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Same Old, Same Old


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I suddenly felt someone pressing a cup into my hand. I sipped at it, tasting the icy beer. I turned to thank whoever handed it to me, and there she was. Beth was drinking from her own red plastic cup (required by law in a party) and smiling like an idiot. She just stood there. Right next to me. As if she belonged there, her arm occasionally touching mine as she moved to the music. She was right there. Just...there.

"Jesus Christ. Would you fucking get lost?" I said. You should have seen it. She went from having a real time - enjoying herself, feeling pretty good, and then she seemed to shrink. My friends got quiet. I swear to you I barely noticed. You look back on something like that - you see it in slow motion. You see it frame by frame. It's all right there. But then? Nah.

She looked sick. Her eyes went from me to my friends and then to the floor. She set the cup down and almost ran from the room. No one said anything. Except me. I, apparently, couldn't shut my goddamn mouth.

"Fucking hell."

Twenty minutes later, I couldn't find her. I mean, how old was she, right?

Say one thing to her and she breaks down? Jesus. All I could think was how much my parents would scream and rant if they found out I made her leave. Wasn't anything they could do to me, but it just wasn't worth the effort to hear it.

I left the party, swearing to the air around me as I got in the car. There wasn't much of a list of directions she could have gone, I told myself as I backed over soft grass and broken cups. Something on my tires smelled, and I hoped it was beer and not piss.

I drove down the road, my high beams on, looking for her. Five minutes down the highway, almost to the main road heading into the city, I found her. She was walking along the side of the highway with her arms hugged tight to her ribs. I pulled up along side of her. Her clothes turned white as the light rolled along her body. I was going to honk, or say something stupid, and then I saw her face. She was crying. STILL crying. Her shoulders shook and her face was a painful mask of hurt. She would wipe at her eyes and then tuck her hands back under her arms.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I mean, fuck.

I pulled to the side, watching her walk in the lights. I jumped out and ran up to her.

"Get in the car, Beth," I said. Gently? I tried. I don't know. She just kept crying and walking.

"Beth," I said. "Come on. Just get in the car." I tried to take her arm, but she yanked it away and kept going.

"You can't walk all the way home, Beth." I walked after her. "Dammit, get in the car. Just stop it."

She stopped walking but didn't stop crying. I walked around in front of her again. I was getting angry and just wanted to leave. Screw the party, I didn't care about that anymore.

"Why are you so mean to me?" she cried softly.

"What?" My mouth went dry and I felt numb. The way she said it. Awful.

"Why are you so mean to me? Why do you hate me?" she sobbed.

"I - I don't hate you."

"Yes you do," she said earnestly. "You do."

"Beth," I said as gently as I could, "I don't hate you."

"I want to go home," she said, covering her face.

"I'll take you. I'm not going back to the party."


"No what?"

"I'm gonna walk."

"You can't walk. Come on. Get in. I won't say anything."

"I don't understand," she said, sniffing and starting to stop her sobbing.


"How can we do what we do, together, and you still treat me like dirt. You humiliate me and make me feel like I'm worthless."

"Beth..." I just stood there. "Beth, just get in the car." She turned around and walked to the passenger side and got in.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her. She just stared out the window. "We can stop somewhere and get something. My treat."

"I just want to go home," she said in a hollow voice. We didn't talk again the whole drive back. When we got there, she walked up the front porch and unlocked the door. I was right behind her. I quietly shut and bolted the door and followed her up the stairs. She went down to her room and shut the door behind her. I'm not sure what I expected she was going to do.

I stared at the door a minute wondering what I was supposed to do. Sex had become a part of our lives. We fight, we fuck. We didn't fight just to fuck. And I don't think we fucked just because we fought.

I went to my room. I sat on my bed, not turning on the light. I just sat there. I was still holding my car keys.

I wasn't completely stupid. I knew that I'd crossed a kind of line that night. Or maybe it was the last straw. Or maybe she cried like that every time. Maybe she was worse off than I thought. Whatever the case, I knew I'd really done wrong. I just kept picturing her waking down the road, crying.

I didn't know why I said the things I said. I don't try to do it. I don't. But there it is.

My first year of college, Beth was enjoying her final year of high school. A guy named David Doores left her at a restaurant on a date. She told him she didn't like the way he was touching her. Her left her there. I found him a few days later. He was a big guy. My age. Worked out. We went at it for ten minutes. It took some doing, but I got him down. Broke his arm. He nearly busted my ribs. Fucked him up.

