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Sarah's Encounter Ch. 05

Story Info
Will Braeden & Dominic rescue Sarah, or does Sage win?
8.4k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/28/2003
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Sarah woke to the dim light of dusk outside the only window in her opulent prison. She lay there naked under a rose silk sheet staring up at the cream-colored canopy while inside her emotions were in turmoil. So thick were the shame, regret and anger coursing through her head that her throat threatened to clog up. Close to hyperventilating her breath sounded harsh and uneven while tears ran unchecked down the side of her face, trailing into her hairline.

So many questions raced through her mind. Where was she? Where was Sage? And finally the one that brought a whimper of pain would Braeden and Dominic ever forgive her? How could she have ever let herself believe Sage when he told her it was just a dream?

God, she had to get a handle on this. Reining in her ragged emotions she took each breath one at a time, in and out, until minutes later she could breathe normally and function with calmness.

Ok, I was tricked into having sex with a vampire so that he could form a blood bond. Sage now had the same powers over her that Braeden and Dom had. He only needed to drink from her one more time and force his tainted blood into her for her body to accept only him as her mate. She couldn't let him do that.

She had to get away. Her muscles protesting the movement, Sarah slowly rose from the bed and padded on bare feet to the window. She unlocked the latch, opened the window and looked down. The ground was a good distance below, nearly forty feet. There was no way she would be able to jump that distance. Turning away she glanced at the bed. Maybe she could use the sheets. But no, there were only two of them; they wouldn't even come close to getting her down far enough to jump safely to the ground.

Her motions now more frantic, Sarah hurried over to the door and saying a silent prayer, closed her hand around the knob and turned. The sound of the latch opening was like music to her ears. Leaving the door slightly ajar she moved back to the dresser and searched through it until she found a robe in off-white. Slipping it on she belted it tightly and left through the open door.

Her bare feet slapped along the stone stairs. She winced at the. Her heart, already in overdrive, kicked up a notch. Down the stairs she crept, the fear of exposure pressing down upon her was insistent and constant. Any second she expected to be caught and dragged back to that room.

When Sarah reached the ground floor there was no sensation of relief, in fact her panic increased. She was so close, just a few more feet and she'd be at the door. There was no thought about what she would do after she got outside, she just knew that if she could reach that door and get outside, it would be over.

She took her first hesitant step away from the stairway and then another.

"I see you've woken."

It was as if his voice snapped something inside her. She could feel it break and then she was running for the door as if the hounds of hell were after her.

"Stop." Sages' deep voice didn't even raise, but the strength and compulsion within it had her stopping so fast she nearly fell to her knees.

"Turn around and come to me."

Inside she screamed and raged while outside her body did as it was commanded. Step after step brought her closer and closer until her nipples brushed the crisp linen shirt that he wore.

Behind him the door to the castles living area opened silently.

"Please go in and have a seat." The compulsion was gone, but one quick glance into those hardened eyes and she knew he would force her if she didn't do as he asked. Walking across the room she chose an armchair separate from the other seating arrangements because it was only wide enough for one person. Turning around she started to sit.

"No. On the couch, if you please."

"I don't please." She replied, her chin lifting up in defiance.

His broad lips curled in a smile. "Do it to for me."

"Well if that's the case then, hell no." Sarah said bitterly.

The smile wilted from his face. Staring at her, Sage let her see the fierceness in him. She would do as she was told or he would take great delight in forcing her to.

Shivering, Sarah moved to the couch and sat down. Her hands shook forcing her to clasp them together to keep Sage from seeing her nervousness. "Why did you do this to me? Why did you take me away from Braeden and Dominic?" Taking a deep breath, Sarah plunged onward. "I want you to let me go, right now."

Sage studied her, noting the visible anger and regret seething in her eyes whenever she looked at him. He knew she would have some small regret, feel some sense of betrayal over the fact that he lied to her. He was also sure she felt that she had betrayed her other lovers. But he had expected to prove to her through their lovemaking that she truly belonged with him.

Little niggling doubts seeped into his head. A true mate would feel an immediate connection. She would feel the complete and total rightness of being with him, of loving him. And inside of him, that sureness that she was meant to be his seemed to have taken some dents.

