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Sasquatch Invasion Ch. 02

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Exploring a world transformed.
3.4k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 11/22/2008
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\I sneaked out the back door of the video shop only to encounter a horrifying new world. The Sasquatch were everywhere, and they were enjoying themselves on everyone they came across. The few men I noticed were unconscious or possibly dead, but most had apparently run away. I had a feeling the Sasquatch let them. They were too busy fucking our women right in the street.

Lisa, one of the only Asian girls in town, was being fucked up against a wall by a massive brown Sasquatch. Her fuzzy pink stretchy pants and frilly yellow panties hung loosely around one ankle and her cute white baby doll T-shirt clung to her sweaty little tits. She must have had about a foot of thick cock up inside her already, and it was fucking her so hard, her tiny feet weren't even touching the ground.

Her barely 100 pound body was held up only by the enormous cock inside her. It bounced her up and down, grunting and growling, and she screamed and screamed. Her boyfriend watched from the ground behind them, at least one arm and one leg obviously crushed. The way anyone who dared to interrupt them ended up, broken and cowering.

"No..." Lisa sobbed as it fucked her. "No... no, please... don't... d-don't..." she squeaked out, almost in a whisper, "Don't make me cum". But seconds later, it inevitably did. "No, no, no" she whined, once on each thrust. "No, no... YES! YES! God damn, YES!" Lisa now enthusiastically bounced her tiny body up and down on the monster's cock, trying to cram every last inch inside her once tight little pussy. Now, it was probably loose enough to get half my arm inside. Her boyfriend whimpered pathetically below as he lost his girlfriend to the beast.

Across the street, a pretty Hispanic girl was crouched down with her back against her car door. She must have tried to make it inside to drive away, but just like in the horror movies, she hadn't been able to unlock the door in time. Scratches around the lock made it look like her hands had been shaking too much. Directly in front of her, a huge dark brown Sasquatch was groaning deeply, staring at her beautiful face and body while furiously pumping a two foot long thick brown cock in one giant hand. It was jerking itself off right in front of her, and the poor girl was too scared to move.

I saw where this was going. Whether by coincidence or intentionally, the animal had its massive cock aimed right at her cute face as it stroked and squeezed its own shaft. Her terrified facial expression and the way her body trembled made it clear she wasn't going anywhere, yet still she stared straight at the giant round cock head inches away from her deep brown eyes. She looked hypnotized by the leathery brown tennis ball sized head that pushed out past the foreskin on every thrust by the creature's huge hand.

I could see all the usual signs. The Sasquatch began pumping its hips back and forth as it jerked off faster and harder. The two foot shaft was throbbing and heavily leaking a thick clear fluid. Those huge brown balls were pumping and swelling. I wanted to warn her, I kept hoping and wishing she would finally get up and run away, but she just kept staring at the swelling, leaking cock head in front of her face until the moment its giant pee slit opened. Just for a moment, I saw a look of confusion on her face.

Then her face was no longer visible. With another deep roar, the Sasquatch's giant balls constricted, it thrust its hips forward one last time, and half a gallon of thick pancake batter gushed into the poor girl's confused and frightened face. The thick yellow ooze splattered all across her beautiful face, covering everything from her shiny black hair to her chin on the first gush. "Uhhhhhh" she groaned out in shock and disgust, at the worst possible moment. The next geyser of sperm almost perfectly flowed straight into her open mouth.

She immediately choked and gagged, the thick batter splashing into and around her mouth. As she coughed and hacked up animal cum, another burst of sperm splattered across her hair, face and body. Then another gush, and another and another, until the poor beautiful girl's dark features were buried beneath a thick layer of dripping yellow sperm that covered at least half her body. She was soaked.

After a few seconds passed and the creature's flow of sperm slowed to a trickle, something happened. The girl was transformed, and began licking her lips around her mouth, pulling more thick yellow sperm in and gulping it down. Then she brought her hands up, shoveling the stuff all over her face down into her mouth. When she was recognizable again, she looked possessed. Just like Courtney had towards the end. But this girl didn't last as long as Courtney. It took only seconds.

