger hands." I laughed at one of them saying my boobs didn't fit. He then let them go "Ummphh" nearly knocking the wind out of me, as per usual. "Yup he often does that too and you should see it when there's no bra." I then realised what I'd said. Can't take it back now and of course they all latched onto it. Chris started to massage and tease them again. I couldn't help it. "Ummmm."

They wanted to see them free and they wanted to know if I was enjoying his hands "Umm yes, it feels very nice, yes, ummmm, thank you." dam it was good. I was getting really turned on and closed my eyes for a moment enjoying the feeling. And just thinking about what the men on the internet were seeing right now. This was soo crazy.

Opening my eyes back up again as I squeezed my legs together to apply pressure down there. I almost wanted to touch my pussy but I couldn't do that. They wanted my boobs out, I felt like this was getting a little carried away and not what we were originally here for. "I don't think so, ummm." Chris focused on my nipples now tweaking them. God darn. "Yes you can probably see my nipples through my bra." Ummm god I was turned on now. I was tempted to push away from the camera and grab Chris for a good hard fuck. This was really getting to me. "Yes they are sensitive and yes I'm very turned on.".

"I bet you'd like that wouldn't you." I was answering a load of questions at once there. Some wanted to see me cum, some wanted to see me finger myself, some wanted to see my boobs out, still. "Yes I can cum from just having my boobs played with." It was true, and I'd had that pleasure a few times. God today couldn't be another one could it?

A few of them were commenting again on the size of my boobs and how huge they were. Trying to keep us on topic. I did like hearing that. And then mutt1964 did it again. A picture, no a video of some sort appeared in front of us all in the chat thing. It showed a white woman's pussy and ass with a black cock in it. There was no condom and the video was looping, showing no sex movement except the pulse of the cock and the movement of his balls. It was obviously a loop of him cumming inside her. In the background of the video you could make out her huge boob swinging in time to the movement inside her. "Ohhh god that's soo naughty. Ohhh goooddd." and it happened.

I came.

"Ohhh ggddwwwdd, unnnhhhhhhgghhhh" I tried to hold it in "Noooowwwww ughhhhhh". Oh god no, this was soo "Ughhhhhhpphhhhhh". No no no, why "UgghhhhhH" and I managed to get under control. Panting now, still staring at and thinking about the white woman with the big tits getting a black mans cum inside her to give her a black baby.

The image scrolled past and everyone exploded in praise and thanks. 'The hottest thing I've ever seen', 'Obviously not faked', 'Emily you're a goddess.', 'Did you see those fat tits jiggle?' etc.

I noticed that a few of them had picked up on what did it, 'She wanted those hands on her juggs to be black.', 'Emily is that you in the gif?', 'I think we have a black cock whore being born here.'.

And a few were still on the 'Come on now, get your tits out love.' and 'God I wanna see those things hang.'.

I was still coming down from my impromptu orgasm and hardly noticed as Chris pushed one bra strap down my arm. I also realised that I hadn't said anything in a while. They noticed the strap move 'Show us your wife's hooters.' and 'Go on Chris get the sluts tits out.'. I wasn't a slut, I didn't like that but something deep inside me was, well, trying to come to grips with the fact that I had just cum infront of all these strangers. I looked up at Chris, he was looking at the screen, watching everything go by. I wanted to get his attention but I couldn't.

Looking back at the screen more were egging him on but I was going to try to regain some control. "No, I don't think my boobs are coming out gentlemen." and I smiled at them. "I've done a lot more than I thought I would today. Thank you very much.".

But I felt Chris start to pull the bra cup down on the de-strapped boob. He was doing it very slowly while the other hand continued to massage the other one. "Chris, I don't think you should do that." I also knew he couldn't actually get my boob out that way. I'm too fully busted and fill bra cups to bursting. There was no peeling the fabric down, you had to lift the boob out.

