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Sailing Adventure Ch. 02

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Continuation of the erotic adventure.
5.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/15/2015
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This is a continuation of the previous Sailing Adventure story.

Several readers asked for "the rest of the story," so here it is for your reading pleasure.


Thursday when I arrived at the site for my usual computer maintenance, I wasn't sure what kind of reception to expect with Barbara after our sailing weekend. Barbara was smiling when she greeted me, "Nice to see you Bob." ending with a wink.

I went about my normal routine and even had a discussion with the keypunch girls about the last "Dynasty" episode. I just could not seem to have a moment of alone time with Barbara to discuss the weekend. After I finished the maintenance, I returned to my "office" which was nothing more than a desk and room full of filing cabinets filled with manuals and spare parts. It was nothing more a partition with a locking door on the edge of the factory floor to keep our company's documentation off limits from the rest of the workers.

I was writing my maintenance notes in the log when I heard a soft knock on the door and "Bob, you in there?" It was Barbara, I opened the door and she was barely in the door when she started kissing me, adding full tongue. Damn, what a greeting.

Catching my breath I said, "I guess we're ok, ... I mean after the weekend and all."

She said, "All I could think about after our day on the boat was you fucking me."

She bent over me and whispered, "I need your big cock inside me."

She continued the passionate kissing; now I ask you, what would you have done? I checked the lock on the door as she kept kissing me. She was lifting up her dress and removing her panties; she grabbed my hand and said, "Feel my pussy, it's longing for you." I had to look around to see if this was candid camera, because no woman has ever been this horny with me."

The logistics of my office made fucking somewhat difficult, but I had her sit on the edge of my desk and I started to kiss her and drop my pants all at the same time. Now the factory noise drowned out most of her moaning and the sounds of my cock pounding in and out of her wet pussy. She was about to come and dam, someone knocks on the door and asks, "Bob you in there?"

My heart started beating faster and I put my hand on her mouth to keep her quiet. Shit, I never thought about the consequences of fucking at work. We could both lose our jobs. I was concerned about my job, not to mention, of the problems if my wife found out. Damn, that's what happens when your dick is doing the thinking. One more knock and whoever it was went away.

While I froze in mid stroke, Barbara's pussy started clenching my cock. She had her legs wrapped around me and was holding me tight.

What a feeling, my cock in a nice warm wet pussy and it was squeezing me in a pulsating action. I knew I was about to cum, just a few more strokes and I spent my load into her welcoming pussy.

Barbara's look of pleasure, suddenly changed to an 'oh shit' moment, "You didn't have a rubber on, I might get pregnant."

"Not to worry, I shoot blanks."

"What, are you saying blanks, it sure felt like you shot your load in my pussy."

"No, I mean I had a vasectomy years ago and there is no way you can get pregnant."

"Whew, I am so used to my husband having a rubber on I just didn't think about you not having one."

She grabbed one of my shop towels and cleaned off the cum and pussy juice off herself. The shop now had a distinct odor of sex. Fortunately, the factory smell would soon overtake it.

I told her we have to cool it at work because if we are caught we could both be fired. She agreed and said she had spent days thinking about me fucking her and she got overwhelmed with desire as she pulled her panties back up.

She straightened her dress and kissed me and cautiously opened the door and left. I sat down in my chair and reviewed what just happened, wow, I don't know if it was because it was different pussy, the possibility of being caught or what, but this was a high. I vowed to be more cautious in the future, but really loved the adrenaline rush of forbidden sex.

Part 2.

All week I kept thinking about fucking Barbara at work. I relived that moment repeatedly. Damn, I am hooked on fucking her again. I just couldn't risk doing at work again; there must be a solution.

The obvious solution would be to get a motel room, but the site was in the middle of nowhere and there was only one small mom and pop motel in town. It wasn't the rent by the hour type, plus the town was so small it would be hard to be discreet, people in this small town liked to gossip.

I did some surveying of the area and I found a nearby small park that seemed to get little weekday use. It was your typical small park, a few picnic tables and outdoor grills to use and a large parking lot.

