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Sally, Summer of Sex Ch. 27

Story Info
Party Planning and a Tryst with Sarah's Father.
5.8k words

Part 27 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/29/2009
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Jerry Malone

Jerry Malone's step daughter called him at work with a strange request, "Sally asked if you and mom could help out at a sex party she wants to have with some young guys."

Curious, he asked for more detail which Sarah supplied. "One of the guys is house sitting for his parents. The other is his cousin. The one who's home it is wants to be sure the party doesn't get out of control and Sally convinced him that having you and mom there would do that."

"What are the party plans?"

"Sally says four guys and four girls in addition to you and Mom. Maybe play sex games like that time we got together here after Sally won the amateur stripping contest."

Jerry was intrigued and his cock was hardening at the possibilities. "I suppose the girls include you and Sally?"

"Of course, maybe the two that were at our party."

Those two had been Jennifer, a former cheerleader with Sarah in high school, and Eva, a redhead who had finished second in the stripping contest. Both had fabulous bodies and eager sex drives. At that party he had sex with both. His cock was truly hard now. Sally was a fascinating creature who, despite having no figure and a plain face just exuded sexuality. He had lusted after Jennifer from when she was in high school and Sarah encouraged her cheerleader friends to parade around their home naked, or nearly so, in order to get a rise out of him. Eva was a just plain stunning beauty and his daughter was fabulous in her own right, if he did say so himself.

He agree to "help out," and couldn't help thinking about it. It would sure be nice if a couple of other young sexpots would be there. Maybe some he'd never had sex with.

A short time before, the swingers' club he and his wife had belonged to had outlawed inviting young, unattached women to their parties as a result of complaints from some of the wives. He and a few of the other guys were upset over it and he'd been thinking how to make up for it. This sounded like an opportunity. He called Sally.

She answered, "Hi, Mr. Malone. Looking for sex?" She was a sex laden vixen.

"Always, Sally, you want to come over?" He joked back, knowing he was half serious and hoping she was as well. "I'm calling because Sarah told me about this party you're having."

"You can have me any time," she half joked back. "What about the party?" her tone indicated some concern.

"Well, I was wondering if maybe I could bring along a couple of guys from the swingers club?"

"I don't know about that. The guy whose house it is is really concerned about his parents finding out or damages."

"These guys won't cause any problems. They are just frustrated by not having young girls like yourself at the swingers club any more."

"I'll talk to the my friends about it."

"Thanks, Sally, let me know."

"While I have you on the phone: I was thinking of using that cell phone app you have to select partners and activities. Won't it be awkward if there are a lot of people?"

"I've been looking at a more expensive multi-user app. It asks questions and takes answers on each individual's cell phone so it can be used for a large number of people, even those in remote places. Only the control app costs, the 'player' apps are free."

"Remote locations? How does that work?"

"It could be for on-line virtual sex or for people to travel to get together."

"But works for parties too?"

"Yep. It even has a disrobe feature that tells when clothes are to be removed. The control can be on a PC. You can connect it to a wide screen TV and it allows everyone to see a summary of what people are entering on their cell phones and who has been picked for who."

"Can we use it?"

"I think I can spring for the cost of the control app. I can have it on my laptop. Everyone has to be told to get the player app on their phone."

"Sounds good. I'll see about inviting your guys. How old are they?"

"40's I think." He really had no idea who he'd get but was sure he could find a couple.

"I hope David won't have a problem with that."

"One other thing."


Jerry felt honesty would be best and knew nothing would shock Sally. "Maybe get some new young pussy. I'd like to fuck some different girls."

Sally couldn't help kidding him over his obsession, "God! You are one horny bastard, Mr. Malone."

"I admit it. Can you?"

"Your daughter is getting the girls, talk to her."

"Oh. Okay. She knows some really delicious beauties. It was hard watching them walking around our house when they were underage. But now most of them are over 18."

"God! again, Mr. Malone. Castration may be your only hope." She laughed.

"Not sure that would make a difference. Bye Sally, see you naked."

"For sure, Mr. Malone," and added in a tone that implied an invitation rather than an insult, "fuck you!"

"Looking forward to it."

Sally called back within an hour, "Okay, Mr Malone, you can bring two guys from the swingers club."

