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School Daze Forever Ch. 05

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Jenny's second day is too jam-packed for one chapter.
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My name's Jenny and I'm twenty. I like the little rhyme; it makes me smile. I think I have a birthday coming up soon, but I'll have to check with the Mistresses.

From somewhere in a dream, or maybe even real life, a Mistress' voice told me to wake up, so I did. I woke up under the covers of the giant bed I shared with Lily, my petite, snow-white roommate, feeling like I was laying on a cloud. Music was playing, and though it was a bit muffled, I could tell it was bright, cheerful, and relaxed -- the kind you'd hear over a sunrise at the beginning of a movie musical.

"Take out your earbuds and put them away," the mystery Mistress' voice whispered in my ears.

"Yes, Mistress," I replied, then smiled at how silly that was.

Lily and I were both on our backs, right next to each other, holding hands. We reluctantly broke that connection to deal with our earbuds, but then immediately rolled back into one another. We tangled ourselves up with each other and locked gazes. My nerves came alive with that extra-special roommate connection. Her always-smiling-or-crying eyes posed a new mystery, there in the early morning hours: I couldn't tell how awake she was -- only that she was happy. I assumed she was as alert and refreshed as I was, though, and that she, like me, was just letting herself get drunk on our love for each other.

"Hi, bun-bun," I said, caressing her face.

"Hi, Jenny-bee," she replied, nuzzling my nose with hers.

We kissed tenderly and stayed intertwined until the Mistress' voice poured forth from the room's speakers like honey.

"Good morning, first-years," she said. "Welcome to your first full day of classes and activities. Today's special 'bad girl' phrase is 'donkey note.' For the rest of the day, 'bad girl' can be sexy and fun, and 'donkey note' is what you don't want to hear from your Mistresses, Masters, or deputized students."

The entire room flashed with that purple light. My eyes lost focus on Lily's, and I felt the Mistress' words worm their way deep into my brain. "'Donkey note' means 'bad girl.' 'Bad girl' is sexy and fun. 'Donkey note' means you did something wrong. 'Donkey note' means you need to be punished."

"Yes, Mistress," I said blankly. That time, it didn't feel silly at all. The flashing stopped; the room returned to normal.

"Your first challenge is to bring up your schedules on your big TV," the voice from all the speakers continued. "Remember those room lessons from yesterday! Use the split-screen feature so that you can see them side-by-side, then use the remote to scroll around. After that, girls on the nighttime schedule will find their two milk buttons available in the bathroom. Get a full glass and drink up while you get ready!"

After that, the morning's music began to fade out, leaving us to our little assignment.

Lily was closer to the laptops and tablets, so she handled that part. I found the TV remote. We were both very hip to technology, and I remembered the room lessons from the day before perfectly. Soon, we were both sitting on the edge of the bed, gazing at the TV screen, absorbing pulses of purple light as we checked our schedules and notes for the day. The 'donkey note' phrase was at the very top of the schedule, before any of the classes or activities, just in case we'd missed it. Otherwise, the light efficiently emphasized that everything was planned out for us, and that our overarching obligation was to obey. It was very reassuring. Obeying felt good; it was one third of the holy trinity.

Quite a few things jumped out at me from the side-by-side schedules. First, our morning prep time, which included our spankings, bum checks, and feedings, had a restriction: only one orgasm allowed apiece. Second, our first class was something called "Challenge Yoga," classified as green; its note told us that we'd have to strip down completely, including any plugs, though it didn't outright say we should go without them until then. We had a free half-hour after that, followed by Sexual Anatomy, which was classified as both blue and green. Then came lunch -- both of them, blue then green -- and then we had three more long blue classes.

"Aw," Lily said, "we're apart after math." I had Remedial Math, Remedial English Composition, and Introductory Animal Care. Lily had Remedial Math, Intermediate French, and Introductory Massage Therapy. Strangely enough, that last class of hers, like all the other afternoon ones, was purely blue. As soon as I'd seen the word 'massage' on the TV screen, my mind had immediately gone to sex. I remembered the awesome foot rub Lily had given me the prior night, plus all the attention my ass cheeks had gotten from countless hands over the span of my first day. All of that had been extremely sexual. My body was very much liking my little reminiscence there on the bed.

I rubbed her back. "That'll just make the evening more fun. Imagine how horny we'll be for each other when those last blue lights fade."

Lily leaned her head on my shoulder and rubbed my naked leg. "That's a great way of thinking about it, bay-bee."