I sat on my bed and wondered what I was supposed to do. I thought about going across the hall and trying to make peace. But then I realized she wasn't going to listen. Suddenly I realized that I'd never cared before. I didn't want to care then.

It was bad enough that my sister and I were having sex regularly. Sometimes I'd get home go to her room and we'd fuck for an hour. We'd sneak into the garden shed and she'd suck me off before dinner. But if we were going to start thinking it was something more - that couldn't happen. I knew she had crazy notions. But I couldn't. As long as one of us could still see the shore from the boat, we were fine. But if I couldn't keep it detached - that just couldn't happen.

Her door opened. She turned off her light. My room was dark. I saw her shape in the dim light of the moon. She came into my room. She was naked. The way she moved made my cock hard.

"I'm not a good guy, Beth," I said so soft I could barely hear myself. The words were out of my mouth before I could think. "You just have to understand that." Maybe that was what she needed to hear. Maybe, I thought.

"Yes, you are."

"I'm not. We have to stop this. This is just going to screw up your life. Won't matter for me. I'm always going to be unhappy. But you can't do this."

"I love you."

"Don't fucking say that. Don't you fucking say something like that. You LOVE me? What the fuck is wrong with you, you stupid little slut?" I spat. She jerked back as though I'd stung her. Her hand started to reach out for me.

"Have you fucking lost your mind?" I snarled. I smacked her hand away. She yanked it to her breast. "All we do is fuck. Get it? You don't love me, and I don't fucking love you." I could hear her swallow as she stood there.

"You wonder why I'm so mean to you?" I stood up. I could see her wide, wet eyes in the moonlight. "Because you are a God damned stupid little girl." Her hand came up to her mouth and she tried not to cry.

"But we..." she trailed off, her mouth having trouble forming words as she cried. "I thought we were..."

"What? You thought we were a couple? Did you think I was going to take you around and tell everyone you were my special favorite girl?" She choked on a sob. "Did you think we'd just run off and live together forever? Maybe we could get a house together? Hmm? Sure. We could pretend to be married. Wouldn't that be like a fairy tale come true? Fucking idiot. You're someone I can fuck, Beth."

She turned and ran to her room. I watched her shut her door and then I heard her crying. Sobbing. Great, racking sobs. I just stood there listening to her. I could feel a pit forming in my stomach. Finally, she quieted down. I didn't hear anything. I don't know how long I listened. I just remember realizing I was on the floor and I didn't recall sitting down.

I woke up in the dark. She was there. Standing over me. Her hand was brushing my hair back. Shadows on her face changed. I think she smiled.

It was as if a hole opened under me and I just kept falling. I took her by the arm and pulled her to the bed. She was still naked. I was too. I didn't remember taking my clothes off.

"Matt-" I clamped my hand over her mouth. I leaned over her.

"Don't fucking talk. Don't." I couldn't quite manage to get angry. I pulled my hand away and reached down between us. I pushed in all the way, making both of us gasp. I saw her smile.

"Stop it," I told her. I closed my eyes and started fucking her. Hard. She thought this was some kind of make-up sex. Fucking...it was just US. It was what we had become. If she'd just left it alone, and gone to bed, the next morning we would have been different. If she'd been able to see, just for a second what we really were, we would have been fine. I opened my eyes.

As I held myself over her, sliding in and out of her tight cunt, listing to her moan softly, feeling her breath on my face - as I did this, I told her how much I hated her. I told her how stupid she was. THIS, I ground out, was why I did what I did. It was her fault.

She clamped her legs to my sides and pulled me tight with each thrust. Her moans turned to faint sobs and her hands covered her face. We were a spiraling mess of a car wreck.

We didn't talk the rest of the night. She slept in my bed and, so help me, I held her as tight to my body as I could possibly manage. She was killing me a little at a time.

Have you ever felt a crying girl cum?

* * * * *

You have to understand that this wasn't a few weeks. We didn't do this for a month. This tornado that was our life, raged quietly for a year. Holidays, birthdays, everyday - it went on much longer than it should ever have done.

Beth had changed in that year. We still argued and fought. But when we were alone, when we were sitting together at night, she was sweet and gentle and she drove me nuts. Her hair was long by then. It brushed my skin when she leaned over to suck me. She still cried, because I was still a first-rate jackass.

