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Savannah 06


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Jayne looked at him, smiled and nodded and whispered. "Yes, Adam."

Although he was hard, Adam did not feel embarrassed at undressing in front of Jayne and her 'nephew'; he had a good body, a hard, long cock and he was hugely attracted to both of them, so why should he be, he thought slipping his trousers off. He glanced across at William and his heart pounded when he saw that he was totally naked.

He, too, was erect and he had a splendid cock. The men were glancing from each other to Jayne and back again as Adam pushed his drawers, or as they were now being called longjohns, down. He saw that William's eyes were on him as he bared himself displaying his rampant penis which was rearing spectacularly up his trim, flat stomach. He wondered whether young William was as attracted to men as much as he was.

Jayne was looking from an existing to a potential lover and back again. As she did she felt a shudder of excitement run through her. She looked at the two slim, well-toned bodies and the wonderfully erect cocks that would soon join her in her bed and then do what she confidently expected to be wonderful things to her. She wasn't wrong.

They got onto the bed and both kissed her, both touched her breasts through the cotton nightshirt and both ran their hands down her body. They slid them up inside the nightshirt and they slid them downwards from the buttoned top that one or both had now opened so her chest right down to her waist was now revealed. The hands caressed her breasts and stroked her rather paunchy stomach, her overweight hips, sturdy thighs and rotund buttocks. She opened her legs and reached for both erections revelling in holding the two at the same time as fingers slid inside her.

She rode the fingers that were thrusting in her and squirmed against those that were pressing and pushing on her clit. Her head, partly involuntarily, but also because it was being caressed by Adam and William rolled from side to side as the two sets of lips and the two tongues addressed hers. Fingers between her legs, mouths and lips on hers and hands all over her body had the inevitable affect.

She orgasmed, heavily and fully.

They rested for a short while, both men cuddling and caressing her as she came down from the heights of her climax.

"Oh God gentlemen, that was angelic" she sighed, alternating between kissing each of them.

"Mmmm," Adam muttered "Madam, you are amazing."

Between the three of them they removed her nightdress and both men complimented Jayne on her body, which although slightly overweight was Rubenesquely curvaceous and typically Southern belle, smooth and pale. Although her breasts were small the fact that they were capped with deep red, almost brown areolae and very long nipples more than compensated for the lack of flesh. In the dim light, lying in the middle of the bed with the sheet pulled back and her black hair tumbling down onto her shoulders, chest and breasts, she indeed looked magnificent. Utterly desirable and so totally fuckable.

She smiled at each of them in turn. She was lying on her back and they were on their sides, looking at her. The bedclothes were thrown back, they were all naked and both men's erections were rearing up their flat stomachs.

"My existing," Jayne said taking William's wrist. "And my new lover" she added, taking Adam's." Holding their gazes she said quietly, glancing from one to the other, "And soon we will all be lovers."

She kissed them both as they accustomed themselves to being in such close quarters with a woman and another man.

They rolled around the bed as the men kissed the woman, licked and sucked her breasts, stroked between her legs and pinched and squeezed her fulsome buttocks and ample ass.

Their bodies were alive with sexual tension and expectancy as Adam somehow found himself on top of Jayne and between her willingly and welcomingly opened legs. He was quickly inside her and was starting to fuck her when William eased himself alongside them. He and Jayne were kissing, but William's face joined them and Jayne kissed him, It was a stunningly exciting scene to watch a woman he was fucking kiss another man. At last they broke and Adam caught William's eye. Jayne slid away from Adam so that William could fill her and Adam now kissed her acutely aware of the pleasure that would be providing the younger man.

Adam was as sexually excited as he could remember being apart from when he had been with his sister. He had just had sex with a gorgeous woman and was lying next to a handsome, no beautiful was more apt, young man. Both of them were hugely erect and so close to each other. He looked at William who held and returned his gaze across the supine nakedness of his 'aunt.' Adam smiled and caressed Jayne's breasts. William did the same. Their hands touched as they glided across her body. Adam wanted to grab William's hand and pull it to his cock. He wanted both the woman and the man to attend to him down there. But he was in fear of making the first overtly queer move. He hoped William would lead the way, but he showed no inclination to do so.