I giggled.

"Sorry," she said. "I'm still trying stuff out. That one might not make the cut."

"I'll leave it up to you," I said. "I just love that you love me like that, angel."

"Ooh," she said. "That one's nice. I know the 'snow' bit makes it cleverer, but just 'angel' is quick and pretty."

"Good to know!"

"So... we should probably wait to have that orgasm, right?" She sounded just as reluctant and disappointed as I felt.

"Probably," I said. "That 'challenge' business is telling me something. I just don't know what."

"Me, too. That's so cool. It's like we're both smart in the same way. I love that."

"Well, you apparently know some French."

"Un peu de français canadien, mon amour," she said. "Because... I think... Canada?" I looked over at her; I wasn't too worried. She was having a brief 'old life' moment. Those happened. She shook it off quickly and came back to me.

"Well, I knew that last word," I told her. "If you ever want to practice it here in the room, please feel free -- well, unless you actually need me to know something."

"Oh, I think you'll know enough most of the time, mamours," she said seductively. Her hand drifted dangerously close to my pussy. "Ma chatte." With her other hand, she flirted with her own.

"Ma chatte... she said again, but then grasped my hand and brought it near her hidden white tulip. "Votre chatte. Because it's yours, whenever you want it."

"Ma chatte," I repeated, squeezing her thigh. I spread my own legs in a teasing invitation. "Votre chatte."

"Très bien, mon bourdon!" She bit her lip. "Maybe you'll start learning French soon, too?"

"I hope so!"

With no other pressing obligations until our dorm Mistress arrived, we removed our plugs and placed them in the chute, spritzed our mouths with mouthwash, peed, and washed up. My ass felt empty, and that disappointed me a little. I took solace in the fact that I was going to get my bum checked in short order -- and that Lily was going to get to watch it happen.

"We should look ourselves up!" I said.

"Ooh!" Lily replied. "That's fun! We can finally see our own buttholes!"

We both giggled, then headed to our laptops on our desks. I navigated the college's dedicated intranet with ease, locating myself quickly. My file was already huge, featuring hundreds of pictures and dozens of movies.

"Oh my god," I said quietly. "I'm hot."

Lily giggled again. "Of course you are! Did you not know? We both looked in the big mirrors yesterday, silly!"

I smiled over at her and gave a little shrug. "I guess," I said, "but this is different. Look at these shots! Look at these movies! We're porn stars, Lily. Plus, how hard would it be to set mirrors up to see a head-on butthole shot like this?"

"Ass-on," she corrected me, "but yes, that is true. And mine is so weird -- good weird, but weird. Do you like it?"

"I love it," I assured her. We reached out and found each other's hands. I gave hers a squeeze.

"Thank you, Jenny," she said. "I'm a lucky girl."

"Me too."

Naturally, we were both curious about how we'd looked during our orientation ceremony the prior morning. With a few clever computer moves, we brought the two videos of us up in a split screen on the big TV, then spun our comfy, executive chairs around to see the action. We wheeled them closer together and held hands again, with our laptops in our laps. We'd figured out that the TV remote didn't have enough buttons to do what we wanted to do: check out every single angle of the two of us getting power-fucked into oblivion by our respective training Mistresses. All the better that that made it difficult for us to get to our pussies. We were still mindful that we ought to wait before having our one allowed orgasm.

"That is so hot," Lily murmured. "God, I feel like saying nasty things to myself. 'Take it, bitch. Cum around that strap-on cock. You're so hot when you're cumming your brains out. That's right, your Mistress Jane's bitch. You're the college's bitch. Everybody's watching you. Everyone can see your crazy 'O' face. Give it up to them. Make them horny, too.' God, Jenny, imagine other people watching this and masturbating to it -- and look at all these angles!" She tapped her keyboard a few times; her side of the split screen split into two. I glanced over and saw a close-up of her 'O' face on top while watching a mostly top-down view of Mistress Jane's bronze strap-on cock plunging into her stretched-out white-and-pink tulip below it.

She hardly needed to put any of those naughty words in my head; I'd been thinking much the same thing about myself, and it was already getting me wet down below and hot everywhere. My holes ached to be filled. I wanted that plug back inside of me; I really missed it. I navigated the site's features and split my own side of the screen. Up top was my 'O' face, and down below was a side view of the action, zoomed out so I could see myself restrained on the fucking bench and Mistress Vivienne looming over me, fucking the daylights out of me as she expertly teased my nipples.

