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Sam, The Irritatingly Cocky New Guy

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An instant temporary sex change pill might change things.
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This is my story and is also published elsewhere.


We've got this new guy at work, and he's cocky, very sure of himself, knows he's handsome and thinks he's the perfect man, like every woman would love to be with him. Of course that's always going to be annoying, of course my boss put him on my team, and of course I've got to train up this brainless tool that thinks that because he's fresh out of college he knows everything. Well he doesn't.

"John, this is Sam," the boss said, "I'm sure you'll get along straight away. Show him where he can get changed." Spoiler: we did not get along straight away.

The idiot had turned up in sweatpants and a T-shirt with a bag of what must be crumpled workwear. Why would you jog to work on your first day and turn up messy and sweaty? I'd never even consider such a thing.

"They're checking me out, aren't they?" he whispered, jerking his head towards some of our female colleagues nearby, "They can't keep their eyes off all this!" He was stood there gesturing towards the bulge in his sweatpants. "That's completely inappropriate behaviour, Sam. Follow me." I said, and strode out of the lobby into the corridor.

When I looked back he was giving the women a cheery wave as he trotted backwards towards me, cheerfully calling "Gotta go, meet you later!" I gave him an earful in the locker room about respect in the workplace, but his cocky grin didn't fade much. "Are you here to watch me change?" he interrupted as he pulled his top off and chucked it on the bench. "Are you going to listen to a word I'm saying?! You can't treat your female colleagues as if they're just here to be the object of your sexual exploits."

"Women dig me. You'll see." I turned away as he yanked his sweatpants down revealing his lack of underwear. I was annoyed, embarrassed and annoyed at being embarrassed. Annoyingly, his cock had looked as handsome as the rest of him. "Yeah, you'll see." he agreed with himself. When he was done, his shirt was crumpled and his trousers were creased, just as I thought. Sloppy and insolent.

I delegated his induction to Jeff, an old timer who wouldn't give him a gentle ride, and thankfully saw little of him that week.


On Friday afternoon I was just walking into the kitchen for a coffee break when the footsteps of someone running behind me caught up and two hands clapped down on my shoulders.

"John, John! There you are!" said Sam, over-familiar and with his usual cocky grin. He took his hands off and raised them in surrendered apology as I turned round, clearly not impressed, but he was unpeturbed.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot and I really want us to be friends. Let me get you a drink. Tea? Coffee? That Jeff's a one, isn't he?!"

"I'm your supervisor, not your friend. I don't need your help with the coffee machine and I'll have you know Jeff's one of our hardest working and knowledgeable staff, period."

"Yeah, yeah, but I wanna make it up to you. You sit down, I'll sort it out. I've brought mars bars. Jeff said you like mars bars."

Well, Jeff was right, and Sam had perhaps learned something of good professional working relationships from Jeff so I let him.

"Look, I'm sorry I was a pain on day one. When I get nervous I overcompensate."

"It wasn't just day one, though, was it? Jeff says you're easily distracted around women and you waste time socialising with them. Lara says you've been on dates with Jenny and Ella already."

"And Sonia."

"It's unprofessional and indiscrete. Can't you keep control of yourself?"

"It's not me that can't control myself. I'm an innocent VICTIM of good looks!" He said it in a silly voice and made me snort half a laugh but that just annoyed me more because he wasn't taking it in the least bit seriously.

"Grow up, Sam, and start acting like a professional or you'll have the fastest-failed probation period in the history of the company. What on earth have you done to this coffee? Did you put salt in it or something?!"

"Coffee grounds must be stale. I'll give you a bit more sugar. Look, sorry, I'm still a bit nervous round you, you're the boss after all."

"No, I'm the supervisor.... Ufff. What? What?" There was no mistaking it, my shirt was stretching as my chest enlarged. I felt weird.

"Oh, we'd better get you to the toilet, fast!" said Sam, taking charge. I felt a bit weak, my privates felt like they were crawling about and I was actually glad that he seemed to know what to do at this point. Toilet seemed like a good idea, and it was the first time I valued Sam's confidence and self assurance.