Once she had cleared most of the gooey batter from her face, she looked up to the dripping animal cock in front of her, and lunged. Slurping the head into her mouth, she nursed from its cock like a baby bottle, sucking and draining the last traces of its strong, potent load from its swollen balls. Just as she pulled out the last of it, she began bobbing her head up and down slowly. The Sasquatch's giant brown hands closed knowingly over her head, its hips began to thrust again, and I turned and walked away, another girl lost.

We were a small town, but we did have two cops at least. They had to be around here somewhere. Officer Brad Dunham was a nice guy, in his thirties, and Officer Kate Baker was a hot brunette in her mid twenties. All the guys were crazy about her, but most were intimidated by her navy blue uniform. I knew the Sasquatch would be attracted to her as well, but they were cops. They were armed. If anyone could stop this, it would be them. I walked carefully towards the police station.

I tried to ignore the groaning, growling and grunting from all around me. There were dozens of giant hairy Sasquatch, all different shades of brown, and almost every one had a girl pressed up against a wall, bent over a car or bench, or flat on the ground, pumping their poor faces full of thick cock or buried deep in their stretched out pussies. Sometimes there would be a guy beaten or wounded, but I never saw a fight. I had a feeling the violence didn't last longer than one swing from these beasts.

Hearing screaming above me, I looked up and saw a pretty blond in her thirties, holding onto her windowsill, a look of terror on her face. Her upper body was moving in and out through the window, back and forth, and I saw a huge dark shape behind her in the house. As I thought, it was a Sasquatch. They were even inside the buildings now. Maybe she had been trying to escape out the window, but now it had its giant hands on her hips and her dress was up around her waist. As it banged away at her, her eyes rolled back and her expression changed to the usual euphoria.

Almost every few seconds, I heard one of those savage roars coming from somewhere in town and shuddered as I realized another poor girl was being pumped full of that thick yellow cum. What looked like half a gallon per load, and whoever that girl is, she's changed forever once it gets inside her. Transformed into another one of their sluts. I had to find those cops and help get these things out of town.

As I snuck out of an alley, I heard some poor girl sobbing "Oooo please... NNH no, no... I'm sorry, I NNH" I peeked around the corner and lost all hope. Right in the middle of the street, the Sasquatch were destroying my only plan. It was Officer Kate, bent over the hood of her own squad car, her navy blue uniform pants around her ankles and a giant hairy Sasquatch slowly ramming her from behind. "NNH no... take it out, please, I - NNNH" she grunted on every thrust while she pleaded with the enormous animal behind her.

Officer Brad was on the pavement beneath them, hurt bad. Around them was the largest group of Sasquatch I'd ever seen. Six of them, between maybe seven and nine feet tall, all different shades of brown, covered in thick hair. I noticed the first dead Sasquatch I'd seen so far, lying in the street, and the chain of events was easy enough to figure out.

Officers Kate and Brad had driven up, seen the creature either chasing or fucking some poor girl, so they got out and opened fire. They dropped that one, but then the others must have descended on them from all directions, disarmed them, and Brad appeared to have two broken legs while Kate, well, she was getting... wait. Oh, God. They weren't just having the usual fun with her. They're punishing her for killing one of them. That Sasquatch has over a foot of thick brown cock up Officer Kate's ass!

"UHN please... p-please I UHN!" Kate could barely speak between sobs and grunts any more. She was still technically in uniform, with her navy blue shirt in place, and even her Officer's cap rested on top of her long wavy brown hair. Her arms were stretched across the hood of the squad car, her small hands clenched into fists. The Sasquatch, meanwhile, had its giant hands around her ample hips and had started ramming its massive throbbing cock a little harder and faster into her painfully stretched ass.

I could barely watch. Her pain must have been terrible. Her athletic body jolted against the car on every thrust from the humongous ape, and just from the way it pushed forward, you could see the Sasquatch could barely push its swollen cock into poor Officer Kate's tight ass, but it shoved and groaned until it got what looked like half of its 18 inch cock deep inside her, then slowly pulled back almost to the foreskin before gripping her ass cheeks tight and ramming forward again, bring another painful grunt from Kate.