She was being stubborn that had to be it. His bride-to-be was still mad at him for tricking her. It was that same stubbornness that was causing his doubts.

Stalking to the couch he sat down beside her and hauled her into his arms. With her ass nestled quite comfortably against his rising erection Sage slid his hands into her silky tresses and pulled, stretching her neck backwards and to the side so that the vein stood out, pulsing and ready.

Sarah cried out as her arms were bound to her sides and her neck was wrenched backwards. Kicking her legs and squirming did nothing. There was no escape from him. Already his eyes had bled to black, the irises rimmed with red. His lips grimaced in a snarl, the razor sharp tips of his fangs frighteningly visible.

"No, I won't let you do this! I don't want you! I don't love you! Let me go!" She screamed into his face.

"I'll never let you go." He stated simply. "You'll just have to learn to love me."

Sage lowered his head, the beating vein in her neck teasing him with the promise of its addicting sweetness.

Sarah struggled until the very last second before his fangs pierced her skin, plunging deep. "No." She whimpered brokenly as the sharp pain withered away to mind numbing pleasure. Her doubts and refusals were swept away on a tide of fire. Her pussy flooded with juices, her clit throbbing in time with his mouth pulling her life-giving blood through her vein. And when Sage's hand stole between her thighs to pluck at the sensitive bud she nearly wept with relief.

Sage pressed firmly against her clit, rotating it in small circles that started out slowly and then sped up. Switching tactics in mid-rotation he used the tip of his finger to flick up and down over just the tip of her, growling low in his throat when her hips followed suit. A quick pinch between thumb and forefinger had her hips bucking and grinding her ass into his cock. He liked that and did it several more times.

Sarah's pulse slowed as her blood drained away. Soon the sensitivity in her pussy waned. A cry of distress passed through her now colorless lips. Her breath, coming in short intermittent gasps, barely broke the silence of the room.

With a groan, Sage drew back from her neck, his tongue swiping over the holes to seal them. Bringing his lips close to her ear, he whispered, "Soon, baby. Soon, I'll give you your pleasure. But first you must do something for me. You must drink deep and in a few hours you will be born anew as my mate."

Sage reached up and unbuttoned his shirt. A long dagger-like nail lifted to the smooth expanse of skin over the center of his heart.

* * *

Using their enhanced preternatural senses, Dominic and Braeden raced across Scotland on the trail of Sarah and her captor. Each had said a litany of prayers for her safety, hoping against hope that she was all right, that she was still alive.

Along the way Braeden had bemoaned the fact over and over that they had not taken that last step to finalize their mating with Sarah. But as the forbidding castle, where she was being held prisoner, came into view, it was a mistake that he swore to fix if given the chance.

Less than twenty feet from the front door of the castle the slurred thoughts of their beloved drifted into their minds. "S...Sorry Brae...sorry Dom. you."

"No!" Braeden's anguished roar echoed through the hills. Dom, without pausing, switched forms in an instant, ignoring the pain that came with it. Where a man once was now the giant half-wolf, half-man ran on clawed feet. A burst of speed and they punched through the door like it wasn't even there.

Dominic took one look at the two figures on the couch, the woman slumped and white skinned, the man holding her ready to cut into his chest and give her the tainted blood of his body, and attacked.

Braeden was right behind, his rage growing even hotter as Sarah's captor dropped her unceremoniously to the floor.

Dom sprang, his elongated jaw aiming for the man's throat.

With preternatural speed Sage stepped to the side, his fist punched into the side of the wolf-man's head sending him sprawling to the floor a good distance away where he lay dazed.

Turning to the other man, Sage had no time to hold off Braeden. His head rocked backwards and pain exploded in his jaw as a fist plowed into his face.

Braeden grabbed the opened shirt of his opponent using it as an anchor to keep the man upright for the next punch. It never connected. One arm blocked his punch while another slammed into his stomach sending Braeden stumbling back.

Shaking his head, Dominic tried desperately to regain his senses. A look over his shoulder and he could see the blurred images of Braeden and Sarah's captor going at it. As his vision cleared he could see that his friend was not faring well. Blood seeped from several opened wounds and he had to defend himself instead of being on the offensive.