I still told her she was stupid. But even I hardly believed me anymore.

She sat in my chair with me at night. Her naked body settling into mine as we played some idiot CD she liked. I was a wreck. Worst of all - the absolute nail in my coffin, was the dawning realization that I loved her. I treated her like hell. I did everything I could to drive her away. I did it for her. When she laid under me and tears streamed down her face as I fucked her, I would inwardly cheer. This was it, I would think. She'd finally had enough. When I would feel the soles of her feet on my hips as I pushed deep into her cunt, I would want to scream in frustration because she was forgiving me all over again.

I finished school. Beth and I celebrated together after our parents went to bed. It was just like every other night. But this time I didn't tell her she was stupid. I didn't get mad at her and tell her to shut-up. When I came inside her, I leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"I love you."

She pulled me down and held me inside her while she cried. She kissed me until I pulled out of her. The joy on her face was a wonder. Truly, it was a thing to treasure. Something inside was screaming at me.

Beth slept peacefully curled up on my bed. She was naming our children in her dreams. I packed everything I could manage. I didn't wake her. I just moved silently. As I pulled my car out of the drive an hour before sunrise, I knew this was all I could do. I would always be unhappy. I was just that kind of guy. She would have better. I wasn't going to let her screw up like me. That's why I did everything I did. That's why I did it. Me leaving - that gave her a chance.

It was all I could do.

* * * * *


Author's note: As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this. It was a little different in theme than usual, so for those expecting more of the same, thanks for hanging in there. I would invite you to take the time to vote if you are so inclined, and I love to read all the feedback you wish to send my way. Thanks.

-Bob Clark Jr.

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Randomuser713Randomuser713about 1 year ago

The guy finally did the right thing and left. This story was just dark. Abuse and violence stopping just short of rape. You don’t need to take away the sibling element from this too know that there relationships just like this. Felt so bad for the girl and genuinely hated the guy. But that was the point of it. Not everything is roses and songs. Part of me…I don’t know

Old_geezerOld_geezerabout 7 years ago
Damn, you're good.

Not just porn, but art. Read several of your stories and they all had more depth than I was expecting. We'll done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Rapist wimp

rebelfluffrebelfluffover 10 years ago
great story

Alot of people are commenting on their dislike of the stories emotional conflict. I actually loved the realism in this story. It shows a side of incest in the real world that very few stories capture. Also the brother wasn't being a dick just because, he was trying to push her away to protect her some how. great stuff seriously.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

god that made me miserable. I kept expecting the turn to the page and it never came. Why did you even write this? If you want to be miserable and depressing go talk to your therapist or help group or some shit, quit spreading the misery. Fuck. How the hell do I give negative points?!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Shitty story

Man if u ever write again please try to come up with something better than this bullcrap

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I hated this story

This whole story was basically relationship torture porn. Absolute fucking garbage. Please don't ever write again.

ChasBChasBalmost 12 years ago

As a psychological case study, this is a good story; but as a sex story, it stinks. Nevertheless, I liked it. Even if it is all screwed up. Etc. Fuckin' lovers!!! Good one!

MattAkerMattAkeralmost 12 years ago

I get annoyed reading this story lol. To me it seems as the few times he is really happy his sister is with him, and she is happy when he shows her that he love her...

Him pushing her away and making her unhappy, and him angry, happens whenever he thinks of societys conventions... If he would just let go and lived in the moment both of them would be alot happier...

The way you ended the story felt as if just a prolonged suicide of emotions, not a happy tale at all. He is basically abandoning her, not a good move EVER where emotions are involved, for example what if she happens to be pregnant? Then he is condemning her to having her brothers child, while not standing up for her protecting her, not what I would call a loving brother...

On a sidenote, I do have to say your stories engage me emotionally, even though I disagree with how you and many other authors feel it has to end. There ARE happy endings where it comes to incest as well you know...

Siblings living together as married, sharing same last name people in a new location usually believe they are.

Siblings living together not acknowledging their sibling status in a new place, to the point they are considered married in a commonlaw marriage.

If one of the siblings have another last name they can get married in a place where heritage isn't checked upon... Etc etc.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

this is just the typical bob clark garbage it needs to be deleted along with the rest of his trash stories. this was so NONEROTIC and a total turn off and waste of space it never should have been accepted by the webmasters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
real downer

if i wanted to be depressed by a story like this i would watch jerry springer or dr. phil MOST readers come here to feel good not to be turned off.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

This was a very fun read for me. It was a little different, but definitely in a good way. You had fantastic flow in this story, and you write beautifully. I was not expecting that ending, could there be a part 2 in the making? 5 stars, please keep up the good work.


