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Sapphic Healing Ch. 01

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Danni comes out of coma and into a new world.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 06/08/2008
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NOTE: Due to a lot of confusion about a mix-up between two of my stories, "Accidental Fantasy," and "Accidental Discoveries, I didn't post all of the chapters of "Accidental Discovery" to Lit. I've rewritten the first chapter, which most of you never read, and I'll repost all of the chapters under this title. Then I'll start posting the rest of the chapters that were never posted. I hope this will be the answer to the confusion that was brought to my attention just the other day. Thank you for your understanding and your loyalty. Fantac64

It was all over in the blink of an eye. One second, I was cruising along at the speed limit and the next second, my car exploded. The next conscious thought I had was being aware that I hurt like hell and, my eyes wouldn't open, I was wearing some kind of mask over my face, and I couldn't get my mouth to work. In fact, I discovered rather quickly, I couldn't move any part of my body. I was aware that I was in a strange place only by the voices and sounds that surrounded me.

I wasn't even sure I was alive, to tell you the truth, but I decided heaven wouldn't be that noisy and hell wouldn't be that comfortable.

Some time later, a voice I recognized to be my mother began telling me about everything thing that had been going on.

"To hell with that shit, Mom," I tried to say. "Tell me where the hell I am and why can't I move?"

I felt a cool cloth on my face and heard her tell me the bruising looked much better that day.

"Bruising? What else? Damn it, I'm dying in here. Somebody tell me what the hell is going on." God, won't someone talk to me?"

"She looks good this morning," I heard a soft feminine voice I didn't recognize say. "Her color is better, and her temperature is just fine. Doctor Winstead says her kidneys and liver are back to normal too, and that's a good sign. Let's hope it means she's coming out of the coma."

"Coma? I'm in a coma? No I'm not, I can hear you but I can't move.God, this is frustrating. Maybe I can wiggle a finger or belch or something."

"Oh wait," my mother said "Sandy, come here. I just saw her fingers move."

"Don't get your hopes up too high, Mary. That sometimes happens and we don't know why."

"Dammit, look again, bitch. I'm moving my fingers. Shit, this is so hard and they don't even believe I can do it."

"Oh my god, you're right Mary, her fingers are moving. I've got to get Dr. Winstead up here right away," the sweet feminine voice said.

"It took a lot of me to wiggle those damn fingers, Mom. You'd better appreciate that." I thought.

"Well now, let's take a look at this young lady," a feminine voice said..

I recognized that voice. Dr. Winstead was the only one who knew what the inside of my pussy was like, with her damned scrapings and sampling when she thought I had a growth in there. I guess I ought to know her.

"So, Danielle, are you going to talk to us soon?" She asked. "Let's take a look at the readings here. Oh, that's so much better. There's a lot more brain activity, maybe even a sign of cognitive thought. That's a good sign. A very good sign indeed. Her lungs are clear and she's got a good strong pulse now. We might be getting our girl back soon."

"Oh my god," Mom said, "my prayers have been answered. After twenty two days, I was beginning to worry."

"Twenty two days? Holy shit! I've been laying here twenty two days? Why? What the hell happened?"

Mom bent over to kiss me and I could feel tears coming from the corner of my eyes.

"Don't cry honey, we know you're in there," she said, and I felt her tears on my face. I actually felt them run down my cheek.

She took my hand and I squeezed her fingers or at least I was pretty sure I did.

Now she was really bawling and so was I. "Mom, I'm coming home," I thought.

I got stronger each day and one day Dr. Winstead took the mask off and pulled the tube out of my throat. I could breathe on my own now and that was awesome, even though it hurt like hell to swallow. Then she told me they were moving me to another place. My thought was panic. I'd heard how they put you in those places and forget you.

Mom assured me that she would be right there with me, I heard them say something about a private room with around the clock private nurses and that made me feel better, but not good.

They took me in an ambulance and as soon as they wheeled me into my room I was surrounded by nursing staff. Shortly after that, I could smell vanilla. It was my favorite fragrance. After all the hustle and bustle of getting me situated was done, Mom came to talk to me.

"Dr Winstead thinks you'll recover faster here, Danni, but you'll have full time nursing for quite a while. She also said she's going to feed you some semi-solids tomorrow to see if you can handle them."

I'd been on IV feedings, I learned, and then they'd been giving me liquids through a straw to be sure I could swallow, even with that freaking tube in my throat. Most of it just drizzled down my throat, so the thought of even semi-solid food sounded pretty good.

I learned that my regular nurses were Jennifer and Wendy. Wendy came in at night just to keep an eye on me and make sure I didn't choke or anything. Jennifer told me she was twenty eight and Wendy was forty-two. Each morning, Jenn would talk to me just like we were carrying on a conversation and to an extent we did, after she learned my finger signs.

About a week later, she came in just as I was waking up and I suddenly realized I could see her when she was close to me. Oh, it wasn't a clear picture or anything, but it was an amazing discovery. I was so excited I wanted to scream but I couldn't.