I followed him at some speed down the corridor and he held open the door to the disabled loo, but followed me in and locked the door behind us.

"Quick," he whispered, "we'll need to take it off before you pop the buttons!" and he was undoing them from the bottom up before I had a chance to think. I just stared, dumbstruck at my chest, now sticking out like a woman's after just a couple of minutes.

"Oh my!" Sam said, clearly impressed as he undid the top button and my shirt gaped, revealing a pair of fairly large soft white breasts where my own chest had been. Gently and strangely respectfully his hands went under the shirt, touching me on the collarbone and moving outwards to open the shirt completely. His fingertips brushed diagonally out to the sides and then the flat of four of his fingers was on the sides of my breasts.

"Ohhhhhh, wow" he said in hushed awe, and covered my nipples with his palms and started caressing my breasts. I don't know why I let him, I don't know why it didn't annoy me, perhaps I was as amazed as he clearly was with my frankly gorgeous chest. His warm, adoring hands felt great on me, and we stood seemingly timelessly staring at my new physique, nothing else mattering in the world for a moment. It was starting to turn me on a bit, but not so that I was stretching my underwear, you understand, a sort of gentler, calmer, warmer, more peaceful sort of arousal.

"Sam, what...? Did you spike my coffee?" very dimly my mind held some outrage, but it was like a memory, not really present.

"Shhhh, love," he said kindly, and actually pretty reassuringly, "look at you, you're gorgeous. It was an X-change pill, but it won't last long, just until you orgasm, and I'll see to that, so don't worry. You'll be back to normal before anyone misses us, promise. Let's enjoy it while it lasts." and, smiling that cute cheeky smile of his, never stopping caressing me with his left hand, his right hand was on my cheek, then stroking my long wavy hair that was now tumbling over my shoulders onto my front, I trusted him. He was looking lovingly into my eyes, and I knew at that moment that he found me very attractive right there, right then, and he wanted me. He would make it right. He would give me the orgasm that would release me back to normal.

"Mmmmm, oohhh, you're so beautiful" and his right hand brushed my hair aside and he was feeling my breast again, then his left admired the skin all the way down my side to my waist, wrapping lovingly behind and pulling me gently towards him. In slow motion, fascinated, entranced, he drew my hip to his and it was warm against me. Then his hand was under my bum and I was drawn into his embrace.

There was no mistaking he was very turned on as I felt his hardness pressed determinedly on my crotch. I felt like I was hard, except without the usual straining bulge, and I'd certainly made a lot of precum I was sure, but I was wet were I expected my balls to be, not at at my tip wherever that had got to. Was I pointed down and somehow soft yet hard? It didn't matter now. It was a fantastic delicious moment anyway and I let go of my confusion to just enjoy it.

Our kiss started gently, progressed passionately and my hands were on his firm, taught, young, handsome, virile body while his hands lovingly caressed me all over my back, up and down my de-shirted front, in my hair and on my face and he continued to press his manhood urgently against me. He was kissing my neck. I wanted him. I wanted to please him. I wanted to do whatever he wanted me to.

At that moment I was so turned on and I couldn't get enough of him and I moaned "oh, Sam!" in my need. He broke off kissing my skin to look into my eyes and he saw the lust. He knew. He'd seen it before, countless times, he knew he had me and I was his to do with as he pleased and I would love every single bit of him taking charge. I was another one of his conquests and it made me wet. I nearly came at the sight of him seeing his victory, clearly knowing he'd won and enjoying the fact that I was all his plaything.

He stepped back, smirked, eyed me up and slowly down with that handsome face and naughty grin and said without looking back up "let's have a look at you, then let's have some fun!" Knowing he wanted me as he knelt to kiss me on the chest was awesome.