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

what a asshole

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

WE NEED SOME HONEST OPINIONS AROUND HERE OR THESE WRITERS WON'T IMPROVE. wrong area belongs in the nonerotic area because this was not erotic in any way only a real turn off. properly post your stories in the right area.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

This was a very sad tale -- but I loved it. Very well written; quite different. I actually cried at the end. If this were a true story, she's gonna be fucked up for the rest of her life; he already is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

nice story,but it made me feel sad more than aroused...which is a good thing.change is good :/

Badboy224Badboy224over 14 years ago
Keep story going !

I hope that you write some more about them it is a good story

nippelfansmall2nippelfansmall2almost 15 years ago
this guy is a jerk !!

this guy is a jerk !!

he does not deserve such a sister.. pfff

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
think it's


AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Amazingly Good

That was INSANELY entertaining and well-written. It was probably the best incest story I've ever read, and one of the best short stories in general that I've read. Of course, I hoped that she would save him - she really tried. But in the end he saved her. (Or at least that was what he thought he was doing.) The ending was surprising, wonderful, anything but cliche. I would love to see a sequel about them further down the line, though. He can't run from her, or his feelings, forever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

it was so good till u have to screw it all at the end!

couldn't u have written some lines less?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
You've Got to be Kidding Me.....

I can see why this guy was fucking his sister; He's a whiny bitch that no woman his age, and outside the immediate family tree, would have anything to do with. The sister is completely lacking any sort of self-worth, hence her interest in him. Christ, I'm surprised that his hand would even put out to him with how fucking miserable and whiny he is.

stingpaynestingpayneabout 16 years ago

That was truly a gem...

It made me cry...

im a guy 27 but ur story made my eyes wet... its truly about sacrifice and thinking more about the other person than yourself

im a bit of a troubled guy myself.. only cuz im single, virgin and a software engineer who has no social life...

i wudnt go to this extent though...

i will wait for the one im gonna marry.. thats how it is in my culture.

thanx for a fun filled story

{ps:excuse the silly fake login plz...}

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
So Good

This is my absolute favorite story of yours. I wish you'd write some more. I disagree with anyone who says this seems unrealistic. I had a very similar tension and relationship with my older brother. It changes you forever. This story kind of breaks my heart but it's so very hot. The tension and emotion is so real.

CallidoraCallidoraabout 16 years ago

Well that was a disgusting, angstful wallow all right. Obviously a cut or two above standard for this site--but god, there is more to life than heroic misery! The story seems to recognize the stupidity of its protagonist, but ultimately it is complicit in his egotism--it lets him take over and even flirts with letting him be the hero at the end. This is a weakness in it. Sure, the situation is "real"--these people are monsters (albeit sexy ones), but there are people like that. Write about them if you want, you can write about anything! But please do not fetishize sickness.

<br /><br />

Stepping back from that: The fight/sex scene at the beginning, before things got all heavy, was breathtaking. My shorts are still wet from that, anyway. :)

wiresandwoodwiresandwoodover 16 years ago
Hurt My Heart

So touching and beautiful. The characterization was incredible. This story will haunt me for days, I'm sure.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

you have some real stupid readers if they liked your story

"same old same old" it was totaly unrealistic and unbelievable there is no way a guy would ever fuck a girl that he fought with so much especially his sister he would find a way to avoid her and ignore her he would find some where else to live or stay away from the house except to sleep try to keep it aleast sounding believable if i want a fantasy i would have gone to that section or to the twilight zone

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Sexy Tragedy

omg. this story was so sad. it made me want to cry when he left. just like in 'Eviction' and Mel died. its kind of depressing but so sexy still. why'd you go and do that. why'd he have to leave? great story tho.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
This story reminds me of a movie

by Antonio Bandaras, about the same exact situation with his younger sister. Both are very sad, because one of the siblings, the older in both cases, knows the world will be very harsh and unforgiving, so in order for both of them to be able to find some semblance of happiness, they must get away from their sibling, someone they love deeply but know they could never marry and live happily ever after... <p>

Antonio Bandaras made that little movie before he became famous and married Don Johnson's former wife... <p.