"Good, thank you." He considered whether to proposition her.

"There's one thing though."

"Oh? What is it?"

"You owe me."

"I guess I do, Sally."

"I'm thinking some cock in cunt action."

That got a rise in his loins. "Oh?"

"I'm serious, Mr. Malone. Your big cock, my cunt. Soonest. Like today."

"Clear my schedule! " he thought, but said, as calmly as possible, "Yes I think I have time and I would very much like that."

"I bet you would you horny devil," Sally thought, but what she said was "I bet you would, you horny devil!" "Oops, did that slip out?"

"I wouldn't bet against that. Come by my office. Say at 4? I have a place."

"See you then. Bring your cock."

"Bring your cunt." Jerry did, indeed, have a place. He and four other guys had an apartment they rented for just such purposes. A quick visit to a website and he had the place reserved until 8. Another of the guys had it for the rest of the night, so no overnight,. But then Sally hadn't asked for anything but a quick hook-up and four hours should suffice. He'd get a hotel room, if necessary for the night.


Jerry's assistant announced Sally's arrival with a tone that indicated she doubted his story that this was a friend of his daughter's, "The young lady you are expecting is here." She knew her boss's sexual proclivities.

Sally entered the office looking like a prostitute between neck and ankles. She wore a very tight, light blue, stretch knit dress with spaghetti straps. It hugged her entire body and showed her nipples to advantage. The dress came to mid thigh and was, therefore, barely long enough to wear without underwear and she wore none. "Hello, Mr Malone," she greeted him.

He nodded to the assistant who allowed the door to close behind her. They were alone and Jerry rose from his chair, his cock also rising. She had on a pair of simple sandals and wore neither stockings nor make-up. Her face was clean and shone, reflecting the light from the window. "Like my outfit?"

Jerry had no immediate answer so she added, "I have a white one that shows off my aureoles and pussy. I thought that would be too much." She smiled her winning smile and flashed her eyes along with her neatly trimmed bush.

Jerry managed a reply, "Yes, this is much better."

He reached her and put his arms around her thin frame, pulling her to him. She felt his erection pushing against her, "I'm glad you're glad to see me," she told him rubbing her body against his hardness and putting her arms around his neck. She brought his face to hers for a big kiss.

She released the kiss and he said, "Shall we be going?"

"Of course", she said with a lilt and a smile.

He turned away from her briefly to push his erection into his briefs so it wouldn't be obvious to the entire office. She giggled at the action. "You don't need to turn around. I'd love to watch. Or, I could do it for you."

They left with little notice from any but his assistant. He resisted putting his arm around her waist until they got to the car where he fondled her butt as he helped her into his car. She encouraged her dress to ride well up her thighs as she sat down.

In the office, Jerry's assistant prepared to leave early. With him gone there would be no more work for her that day. But curiosity overwhelmed her. Was that really a friend of his daughter's? Were they really off on some innocent errand? She knew that Jerry and his wife had a completely open sexual arrangement. She knew that sex between he and herself was out of question only because when he had previously become involved with co-workers he became so absorbed that his work suffered. Because of that, he seldom made up stories about "visitors". But this one was so young, maybe he had. His daughter, Sarah, had called earlier. The assistant dialed her, thinking she could spin an excuse for calling around that conversation.

"Dad?" she answered.

"No, Sarah this is Darlene,"

"Oh, hi Darlene, what do you want?"

Giving up any attempt at subterfuge, Darlene came right to the point, "I'm sorry but my curiosity got the better of me. Your father just left with a young woman he said was your friend."

"No figure, mousy brown hair, not real attractive? Sarah asked.


"Sounds like Sally." Then she added the assurance, "She is my friend."

"Okay, just curious is all, she was wearing this really tight dress."

"No figure but showed it all? White?"

"Blue, but yes."

Sarah laughed, "That's Sally alright. She has a thing for my dad. I'm surprised she didn't wear the white one, talk about showing everything!" she laughed again.

"Like I said, just curious. It didn't look like some innocent meeting. Your father said he needed to take her somewhere."

"Ha, Ha Ha!" Sarah guffawed. "I strongly doubt it is 'innocent'. He has a thing for her too. The 'need' is mutual and below the waist. Wherever he's taking her there's absolutely a bed involved. Not likely she'll be wearing that tight dress for long." Sarah continued laughing as she put the phone down.