Jayne pushed William off her body. "Both of you kneel facing each other," she ordered.

The men looked into each other's eyes and the other's slim body as Jayne manoeuvred herself between them so she could reach up, take each erection in her hands and pull them nearly horizontal to the bed so each was close to her mouth.

As she held each cock tantalisingly close together she licked them and rubbed them slowly at the same time. Both Adam and William held her head and ran their hands through her black hair as she gently pumped each cock at the same time as she licked and kissed them. Adam could stand it no longer and reached out with his other hand. He found William's shaft and wrapped his fingers round it. The hard, warm flesh felt so good. At the same time he slid his other hand downwards and cupped one of Jayne's breasts. Could anything match this he pondered? A woman sucking your cock and you holding her tit as you stroke another man's cock? But William had other ideas, well not ideas for he had been told exactly what to do and say.

He grabbed his Adam's wrist and pulled his hand away.

"No sir" he said quietly. "That is not my preference" he grunted untruthfully for in reality there was little he would have liked more than to have had sex with both of them, but it was against the express orders he had been given.

"My abject apologies sir, I am deeply sorry" the contrite Adam mumbled.

"Fear not sir, it is not an issue, but let us simply enjoy our lady."

Jayne smiled in understanding of Adam's quandary and felt pleased that she had established his sexual indulgence. She turned her attention to the two lovely cocks and she licked and sucked them as she pumped them both a little harder. It needed just the merest of the naked woman's fingers scratching across the two pairs of balls and they were both ready. It took just moments longer as they also p[umped their cocks for them to explode with their cum splattering onto Jayne's face and breasts.

After she washed her chest and slipped into a white robe William excused himself for his other appointment. Adam and Jayne had some more wine and fruit left over from dinner. A short while later they made very satisfying love. They utilised a variety of positions before Jayne concluded it kneeling astride Adam and holding her own tits as they both reached very satisfying orgasms.

Later, they drank more wine and then slept, or more accurately, slumbered for a while.

It was nearly light when Adam was lying on his front, his face resting on Jayne's leg as she stroked his back. He had just licked her to a nicely languid climax.

"So how is your darling sister, my wonderful friend Amanda?" Jayne asked cuddling Adam's head

"She's ok."

"Just ok?" Jayne asked running her fingers just inside the crease of Adam's bum.

Adam was now quite drunk from the alcohol and totally intoxicated by the sex. "Well, I think she's in love and maybe will be getting married."

"And pray Adam, what is wrong with that?"

"Well firstly, the man is a military General."

"Oh, I had heard she is close to Fairfax Leonard isn't it?"

"Lennon actually. Yes she is."

"Well I can understand that, he's gorgeous, but what other problem is there"

"Oh never mind," Adam groaned, as Jayne opened his legs and eased her face between them.


Later that morning, after Adam had left for Harvard and William was on his way by train to the Confederacy's new headquarters in Charlotte, Jayne took a carriage to the telegraph office on Beacon Street.

The telegrams that wended their ways over the telegraph wires went to an address in Washington and another in Georgia. Both contained the same message:

He's in love with her and she's in love with who you thought. And yes he is queer.

William arrived in New York by mid-afternoon and he too sent a telegraph south. That simply said.

She fucked him and he is queer.

At almost the same time as the telegrams were, incomprehensibly to most, travelling from south to Washington and even further south to Savannah, Missus Strand's carriage pulled up outside Strand's offices and town house. She knew full well that he wasn't there, but it wasn't her husband she wanted to see, in fact she rarely wanted to see him.

"So my dear tell me all about yesterday" she said softly as Missus Calthorpe poured her tea from a silver teapot.


A few days after the two messages were sent from Boston and Missus Calthorpe was taking tea with Missus Strand, Amanda was having an early lunch with Fairfax Lennon at Missus Cumberworth's guest house.