"Turn your sound on," I breathed out. "I'll keep mine muted for now."

Lily tapped a few more times. Her dying-animal sex noises filled the room. Beside me, she gasped. "Wow, I sound so weird!"

"You sound hot."

She was quiet for a few moments. "Yeah. I do. That's just not how I sound in my head. You're right, though. It's hot. That's really me up there on the TV screen. I'm starting to feel it, now. I feel connected to her -- to myself. That happened to me; I remember it. It was so good, and now I can see and hear all of it."

"I can, too," I said.

She muted her volume. "Do yours," she said urgently. It felt incredible to hear her say it like that. It told me that I wasn't just her roommate, sister, best friend, and girlfriend. I was her porn star, and she was mine. She wanted to masturbate to me, or fuck to me, just like I did to her.

I turned my volume up and went through the same mental and emotional process that she just had: I was startled at how different my voice sounded, but then I synced up. The girl on the screen was me, and I was her. I remembered getting fucked like that, and that I'd loved it. I remembered how observed I'd felt, and there, on the big TV screen in our room, was confirmation that my audience had been much bigger than the Mistresses and collared girls who'd seen it happen live. I became an observer, too -- of myself. I was fulfilling one of the college's mantras in an exciting new way: watch, and be watched.

We barely noticed when the door to our room opened. The volume on my video was still up; the porn-star version of me was still moaning, groaning, and shouting while getting royally strap-on fucked.

"Mmm," a familiar voice said. "Now that's a great way to start the day."

I picked up the TV remote and switched off the screen. "Hi, Mommy!" I said, and Lily echoed it.

I turned to look, and saw Mommy C standing there in all her naked glory, carrying what looked like a small, blue medical bag. Her shoulders and neck sported a light dusting of small, faint freckles to complement the ones on her face. The nipples on her large breasts were wet and shiny. Down below, she was boasting a thick patch of chestnut fur that extended down her pussy lips and looked like it kept going around to the back door. Her Amazonian body was at war with her pixie face, and even with itself. Her prominent, toned muscles demanded a much less feminine frame, but she was defiantly womanly. Her shoulders still had that soft slope. Even though she had a rather wide, powerful core, her hips flared below it, and her thighs had some nice thickness to them.

Her breasts were the centerpiece, though. When I saw those big, wet, shiny nipples, I got hungry.

She smiled at both of us. "Good morning, you two. In the future, you can just mute anything entertaining you have on the screen, but let's go ahead and get your schedules back up there. Then we can get started."

"Yes, Mommy," we both said, and together we made it happen. As we did, the lights in our room transitioned smoothly from incandescent white to green. My arousal, already inflamed by our extra-kinky ad hoc porn viewing session, started climbing towards a dangerously high peak.

"So," Mommy C said, "like I told you girls yesterday, I'm a different sort of Mistress. I like my girls to be comfy while we do our morning rituals. Of course, if either or both of you are more comfortable being uncomfortable, that's okay, too. Sex and love are funny like that sometimes."

"Yes, Mommy," we both replied again.

She smiled. "Lily, you're up first. Jenny, that means you can do pretty much whatever you want, as long as you're a good girl. You can watch, and you can even touch Lily if she wants -- and if she can stay good for me while you do it. I'll give you two a minute to chat about it."

"Yes, Mommy."

Lily and I huddled up. "I can't stay good if you tickle my feet," she said, "even though I'd love it. We could look at each other, maybe? You could get in close, pet my hair, and give me kisses when Mommy doesn't need me to say anything?"

I nodded. "That's sounds great. I'll get on my knees at the foot of the bed. I think I can handle it if you want to play with my feet when it's my turn."

Her eyes lit up, but then she immediately expressed concern. "You wouldn't mind not seeing me?"

"I'll feel you," I said with a smile. "That's just as good -- and I'll know you're having a great time."

She nodded. "You're right, mamours. I'm just being silly. Thank you so much."

"Of course. I love you."

"Je t'aime."

"Je t'aime," I repeated, trying to get the accent right. Judging from the look on her face, I earned a B minus or a C plus. I vaguely remembered taking some other foreign language class some time in my old life. The memory was barely a flicker, and I shrugged it off instantly. From what I remembered of my former self, she'd probably zoned out and slacked off anyway. She'd been such a disappointment. I was so much better than her already.