Both are great tragic love stories involving siblings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
The best of your work

You are no doubt the best author on this website, and this is no doubt the best of your posted work. I loved the deep darkness into which the two characters descended. I thought this was in nice contrast to your other story "Everything is Different," which possessed the feel of erotic Victorian literature where love between siblings was considered the purest form of love. The lyrical and dreamlike nature of that story moved me, but the gritty, perverse reality of this story really stirred all kinds of feelings in me. I agree with someone who posted earlier that this story has a definite artsy feel to it. I could almost see it being some acclaimed independent or arthouse film. I really feel you should turn this story into a novel in order to more fully explore these characters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Got a couple ideas

I couldn't get this story out of my head. Real or not, how about a couple angles to expand it? 1-She pines away for him, almost to dying when he gets word from a someone who knows him-maybe run into at a grocery & is told of her near death. He goes to her just in time..........you'll take it from there. OR 2- what he doesn't know & she learns after he leaves she is PG, gives birth & that child when he/she gets say 18-20, goes looking for him & brings him back to her & o yes, they live happily ever after.

What can I say. I'm a sentimental slob & this story really moved me in ways I'm not sure.

You are an artist with words. Why did you stop?

Orion623Orion623over 17 years ago
Unbelievably Good

Matt is as real a person as has been created in all of the stories I have read in LE. And your stories all seem so poignant regardless of how they end. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
A Mirror Before Me

Bob, that story is amazing. Not for it's style, or it's subject matter, or it's treatment and characterization. It is amazing because it is as if you crawled inside my head, pulled out my memories, and put them into words.

It has been 28 years since I've seen my sister. My mother died, and soon after, my father. I never called, I never wrote, I did not attend the funerals, I have never responded to any overtures from any family member. 25 years in the Marine Corps, 28 years alone inside my heart and head.

I read your story, and went online to a forum I know my sister frequents, got her e-mail address, and sent her a copy. No commentary, no words of my own. Her three word response has me sitting here, crying, trying to find the courage to do what I know I should. Three words - I love you - and her phone number.

SecretFantasy69SecretFantasy69almost 18 years ago
Dear Heaven...

That was so touching! So real! You're a master at writing!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
No words.

The best I have read. Sad, sweet, dark, shining. This is a jewel of a tale. You have a rare talent, sir. None of your work has disappointed me. Keep writing; I eagerly await more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Cried buckets

Loved it. Thanks for redeeming Matt. I don't think this is porn actually. It's very arty.

miss_apple_tartmiss_apple_tartover 18 years ago

Wow, I almost felt like I was part of the story. I have been with guys like Matt, I know exactly what made Beth fall in love with him. He was just so real it was amazing.

BaribrotherBaribrotherover 18 years ago

When he was so mean to her, I wanted to just close the whole store up and not read anymore. But I just couldn't. I had to read it all. I will have to agree with everyone that this is a great story, if not the best I have read so far. Keep it up. I will read anything you put on this site.

elanoraelanoraover 18 years ago
It couldn't be better

I felt his anger and it made me angry. I felt her pain and it made me cry. All the storys of yours that I read so far are brillant. There's nothing like you work. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

This is surely the most intense and amazing story i've read on literotica .Two thumbs up for this one . keep it up .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

This got me like no other story on this site has. This felt like a real story, not a cliche to make the sex scenes happen.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Truely Brilliant

I agree, you should write a proper novel, you're really good. You tell the story fantastically with a brilliant balance of sex and story. VERY well written, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

You should write seriously, a full novel. You have a voice and excellent sense of measurement and selection. 1st person is very good for you. Don't waste your talent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Oh My God!

Truly one of the best stories. Really amazing! The characters were real and the story was so well written. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

Absolutely fantastic. Very powerful stuff. Of course, I could say that about all of your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Well Done!

The story is remarkably real, the characters are more like people we all know than those we find in the "Same Old, Same Old" stories. How can you manage to put so much pain in so few words?

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Great Story

That was an amazing story!! Extremely well written. IT is definitely a different type of story from the usual, more romantic stories on this website. I have to admit it was a little depressing the way it ended, but that is what made this story so unique.

I do agree with someone else who posted that a good sequel, if you wish to write one, would be coming Matt coming back 5 or 10 years down the road. YOu mentioned on two occasions where Matt beat up a guy that hurt his sister. Maybe a sequel could be Matt coming to save her or something. I understand that may be a little corny, and is going in the opposite direction of this story, but it an idea.