Tears poured from her eyes and her face was curled up into a tight cringe. She was gasping through her teeth, just trying to survive this anal assault. The other animals grunted and growled their approval, some again sounding like they were laughing at the poor girl. Brad only groaned weakly from below, obviously almost unconscious.

"UHNNNN stop!" Kate squealed, but instead the Sasquatch behind her sped up. Before my eyes, as Kate begged and grunted, her tight body rocking forward against the car harder and harder on every thrust, the giant hairy animal rammed her poor ass harder than ever, and I saw about one more inch of fat throbbing animal cock disappear inside Officer Kate's ass on each thrust until she had well over a foot of thick meat deep up her butt.

"AHHHHH!" she screamed out, and the other Sasquatch growled louder in excitement. I could even hear the car's suspension squeaking as the ass pounding poor Officer Kate was enduring began to bounce the frame of the car up and down. The huge beast was ramming into her full force now, squeezing her cheeks as a grip and ramming her poor ass with all its strength.

"Somebody help! This thing is fucking my ass! Get it off me! Get it OUT!" Officer Kate yelled, but it was hopeless. Brad laid broken as an example to me and anyone else. I cringed when I saw the Sasquatch fuck her ass so hard, Kate's shiny black police shoes lifted off the pavement. She was being pushed into the car so hard, I think her body was denting the hood. Her ass raised up from the power of the animal's thrusts and it grunted and growled with almost every last inch of throbbing brown cock plunging through her ass.

Laying its full body into her, the Sasquatch was growling deep and heavy, building up to a roar. Officer Kate screamed and begged, her ass only raising up a little higher and filling a little deeper every time the monster rammed its hairy hips forward, building up to what she knew was coming. Her feet dangled helplessly several inches off the ground, bouncing up higher on each thrust.

With one last, loud scream from Officer Kate, the Sasquatch lunged forward, finally completely burying almost two feet of massive brown cock in her stretched out ass in triumph as it released its load. The giant swollen balls beneath it lifted and squeezed again and again, and Kate let out a long, deep groan when she felt that thick yellow cum filling her ass so deep inside. The roar from the victorious Sasquatch was matched by the other five around it, deafening the entire neighborhood with their sadistic vengeance.

They stayed like that for a very long time. I lost count of the number of times I saw that Sasquatch's bloated balls pump and pump, shooting their contents deep into Officer Kate's gaping ass. It kept its hairy body pressed flat against her shapely form, making sure she felt every last drop pump inside her. The look on Kate's face was exhaustion and surrender. It took her ass, and there was nothing she or anyone else could do about it. She had given in.

As the roars died down, the Sasquatch looked down and slowly pulled back, enjoying the gruesome sight. Inch after inch after inch of gooey thick cock slipped out of Officer Kate's traumatized ass. Creamy ooze dripped off the shaft and ran down Kate's inner thighs. More cock just kept coming. After it had stepped back twice, the Sasquatch let out a clearly amused grunt when the gooey foreskin and head finally popped out, and the damage was revealed.

Her sore ass still held high by reflex, Kate groaned as yellow cum poured from her hideously stretched hole. What had probably been virgin tight just an hour ago was now wide open, apparently unable to close. A golf ball could have easily been rolled inside without touching the edges. Yet still, more and more thick cream slowly leaked out. Looking down at Officer Brad whimpering for his broken legs and violated partner, I couldn't help but think he got off easy.

Wait... after pulling loose, the Sasquatch stomped over to Brad. Reaching down, it palmed the back of his head in one hand, and dragged him over. He groaned in pain as his broken legs were pulled across the pavement. Suddenly it stopped, and Officer Brad found himself kneeling between his police partner's stretched legs, staring deep into her wide open ass, the Sasquatch's massive hand still holding the back of his head firmly. Breaking his legs was only to stop him from escaping. This was his real punishment.

It pushed. "NO, wait!" Brad came to life, realizing the grotesque situation he was forced into. His hands came out, grabbing his partner's round ass cheeks and pushing against the soft flesh, only delaying the inevitable. The Sasquatch had more physical strength in one arm then he had in his entire body. Every second he strained against her cheeks, that gaping hole came a little closer. The thick yellow cream continued to pour out in a steady stream, flowing slowly down her thighs.