Now I drive a Fiat X19, which is a small sports car, we are not going to do any fucking in it unless we are gymnasts. Barbara didn't have a car, she car pooled with one of the other workers, so using her car was out. The co-worker is a blabber so we could not chance using her car. Now what?

Barbara and I went out to lunch in my car and on the way back to work, I pulled into the park. We got out and started walking around and talking, kissing and holding hands. I spied a small building that had restrooms.

"No way... I am not going to fuck in a restroom." She said.

However, there was small janitor's room on the side that was unlocked, we entered. There wasn't anything in there, but a deep sink and a supply shelf, mops, and cleaning supplies.

I pulled Barbara inside and closed the door; she was already ahead of me and says she can sit on the sink edge. She was kissing me and trying to hop on the sink at the same time. Once she was on the edge, I pulled her panties down and her pussy was exposed and wet.

I figured for the few minutes that we needed to fuck, no one was going to catch us. We went at it like two horny teenagers after the prom. I can't say it was the most romantic place to fuck, but it worked. I don't know if it's the thrill of fucking in unusual places or just fucking Barbara, but this was very exciting. At least there was plenty of paper towels for her to clean herself off.

We cautiously opened the door and left, relieved of our pent up sexual tension. Barbara said her ass was numb from sitting on the sink edge. We will have to find a better place in the future.

Part 3

There was a boat show coming up in a few weeks and I asked Barbara if she would like to go with me to Annapolis. Now this would be an all-day event and she wasn't sure she could get away for that long. I said if she could stay overnight, we could get a motel room on our way back, enjoy a real bed, and have a more relaxing time.

This was before everyone having a cell phone and emails, but our communication was primitive by today's standards. I could only talk to her when I was on the site or occasionally I could call her at work and she could go to a private office and call me back. Since I was on the road all day and often at different customers, she had no way to contact me. I did have a pager but you had to call our dispatcher and have him page me with a phone number. He was noisy and kept track of who was calling and why, he often asked why this Barbara kept calling for me.

Anyway, with this poor communications we were able to set up a trip to the boat show. We meet at my yacht club early in the morning and she was able to leave her car. Her husband went off to a reenactor's event with his buddies and she was good to go.

Driving down to Annapolis was uneventful and we talk more and really get to more about each other. We seemed to have more in common than sex. She confided in me that our first sexual encounter was more because she had learned that her husband cheated on her with his secretary and she wanted revenge. I was a good choice because we already knew each other and it just worked out, it was all timing.

Barbara said, "Now that we have been together it's not about revenge, I really love you."

Gulp, that's not really where I thought this was going. Now we are having a relationship not a casual fling. I didn't know how to respond to this revelation, if I said it's all about casual sex for me that could be the end of this. If I said I loved her back, it could go in a different direction. Before I could think of the correct response, an 18-wheeler cut us off and scared the shit out us.

The conversation then shifted to irresponsible drivers and other mundane topics. We found and parking spot near the boat show dock. Having a small car paid off in this situation.

We walked through the boat show going onboard one boat after another. She really liked the cruising boats, and especially liked the full cabins of some of them. Then she started again, "If we had this model we would have plenty of room to sleep and there would be extra room for the boys."

"Boys? What boys?"

"Mine of course, they would love sailing with us." She said while she grabbed for my hand.

The sales guy hears this and starts his whole sales pitch about family sailing and adventures that last for lifetimes. I am not sure if she was yanking his chain or not. I didn't bite on the sales guy pitch, yee gads $200,000 for a sailboat.

Barbara was getting hungry so we left the show to go to a restaurant for lunch. She does not like food vendors, so it's a real restaurant for us. As we walked towards the restaurant, she was holding my hand and occasionally kissing me. I was surprised with the PDA (Public Display of Affection) but I was enjoying it, it just felt good holding hands with a beautiful blonde. Just as I was thinking, 'look at me with this beautiful blonde' I hear, "Bob is that you?"

I turn around and see a couple from out yacht club, trying not to look guilty, I say, "Hey, Frank and Kay, what are you doing here?"

"We're here to look for a new main sail," responded Frank as he gave Barbara the once over.

Kay, looking at me intensely, says, "Who's this lovely lady with you?"