Again, great story. While it wasnt a happy ending that makes you feel all warm inside(no pun intended), its still a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
No sequel

I agree with everything that the others wrote except one: don't write a sequel. The story ends perfectly, and there's no way a sequel could have the same drive and power. It was a wonderful departure from the incest stories that everyone else writes.


AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Total Gravy, Baby

okk bartender..keep'em coming, better yet..just leave the bottle.. a great story, although a total emotional overload!it really takes you some place as good stories suppose to do. keep writing, you've got the gift.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Too Intense

This one was too intense. I couldn't stand it. It goes against everything I love in brother-sister incest. The romance, the intimacy, the unique love... everything about it is wrong. Completely against my ideals....

...And it was an incredible read.

Same old, same old? What an understatement for this story!

themonk110themonk110over 19 years ago
Very well written indeed.

Thanks. The story moved me.

aysa69aysa69almost 20 years ago

totally different from what i've read on here and it was simply extraordinary. i cant believe i read the whole thing and i did and i truly enjoyed it. captivating, compelling, hell i felt as if i was in the story myself. i aboslutely adored it. great work,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

Please don't write a sequel or anything else to this masterpiece; it needs to be short, grey, and nihilistic.

What a great story. The content itself is great. I almost felt guilty about being aroused by the sex scenes because of the dreary context against which they were set.

Sometimes, a lot of exposition or psychology is annoying, especially when the author is trying to tack it onto some one-dimensional sex-crazed characters. But in this story, it makes the sex much more adult and confusing. Mr. Clark moves seamlessly from touching lovemaking on her bed to nasty, dirty fucking in a piss-stained restroom. He accomplishes what the best motion pictures accomplish: I stopped being a guy reading at my computer and became the brother, immersed in his disgusting world.

Also, this story's theme seems to be that which escapes a lot of incest fiction: what if this really happened? What would the real-life, adult consequences of something like incest actually be? What if a sister actually fell in love with her brother, felt herself falling into a self-deprecating pit of abuse and dysfunction, and used the love as justification?

And lastly, I loved the method of writing: the short, terse sentences, the juxtaposition of tense and location. It was all very brilliant. Keep up the good work, Mr. Clark.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

It is simply amazing, my stomach was in knots, this story is truly touching. I think all that have read this story would like it if you wrote a part 2 to this story, I know a lot of people out there would love to know what happens. Does he come back after realizing that he can be happy with her, and what does she do after she finds out that he left.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

...wow. No words to describe it. Just... wow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Great !

Continue with these writings and some one is going to chase you down for a book!

Have you probably though of one with this theme?.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Very Realistically Written/Portrayed

Time heals all wounds, it is said.

The brother, being older, seemed to be going through some conflicting thoughts: he knows being the older sibling, the brother, he should be protective of the younger sibling, despite their arguments, which are pretty typical of siblings; but he seemed to also feel he's too weak to effectively resisting tempation, when Lolita tempted him so (again, despite their petty arguments),,,

Hopefully HIS action (by moving away, giving her time to grow and mature) would, as he hoped, give both of them a chance to build "healthy" relationships with other people. But if deep down they're truly "destined" to be together, as the cliche goes, then let's have them meet 5 or 10 years down the road and see how strong their love/attraction for each other was/is.

Sex alone is hardly the basis for a loving future together; and incest makes it even more inopportune. But, again, have them meet some years down the road and see what their thoughts are toward each other, when both have had a chance to be with others...

Again, very realistic story, different from the typical: I fucked my sister/brother and we keep doing it, doing it, doing it, until we can't stand up no more and continue doing it lying down, then we called Pizza Hut and continued doing it for two more days; ad nuaseam,,,

The brother's emotions could be explored more. Despite his meanness, he seemed like --- hard as it is to believe, because of their action --- a conscientious brother, willing to suffer quietly, to see if the little sister would have a chance to be happy, to be "normal",,,

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

The tears are still running down my face.

Not really the reaction I had expected, but definitely a good surprise.

Your work is phenomenal.

doormousedoormouseover 20 years ago
Oh wow!!!

If it hasn't already, this has to win some kind of category competition. It was just too fucking brilliant!!!!!!

Damn, I'm ready to start over and read it again - awesome story!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
my god...

I never leave comments on these..but this was a great story. Thanks.

camstevens33camstevens33over 20 years ago
Hardly the same old same...