There were interestingly at least two other people trying to get mutt1964 to tell them how he was posting pics and gifs into the room. But he wasn't giving. I did think it was strange that he was the only one managing to do it. He then typed something in that confused me 'Lads, I think it's clear that Emily here needs some nigger cock. I assure you that I'll get her udders longer and fuller than they are now. She just needs to be nigger bred. We'll get those heavy hangers of hers on display for all to enjoy."

Heavy hangers, that's what Chris called them. What are the odds of this stranger knowing that name. The chat then showed that he'd disconnected, left the room.

I leaned forward and scrolled to try to find him, but that's not how it worked. I looked back up at Chris but he just smiled down at me and didn't say anything. The other men still in the room quickly moved on. Asking me to get my boobs out for them. I was confused and surprised at the effect that another man had on me. Where on earth did all that come from, why did I seem to care.

One of the men 'Why don't you spread your legs and allow yourself to play a little. We don't need to see.' a few of the others thought that was a great idea. I didn't agree "No gents I don't think I should do that.". Chris was still lightly massaging one boob over the bra while simply playing with the top of my other boob that was more exposed due to the strap being down on that side. "God you are all horny men aren't you." and I giggled like a little girl. It surprised me.

Someone called BigC and a load of numbers wrote 'Chris wants you to do this. So do you. Have a play with your wet cunt and let him get one of your tits out for us. Go on Emily.' I laughed at that. "No no no, I really don't think so.".

They all liked that with harleyVrod calling me a slut again 'Stop teasing us you slut, get diddling and flashing.'. Chris clearly liked that idea as he reached for one of my wrists while his other hand slid down inside the looser bra cup to tightly reach under my boob, cupping as much of it as he could. I knew what that meant and what his idea was. "No Chris, don't you do it.".

He moved my wrist trapped hand down towards my knickers. My legs were tight together though and he had a tough time trying to get my hand between them. At the same time he just left his other hand under my boob, inside my bra. He let go of my wrist and pushed my legs apart. On the screen they could clearly work out what was going on 'At a boy Chris', 'Come on Emily you know you wanna.'.

"Ohhh god Chris don't do this to me." was all I could manage. Though I fully knew that I could easily stop this at any time. I had so many easy options, a change of tone, a slap of his wrist, a get up and walk away. But I did none of them.

'Tell us what's happening Emily.' caught my eye and I responded to it. "Chris has just pushed my legs apart and has put my hand near my pussy." I sighed. Someone corrected me 'You have a cunt love' and someone else 'Sluts have cunts'.

"I think he wants you to see my boobs." reading the notes appearing I answered as best I could. I was concerned, worried and still very turned on. "I don't think it's a good idea for me to get a boob out or both boobs. No. Oh god I can't do this." my hand was between my legs, not quite touching myself, until my body just responded too strongly.

My fingers were too close. My sensitive lips were just on the other side of these tiny lacy panties. The slightest movement and I could feel it. It was driving me crazy. I needed to play with my pussy. I couldn't help myself.

"Oh god, ok." and I lifted myself a tiny bit. Enough so that I could use my hand to pull my knickers to one side. Oh god it felt soo good, my pussy was really soaked and my fingers felt amazing on it. They couldn't see it, thank god. "Yes there you go my fingers are now playing with my pussy, sorry cunt." yup I was doing it. "Yup I am rather wet." I then had a surprising and very naughty idea. I don't know where it came from.

I leaned back a little against Chris and spread my legs wider and pushed a finger inside myself. "Can you hear me?" and I fucked myself with my finger trying to make my pussy sing. It did. A sloshy, moist sound clear as a bell. They heard it. I giggled, it was so naughty "Yup that was one, ummmm" I then put two fingers in and did it again "Now two fingers inside my cunt." I liked talking like this. For the first time in my life I felt weirdly sexually alive. It was bonkers.