When she took my hand, I frantically squeezed it and moved my hand enough to get her attention.

"What are you saying, Danni?" she asked. I tried to move my head but I couldn't get her attention. I heard her walk over to close the door.

"Time for your bath, sweetheart," she said.

I tried to watch her but all I could see were fuzzy images. She was so gentle as she bathed my arms and when she bathed my face, I could finally see enough to know what she looked like. Bright auburn hair, a creamy clear complexion and deep green eyes that were beyond description. God, she was beautiful.

"Just relax and enjoy a nice hot bath, sweetie," she said. "Mom will be here in a few hours and we want you to be sweet and beautiful for her. Like you aren't already."

She continued down over my neck and shoulders, rinsed and toweled me off, and continued down over my chest.

"Let's wash these beautiful breasts, Danni," she said.

A second later, I felt her fondling my breasts. Then I felt something wet and warm stroking over my nipples. What the hell? She was licking my tits, for god's sake.

"I love playing with them like this. I wish I knew if you felt what Iwas doing to your hard nipples."

Oh, I knew all right. I just didn't know why she was doing that. Oh my god, I had a lesbian nurse. So why wasn't I freaking out inside. I wanted to yell that I was no lesbian, but the crazy thing was that it felt so good. No man I'd ever been gave me the sensations she was sending through my body. She took a nipple in her mouth and sucked and the more she sucked on them, the more I wanted it to continue. I also knew that she would soon know the affect she was having on my when she

bathed my legs. There was no way for me to prevent the smell of my very wet pussy.

"Oh sweetheart, you taste so good," she said, nipping at one of my nipples with her teeth. I know I was moaning, or at least I heard it. Didn't she notice? What would she do when I came? I knew she'd know right away and it wasn't far off. Just as I was ready to shoot off the top though, she stopped, denying me of the orgasm that was so close.

She hummed softly as she bathed my stomach and legs without touching me where I wanted to be touched so much.

"Someone is awfully wet," she said. "Did I do that? Let's see what it tastes like."

She pushed some fingers into me and pulled them to her lips where she sucked loudly at my juice. I couldn't see her very well at all, but I knew what she was doing and I wanted more...a lot more.

"Oh my, you are so wet and so sweet, Danni. Were you trying to come?"

She pushed her fingers in again, putting them in her mouth to slurp as she cleaned her fingers off.

"I wish I could share this with you, Danni," she said. "It's so yummy. I wonder if I can make you come really hard. Do you squirt when you come? Let's find out."

Pushing her fingers back into me, she slowly pushed them deep, while her thumb began making circles around my clit. Soon, she shifted positions to rub my clit with her left hand while her fingers fucked me deep and fast.

I felt my spine tighten painfully and my legs cramped as the orgasm hit me hard. I wanted to scream but no sound came out. Oh god, that was so beautiful. It was stronger than I'd ever known, and It went on and on. I wanted to tell her what I felt, but nothing came out.

"Well now, that was a good one," she said, "but it's a shame you didn't enjoy it as much as I did. I wonder what will happen when you wake up."

She finished bathing me and turned me over to do my back. She spread my cheeks and bathed my button, before licking it, and probing her tongue into it. No one had ever, ever done that but I didn't want her to stop. Eventually she did though, and then I felt her finger tip making little circles around it, pulling it open. The next thing I knew, her finger slowly moved into me, deeper and deeper until she had it all buried in my ass. With her left hand, she rubbed my clit while she pumped that finger into me faster and faster until I came again.

She finished bathing me and turned me back over.

"That's our little secret," she said. "I hope you had a good time because you really came hard."

While I was surprised at what she'd done, I was even more surprised to find how much I enjoyed it, and how much I wanted her to do it again and again. .

My sight got better by the day and within a few days, I could see fairly well but not very far. It wasn't long before she and Mom both realized

that my eyes followed them as they moved around the room. Of course they didn't know if I could actually see them clearly or not but Dr. Winstead had a specialist come in to check. He said it looked to him like I could see fairly well but there was no way to know if my mind was processing the images or not to be sure. By finger signals, I

confirmed that I could see but I didn't let them know that my sight was getting clearer by the day.

When no one was around, I worked on getting my speech back. The problem I had was that my tongue didn't respond to my thoughts. I could make weird sounds but when I tried to say a word, it was like trying to talk with my tongue glued down. Once I was able to sound out some basic words, I worked even harder. I had a definite goal in mind and I didn't want anyone to find out until I could speak clearly or at least close to it. At the same time, the physical therapy was bringing

feeling back into my limbs. Of course, that meant more pain, but the therapist kept telling me that a little pain now would avoid pain in the future.

At first, I could only manage a few simple words like kiss and dog and stuff like that. It took quite a bit of effort, but I kept working at it until I could say two words in a row before I seemed to short out or something. I kept working on it and then one day, Jennifer came in for my daily bath and what had become an almost daily sexual event.

