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Sara and DeAnn

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A woman with big tits faces competition.
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Sara's story

I met DeAnn at work. The company always hired temps to have a chance to evaluate them for a while before putting them on regular. I noticed her right away, her dark, brooding eyes and straight, black hair and, unusual for me, I was sort of transfixed by the size of her jutting bosom. I mean I'm not one to go around comparing bra sizes with every woman I meet; it's just that I've never met many who made me wonder whose were larger, certainly none at work.

I've always been careful not to call attention to my own or anyone else's physical development in that area. I've always tried not to appear overly prideful around other women. Everyone seemed to realize that and other women seemed to appreciate it. I overheard a couple of women remark that I had great boobs but did not seem to be aware of it.

Yet the first time I come in proximity to a girl with comparable titties, I find myself childishly fixated on the topic. But there were other things about the new temp that occupied my attention as much as her bosom. I knew DeAnn was young, a few years out of high school, but she seemed so serious and melancholy for one her age, as though she had been through a lot in a very short time. The emotion invoked in me was nothing but sympathy. I felt sorry that she did not have the lightness and gaiety that was normal for one of her age. When I noticed that she went right to work and did not bother with a lot of chit chat, I was secretly happy that she would surely earn a spot as a regular. I didn't really want to wonder why this would make me happy.

DeAnn's story

I hired on as a temp which was fine with me because I didn't intend to be here long. I was not interested in this nothing job where I could expect to make something of myself if I lasted twenty years. I had too many things going for me, my acting and songwriting; I just needed something to keep a roof over my head until I got some kind of a break. I noticed her right away; the one with the big boobs named Sara. She was so pathetic and obvious, looking at my rack and then back to her own to be sure she was just as large. I found out her name when I was behind the water cooler and several of the guys were talking about her.

"She's an ice queen all right but Mack told me that if you ever get your hands on her treasured chest, she turns to putty. He said she was so sensitive in her titties that once a guy got a hold of them, she'd do anything."

"Well, hell, if I ever got a hold of them, I wouldn't want to do anything else. She's got the most significant set I've ever seen."

"I don't know. That new temp they hired last week might give her a run for her money and she's at least ten years younger."

"Shit, I haven't even seen her yet. Where is she working?"

"Right outside Sara's office, talk about a stroll down mammary lane, if they'd both wear low cut blouses, the guys would wear the floor out in front of them.

Yeah, and we'd probably wear out our brains thinking up excuses to go by there."

I ducked around a corner and into the ladies room before they had a chance to catch me eavesdropping. Interesting that little miss big bust is extremely sensitive in her titties, unless old what's-his-name was just bullshitting his pals. I wonder if she would respond the same way if a girl touched her boobs. I've never liked sex with boys but I think I might like to have a woman who would do anything. I think I'll try to make friends, even if she's not a titty pushover, it wouldn't hurt to have a friend here.


Now that I realized I felt sorry for her, I decided to become her friend. Maybe I could help her in some way. I glanced outside at her and noticed she was smiling after I raised my gaze up to her face. God, I hope she didn't think I was looking at her chest.

When she came in to bring me some finished files, I said cheerfully "You're doing a very good job so far, everybody says so. How do you think you'll like working her?"

"Oh, it's just a way to get by for me right now. I've been making the rounds trying to break into acting."

"Goodness, what do you do in your spare time?"

"Oh, I work on some songs I've written I hope to get published."

Ah, youth is so marvelous. I remember when I was that age, I was certain that I would become very famous as a singer. Eventually you wake up and realize it's just pipe dreams.

"I can hardly wait until I can afford a car. My mother takes me to work but she doesn't get off in time to pick me up so I have to run to the bus stop and then wait, 'cause its always late."

"What part of town do you live in?"

"I've rented a little apartment on the east side, in the Casa Linda area. My parents help me with the expense. They're glad to have me out on my own."

"I live close to White Rock, I'd be glad to take you home."

"Are you sure you wouldn't mind? I would really appreciate that."

I was strangely excited the rest of the day. I told myself to calm down; she just simply needed a ride. Then I realized how unusual that was, what else was I thinking she would want besides a ride? I couldn't believe the way my mind was working, I had never been attracted to a girl before, but then, I'd never met DeAnn before.

On the way home, she seemed a lot more cheerful. Maybe she was just depressed at the prospect of dealing with a new job and meeting so many new people. We talked about a lot of things and then she mentioned how excited she was when she first got her apartment but after a while, it began to get a little dismal to go home to that empty room.

"There're several good movies at the Cine 16. You want to go see a movie tonight?" I asked, sort of thinking that she was hinting.

"Sure I would. I'm really tired of looking at the four walls. What time do we need to be there?"