Rising to his feet, he rushed back into the fray. His claws raked across the man's back, ripping through the shirt and leaving deep, bloody furrows.

"Fuck!" Sage screamed in pain, his arm swinging backward in reaction.

Dominic ducked, lunging forward his fist plowed into Sage's side knocking the wind out of him in a harsh rush of sound.

Braeden took advantage of Dominic's attack to land several more punches into the man's face and stomach before he was caught by a massive punch to the stomach that knocked him back into the wall. Three, large cracks zigzagged along the wall to the ceiling.

Sage turned to the werewolf his right arm executing the perfect uppercut. The wolf head snapped backwards, the body rising into the air from the force to end face up on the ground. Curling his hands into the wolf's throat Sage raised Dominic. Bringing the limp body closer, Sage's lips peeled back from his fangs ready to rip the throat out and drained the wolf's life force.

"Stop!" The woman's voice was deep and husky, the power within it ripping through the room like a nuclear bomb. Sage stopped in surprise dropping Dominic and looking to the far corner of the room. The woman's form was ethereal, her body perfection, her face strikingly beautiful. Floating just above the ground she seemed more apparitional than anything else, but that certain feel to a ghost was not there.

"No, I'm not a ghost. And what I am I will not tell you. That's something you'll have to find out for yourself. I am so pissed at you!" She said shaking her finger at him.

Sages' eyebrows rose in surprise. "And why should I care that you're pissed at me?"

"I'll tell you why you should care. YOU PICKED THE WRONG WOMAN, YOU MORON!"

Temper rising, Sage stalked toward the floating vision. "No woman talks to me like that!"

"This woman does! I was all set for you to finally get your head out of your ass and make me your mate that night at the bar. I bought new lingerie, a new dress; I was all set just sitting there waiting for you. But no, you in your infinite knowledge can feel that your mate is there but you didn't bother taking a good look around before picking the first bimbo you come across."

"You will not call our woman by that term." Braeden growled.

She glanced over a guilty look on her face. "You're right. I apologize. It's not her fault this jackass couldn't pick the right woman."

"Woman, you will cease denigrating me." Sage ordered firmly. The anger helped cushion his growing unease. Now that he'd seen her, he could feel the bond between them much more strongly than he had with Sarah.

She smirked back. "Make me. You can feel the rightness of what I say. You can feel the bonds that tie you and I together. Now, you can search for me. And I promise you, I won't make it easy." Her eyes softened as she looked at the girl lying on the floor. "She's nearly gone now. Unless you want her to die, I suggest you let her lovers finish their bonding." With a soft sigh she faded away.

Christ, what had he done? Sage scrubbed a hand over his face. The woman was right. He'd nearly brought over the wrong girl. Wearily he turned, wincing as the movement irritated various bruises and cuts. "My apologies are not enough, I know, but you have them anyway. I'm leaving; make use of the castle for as long as you need. I shan't bother you or her ever again."

"See that you don't." Dominic growled from deep in his throat, rushing to Sarah's still form. Power shimmered within and his beast retreated under the threat of losing its mate.

When he was once more human, he knelt and lifted her head and shoulders laying her across his knees.

Braeden followed suit kneeling on the opposite side so that she was supported by both of them. Raising their wrists to their mouths they slashed a long line in the outer side, which immediately welled with blood. Dominic twisted his arm and brought the wound in contact with Braeden's. Blood mixed, and dripped down between the lifeless lips of their beloved.

"Sarah....Sarah, you must drink. Dominic and I need you, love you. Drink, Sarah" The voice came to Sarah in that dark dreamless peace where she lay waiting for the last of her life to flee and the brilliant light she could see in the distance to grow closer. The decision was easy to make, love and happiness waited. She would not turn away from that.

Dom and Braeden waited, their breath held their heart in their throats and when her tongue came out to weakly lick up the precious fluid they shed for her, their sigh of relief mingled with Sarah's low, thready moan. Maneuvering their arms, they lowered their wrists until her open mouth covered each wound.