This had been arranged by telegram the day after Amanda's tryst with Strand. Fairfax had left for New York the night she had sex with Strand so she had not had the opportunity to talk with him. Today, they had planned to have lunch, discuss what had been going on and then spend a leisurely afternoon in bed. After her unexpected excitement at the near depravity of her session with Strand, the prospect of a few hours tranquil lovemaking with Fairfax would provide a wonderful contrast. Although her faith in her 'true love' had been damaged she was looking forward to being with him very much.

"What?" Fairfax exploded, when she began to explain some of her conversation with Oliver Strand.

"I told you," she replied calmly, crossing her hands in her lap.

He paused, his voice a little softer. "Tell me again, very slowly and very accurately, what Strand said."

Amanda nodded patiently. "He said that if Lincoln becomes president they will set up a separate government of the Confederacy."

"Yes, I know that, we all know that, it's obvious, but South Carolina?"

"He said that they had passed the laws in congress in secret no er, um what did he call it oh yes in camera, so that they could by South Carolina State law leave the Union the moment Lincoln is declared president."

"The fucking treasonous bastards, that can't happen," Fairfax snarled, rising to his feet and storming across and out of the room.

Hurrying downstairs, he told an aide to travel to Fort Myer just across the Potomac and get a message to Samuel Cooper, the Adjutant General that he needed to see him immediately on a matter of great urgency.

The new, young president had made some significant changes in the lines of command and the army now reported to Cooper so effectively he was both John Floyd's and Lennon's boss. Lennon knew that he was due to leave the capital shortly for a meeting in Norfolk, Virginia with the British navy to discuss a potential blockade of the South, but stressed in the handwritten note he gave the aide that what they urgently needed to discuss was far more important.

Fairfax knew that Cooper was with President Buchanan until late afternoon, so there was nothing more that could be done prior to that, so he fucked Amanda, twice.

"Mister Adjutant General, may I present Missus Amanda Williams" Fairfax proclaimed when they were ushered into Cooper's office and hours or so after arising from their lover's bed.

"Good evening Missus Williams, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Good evening sir" Amanda replied.

"So, what is this all about? Would you care for a drink or some tea, Missus Williams, Fairfax?"

They all requested tea and chatted amiably until that had been served, Cooper and Amanda finding a number of common acquaintances including, of course, Oliver Strand.

"Some er... extremely interesting information has come into Missus William's possession sir that I think will be of interest to you and the President" Fairfax announced. He had advised Cooper in his earlier note that it concerned secession a subject on which he was one of the country's leading experts.

"I see," Cooper said quite neutrally, showing no overt enthusiasm for the news.

"Before you tell me what it is Missus Williams, please tell me how you came by the information."

Amanda kept her face as straight as she could. "From a friend."

"And why did the friend supply you with it?"

"I'm not sure really" she said, hesitating. "Perhaps because he is helping me sell my plantation" she rather inanely offered.

Cooper asked where that was and they discussed the current difficulties with selling such an asset. "Pray madam, why would you wish to sell such an asset when prices are at such an historic low. Would it not be preferable for you and your brother to retain it until the er problems are eradicated."

"My brother sir" she interrupted. "How do you know of him?"

Cooper suddenly looked flustered. He glanced at Fairfax for help, who smiled at Amanda. "I have of course briefed the Adjutant General, Amanda."

"Briefed sir, what does that actually entail?" She asked, feeling somewhat annoyed at being misled and embarrassed at what Fairfax may have said.

"Just in general terms madam so that the Adjutant General understands the important role you have in helping us."

"I see," Amanda conceded, not at all sure she saw anything, but she decided to let the matter rest for the moment.

Cooper chimed in. "I am sorry madam, General, but I have to leave for Norfolk in," he looked at his pocket watch. "Twelve minutes, so pray could we work with some haste."

"My apologies sir," Fairfax said. "Amanda heard some news that South Carolina has already passed the laws in secret for their secession from the Union."

Cooper's face changed instantly. "What?"