"No, please, stop, I... NO-MMPH!" he got one last word out before I watched his face disappear between Officer Kate's thick round cheeks. His hands still pushed, pounded and slapped against her ass, silently pleading, but the Sasquatch kept its hand on his head and forced him deeper until Kate's body was pushed forward by the pressure on Brad's head. For her part, Kate seemed to have no idea what was going on.

I could still hear his muffled screams as he waved his arms helplessly, until after almost half a minute he slowly stopped. I shuddered as I thought he had suffocated in his police partner's gaping ass, but then his hands lightly cupped her cheeks and from the way his neck was moving, I got the unbelievable impression that he was licking and swallowing.

He moaned weakly into her ass, squeezing the cheeks lightly now and I could make out faint slurping noises coming from deep within. Several of the Sasquatch growled in laughter at this. They had taken her ass, and were now forcing her protector to lick up the result. It was humiliating, degrading and disgusting. Even the one holding Brad's head let out the same deep grunts of amusement.

For whatever reason, Brad was really getting into it now. He was gripping Officer Kate's soft cheeks hard, while twisting and turning his head to get better access to every inch of her widely stretched cum filled ass. He groaned and slurped louder and harder, and his efforts were not going unnoticed.

Compared to the violent assault earlier, this gentle licking and slurping was soothing to Officer Kate. I saw a smile come across her pretty face, and with her eyes closed, she pushed her ass back slightly and moaned. The Sasquatch laughed at this as well. She had no idea what was happening, but she enjoyed it.

Kate moaned and panted, slowly bucking her hips and rolling her ass in little circles on her partner's face, while he eagerly squeezed her thick cheeks, slurping and gulping loudly. "Yeah, mmm" she murmured while lightly humping Brad's ass-masked head. Still, the Sasquatch held his head in place, enjoying the humiliating sight. I could even see Brad had a boner poking at his pants, getting some unthinkable thrill from sucking Kate's defiled asshole.

Brad was groaning and slurping, pushing his face as deep between her fleshy cheeks as he could with the Sasquatch's eager help, and Kate was moaning, gasping and rolling her hips back as much as she could. Together, they were somehow getting off on this depraved act. I noticed that yellow cream was no longer running down Officer Kate's legs. Brad was catching it all in his mouth now.

"Mm hmm... yeah, that's it... oh yeah... eat my ass!" Officer Kate yelled out, shocking me suddenly as she came against Brad's face. So she did have some idea what was going on, though she might have though it was a Sasquatch back there. Her grinding against the hood of the car and Brad's efforts to clean out her ass with his tongue had managed to trigger an orgasm in her. Officer Brad whimpered deep in her ass when she yelled out, and squeezing his crotch in one hand, I noticed a small stain appear as he came, too.

The Sasquatch released its grip, and Brad fell back, panting. His face was a gooey mess, dripping with that same thick yellow sperm which had been shot deep into Officer Kate's ass. I cannot imagine the effort it must have taken to get that much out of her. While still stretched wide open, Kate's ass was now covered only in a clear layer of saliva. Her face had a contented smile across it, and she seemed almost peaceful.

After a few growls and grunts, one of the other five Sasquatch stepped around behind Officer Kate, pumping its throbbing cock hard as the other Sasquatch lumbered to the back of the group. Oh, no. They weren't just there to protect each other, or to watch. This pack of Sasquatch was a line, each waiting for its turn with Officer Kate's poor ass. She had many poundings left to take... and Brad had many more loads left to slurp.

"NNH... Ohhhh..." Kate mumbled as the new Sasquatch aimed its fat foot long brown cock at her stretched asshole and pushed. This time, it thrust forward with much less effort. It gripped her cheeks, rammed its way in, and Officer Kate just groaned and moaned lightly. This time was much easier on her. In fact, she almost seemed to be enjoying it. I watched inch after inch disappear quickly and easily between her full round cheeks, and I turned quietly and walked away.

There had to be someone in this town still interested in fighting back. Or at least escaping. I would just have to keep searching.

To Be Continued

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BazzzBazzzover 15 years ago
A great continuation

I can't wait to read the next chapter. Your descriptions of these violations are very good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Interesting start

Where are the teenage sasquatch, and the females?

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