"God, you two are just the cutest," Mommy C said, breaking our reverie. "I'll let you in on a little secret, actually: dorm-Mistress pairs really ought to swap out for the first feeding to hasten the introductions, but they basically never do. We get a taste of you guys the first morning, and we fall in love. Our breasts ache for your hungry mouths... and we can't wait to give your sexy butts attention, either. So, let's get to it!"

"Yes, Mommy."

Mommy C got comfortable on the bed, keeping her blue bag close by. I got a pillow for Lily's head, and she draped herself over Mommy's lap. She settled in and turned her head. I got on my knees and got in close. I could feel her breath tickling my face. Her crystal-blue eyes found my forest-green ones, and I let our special connection flood my entire body. It hardly would've been possible for me to get hornier any faster, so there was no extra danger. I reached out and began petting her black hair. She relaxed into the pillow and Mommy C's lap. Her smile was loose and easy upon her rich, pink lips.

I heard the bag unzipping. "Okay," Mommy C said, "Here it comes, Lily. Relax and submit. Let your Mommy check your ass."

"Yes, Mommy," Lily replied. It was arousing just to watch her face as she spoke those submissive words.

A few moments later, Lily's eyes and mouth both shot open. She gasped and squeezed the pillow tightly from below. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "Oh, thank you, Mommy!"

"Mmm, heck of a way to wake up," Mommy said coyly. "I won't fault you for tightening up back there, either. You get that rod nice and warmed up for Jenny."

"I will, Mommy!" she said.

I smiled at her, then moved in for a kiss. Lily's lips thrust out, begging for mine, even as she held still to be a good girl for Mommy. I relished the taste and feel of them. It was yet another connection, and there, in the green light, it was sexually supercharged. The energy made my lips tingle and throb, and then those pulses traveled everywhere else.

"How does it feel, Lily?" Mommy asked.

"Cold, Mommy!" she cooed.

Mommy chuckled. "Well, yes, that is quite the technically correct answer, Lily. Let's have a little more, though."

"It feels wonderful, Mommy," she said, staring into my eyes. "I feel controlled and sexy. My ass is for sex. You're training it to serve and please my Mistresses and Masters, and it's giving me pleasure at the same time. Thank you so much, Mommy. I love you."

"Good girl, Lily," Mommy C said. "I love you, too." Pleasure washed over Lily's face, and then I kissed her again.

"Okay," Mommy said, "go ahead and help squeeze it out."

"Yes, Mommy."

"There we go. Now, six discipline spanks. That's the 'R&R U' standard."

"Why, Mommy?" I asked.

"Good question, Jenny! I wish the answer was cleverer. Three is a nice number, and each cheek needs attention. No secret codes or ancient history, I'm afraid. Okay, you two: Lily needs to count and thank me, so be good."

"Yes, Mommy," we said.

I got to see a new expression on my petite snow angel's face, and, just like everything else, it pulled my arousal higher and higher up that towering mountain. Each spank made her body, face, and even voice react like Mommy C was giving her a minor sexual thrust deep inside of one of her holes; she even released a cute huff before calling out her gratitude. She surrendered completely; only her growing arousal marred the submissive serenity on her face. She let Mommy and the college remind her that they were in charge, and she was completely under their control.

"Six. Thank you, Mommy."

"You're very welcome, Lily," she said. "You took your bum check and daily spanking like a good girl. Now it's your turn, Jenny. Quick quick!"

"Yes, Mommy," we said, and both hurried to comply. Soon enough, I was over Mommy's lap, and I felt Lily near my feet. Mommy shifted herself so that I'd be at a slight angle, and I moved my pillow to compensate. I felt my feet dangling in the open air.

"Thank you, Mommy," Lily said.

"Happy to help," Mommy said coyly. "Jenny? You're going to be okay with attention back there while I check you and spank you?"

"Yes, Mommy," I answered. "But Mommy... do you think I could have my orgasm when I'm being checked?"

"Oh," Mommy said. "Now, that sounds like a lovely idea. Do you want to get spanked first?"

"Yes, please, Mommy."

"And will you need my help to cum?"

"Yes, Mommy. Would you... fuck my bum? With the rod?"

"No, Jenny," she said. The word came as a surprise. "The rod is for checking, not fucking. I understand that the line between preparation and fucking can be confusing, but rules are rules. Trust the college. You can't get properly fucked back there until your work study, with a Master, and with a real cock."

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