Darlene hung up, her suspicions both confirmed and denied.

The Apartment

On the drive, Jerry began stroking Sally's knee. Each stroke moving further from her knee and closer to her crotch. She offered no resistance, holding his hand more firmly the further up her thigh it moved.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"A group of guys have a small apartment for just this kind of purpose."


"We only have it until 8. Someone else already reserved the night but I should get home for dinner anyway."

"I wasn't expecting an all-niter myself." she acknowledged, grasping his right arm with both of hers and hugging it to her so she could rub a hard nipple against it.

He slid his hand all the way to her crotch, feeling her trimmed, damp, open and ready pussy. Startled at the dampness, he withdrew the hand to the steering wheel.

"Shy, Mr Malone? I know you know what to do with it." she chided him.

"I do need to concentrate on driving," he replied. "Not sure I can do that while fondling you." " Especially with it so ready," he thought. He struggled a bit, his cock regaining any stiffness it had lost.

"I hope you don't mind me doing this," Sally said as she gently began stroking the hardened organ through his pant fabric. He was at least as ready as she.

Sally had been thinking of the two guys he wanted to bring to the party since he had mentioned them. She had been to one of the swingers club "meetings". The very one which had resulted in young single girls being outlawed. There had been a couple of guys there she'd love to fuck again. "Who are the guys from the swingers club you want to bring to the party?"

"I'm not sure."

"Not sure? You acted like you had them waiting."

"Several guys have expressed disappointment over the club ruling and I'm sure I can get a couple of them to come to a party with young women, especially if I mention you and Sarah. Someone you want me to invite?"

"Well there were several great guys there. I really don't remember all their names. There was this one guy, Greg?"

"Yeah, his wife was one of those who complained about you and Sarah. She has him on a pretty short leash. Not likely, but I can ask."

"I'm sure I'll be happy with anyone you invite. Some new cock would be good."

He turned into an underground garage of what Sally guessed was a twenty story condo complex. They took the elevator to the 12th floor and entered one of the four apartments on that floor, a studio with a king sized bed and a gaming table to one side. She put her sport bag, "fuck kit" on a desk next to a wide screen TV. Jerry opened one of the two closets and unlocked a wardrobe inside. He hung up his suit coat and tie. While his back was turned Sally pulled her dress over her head and quietly kicked off her sandals.

He turned and saw her standing naked, posing for him with her legs spread slightly apart. Whatever you might say about her lack of figure she did have the smoothest, flawless skin. His eyes briefly rested on her ample nipples, extending almost a half inch and then went immediately to her crotch where her inch and a half long labial flaps extended from between soft pillows on either side. Her sexual anticipation had them engorged and they had separated like doors, inviting him in.

She was about to ask him to join her in nudism but he quickly put his hand between her legs and lifted her by the crotch. Steadying her with his other hand he flung her to the middle of the bed. She laughed in pleasure, "Mr. Mal..."

He was on top of her and he stifled the rest of her statement with a tongue enhanced kiss. Their tongues playfully fought for control of the others mouth and his right hand explored her soft body. pinching and pulling at her huge nipples, kneading her insubstantial breasts, sliding his hand over her tight, flat abdomen. All the time his left hand gently massaged her neck and scalp. He slid his hand to her crotch feeling its neatly trimmed triangle of half inch long hair and shaved smooth vulva.

He massaged the pillows of her major labia, feeling the velvety soft flaps between. He grasped the flaps, one then the other, feeling their dampness and stretching them as far as he could. He allowed them to engulf his forefinger, squeezing them, one with his thumb, the other with his remaining fingers. Stroking back and forth in the slit, his knuckle rubbed her clit. She responded by lifting her hips and pushing back against his hand. Her tongue lost its fight as he gained full control of her mouth.

His finger slipped inside her vaginal canal and was quickly joined by another. They explored the entire, soft, wet cavity. His thumb replaced the knuckle at her clit. He released his kiss and concentrated on her genitals as she gasped in time with his actions. She was soon shivering in anticipation of the relief of orgasm and he quickened his actions. Her body convulsed and then vibrated strongly as she gasped loudly. He sped up and her vibration increased. He sensed her exhaustion and released. Leaving her quivering body behind he stood, happy with his work, and began unbuttoning his shirt.