When she finished making me come twice, she bathed me and came up to do my makeup and brush my hair.

She bent over and kissed my forehead and I shocked her silly when I said, "love you."

She pulled back and cupped her hands to her face. "Oh my god," she said. "Danni, did you just talk to me?"

"I love you," I repeated, and watched as she started to cry.

"No," I said, telling her not to cry.

"Oh my god, Danni," she said. "You're talking. Did you say you love me?"

"Es," I said, unable to sound out the 'y'. "I love you."

"You're sweet," she said, "but you don't even know me. You're just


I shook my head no, but she didn't seem to believe what she was hearing. She tenderly brushed my hair and put it up to keep it from going all over the place. When she went to get my clothes, I tried to say Jennifer, but nothing worked right with my tongue.

"Now that you can see," she said, "maybe you'll get your speech back completely. I hope so."

She started dressing me but she stopped and came around to look me in the eyes.

"," she said. "I just realized. You know, don't you? You know what I've been doing to you. Oh shit, I'm so busted. Oh my god, now what? When your mother finds out about this I'm finished. Honey, I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I really didn't. I thought...Oh my god."

"Ok," I said. "I don tell,"

She quickly finished dressing me and getting the sheet over me. "Danni, I'm afraid," she said. "What I did is so wrong. I'm so sorry. I had no right to do that. I took an oath. Oh, what the hell is wrong with me."

"Ok," I said. "Not mad."

"Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise," she said.

"No," I said. "Want more."

'She bent to me and kissed me several times on my face and cheeks and the tears she was shedding covered my face. I started crying simply because she did.

"I've got to think about this," she said. "I'll be back."

She went to the door, but then she turned and came back to kiss me over and over again.

"Oh god, Danni, I think I love you too," she said, and then she turned and left the room.

At one point, when she was dressing me, I actually palmed her breast for just a second. It was so soft and warm to my touch.

Another confusing thought was my desire to see her naked.

When Mom came in that evening, she came to kiss me and I was able to say I loved her.

I've never known to be speechless but she cried so hard she couldn't talk. We just kept repeating "I love you," over and over. Eventually, she went to wash her face and came back with a cool cloth to clean my face. I hadn't spoken to her for well over a month and we had a lot to catch up on.

"Wha happen?" I asked.

"You were hit broadside by a kid trying to get away from the police. Thankfully, his family has been very good about it. That's why you have a private room and private nurses."

I managed to ask her about the kid.

"He was killed instantly, honey, and we thought we'd lost you too, but you just weren't ready to go yet, thank God."

"Wi I be ok?" I asked, still having problems transition through some words..

"Oh honey, we just don't know yet. Therapy is our only hope for getting your legs back, but you're doing fine otherwise. They never said so, but they were worried that you might have brain damage. Dr. Winstead told me yesterday that all your brain scans have come back normal for two weeks so she's pleased about that.

You were trapped in the car forever. I've got some pictures you can see later. Of course your beautiful red Toyota is an ugly pile of metal now, but you said you wanted a new car so now you can get one."

I began to tire so she said she was going home but she'd be back the next day.

I learned the next day at therapy that I'd be going home in about a week and the thought of not seeing Jennifer any more nearly sent me into depression. To make it worse, she didn't come in to work and the woman that took her place said that she had asked for some time off.

When Mom came to see me, I asked her to try to contact Jennifer to be sure she was all right.

"You seem to have bonded quite well with her," she said.

"More than you know," I said, without providing any further details, although the look I got told me she suspected something.

I didn't see Jennifer any more that week but Mom did manage to get a call through to her. Jennifer just said she had some personal issues she had to work on and she told Mom to give me a hug for her. Like that would help anything.

On Monday, I had an evaluation of my therapy status and it was determined that I could get therapy without being hospitalized so Mom made arrangements for me to go home on Wednesday. I had little choice but to accept the fact that I would never see Jennifer again. I put on a brave persona but in the silence of my room, I felt such a pain that I couldn't stop crying. More than ever before in my life, I felt an emptiness I'd never known. How could she shut me out like that? Did she really feel that, as she expressed, she was finished as a nurse, or did she just do what she had to do to protect her job? I'd never know.

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reinvestorreinvestoralmost 15 years ago
I read them all...

I really enjoyed this series. The first chapter was very unique, from the POV of Danni coming out of a coma. The sex was smokin', and I loved the incest kink. I've read other stories and they were very good also. Keep up the great work!

PeliosPeliosover 16 years ago

You know what you are doing in your writing!

Reverse_CowboyReverse_Cowboyover 16 years ago
Great story!!!

I love this story, what a twist to have an erotic story of a person in a coma. Of course in real life something like this is totally unacceptable, but in a fantasy it is very erotic. I also loved how you brought some reality into it when Jennifer figures out Danni knew what she had been doing.

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