"Yes sir the laws have been passed in chambers as it were and are in the statute book as proforma. They simply need an event to happen and they become law."

"The event being?"

"Lincoln becoming president. The moment that is declared, South Carolina will leave the Union and become the Confederacy."

"And that's inevitable isn't it?"

"Er um, er, yes sir it is" Lennon hesitated twice looking from Cooper to Amanda and shaking his head trying to stop Cooper saying more about the scheme to rig the election that he and some of his cohorts were hatching; it never ceased to amaze him at just loose mouthed many politicians were. Amanda related what Cooper had said to what Lennon had told her and realized that the government really was intending to control and alter the will of the people by altering election results somehow. She felt sick.

Cooper thumped his fist down on the table. "Which is of course not only illegal but treason," he rasped.


Cooper turned to Amanda. "Madam, I am afraid I will have to ask from whom you heard this information and the circumstances around how you acquired it."

Amanda felt her heart beat faster. She had no intention of telling this man, or anyone else, how she had given herself to Strand. She looked appealingly at Fairfax for help in finding a way out of the dilemma.

"The circumstances sir could be recorded in a confidential affidavit by Missus Williams" he said quickly.

"Yes, of course, but if this goes to court we may need that as evidence."

"That may not be possible sir, nor may the use of Missus William's name."

"For heaven's sake, why not?"

"That could be hugely prejudicial to the lady and indeed place her in danger. I'm sure you understand."

Cooper nodded as he controlled his frustration. Lennon's words made sense and he couldn't be responsible for placing the source of such valuable information in danger. "If I accept your point, then of course if I am not to know the circumstances, I need the name."

Nothing was said for a moment or two as they all looked at each other. Amanda dropped her eyelids, averting her eyes from the politician and her lover determined not to give Cooper the name. She was, therefore, mortified when she heard Fairfax say in a calm and even voice.

"It came from Oliver Strand."

"I see, a high level source then! The president will be impressed, thank you Missus Williams."

"So sir, what now?" Fairfax asked, after Amanda had been asked to wait in the ante room.

Cooper shrugged his shoulders. "We will need to know more, of course."

"What and why?"

"We need to know whose names are on the bill and who advised the signatories. They'll be arrested and tried for treason. We don't want to hang or shoot the wrong bastards do we?"

"No sir," Fairfax answered. Naively, he hadn't thought things through. He should have realised that Cooper would take a hard line.

"You'll establish that?"

"I will try of course."

"You will try General?" Cooper asked smiling and raising an eyebrow. "No, sir, you will not try. The importance is far too significant. We need this information, sir, and I rely on you to ensure that Missus William's supplies it. I hope I make myself clear?"

"Perfectly sir."

Cooper turned and walked to the door to the garden which was a short cut to where his carriage was waiting. Opening the door he looked over his shoulder and raising an eyebrow at Lennon smiled as he said. "I assume Strand fucked her General."

"I imagine so sir yes."

"Then I wish I had something she really wanted to find out, you heartless bastard."

Later that evening following a blazing row over the scene with Cooper and a wonderful making up with a bout of extraordinarily satisfying mutual oral sex. Fairfax cuddled Amanda's naked body against his and said quietly.

"Darling there is something we really need you to find out from Strand."

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deliciousthoughtsdeliciousthoughtsover 12 years ago

I've just found your story. Fucking hell, it's fanastic. Giggles. You are a heck of a writer, Georgia. x

hal_teehal_teeover 12 years ago

A slightly shorter chapter but the standard remains as high as the others.

I just love the storyline, the characters, the setting, and the sex.

Yet another 5 from me :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
okay, but bisexuality is not my thing

it would be helpful if you would put a statement of content, as many authors here do, at the beginning of the chapter.

essexchickukessexchickukover 12 years ago

As a student at drama school where I am specialising in writing, I simply adore your style and love the content. I hope there is lots more to come.

london_james2010london_james2010over 12 years ago
Oh Georgie

Savannah just gets better and better well done and thanks so much 5 as usual.

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