"I'll check the paper and see the start time. Is there anything particular you want to see?"

"With sixteen choices, there's bound to be something we like."

When I pulled into her apartment parking lot and stopped to let her out, she brushed my arm in her goodbye and her fingers accidentally touched my titty. I could not suppress a wave of want that washed over me. There was something about her that made me unable to control myself.

"You weren't just kidding about the movie, were you? Are you coming back to pick me up?"

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it myself. I get tired of staring at four walls, too."

"Great! I'll see you after a while."


I was beginning to think the buxom mama was not going to respond to a little girly fun, after all. It took her forever to catch on that I needed a lift home and another forever to get her to take me out somewhere. But she finally came through so maybe we can play around a little. I am dying of curiosity to see if old what's-his-name was bullshitting. The thought of just grabbing those big old tits and turning her into a sex slave was causing my pussy to really throb. I wanted to get something started in the car but I wasn't that sure old what's-his-name knew what he was talking about. Oh, well, a dark movie theater will be a better place to try something. The seats are so close that any kind of accident could happen without me having to come on like some kind of raving dyke.

After I fixed something to eat, I took a shower and thought about Sara and really got hot thinking of all the things I could make her do if she actually was that way about her titties. So far she seemed willing to be led; it just took her a while to catch on. I dug through my things trying to find something sexy but the problem with Mom helping to support me was that she had the final say about clothes and she thought the purpose of clothes was concealment. Maybe after a few paychecks, I can buy something that was at least made in this decade.

I did have a mini skirt Mom didn't know about. I just hemmed up a regular skirt with a needle and thread. My legs are shapely but I don't think that was Sara's area of interest, not after the way she looked at my tits all day. I messed around with a shirt, buttoning the middle two buttons and tying the flaps around my ribs, just under my titties,. I was very pleased when I looked in the mirror. The neck of the shirt gaped open far enough to show some very round cleavage and the tied part of the shirt seemed to push my titties up to where they looked almost ready to spill out. I put on some dark hose that reached just the bottom of my mini and walked across the room to see how my naked thighs flashed. Very sexy, too bad Sara didn't have a fetish about legs, too, or she would be mince meat.


I was really beginning to worry about myself. The excitement I had felt all afternoon over taking her home was mild compared to what I felt as I thought about taking her to a movie. Well, I could only hope that it was some kind of strange infatuation that would run its course soon enough. Meanwhile I could do nothing but tremble in anticipation at seeing her again. The late evening seemed to drag interminably as I dressed myself six times, always finding something wrong with whatever I selected. Finally it was time to go so I went with whatever I had on. I drove back to her apartment in a fit of mangled nerves. I did manage to quit worrying about my attraction to her and just concentrated on trying to become her friend just to be around her as much as possible.

When she opened her door, I had to squeeze my thighs rigidly together to relieve the tension caused by the sight of her in that mini dress with the shirt tied under her huge titties, When she spun around to get her purse, the skirt flared out in back and I saw her gorgeous thighs above her stockings and a fleeting glimpse of her sheer panties that showed her ass crack as plain as if she were naked. I was completely unnerved and rushed her out to the car like we had no time to talk. In the car I fixed my eyes on the road for fear that I would make a fool of myself gushing over her.

The movie she chose was very popular but had already been running a long time so there were plenty of seats where we could sit in relative isolation. We had only been sitting there a few minutes; I had my elbows forward on the armrests when she placed hers on the back of our mutual armrest. When she scooted down further in her seat, her elbow moved against the side of my titty and I felt a surge of strange sensations. My pulse shot up and my breathing became labored. I knew I should move away but I could not force my body to obey. I'm sure it was entirely innocent and she had no idea what she was doing to me. Then to my utter consternation, my own arm moved back over hers and hugged her arm tighter against my titty. What on earth would she think of me, squeezing her arm against my titty like that? I struggled to control my breathing. I was totally mortified when I started to move my upper body in a nervous, twisting motion that caused her arm to be almost messaging the side of my titty.

Then she tried to straighten her arm, but I still held it snugly against my titty. With no conscious decision on my part, I seized her hand and pulled it over into my lap. She didn't seem to think it was too unusual. She just stretched her hand out and let it lay on my thigh. I felt so foolish, holding her hand against my leg like that. I tried to think of some excuse for what I was doing. Her hand on my leg was like a burning poker and was causing an excitement I was almost unable to bear.

"I think this is a scary part," I said, thinking I had come up with a plausible excuse for clinging to her hand.

"The credits are still rolling."

"Oh, yeah, I see that now."

"You're just one of those who likes to hold hands in the movies, aren't you?"

"Yes, yes, I guess I am."

"Even when you're sitting with a girl?"

"Well, yes, it's just knowing someone is with me."