Oh you have no idea how awesome his mouth was on my breasts, but the slow hungry progress he made down my front towards my groin was powerfully erotic. We made eye contact as he took my trousers down and I saw the girly mound I had in my briefs at the same time he did. He drove me wild kissing either side of it, running his finger down the edge of my briefs, nuzzling his nose in my pubes and pulling gently at the elastic. Putting two fingers pressing gently on the wettest spot, he stood up, keeping his fingers on me, moving round behind me, fingers exquisitely moving slightly as he repositioned himself with his hard cock up against my bum, his left hand cupping my breasts, and he was kissing my neck again and I let my head fall back against his shoulder.

We kissed as his hand slid up my briefs then down the front inside them. I sighed my relief as his fingers reached under me and cupped me, pulling me back into him, with the middle finger a little tighter, then his fingertip now actually just touching at my drenched hole. He swirled it round and round, making a larger gap in my wet pubes, then rubbing gently and slowly back and forth, up the front again, disentangling more pubes as he worked towards my most sensitive tip - all that was left of my cock was this little nub, but oh, his two fingers were swirling around it slowly, caressing me, and I didn't realise you could be this turned on. His hands were all over me, but that middle finger was back at my entrance.

"I'm going to put my finger inside you."

And he was, gently, caressingly, lewdly yet respectfully, he entered me with his sexy finger.

"and then I'm going to put my dick inside you."

he was unbuckling himself with one hand and fingering me with the other. His trousers fell and he pulled my underwear down a foot.

"all the way inside you."

His very wet dick was sloppy between my bum cheeks, then as he withdrew his fingers, his hard but soft silky cockhead pressed against me, sliding past my entrance and rubbing sexily on my clit as he pushed himself against me.

"I'm going enter you now so slowly that you'll be desperate for me to fuck you harder."

His fingers on my clit, gentle, his big hard hot cock at my entrance, his other hand on my back pressing me down and for the first time I felt a little used as I clutched the washbasin, Sam was using me for his own pleasure and I was bent double for him waiting for him to take me, and I rebelled. "No, Sam, wait a minute..." but it came out with less force without a man's chest to lend it weight and it sounded insincere.

"Too little, too late!" I could hear the smirk in his voice, but I could also feel his cockhead entering me and his erotic fingers in my pubes and his sexy palm on my breast. His fantastic cock that I'd seen in the locker room, smooth and surrounded by his thick black bush of hair was now hard, dripping his excitement on me and in me, marking me as his, mixing with my own juices, and sliding, sliding slowly into me, more and more full of his satisfyingly manhood.

At last I felt his pubes on me and then his full weight pressing against me. He had taken my virginity and I nearly came again, but his fingers had paused exquisitely.

"I'm going to empty my balls into you," he told me, starting to pull back then thrusting forwards urgently, nearly pushing me over the edge. "but I've decided I want to do it before I make you cum."

"You're.. oooffff.... very close to making me cum already!" I gasped as he shoved his cock in me again.

"Oh I know, I know," the smirk was back in his voice, "I've kept you on edge for, oh..." - he checked his watch - "a good ten minutes now I reckon, never letting you calm down, never letting you get too close to orgasm." and he thrust himself in me three times then paused with his cock back at my entrance, and started feeling my tits all over again. "You're just so hot and sexy like this, and think I'd prefer to have you this way full time, I really really do. So..." he said, sliding in again, "it's like a race with this pill - if you reach your desperate moment of orgasm first, you'll turn back into a bloke in minutes, not so sexy for me, but if I fuck you good and splatter my batter through your sexy cervix into your womb before you can cum," (he was sliding in and out of me now and it felt amazing) "and if one of my sperm fertilizes one of your eggs, you'll be pregnant with my baby," (I nearly came again at the thought of being impregnated by Sam and having his baby) "and then you'll be permanently transformed into my sexy sexy woman, and horny for me for ever!"

The idea turned me on so badly, but I knew it was a catastrophe for me professionally and personally, even while his cock slammed into me again and again. He was loving it! I was filled with desire for him, to be fucked by him, to be his fuckslave and used again and again, but I couldn't let this go ahead. "No, Sam" I cried, pushing back at his wildly thrusting hips with my hand, ineffectual.