Sally got herself under control and moved over to help him undress by unbuckling his belt and unzipping his fly. His slacks fell to the floor. His cock strained to be freed from the restraint of his boxers. She obliged and after some difficulty getting the waist elastic over the monster, it popped free, all 9 inches. "That's what I want!" she exclaimed, sucking as much of the length into her mouth as she could. But then she jumped out of the bed and ran over to the desk. She took her camera and a condom out of her fuck kit. She debated leaving the condom behind. She'd gotten to like the feel of a naked dick and semen streaming into her. She thought better of it with Mr. Malone and kept the condom.

"Picture time!" she said playfully.


"Yeah, I'm collecting penises. Yours is the prize!" She clicked off a couple of full frontal pictures, then went to closeups of the hard staff from several angles.She'd stroke it occasionally to keep hardness and shot pictures with her hand in the frame to show its size.

As she finished, he reached over and took the camera. "My turn." He checked the camera to be sure he knew what he was doing and clicked off some full body photos.

"Mr Malone!" Sally protested playfully.

"Fair's fair. Besides it's your camera. I can't do anything with these, though I'd love copies. Spread those legs!" She obliged and he took closeups of her genitals. He told her how to pose and she did so as he took a variety of shots, full body and closeup. She was giggling throughout.

"Do you have a tripod?"

"No why?"

"Just wondered." He stopped the picture taking, "Be sure to get these to me. Ready to get down to business?"

"Absolutely, Pee first!" she said and tripped into the bathroom.

He checked the camera and set it to video. Then he positioned it on a shelf of the small bookcase in the room, focusing it, as best he could, on the middle of the bed and started recording. He lay on his back in the middle of the bed his cock vertical like a flagpole


She came out of the bathroom, smiled at the sight of his cock and jumped on the bed straddling his thighs. She had opened the condom in the bathroom and expertly rolled it down the shaft. Just as expertly, she positioned herself above it and impaled her vagina in one quick motion.

"Ahhh!" Jerry let out a sound of surprise and pleasure. "Let's do this!" He began thrusting up into her, his hands at her waist. At the top of the thrust he would come partly out of her and then she would slide quickly back over him when they hit the bed.

"Oh my God, Mr Malone! Wonderful!"

After a couple dozen thrusts, Sally used her legs at the top to jump free. She landed on her knees next to him and lowering her breast to the bed, said, "Doggy Me!"

And "Doggy her" he did.

"Oh, Jerry,"she slipped into familiar address. His genitals were made for doggy style. With every full penetration his pendulous balls slapped against her clit. She reached in and spread her labia away from her clit to increase the sensation. His long penis not only had deep penetration but it allowed him fuller swings so the testicles hit her sensitive parts with enough force to do more than just titillate. Finally, she positioned her body so the long, stiff tool was constantly rubbing her G-spot. "Oh, Jerry! Oh, Jerry! Oh, Jerry! Oh, Jerry! Oh, Jerry!" she repeated with his penetrations.

Her "Oh, Jerry's" became higher pitched and her increased the rhythm. Soon she was only getting out "Oh! Oh! Oh!" in a squeak. Orgasm followed soon after. As her body squirmed and her vagina pulsed, Jerry just drove in and out harder and faster as she squealed in delight. Her orgasm passed and Jerry continued to drive in and out until he also came with loud grunts.

He pulled out and collapsed to her side. She lay on her side next to him. Removing the condom she licked his penis clean, sucked up some semen that dribbled out and then emptied the condom into her mouth, "Yum, Mr Malone. Want some, she opened her mouth to show she hadn't swallowed all of it."

"No thanks," he responded to the display, not sure what to think.

"Okay, your loss," she said, swallowing the load and laughing melodiously.

She lay with her head on his chest and picked at the hairs that spread on the middle of his abdomen, past his navel and merged with his pubes. The two of them fell asleep.


"Oh my gosh!" Jerry woke . Sunlight was streaming through the west facing windows as it neared the horizon. Jerry knew it set around 8 and panicked thinking they had no time to dress. His heart beat fast and his sudden arousal woke Sally.

"What is it?" she asked.


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