* * *

Dim images of the past few days floated through Sarah's head like water, rippling on the surface only to drift away downstream. She could see Dominic offering his throat to her and feel her incisors lengthening as she broke through the skin to taste the thick, rich preternatural nectar that was his blood. And then a new image appeared and it was Braeden replacing Dominic, already feeding from her, bringing her body to near orgasm, before the need to feed her starving body withered it away and she sank her own teeth deep into his neck.

The need for blood was like a living, breathing thing inside her. It was her soul driving force, the only care in her world. The lapse of time was meaningless; days had passed without her knowing it. Yet through it all she hadn't feared. Her knights had stayed right beside her, seeing her through the bloodlust and the convulsing pain of her conversion.

But now, as she slowly woke to reality, different needs were upon her, needs that had nothing to do with blood and everything to do with the pulsing, shifting desire deep in the heart of her cunt. Sarah opened her eyes, her preternatural eyesight seeing with finer details. The silk sheets beneath her body felt simply decadent, like the hand of a lover caressing her flesh to higher sensitivity. And to each side of her, in glorious naked splendor, lay her two mates.

Braeden to the right of her had fallen into vampiric sleep on his stomach, the long length of his hard muscular back draped by straight blond hair. Her hands itched to slide through the silky cascade. Lower down his thighs along with the compact, sculpted cheeks of his ass caused her breath to hitch in her throat. The lips of her pussy grew damp with need.

Dominic, on the other hand dozed on his back, one arm crooked above his head resting within his mane of brown curls. Sarah allowed her eyes to drink in the thick muscles that bulged in his arms, the six-pack abs that she so loved to nibble on and then down to his flaccid cock that was still quite large and would grow even further once she had him in her mouth. His legs were last, oh how she loved to run her hands along them, to feel them harden and clench under her ass as she rode him.

She knew they needed to talk. She needed for them to hear her apology. But the desire battering at her wouldn't wait, wouldn't be denied. Moving slowly and carefully so as not to waken Dominic, Sarah settled herself between his thighs. On her knees she stared at his masculine perfection. The thick width of his cock made her mouth water and her pussy clench with desire. The memory of his shaft slicing through her pussy had her biting her lip to keep her moan inside. It wouldn't do to wake him just yet. She wanted to have her fun first.

Sliding onto her belly, Sarah adjusted herself until her head was directly over Dom's cock. She wanted to watch his body come alive under her mouth. Anticipation soaked into every nerve as she lowered her head and leisurely licked her way along the side of his softened penis. Once, twice and then once more, her tongue rasped across the satin-smooth stalk. On the fourth lick his cock twitched. Raising her eyes she noted a slight change in his breathing and while still asleep a smile curled his lips as her actions transposed into his dreams.

Unconsciously smiling in return, Sarah carefully wrapped her hand loosely around him, raising his limbering erection to her mouth so that she could run her tongue ever so gently around the huge purplish tip. Bored with the lazy circles, she ran her lips down his flesh reaching the bulging sacs of his scrotum and eyeing them with wicked glee.

Opening her mouth wide, Sarah drew both sacs into her mouth with exquisite care. Dom loved her to do this, if he were flaccid at the time it would bring him to an instant hard-on, if he were already aroused he would grow even harder and his beast would break through to the surface growling at her, his amber eyes glowing wildly with approval. His cock rose standing straight and firm and a low rumble erupted between his lips.

He would be awakening any minute and there was one last thing that Sarah wanted to do before he did. She'd done it to him many times when they were making love, reaping the benefits when he turned feral one her and took her like a savage animal, but never had she done it while he was asleep. Lowering her head even further, she licked along the soft skin between balls and anus and then clamped her teeth on his skin, suctioning it softly and laving it with her tongue.

Dominic's dream crashed into reality. His eyes opened with a snap, taking in at an instant his luscious mate between his legs, doing wondrous things to him that numbed his mind, set his teeth on edge and nearly had him coming from the searing pleasure. Quickly he gripped her hair, yanking her head away. Giving her his most sinful smile, he said, "Hello, my naughty little girl. That was a nasty trick to play on me. You're very lucky that I didn't spend myself or you're very delectable ass would be feeling my hand right now."

Sarah couldn't help but grin back. They both knew that the pleasure she received from a spanking couldn't possibly be considered a punishment. She tried lowering her head wanting his cock deep within her mouth only he wouldn't let her.

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