At that moment Chris did it. He simply lifted my boob out of the bra cup, well more a wrestle than a simple lift and he nicely laid it down on my chest. Before he swiftly removed both of his hands and moved away off camera. I now had to sit back up straight as I had nothing to lean on.

Looking at the camera display, in front of me, a dirty slag looked back. It wasn't me at all. The woman on the screen clearly had one hand down the front of her body. Though she had a bra on, one of her very large boobs was hanging down in front of her body. The contrast between the supported and unsupported one was crazy. This woman had recently had an orgasm in front of some strangers on the internet and right now had two fingers deep inside her pussy. Her face was full, visible and she was using her real name. She was here to discuss making her boobs bigger and longer and had found a new kink of interracial sex that she didn't know she had. She looked sexy and wanton as hell. In fact she looked slutty and very sexy.

That woman was the new me.

No Support

"I can't believe we're really going to do this." sighing, I can't believe I've let him talk me into this. Sitting naked on the bed in our bedroom he's holding the contraption out for me to take it from him. I don't really know what to call it. It's certainly not a bra anymore. It was one of my Glossies Sheer bras that he's cut the cups out of. Yup it's a bra without cups. "I may as well just be braless."

"Well it's not about that. We're going to add to this."

"Yer to make my boobs hang more. I still don't know.."

"It's soo exciting isn't it?" he cut me off and looked soo excited. I didn't want to crush him and his stupid dreams.

"Yes dear." and I pulled the frame onto my body. It was weird to have a bra on that didn't do anything for the actual boob. I had to lift each one through the hole so that it was now drooped outside it. Having it done up behind my back and the shoulder straps made it feel a little more normal, if looser.

He was moving around getting a good look. He then leaned forward and started to fiddle with the bits of bra that were still there. "Stand up love." I did and he continued. "God darn your tits are fecking amazing." and he lifted each one at a time, weighing them. I smiled at him, sort of enjoying his attention.

"I think we can make this part" and he grabbed the top bit that sits over the boob "tighter. It'll make the root smaller." he gathered it up. Pinching the fabric on both sides. Looking at myself in the mirror opposite he was right they looked even more teardrop shaped than before. "Yes, god yes." I guess he was happy.

As he continued to play with and dress my boobs for me I thought back to the video chat from a few days ago. I still can't believe that I did it however Chris has screenshots and the chat that we've looked over a few times. He keeps drawing us back to a picture of me sitting there with one boob in the bra and one out, both of my hands were behind my back on the back of the stool. The difference between my boob height was staggering. It would have been embarrassing apart from it was the entire point of the session and all this. In the end somehow I ended up being proud of my saggy boobs. All the men in the room and Chris were ecstatic and I ended up talking about how I felt, what the difference was and more. The fact that I'd orgasmed twice in that call was a complete mind blower. A new me was born that night.

We also chatted about the interracial thing as it caught us both off guard. However there's something about the way Chris talks about it that tells me he's holding something back. I don't quite know what it is but something. Anyway, it certainly touched something in me that I didn't know was there. I'm a bit ashamed to admit it really, I didn't think I was like that. I do know that I've cum quite a few times thinking about it and I certainly did a double take yesterday when I walked past a tall black man. Somehow it's worming its way into my head, though I don't really know what 'it' is.

"Yup this is a good start." he was happy with the look. Looking at myself in the mirror I sort of get it. I can see that he was certainly achieving the look he was after. I had bra straps as usual, though they weren't pulled tight, that felt unsettling. The underwire bit of the bra was also there but my boobs were totally over the top of it. I mean that usually happened a bit but this time it was pretty extreme, no fabric to try to hold them up a bit. The top of the bra was pulled pretty darn tight across the top of each boob. He'd managed to tie them up, so that they almost looked like elastic bands. It certainly had the desired effect of making the hang of the boobs look more prominent. Overall it made my boobs look very heavy, and long, hanging extremely low on my chest. Which was after all the desired effect. I still didn't really get his fascination but I'd promised and was enjoying the journey so far.

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