"It's all right. That's probably what most ladies do when they're on a date with a hot young girl."

"So you think of this as a date?"

"Sure, why not? We're two people who want to be together."

"I just never thought of two women together as being a date."

"Well, the next time you want to get together, we'll just call it an appointment."

I laughed at her little joke and that somehow helped relieve the awful tension I was feeling. I relaxed a little and, in that unguarded moment, I pulled her hand up tightly against my titties. The tension returned as I began to fear that she would think I was some sort of deviate who regularly preyed upon young girls.

She seemed to think nothing of it, just let her hand remain there, palm up against the undersides of my tits. I struggled to restrain myself but could not keep from pressing her hand upward to my titties. I couldn't explain it. I couldn't control it. I was just grateful she didn't run screaming down the aisle.

She seemed to be completely aware of this strange manifestation of need in me. She began to press her fingers together in the same rhythm that I rocked back and forth. Then she said something that was shocking enough, but filled me with awesome anticipation. "It's dark enough in here that you could get away with undoing a few buttons of your blouse, if you wanted to."

If I wanted to, seems like I have thought of nothing else since I met her. I didn't think of it as an act of submission, of obeying her request. I just knew that I wanted to get her hands on my titties as quickly as possible and on titties bare as possible. I undid two buttons and nearly swooned as her hand began to squeeze my titties through the thin fabric of my bra.

Then her hands went to my back and she was pressing me forward, she was working to release my bra.

"Please don't take 'em out in here. There're too many people."

"It's dark enough in here. Take it off and put it in your purse. You shouldn't have worn it, anyway, on a date with a girl like me. You should've known I'd want to fondle your big old tits!"

The reprimand in her voice made me feel so small and foolish. She acted like I did this all the time and should know how to dress. Without thinking, I slid my hands inside the back of my blouse and loosened the snaps. I pulled one strap through my sleeve and worked it past my elbow, then pulled the bra off through the other sleeve. I stuffed it quickly into my purse.

The movie played out too rapidly. I scrunched down in my seat. DeAnn put one arm around me and kept both her hands inside my blouse throughout the rest of the flick. While I languished in her grasp and endured ever increasing sensations, swirling my mind in rounds of steadily increasing ecstasy and bliss, she squeezed my tits and rolled my nipples in her fingers. I stifled most of my moans but I was afraid they could hear my breathing in the street.

My mind was mush and I was caught by surprise when the house lights came up and bathed the theatre in brightness. Thankfully DeAnn was paying more attention and she had her hands in her own lap while I scurried to get my blouse back in order.

"What do you have in mind to do now?" she asked in all innocence.

"It's still early, I thought you might like to go to my place and we could visit."

"I'm starving. Can we go by and pick up some hamburgers on the way?"

"Oh, honey, I can't eat a hamburger. I'd gain ten pounds."

"I don't think you will. You're going to burn a lot of energy during our...visit."

Her comment sent a thrill through me more extreme than if she'd used every four letter word in the language to describe what she was going to do to me. I just melted; I was nothing inside but a sloshing puddle.

After passing through the drive through and getting a sack of hamburgers and fries, she asked me, "I bet you have nothing at home but light beer, do you?"

"I probably don't even have that. I'm not much of a beer drinker. I have some wine and whiskey."

"Well, pull in at this store and get a couple of six packs. I feel like having a few beers."

"You're turning into a rather extravagant date."

The resentment that flashed in her eyes made me realize she misunderstood. "Oh, honey, I was just making a joke. An expensive date would be the theatre, a restaurant and champagne. We went to a movie, got fast food hamburgers and you want beer."

"So you just wanted to tell me my tastes are cheap?"

"Please try to understand. I wasn't trying to say anything. It was just a bad joke."

Then her hand shot up to clutch my titty and maul it. I very nearly creamed my panties when she did that. I was helpless; I could do nothing but sit there and let her feel me up. I was a little alarmed. Even though what she was doing was making me very hot, she seemed to be doing it in anger.

"I'll go home with you but I'm not interested in doing anything more than fondle your titties. If you want to do things to me with your mouth, you can."

"But you've been seducing me; I thought you would be the one to..."

"I'm not interested. If you want it, I'll let make up for this extravagant date," she quipped but with no trace of humor. She squeezed harder on my tit, almost painfully. She seemed to think that my titty would make up my mind for me.

"All right, I'll do it. I've got to do something, I feel like I'm going to die."

DeAnn made me unbutton my dress and she squeezed my titties unmercifully all the way to my place. I cannot imagine what people in the other cars must have thought to see a grown woman with her tits hanging out and a young girl playing with them.