The first thing I noticed was, of course, how well the author writes. His other submissions have always been a pleasure to read, and that is one reason why.

When characters in stories start pissing me off, it's essentially for one of two reasons. Either because the story sucks, in which case I stop reading. Or because the story is damn excellent, in which case I can't stop. Not many writers can hook me on a story, and until now, none who write erotica. Bob, I don't know if you do anything bigger or more mainstream than the stories you post here, but you should. I'll be a fan...

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
This story has got my attention

I was sitting flipping through stories. When I started reading this one, I became more attentif than usual to all the words and the story came to life in my mind, it was not only sexual fantasy. I was eager to know the end of it.

I truly and deeply appreciate this writing which is miles above the usual "I did this, she did this" without interest. Really impressive

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

Very well written and thought out. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
good god

thats honestly one of the best stories i have ever read, erotica or otherwise. Keep it going just like that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Best Erotica Story

This was the best erotica story I've ever read. Great job with the combination of emotions and thoughts.

serentyserentyover 20 years ago
awesome story

hi bob

your story was off the hook you are one of the better writers here ive had real incest experience so i was really into your story my pussy was so wet by the time i had got done reading please write about father daughter experience too waiting for more stories from you


AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

What an excilent work. It was very thought provoking and reminded me of "Lolita". They both had that same affect on me of making me love the characters and hate them at the same time. It made me sick and filled me with compassion. You are a master with words.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Well Written

Amazing story! I like the fact that this wasn't a happy ending story. Lets face it, real life isn't like a Disney cartoon. It's nice to be able to read something that speaks to emotions that are not normally let out into the light of day. Thank you for speaking to my pain. It needed a good airing out. *smile*

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Really Screwed Up Guy

Good story about a really screwed up guy. Just as you grow to hate the male character even more, there is finally a redeeming feature.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Great Work

Very touching...always fascinated by the conflict of taking pleasure against doing the right thing.

Also loved the idea of seduction in the story as the acceptance of the guy despite his intrinsic faults..

nicely done

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
great story

With your writing skill you should be writing books .Maybe you do under another name who knows . Great job Iliked it

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
He's just lucky she didn't kill herself

Honestly this guy is a nutcase, and after what he's done to his sister's mind with his rejection/acceptance game, I'd hate to see whom she winds up with. Imprinting, that's what it's called. His sister won't be satisifed with a nice guy now, it's going to be the loser, the abuser, that attracts her.

I doubt that I'd like Matt in person, and if he treated a woman like he did his Beth in my presence, I wouldn't think twice before doing my best to put him six feet under.

MasterTigerMasterTigerover 20 years ago
Damn Fine Work...

This was a good story. It had the right amount of sex, love, hate and hurt to be beleave able. It was well written, and a good plot line. The ending was a perfect fit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Magnificent piece

This is incredibly good stuff, the polar opposite of the usual fuckstory we expect at this site. You have a right to be proud of yourself.

I disagree with the other commenter who said the protagonist is a creep. He acts like a jerk, because our society teaches us guys to act like a jerk. He at least knows he is a jerk, and feels rightly guilty about it.

I weep inside for both of them.



AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Grade A

Here is a story that puts together thought and action. I found it interesting how it flowed around music, especially with the last comment when Matt knew who the artist was. It was a good touch to see how he had transformed into someone who had cared about his sister even though at that point he wasn't willing to admit it. The only thing that I found unrealistic was Matt's denial of anything remotely redemptive in his personality. Someone like that would surely have yearned to be saved...wouldn't they?

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

....wow, how do i find the words? I cried through most of this story, and i felt the pain and rush of the characters, truly, im speechless. Fantastic work, absolutely, fantastic.


KatLadyKatLadyover 20 years ago
Wow, that was deep!

While the romantic in me was upset that it didn't turn out happily ever after, this story was definitely worth my time. After reading it, I sat in front of the computer for an entire minute just thinking, wow, now that was different!

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

this story is worth the 6k i paid for this lap top.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

Very touching and emotional, good twist at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

Wow!!! What a great story. It was more than a standard incest story. Not just sex, there was depth, emotion...so much good stuff.

I loved it.

TesshuTesshuover 20 years ago
Great story.

Very very emotional, and well written. However, if I met a guy like that I would kill him and never think twice about it; he is a character that is just meant to be hated for being such a fool.

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