"Umm ... This is Barbara, a friend from work." I am thinking whom I also hold hands with and kiss.

"Friend, Oh ... I mean Barbra, it's nice to meet you." as Kay extends her hand to shake.

They exchange pleasantries and I can see Kay is about to give her the third degree. I grab Barbara's hand and say, "We don't want to be late for our reservation. .. . We will see you guys later." As my legs want to start into a run. The last thing I want to do is spend any time talking with these two.

Oh crap, what have I gotten myself into? My secret is out, now everyone at the yacht club is going to know about this and its one short step to my wife finding out. Shit, why did I decide to go to the boat show? My head is spinning with all these thoughts when Barbara, says, "They seemed nice." I am thinking, nice, my ass they are going to cause us to burn in hell, but I say, "Yes they are."

Barbara still doesn't have it; we both are going to be outed. I don't know whether to tell Barbara they are going to out us or not. I decide to enjoy the "last day" of my life.

We just ate lunch quietly and observed the local scenery, boats coming and going, as if everything is Ok. I check the time and say, "We better get on the road, it's a long trip back."

The drive back didn't have the same upbeat feeling as the trip down. I felt like I was slowly driving to my execution. My dick started thinking again, "Hey why don't we stop by the boat on the way back and check things out?" Knowing that was the perfect place to have a quiet fuck before I went to the gallows.

Barbara says, "Let's get something to eat first."

We stop by the local Denny's and grab dinner. Barbara looks just as beautiful as she did when we started the day. I just gaze into her eyes and think; 'maybe I do love her.'

As we walk down the dock at the yacht club, I can't think of anything except getting into that warm juicy pussy and sucking those tits. Barbara, just shed her clothes as soon as I closed the cabin hatch. She was just a sexy as the first time I saw her naked. She does aerobics and I can see its paying off, she has the body of a teenager. Those nipples were ready to be sucked again. We stretched out in the forward berth and just cuddled and kissed for a while, as I started sucking her nipple she held my head and said, "I love you Bob."

"I love you too." as I continued to play with her tits.

She said, "Let me have your cock, I want to suck it, I want to have your cum inside me."

Not one to pass up a blowjob, I happily complied and shot my hot sticky cum down her throat.

She just licked her lips and said, "I wish we could do this every day."

I liked the thought of that, but every day might be too much of a good thing. She continued to suck me until I got hard again so she could fuck me.

We almost fell asleep after this, I said, "We better get going or we will still be here in the morning."

"Would that be so bad?" she said.

"Well I think we might be missed if we didn't come back tonight."

I suddenly had a flash of her husband pointing a musket at me, which motivated me to get 'the show on the road.'

I followed her up the road until I was sure she was safely on the main road and I turned to go home.

Part 4

It's Thursday again and I am ready to set off for the Engineering Company where Barbara works. I get a page to call the office, Oh, that can't be good. My boss tells me I have to collect a check for $20, 000 when I arrive on site or don't do any maintenance. What? The company is behind in their payments apparently they are in serious financial trouble. After I finish the maintenance, bring the check to his office.

When I arrive on site, I go see the MIS manager to get a check. Fortunately, he has it and all seems well. As I look for Barbara, she is nowhere in sight. One of the other key punch girls, Karen, motions to me to come over, "Barbara got laid off yesterday." The first thing that comes to mind is someone discovered our extra-curricular activities.

I ask her, "Why did she get laid off?" fully expecting the answer to have something to do with our relationship.

"The company laid off about twenty people, we lost a major contract."

"Oh, that's not good news, I hope Barbara is Ok. She was very nice."

"She left in tears; she only works to keep her kids in private school. ... She doesn't know what she is going to do."

After finishing maintenance, I head off to the office to deliver the check. It's not every day I have a check for $20, 000 in my possession. As I hand the check to my boss, he says, "Bob, there are going to be some changes around here." first thing that come to mind, 'Oh, shit he found out about Barbara and he is going to fire me.'

"Changes, what changes?"

"We are going to reassign you to a different site; you are too valuable to leave down at the Engineering Company site. I am going to have Harry take over for you."