Old what's-his-name was sure not bullshitting. I had only to lean against her titty in the movie and she was ready to go before the credits finished rolling. She tried to make a joke about out extravagant date but I just acted like I resented it and used it as an excuse to mistreat her. I kept my hands on her naked tits to keep her interest focused. Soon I discovered I enjoyed squeezing her luscious tits. It was awkward for her to drive; but she managed. Finally she ended up driving with her left hand only, so she could twist towards me and offer her tits.

She babbled endlessly that I was the one doing the seducing and I should be the one to do things, she'd never touched a woman in her life and had no idea how to proceed. I didn't try to argue about who played which role, I just kept up the pressure on her tits. By the time we reached her house, she was panting like she'd run all the way from the movie.

Inside her home, the familiarity seemed to give her second thoughts. I knew that was because I had little opportunity to squeeze her titties as we walked inside. "I'll fix us a drink. We need to talk."

As she stood at her bar, I didn't want to give her too much time to think. I moved up behind her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders and felt her titties. I asked her, "How are we going to talk about something when you can't even say the words?" I felt her sharp intake of breath and knew her resistance was crumbling.

"If I can't say the words, how do you think I'm going to do such things to you?"

I squeezed her titties rather roughly and then released her, "Well, if this is as far as I can go and you don't want to take it any further, I may as well go home."

"You can't go."

"Why not?"

"'t have a car," she said; as though she had just seized back some of the power she had allowed to slip away.

"That's really despicable. I've been out with some pretty lecherous men before but I've never had one tell me I had to put out or walk home."

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that." She rushed over to me, apologizing, realizing her little power play had blown up in her face.

I just kept acting angry and turned my back on her as she approached me. She came right up behind me as though intent upon getting her naked titties touched somehow, even if only to rub them against my back.

Her hands were on my hips, her nipples pressed against my back like a couple of thimbles mounted on water balloons. She was almost sobbing her apologies. I decided to try a little power play of my own and said, "Take your dress off!""daddy's" "sexstories" "in your butt"frat bro given to sorority literoicaliterotica nonconsent trickedpornfunBoisefemdom enema trainingahego sister literotica"literotica thetalkman"/s/granddaughter-seduces-grandpaliterorica bite memy female landlord incest litroticamy only son taboo sexstorieslittle.brothers new speedo sex storiesmy shemale boss literoticaa brother mistake litorica"taboo literotica""porn stories""lesbian sex stories"lirerotica"literotica audio"starlight gleaming ch. 17 page 4Lockdown incest sex storiesNaive teacher of winston, sex storiesstarlight gleaming ch. 17 page 4literptica non con reluctamce doctornaive gullible family literoticaliterotica car ride girlआईसोबत शारीरिक संबंध कहाणीslut for bbc,sex stories,ooooooooh fuck yesslyricsmaster meeting real dadbelly vutton literotciapeople desperate to poop literotic"literotica handjob"sex stories mother beachhouse shower textcaught in wifes lingerie then feminized stories"biggest tits"peeping dirty panty literotica"SAMANTHABURNETT" story"daddy daughter sex"The sleepover incest stories Ch 2adonais incest sexstoriesbrother trick me lyricsmaster.rusensoryoverlord asstr boy"nifty gay stories"www.sexstories com butler fucks her ladyship"loving wives stories"threesome story"literotica audio""incest literotica"lierotica guadeloupe/c/loving-wives/140-page?page=140Fridged wife seduced by couple at swapping resort porn storie"literotica story tag"bbb sarhajki chudai kahanison's rights on property taboo sexstorieslitrotica uncomfortablelyricsmaster sister and mom blackmailedliterotica husband hotel big cock blowMy cousin ezeta part 2 sex storiesliterpticaSon found a remote control female chastity belt on his mother bondage litertica"literotica mind control"visiting aunt and cousin incest taboo eroticaliteroticaSexstory: hard bang( jamaica interracial)slut for bbc,sex stories,ooooooooh fuck yess"perfect nipples""word wipe aarp"steffinheelsErotic Dirtytalk Incest Literotica Wattpadson wants to give mom nipple rings literotivlca"creampie stories"Brother put his sister in handcuff and shackle bondage literticai don't want to do with my son but my body betreyed me/ LiteroticaSon bought a locking collar for his mother bdsm literticaasstr "teaching class naked"Fuck me u bastard sex storiesTight laced and pierced literoticaliteotica mentalcase"slid her lips up and down" literorica"literotica futa"jerking gym showers literotocaliterotica tickle curse"gangbang literotica""rachel nichols nude"বিধবা মাকে চোদে মার স্বামী আমি মা এখন সন্তান মাlyricsmaster sister mom rape"mature sex story"literocita"sister sex stories"mcstories.comro89cumclinic/s/chav-ch-03?page=15