"Oh you're so sexy when you plead with me" he said, fucking me harder. "You know I'm stronger than you now and you know I do NOT want to stop, you're such a great fuck." He was right and it was so erotic to lose everything to my cocky subordinate, it was so irresistibly sexy, but I had to... wait... I had to cum!

"oh, SAM!" I cried out, "fuck me harder!"

"Yessss" was his victory. I furiously rubbed my clit as his fantastic balls slapped me and his taught body took mine and he came closer to filling me with his manseed. I was close, so close. A wonderful feeling was spreading all over me, growing. He was so dominant, I was so taken, I was thrusting back into him and we both went at it like animals, me impaling myself on his fantastic cock, desperate for his seed and desperate to cum first.

He pulled me up by the shoulders and clutched onto my breasts, heedless of his actions, feeling my mound as I held his hips, whimpering my excitement as he slammed into me as I writhed against his front and he started to loose control then a really deep thrust and he held me tight: "hnnnnggggg!" as his cock started twitching in me. As I imagined his seed squirting through my cervix, I went over the edge and we came, pressed against each other, his cock hard inside me, both having our orgasm desperately in the small room.

Had I cum in time, or was his sperm impregnating me right now, making me his forever?

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fantasyCD65fantasyCD652 months ago

Please write more, this was an awesome story.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I've seen ones where pregnancy makes it last 9 months and others make it result in a permanent change. There is also an aspect of youthful restoration where the converted end up a fit, desirable, 20 year old versions of male or female that can be a timed temporary or permanent until another change pill is taken to make them the opposite. I've even seen it used as a cancer cure. The dying male had to take wyex to reform themselves and could never be male again or they would again get sick and die of cancer. I think that was icedragonmo3's "Wyex - The Cure" but its been a while.

The "change back with orgasm" was a new one to me. Sounds like a very dangerous condition if the partner is unaware of the pill's use and I have to wonder how quick it would happen? Imagine they are still connected post orgasm. Does it wait until the moment of removal? Does it immediately change everything but the vaginal hole until removal? Rather futa like very temporarily. I don't remember ever seeing orgasm requirements for continuation or secession of the change. That sort of stuff is more the genie or 'magical' conversion story gotchas.

Sam lying was a thought and certainly possible but things feel off with Sam. I get the feeling he is a pill created male. The over the top sexist stereotype just feels like a woman, maybe a dominant or predatory lesbian trying out the other side?

Hopefully the author explains the conditions in further chapters. The ground up pill put in john's coffee along with Sam's certainty of permanence as well as the devotion from then on seemed like personal experience to those facts. I could see if the complete pill is a carefully timed release to maintain a change, but ground up makes it permanent through an overdose condition. In which case sam would be lying to the confused victim about being able to change back. The mental fog acts like something else has been added. Rather roofie like and the claim of permanent devotion is rather bimbo like. So some sort of weird predator home pharmacist experimentation could be going on. That could cause all sorts of unexpected results. Perhaps sam's advances or experimentation on the ladies of the office was completely unsuccessful and so john became the victim/target/test subject?

X-change, Wyex and magical talismanic instantaneous change stories are interesting but few and far between unfortunately.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Super Geschichte

lpacphantomlpacphantom3 months ago

Typical X-Change lore is that pregnancy makes a pill permanent, but you can't get pregnant on a Basic pill; any pills that last a month gives time for a cycle to take place makes it possible or Breeder makes it guaranteed. The Surrogate variant is non-permanent with pregnancy. As for changing back with orgasm, I believe that's something this author made themselves. There's Continue, which is the opposite, you have to have an orgasm at least once a day to maintain the change. And there's Cum Cure and/or Quota, where you have to get a specific paired person's cum or some number of partners to cum in you to change back.

Or Sam was just lying, which as a sexual predator is the least of his offenses here, imo.

The lore is usually left open enough to allow for any creativity an author needs, but when going against established lore it's usually best to hand wave away inconsistencies by just saying it's a custom pill. I've seen many very specific pills over the years.

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