Dam, no more Thursdays at the Engineering Company, but Barbara's not there anymore. I have to find out what's happening with Barbara. I wait until next Thursday and I call down to the Engineering Company to see if Harry is doing all right with maintenance. "Oh, by the way could you let me talk to Karen the keypunch girl."

I ask Karen if she knows how Barbara's doing trying to sound sympathetic and concerned. I ask if she hears from her, tell her I was asking about her.

About a month passed and I was going to meet a new customer with one of our sales representatives. As we enter the company and approach the receptionist, I spy Barbara walking by.

"Barbara, is that you?"

"Hey Bob, yes I am working here now. It's much closer to home."

As I try to talk more, the sales rep motions for me to come with him to the meeting, I say to Barbara, "Good seeing you again, I have got to go."

On my way out after the meeting, I am looking around for Barbara to have more of a conversation with her; the sales rep. keeps walking out the door. Since I rode with him, I had to leave, just as I was turning to go out the door Barbara walks by and passes a folded note to me.

When I got a chance, I opened the note. Call me at 6:00 with a phone number. I wonder whose number this is.

At 6:00, I cautiously call the number and Barbara answers, I can tell by the background noise she is not at home, its sounds like a public phone in a bowling alley. Occasionally I can hear the ball hitting the pins.

"Where are you?

"I am at the bowling alley near work, I bowl here every week. ... I am on a team."

"Bowling, huh ... I never knew you bowled."

"How are you doing Bob? ... I missed you ... we have to get together. Can you meet me here at the bowling alley next week?"

"Yes I think I can do that, what time?"

"Come around 6:30 and you can watch me bowl."

Next week I arrived at the bowling alley, I don't see Barbara right away. She is with a group of women; I stay in the back not sure of what to do next. I don't know if she wants me to come up to her with all her friends. Barbara spies me and starts waving at me to come over. Now I am surrounded by five women looking at me like, 'why are you here?'

Barbara starts introducing me to each one and I am still not sure of what's going on with this situation.

Next one says, "Barbara you're up."

Barbara goes to start bowling, the girls just all start focusing on me, one asks "So Bob, how do you know Barbara? ... You're not her secret boyfriend are you?"

I stammered, "No were just friends from her previous job. Sort of like co-workers." I am sure my face was turning red.

I continued watching her bowl and making small talk about her bowling. I made sure to cheer her on when she got a strike. When the game was over, the girls invited me to join them for a drink; Barbara said we were going to grab a cup of coffee at the diner.

A few things changed since I last saw her, I got a white AMC Hornet 4-door car, one more practical but less sporty. I also had a new pager that you could page me direct with a phone number to call back.

I showed Barbara my car and she commented that it had a lot more room that the other one. I said I would drive us to the diner and I'll bring her back to pick up her car and she could go home from there. As soon as Barbara got in, she slid right over to me and kissed me. It's as if we didn't skip a beat.

We parked in the back of the diner, as soon as I shut off the car, Barbara started kissing me passionately. We made out like a couple of teenagers, I was sure my cock was going to rip through my pants. I went right away for her tits; I opened her blouse and pulled her bra up over her tits. I wanted those nipples in the worst way. As I sucked her nipples, she kept saying how much she missed me and how much she loved me.

The car was totally steamed up by now and I was about to start finger fucking her, when someone knocked on the window.

"Hey, this isn't a motel. It's a restaurant, come inside and buy something or I'll call the police."

Barbara hastily rearranged her clothes and we opened the windows to cool down. We sheepishly went into the diner, where the owner said, "Glad to see you two lovebirds come in." as he ushered us to a back booth.

Barbara looked as embarrassed and I felt, we just ordered coffee and a dessert. We started giggling like a couple of school kids. We were acting as if we were eighteen not mid-forties, maybe that was the attraction, Barbara made me feel young.

I gave her my new pager number and told her how to page me, and we even set up a code 458 (I L U) for I love you. I took Barbara back to her car and we both went home.

During the week, Barbara paged me several times, just to talk. At first, it was fun then it started to interfere with work, I would be at a customer site and I'd get a page to call her. She really didn't have anything to say, but she missed me and wanted to hear my voice.


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